
In accordance with Google's requirements, we cannot post publicly available articles for people over 18+. Therefore, we have organized a closed section for users in which we write articles of this kind. The section is called - The sexiest stars, and is located in the Beauty and Style section.

  • 28.06.2017

      • 1. If at the right time a woman does not have a pad with her,...

        We bring to your attention amazing facts about women that will help clarify a lot in trying to unravel the essence of these beautiful creatures.
        1. If a girl, after cleaning her shoes four times, still has doubts about their cleanliness, she will carry out a fifth cleaning.
        2. Every 90 seconds, one woman in the world dies during pregnancy or childbirth.
        3. Everyone seems to know that women are more talkative than men. Scientists give their figures on this matter: women pronounce an average of 20 thousand words per day, men - 13 thousand.
        4. 20 of the hundred richest women in the world got their fortunes as a result of divorces from their husbands.
        5. The smell of newborn babies excites women as much as the smell of drug addicts' favorite drugs, scientists say. Men do not have such “dependence”.


        6. In the ancient world, women often smeared their bodies with the sweat of gladiators. It was believed to be good for the skin.
        7. Women in the UK own an average of 19 pairs of shoes, but only wear seven of them.
        8. In Russia there are 9 million more women than men.
        9. 40% of American women are not in formal relationships with men. And this figure is constantly growing.
        10. Women spend almost a year of their lives deciding what to wear.

        It seems to us that we know everything about women, but this is not entirely true. Here are interesting facts that not all men are aware of!

        1. The average life expectancy of women in most countries of the world is longer than that of men.
        2. According to Western researchers, a woman keeps an average of 437 different types of accessories in her bathroom.
        3. Women blink about twice as fast as men.
        4. In the US state of Colorado, it is prohibited to kiss a woman while she is sleeping.
        5. When shaking hands, women practically do not squeeze it.
        6. In Hong Kong, a woman whose husband is cheating on him has the right to kill him, but she can carry out the reprisal without the use of foreign objects: a knife, a gun, or completely with her bare hands.
        7. Recently, English scientists conducted a study and found that girls whose ring finger is shorter than their index finger have a greater chance of achieving high results in sports.
        8. A woman does not bite a cigarette with her teeth and does not leave it in her mouth; she always holds it in her hand.
        9. If a woman is asked to show her hands, she will most often hold them out with her palms down.
        10. When a woman swings to throw something, she moves her hand not to the side, but back.
        11. After a shower, any woman (even with short hair) wraps a kind of towel turban around her head for at least a minute.
        12. And when she turns around when called, she usually only turns her head. This is explained by the fact that she has a very flexible neck.
        13. In most cases, the belt on the robe is tied above the navel.
        14. When a woman yawns, she covers her mouth not with her fist, but with her palm.
        15. They also don’t like it when their hands are free, which is why they prefer to carry anything with them: a fan, a handbag, gloves, and even a flower.
        16. When climbing or descending a mountain, they try to move sideways.
        17. To look at their heels, women most often turn behind their backs.
        18. Women step on hot sand on tiptoes, while men walk only on their heels.
        19. When a woman sits, she squeezes her knees or simply keeps her legs parallel to each other.
        20. 75 percent of women unreasonably believe that washing with soap and water is very harmful
        21. When lifting a heavy object, a woman tries to turn it on its side, but a man always carries the load in front of him.
        22. Approximately 20 million representatives of the fair sex on Earth have fake breasts, and 250 thousand annually are given to the hands of a plastic surgeon for their correction. About 85% of women wear a bra size larger.
        23. According to sociological surveys, only 9% of women in the world consider themselves truly attractive, and only 2% openly declare their sexuality. 43 percent of them (that is, the absolute majority) believe that they look quite natural, another 24 percent talk about themselves as women with average appearance, while the rest consider themselves simply pretty.
        24. In Japan, many women wear a bra to bed for modesty and also for added comfort.
        25. The very first programmer in the world was a woman - a resident of England, Ada Lovelace.
        26. In the 12th century, during the military conquest, the German king Conrad III allowed women to leave the destroyed city and also take with them what they wished. As a result, women carried their husbands on their shoulders.
        27. A woman's heart is 20% smaller in size than a man's.
        28. Heart disease may take much longer to develop in women than in men, but when it does, it is more severe.
        29. If you want to gain trust from a woman, then hugging her for just 20 seconds is enough.
        30. Women can perceive information from several streams at once, and also perceive the humanities with great success, and they have better developed organizational abilities.
        31. Representatives of the fair sex have better hearing than men, and the same situation occurs with tactile sensations.
        32. It has been scientifically proven that the female brain is almost 10 percent smaller than the male brain.
        33. Research by sociologists has shown that in Germany 35% of women earn more than their husbands, in the USA this figure was 30%, and in Europe as a whole - 59%.
        34. Female representatives do not know how to keep secrets and secrets and simply love shopping.
        35. Women speak much more than men; they use three times as many words during the day. This is due to the functioning of the pleasure center, which is located in the brain.
        36. When a woman’s brain is functioning, it heats up much more than a man’s because more glucose is “burned.”
        37. To wring out wet underwear with her hands, a woman grasps it with her palms up.
        38. A woman sees better in the dark. In addition, women have much better developed peripheral vision, and they easily perceive what they observe as a whole.
        39. When walking, a woman sways her hips. This is explained by the fact that the bones of the female pelvis are spaced wider than the bones of the male pelvis.
        40. The average need for communication among women is one and a half times higher than among men. In addition, women listen carefully to their interlocutor much longer than men.
        41. Statistics show that women are more successful in negotiations than men.
        42. Women are afraid of spiders, worms, snakes, mice, and they also don’t like caterpillars (even if they are very beautiful).
        43. When a woman uses her fist to strike, she usually sticks her thumb forward.
        44. Women prefer that men determine their desires by their eyes.
        45. The highest IQ score for a woman in the world is 196; since the establishment of the Nobel Prize in 1901, 33 winners have become its laureates (in total, 797 people received the prize).
        46. ​​24% of 100 women would prefer to be men
        47. A woman who regularly paints her lips eats about 2 kg in her life. lipstick.
        48. Almost 100 million women are not enough in the world to maintain gender equality (many women die in Asia).
        49. About 17.7% of parliamentarians on the planet are women. In eight countries of the world there are no women in Parliament (Saudi Arabia, Salomon Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Oman, Palau, Qatar, Tuvalu).
        50. Only 10 women in the world occupy the main positions in states.

        How many tears and torments their butts cause women. They are constantly dissatisfied with its size, shape, elasticity. But everything is actually much simpler than it seems. There is a good reason why women's butts are larger than men's.

        1. The gluteal muscles are the largest muscles in the body.
        The gluteal muscles help keep your torso upright. You can try to jump higher than yourself, but your butt will always be more powerful than the rest of your body.
        2. Anti-pop baby wipes
        Many people prefer to use baby wipes instead of toilet paper. This should never be done; they can cause dermatitis due to the chemicals they contain (and this can happen in babies too). Therefore, it is better to use soap, water or regular toilet paper.
        3. Women's butt versus men's
        Women have bigger butts simply because estrogen causes fat to accumulate here, but in men the belly grows first.
        4. Skin cancer on the butt
        Skin cancer can appear in the most unexpected places, even on a butt that has never seen sunlight.
        5. The bigger the butt, the smarter the woman
        The bigger the butt, the smarter the woman. According to research conducted by the University of Oxford, a big butt may be an indicator of a big mind thanks to its high content of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which support brain function. However, women with small buttocks need not worry, this is just a scientific theory.
        6. Big butt against serious diseases
        The same study from the University of Oxford suggests that those with larger butts are less at risk of serious diseases: diabetes and heart problems, although these are usually associated with excess weight. The fact is that fat in the lower body releases fewer cytokines, which are mainly associated with insulin resistance.
        7. If your butt is missing
        Men get butt implants 10% more often than women.

        Fact #1: Women are more talkative than men Do you think that the statement that women talk much more than men is just a myth that has no basis in reality? But no - studies show that the average woman speaks 20,000 words a day. What can you say about a man? Representatives of the stronger sex “utter” an average of only 7,000 words per day. So if you're a woman and you often hear the accusation that you talk too much, you probably do!

        Fact #2: Women really like their lipstick Most women like to wear lipstick, but they also like to eat it. Of course, they are unlikely to admit it, because they don’t even know about it. However, as studies show, a woman “eats” at least 2-3 kg of lipstick throughout her life. We hope there is enough room for dessert...

        Fact #3: Women blink more often, but hiccup less often If you're a woman thinking about having a staring contest with a man, think again—you'll probably lose. And it's not your fault, dear women. It is a scientific fact that women blink approximately twice as often as men. It is difficult for the fair sex to avoid this habit. On the other hand, if you are a woman, you are less likely to experience hiccups. Studies have shown that women, on average, hiccup less often than men.

        Fact #4: Women really like their reflection in the mirror Do you have the impression that women spend a lot of time in front of the mirror? Well, this is true - women really love to look in the mirror and devote an incredibly large amount of time to this activity. Can you believe that throughout the entire year, women spend 120 hours or five whole days in front of the mirror, admiring their reflection. They must really like what they see...

        Fact #5: Women don't have a third eye It's true, women don't have a third eye, but some of them do have a third nipple. True, this is a rather rare occurrence. However, as statistics show, the third nipple occurs in 2% of the fair sex. Wild, a little weird, or another amazing thing to love about women? How you feel about this is up to you to decide!

        Fact #6: Women love shoes They say that women are simply obsessed with shoes and buy hundreds of pairs for themselves. In general, there is a grain of truth in this. Although a hundred pairs is a clear exaggeration. Statistics show that on average every woman has up to 19 pairs of shoes in her wardrobe. How many pairs of shoes does she really wear? Only 7 pairs! So, the next time your lover complains that she doesn't have any shoes, don't believe her - it's a complete lie!

        Fact #7: There are more women in the world than men You probably already know that there are more women in the world than men. But did you know that in some countries this difference is truly enormous? For example, in Russia there are 9 million more women than men. Women really do rule the world!

        Fact #8: Women never know what to wear “Honey, I have nothing to wear!” Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Of course, this is probably the most popular phrase in the vocabulary of the average woman. Do you think that the statement that women always have nothing to wear is just a myth? Think again—research shows that women spend an average year of their lives deciding what to wear. Imagine how much time they could save if everyone wore a uniform...

        Fact #9: Women cry, but men don’t You’re probably familiar with the statement that “men don’t cry.” But is it? Not at all - studies have found that men cry on average from 6 to 17 times a year. However, this does not compare to how often the fairer sex cries - women typically cry between 30 and 64 times a year. This is about once a week. You better know what you're getting into in advance!

        Fact #10: Women don't lie It's not that women don't lie at all, it's just that they do it much less often than men. On average, a man tells lies about 6 times a day, while the fairer sex values ​​honesty a little more. Women typically lie about three times a day. So if you really want to know if those jeans make you look fat, ask a woman - you'll be much more likely to get an honest answer.

        Fact #11: Women's heart beats faster And this is not just a metaphor! Of course, women are by nature more emotional and fall in love much faster than men, but that is not what we want to say. Research shows that a woman's heart literally beats faster than a man's. Perhaps it is for this reason that women are always one step ahead...

    A pregnant girl felt pain in her lower abdomen, and then it came out...

    27-year-old Christine from New Zealand began to complain of acute pain in her lower abdomen. Kristin thought that this was normal, because the baby was developing inside. But she was terribly wrong...

    When her husband and Christine went to the doctor for an ultrasound, the unthinkable happened. The surgeon, seeing pictures of the girl’s abdomen, insisted on immediate surgery. He did not explain anything to the frightened family. Christine was placed on the operating table...

    Several hours passed and nurses ran out of the operating room screaming. The excited husband ran into the room and saw THIS. The surgeon was holding in his hands something that looked like a man and a bat at the same time. The subject was removed from the family and sent for research.

    It was a creature similar to a dragon man. Scientists still don’t know how something like this could “come out” of a person. They believe that Christina's genetic glitch and the effects of radiation created the creature. Research continues to this day.

    10 most interesting facts about dollars.

    On July 30, 1956, US President Dwight Eisenhower signed legislation adopting the expression “In God we trust” as the official motto of the United States. Since then, this motto has been printed and minted on all banknotes of the United States. We remembered the 10 most interesting facts about American dollars.

    The expression “In God we trust” first appeared on American currency at the end of the 19th century, and on July 30, 1956, President Dwight Eisenhower made it the official motto of the United States of America, and since then it has been invariably present on all US banknotes .
    We remembered the 10 most interesting facts about American dollars
    1. We trust in God.
    There are several versions of the origin of this expression. According to the most popular assumption, the phrase was borrowed from the US anthem “The Star-Spangled Banner / The Star-Spangled Banner”, which was written by Francis Scott Key. This expression was first applied to coins in 1864, the priest M.R. Watkinson wrote a letter to the Treasury with a proposal to mention God on some coins to make it clear that God was on the side of the North in the Civil War, Secretary of the Treasury Samon Chase supported this idea, and the motto appeared on 1 and 2 cent coins. The phrase then appeared on gold and silver dollars. on coins of 5, 25 and 50 cents. Finally, the United States officially decided to put it on all banknotes in 1956 in order to contrast its currency with the atheistic USSR.
    US atheists have since regularly expressed their dissatisfaction with the presence of the phrase on coins and banknotes of a country where religious freedom exists. Most American citizens support having a motto on their dollars.

    2. Short-lived bills.
    $50 and $100 bills can last up to 8 years in circulation before they become so worn that they need to be replaced. $20 bills last an average of 2 years in circulation, while $1 bills last only 18 months.
    But even if the bill is worn out and torn, the American Bureau of Engraving and Printing, which is responsible for the “production” of the national currency, will restore it if at least half of the bill is preserved.

    3. Rag bills.
    In fact, banknotes are not made of paper, and there are no wood fibers in them. To make them last longer, they are made from cotton and linen compounds. What gives banknotes their strength is the use of raw materials, which are refined until the structure is suitable for making the banknote.
    4. Money is bad for your health.
    Not only is the lack of money harmful to your health, but having it can be dangerous. According to a study by experts from Ohio, bacteria were found on 94% of the bills examined, although most of them were not dangerous. But 7% of banknotes carried pathogens, including pneumonia and staphylococcus bacteria.
    4. Cocaine on money.
    But it's not just bacteria that live on American dollars. A 2009 study by the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth found that 90% of paper bills in circulation carried traces of cocaine. The drug lingers on banknotes even after they are used to snort cocaine, and may be the result of drug trafficking. Cocaine is most often found on $5, $10, $20 and $50 bills. It is very difficult to find it on $1 bills - they are changed more often, and such bills are rarely used to buy a dose.
    5. Dollar pyramid.
    The $1 bill features an unfinished pyramid, which is part of the Great Seal of the United States. Above the pyramid is the Latin phrase “Annuit Cœptis” (our beginnings are blessed), below it is “Novus Ordo Seclorum” (New order of the era). In addition, above the pyramid there is a so-called "All-seeing eye". Conspiracy theorists interpret these and other elements as Masonic.
    6. 100 dollar watch.
    The new $100 bill features the tower of Independence Hall with the clock showing 4:10. However, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing does not know why this time was chosen.
    7. Woman on a dollar bill.
    Only once in US history has an image of a woman appeared on a banknote. In 1886, Martha Washington's portrait was placed on the obverse of the One Dollar Silver Certificate alongside the image of her husband, the first President of the United States, George Washington.
    8. One hundred thousand dollar bills.
    Mark Twain's famous novel spoke of a million-pound bank note, and the largest dollar bill is the $100,000 bill, which was printed during the Gold Rush in 1934 and featured President Woodrow Wilson. . They were used only for settlements with the Federal Reserve Bank and were not put into circulation; it is known that 7 such certificates have survived to this day.

    9. The most expensive banknote.
    But even these record bills are not the most expensive. In 2006, an 1890 banknote with a face value of 1000 dollars was sold for 2 million 255 thousand dollars. This rare bill depicts General George Gordon Meade, who commanded the Army of the North in the Allied victory at the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863.
    10. Trees near the White House.
    The elm trees depicted on the $20 bill actually used to grow near the White House, as depicted on the bank note. But since 2006 there have been no trees - they could not withstand time and rain. The front side of the $20 bill depicts President Andrew Jackson; he himself did not like paper money, preferring coins

    Statements that the United States is against dividing the world according to race and gender are in fact untrue. Thus, in the entire history of printing the dollar, a portrait of an African American has never appeared on its obverse. And only once was a woman depicted on US currency: Martha Washington in 1886.

    These people may seem quite eccentric at first glance, but they have learned to use their originality to earn very good money.

    Mikel Rufinelli, owner of the largest hips.

    She needs money like no one else - she probably has to buy two seats on the plane... Earnings on YouTube: $96,695

    Asha Mandela, the woman with the longest dreadlocks.

    Asha calls herself “the black Rapunzel” and desperately wants to get into the Guinness Book of Records. She has her own line of hair products and accessories. Earnings on YouTube: $92,539

    Rapunzel's family has the world's longest "combined" tail.

    4 women, 4 meters of hair... To wash it, everyone has to kneel to make it easier to support the weight of the hair. Earnings from YouTube: $74,802

    David Matlock is the “creator” of the ideal wife.

    When plastic surgeon David Matlock met his future wife Veronica, he decided that he would make her the ideal woman. This was facilitated by a strict diet, exercise and, of course, body modifications (a surgeon, after all!). The couple firmly decided to maintain their sporty image together for the rest of their lives. Earnings on YouTube: $40,005

    Michelle Koebke is the woman with the smallest waist.

    For three years in a row she wore a corset every day. This allowed Michelle to reduce her waist from 64 cm to... only 40! My immediate plans include intensive work on myself and 38 centimeters of an ideal waist. Earnings from YouTube: $81,749

    Kayol Khan is an Indian snake girl.

    Deadly cobras are this 8-year-old girl's best friends. Even despite numerous bites. Kayol dreams of becoming a snake catcher - like her dad. Earnings on YouTube: $88,852

    Elisani da Cruz Silva is the tallest model.

    This Brazilian model is 2 meters 3 centimeters tall, but this is not an obstacle to love. The height of her chosen one is only 1 meter 62 cm. Earnings on YouTube: $74,379

    Janice Haley is a woman who has Bengal tigers in her garden.

    A white Bengal tiger and a red Bengal tigress live in her country house. With their help, a woman makes good money: $71,410

    Romario Dos Santos Alves - injected oil into his muscles.

    The 25-year-old bodybuilder is a hellish mixture of synthol, painkillers and alcohol, because otherwise it is simply impossible to get such biceps. Despite his health problems, he makes good money on YouTube: $84,145

    Pakkirappa Hunagundi is an eater of bricks, stones and dirt.
    This 30-year-old Indian started eating whatever was available when he was just 10 years old. However, he states that he feels great.

    Hunter Steinitz is a girl with a rare skin disease.
    Harlequin syndrome. Her skin looks as if it has been severely burned - it is red and constantly peeling. But this does not stop Hunter from loving herself and being strong in spirit.

    Mark Dumas is the only man to swim with a polar bear.
    He regularly dives into the pool with 16-year-old polar bear Eji. The animal has fun, and Mark makes good money: $249,434

    Simon and George Cullen are vampire twins.
    Boys have sharp teeth, they cannot stay in the sun for long and do not sweat. Otherwise, these are ordinary children who also earn good money: $46,158

    Raji Narinesinghe is a woman with a face made of sealant.
    After botched plastic surgery, a Florida woman is forced to live with sealant and glue under her skin.

    Piya Martell is a transgender woman without legs.

    Piya was born in California. Already at an early age she was sure that she was a woman imprisoned in a man's body. In addition, she has one more feature - underdeveloped legs, which she practically cannot use. However, the girl walks on her hands and sings excellently. Earnings on YouTube: $25,186

    Charlotte Garsid is the smallest girl in the world.
    Charlotte is 7 years old, but she weighs only 4 kilograms. Earnings on YouTube: $30,870

  • Spirituality and moral principles are what, among other things, make us human. Although, there are people in the world who are unlikely to be embarrassed by anything. They probably live well without complexes.

    It's almost summer, why not sunbathe?

    When you urgently need to go to the store and you put on the first thing that came to hand. It doesn’t matter that it’s his wife’s dress.

    Actually, why not?

    The person apparently has a very interesting and rich personal life.

    Eh, youth...

    Well, he still doesn’t even know what “to be shy” means.

    When I just wanted to add a little style to my image, but somehow overdid it.

    Love always, love everywhere...

    The sadder the morning, the cooler the previous night was.

    Very self-critical. But from the bottom of my heart

  • We offer you to read a selection of the most amazing facts about the fair half of humanity.

    • On average, a woman speaks about 20 thousand words per day. Man - 13 thousand words less.
    • After sexual intercourse, a man seems more attractive and stronger to a woman. For men, it’s the other way around—they feel like their partner has become less sexy.
    • Most women during a wedding ceremony, or rather walking to the altar, smile when, like most men, they frown. According to scientists, this is due to the ability to hide your anxiety and stress in different ways. And if men, in order not to fall from worries in the registry office, make a stern grimace, then women smile with all 32 teeth.
    • The number of women who regret their marriage a week after the wedding is 22%.
    • According to statistics, beautiful women after 25 years often become unhappy. It turns out that a woman's happiness is inversely proportional to her beauty.
    • Women experience unhappy or unrequited love more easily. According to statistics, most cases of suicide due to love suffering are committed by men. Women, on the other hand, are more emotionally resistant to this heart problem and find comfort in other things.
    • According to crime statistics, married women are more likely to become lawbreakers. For men, it’s the other way around: most crimes occur among bachelors.
    • A woman spends about a year of her life deciding what to wear.

    • On average, women cry 30 to 60 times a year.
    • Interestingly, men were the first to wear high-heeled shoes, back in the 17th century. Women picked up this fashion later and only to look more courageous. And now high heels are one of the main components of women's attractiveness, femininity and sexuality.

    • Women have more taste buds than men.
    • Women breathe with their chest, and men with their stomach.
    • It has been proven that women are the best organizers. They are able to multitask faster and more efficiently than the stronger half of humanity.
    • Women see better in the dark because they have better peripheral vision.

    • Women are more successful in negotiations than their male counterparts. And all because they listen more attentively to the interlocutor, feeling the need to communicate and receive new information.

    Showing her hands, the woman holds them out with her palms down. Perhaps, so that the interlocutor appreciates a beautiful manicure? We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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    25 facts about the female body that even women themselves don’t know! For those who think that all people are alike and the difference between the sexes is not that big, it will be interesting to know these 25 facts about the female body. Surely even the women themselves are not aware of many of them.Here are 25 facts about the female body:

    1. Women by nature are less oriented in space, which can cause problems while driving. For example, 82% of men succeed in parallel parking, while about 70% of them can do it on the first try. For women, the results are completely different. Only 22% of women succeed in such parking, and only 1/3 of them can do it on the first try.

    2. Women's speech is controlled by 2 think tanks. This is why women can easily pronounce up to 8,000 words a day, use about 3,000 sounds and 10,000 non-verbal signals. The same indicators for men are approximately 2 times lower.

    3. A woman’s body burns fat much slower than a man’s – about 50 kcal per day.

    4. Women have stronger immunity.

    5. The diameter of a woman's hair is 2 times smaller than a man's.

    6. The corpus callosum in a woman's brain is thicker than that of a man. It contains 30% more compounds. This is what allows women to better cope with multiple tasks at the same time.

    7. A woman's tongue has more taste buds.

    8. Women have more pain receptors in their bodies, but thanks to estrogen, which blocks inflammatory processes, women in general have a lower pain threshold.

    9. Women can distinguish shades and colors better, since color discrimination is directly related to the X chromosome.

    10. Women's skin is 10 times more sensitive than men's.

    11.The muscles and ligaments of the female body contain more elastin, so women are more flexible.

    12. Women can distinguish high-frequency sounds better than men.

    13. The activity of the female brain during sleep decreases by only 10%, so women's sleep is more sensitive.

    14. Women can better distinguish between different shades of sweet taste.

    15. A woman’s heart naturally beats faster than a man’s.

    16. Women blink twice as often as men.
    17. Women naturally have a better developed sense of smell.
    18. Women have better developed peripheral (side) vision, and men have better central vision.

    19. A woman's neck is more mobile than a man's. When a woman is called, she usually simply turns her head, and a man in the same situation turns his whole body.

    20. Baldness is an X-linked recessive trait that a man inherits from his mother.
    21. Due to the presence of two X chromosomes, the female body is less prone to complications and chronic diseases.

    22. Women are emotional by nature, they cry on average approximately 30-60 times a year, and men - 6-17 times.

    23. About 30% of women may feel the urge to eat inedible things during pregnancy.

    24. Women are more prone to anxiety and feelings of danger due to high levels of the hormones progesterone, cortisol and estradiol. This is why women intuitively sense threat and danger better.

    25. Women are more strongly attached to men due to higher levels of oxytocin. Women also have more developed areas of the brain that are responsible for feelings of attachment.

    Guys, we put our soul into the site. Thank you for that
    that you are discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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    We seem to know almost everything about women: how many words they say per day, why they see more colors, and how much lipstick they eat during their lifetime. But scientists decided to dig deeper and find out even more interesting and unusual things about female nature. And let’s face it, they found something to surprise us with.

    We are in website collected 7 modern scientific studies about women, and some of them seem very controversial to us.

    1. Women are better at remembering what needs to be done rather than what they've already done.

    Every woman is familiar with the situation when a man forgets to buy the necessary groceries or take out the trash. And there is a scientific explanation for this. In 2015, Liana Palermo gave 100 men and women various memory tasks at intervals ranging from 2 minutes to 1 day. It turned out that in general women remember tasks for the future better, while men and women forget past events equally often.

    • “Women, in addition to their main work, have many different responsibilities at home,” says Liana, “and they have to keep much more information in their heads. This is how their memory is trained.”

    2. A woman’s nose can smell male pheromones in a crowd.

    American sexologists have determined: the healthier a man is, the more his smell attracts women. A woman can feel the presence of a man even in a perfume store, where a dozen girls have just sprayed eau de toilette onto the tester. In addition, a woman’s sense of smell will also tell about a guy’s immunity. And all this takes only 3 seconds.

    • Scientists from the University of British Columbia have concluded that the smell of a beloved man helps women stop being nervous. It is not surprising that girls, when separated from their loved ones, sometimes sleep with his T-shirt in order to feel closer to him.

    3. Women don't fall in love as quickly as men.

    Regardless of whether it's the brain, the heart, or the hormones that causes love, a man usually falls in love much earlier than a woman. Research has shown that More than 25% of men and only 15% of women fell in love between the first and fourth date.

    • At the same time, many women admitted that even after 20 meetings with a man, they still did not experience those same “butterflies in the stomach.” It took them some more time for this. Well, women’s demandingness and some pickiness are quite understandable.

    4. Toxicosis during pregnancy is beneficial

    Canadian researchers from Toronto have discovered that toxicosis in pregnant women contributes to the full development of the child. Morning sickness and headaches are the result of a defense mechanism that protects the fetus from harmful toxins. So This unpleasant condition is in some ways even beneficial for the female body.

    • Women who suffer from morning sickness are more likely to carry healthy babies and are less likely to miscarry. Moreover, morning sickness also has a positive effect on a child’s intelligence. But we are not talking about hyperemesis (excessive vomiting) and severe abdominal pain. In this case, you need to see a doctor immediately.

    5. The higher a woman’s IQ, the fewer children she has.

    British psychologist Satoshi Kanazawa calculated that For every additional 15 points in IQ, a woman's desire to have a child decreases by 25%.. He concluded that in general humanity is becoming stupid, since smart women do not want to have children or are limited to only one child. Their priorities are usually self-education, self-development, career and travel.

    • The researcher believes that for this reason, the stronger half of humanity most often chooses women with more traditional values ​​as life partners.

    7. Ladies in red make other women jealous

    • Girls in red seemed more relaxed and frivolous to both men and women. The ladies who participated in the experiment noted that they really would not want their men to communicate with such women.

    Are there any studies in this article whose results you strongly disagree with? Tell us about it.