Indigo children are children with a high level of intelligence and great creativity, telepathic abilities and intuition, they sense danger well. They have a heightened sense of justice and a sense of responsibility.

Also distinctive features of indigos are their rapid development, and the incredible knowledge that they possess and which is not available to their parents.

These are smart children with phenomenal abilities, possessing leadership qualities, able to influence and manage the people around them.

They independently learn the alphabet and begin to read at the age of two or three, solve complex mathematical problems, quickly master high-tech equipment, and from an early age they know how to use a computer and cell phone.

Some of the indigo children can easily explain many inexplicable phenomena and have incredible scientific information about the structure of the Earth and space, which scientists could only guess about.

Why are they called "indigo children"

In the late seventies of the 20th century, psychic Nancy Tapp from America noticed that more and more children with an unusual aura - indigo color - began to appear. It is believed that each of us has an aura, that is, a shell surrounding the human body that glows in a certain color - yellow, golden, green, blue. The aura of unusual children is indigo - a cross between dark blue and violet. It was these children who came to be called indigo children.

What doctors and scientists say about them.

Since the late 70s of the last century, doctors all over the world began to notice that more and more unusual babies are being born. It is believed that newborn children up to a certain age cannot focus their gaze on objects, but these children immediately from birth look at the world through the eyes of adults. Their gaze is more intent, more meaningful compared to other babies.

It is believed that many of the indigo children have powerful immunity to all diseases; there are even known cases of self-healing from such deadly diseases as AIDS.

But some scientists believe that children of the new generation, who have high intellectual, creative and paranormal abilities, on the contrary, get sick more often, many have mental disorders, they get tired quickly and suffer from sleep disturbances and depression. Some geniuses end up in mental hospitals, commit suicide, or commit illegal violations.

DNA analysis of the examined indigo children showed that the code of the DNA molecule is not similar to the code of an ordinary person. The human DNA molecule contains 64 codons, of which only 20 codons are used, and the rest are not functional. Indigo has from 24 to 35 or more codons. (Codons are units of genetic information that are encrypted in the DNA molecule.)

It has also been noticed that many children experience changes in the shape of the skull and their liver is able to digest any food, and the range of electromagnetic vibrations is three times greater than that of a normal person.

Opinions of teachers and psychologists about indigo children.

Teachers and psychologists also began to note that there are more and more hyperactive children who are poorly learning the basics of elementary school, unable to learn the multiplication tables and the alphabet. In the lower grades, a child cannot master some subjects, is unable to memorize poems, texts or foreign words, he just has to memorize every line. And so the verse is learned - but at school the child cannot remember it, but at home he remembers it again. Some children can give the correct answer to a problem, but they don’t know how to explain its solution.

Often such children are called names and laughed at. Not only their classmates, but also their teachers consider them stupid and mentally retarded. Teachers advise parents to transfer children with learning difficulties to special schools.

It turned out that the brains of indigo children develop more slowly and unevenly: therefore, they have difficulty absorbing the information that is taught in primary school. Since the brain develops more slowly than in ordinary children, many indigo children do not speak for a very long time, and often parents take the child to see a speech therapist. But among indigo children there are also those who begin to speak clearly at a very early age.

Most ordinary people have linear thinking, while indigos have multidimensional thinking. Therefore, they easily master the computer and new computer programs, mobile phones, and a variety of more complex information.
In high school, studying is easy - any information is effectively absorbed, the child remembers various material without problems and easily solves complex problems. By adolescence, indigo children develop and work at full capacity in both hemispheres of the brain.

Some psychologists note that many indigo children are aggressive, cannot concentrate on one thing, do not recognize the authority of adults, exhibit bad behavior at school and are difficult to respond to the generally accepted method of education.

But all difficult and ill-mannered children and teenagers who do not obey their parents, do not respect adults, do not want to study and behave aggressively should not be included in the ranks of indigo children. It’s just that now there are many modern families who do not raise their children at all, do not teach them basic skills of behavior in society, and children grow on their own, like weeds in a garden bed.

And some children simply have mental disorders, because their parents lead an unhealthy lifestyle, drink strong alcoholic drinks, drugs, smoke, and this negatively affects the child’s psyche.

Often, after a medical examination, uncontrollable children are diagnosed with attention deficit disorder, hyperexcitability, autism, depression, and are prescribed treatments and medications that do not bring any results and cause serious side effects.

Further studies of these children showed that many of them have a high level of intelligence, with IQs ranging from 130 to 160, which indicates genius. Subsequently, the terrible diagnosis made by doctors was lifted in many children, and signs of being chosen were seen in indigo children. Everywhere they began to note that indigo children came to this world with a special mission - to save our Earth, that they are a new generation, a new race of people.

At all times, unusual people with a high level of intelligence were born, they were not like everyone else, they had a different new way of thinking and their own worldview, and often their talents and genius were attributed to connections with the Devil, they were persecuted, burned at the stake.

As eras changed, talented children who were distinguished by phenomenal memory, high intellectual and creative abilities began to be called child prodigies.

And in the late 90s of the last century, all over the Earth they started talking about children of a new generation - indigo children with telepathic abilities, the ability to move objects, read with their eyes closed and guess thoughts at a distance, about people of a new race who came into this world, to change it and save the planet from destruction.

Indigo children began to take a closer look, explore and study this phenomenon. In the USA and Canada, Israel and France, methods for raising and educating children of a new generation have been developed, special schools and centers for gifted children are being created to help develop their abilities and talents.

Each generation of children is different from the previous generation. Changes occur in the thinking and psyche of a person, as well as in his physiology. Children of the new generation have much more opportunities to obtain information than children of the previous generation, therefore they are more developed, more literate, and more intelligent than their parents.

The world is changing not only around us, but also within the person himself. Evolution is taking place on Earth, and people are becoming smarter and more adapted to progress, learning new technologies faster.

Not only indigo children, but also ordinary children skillfully use cell phones and computers - this is already a vital necessity, progress. And every child who sits for hours at the computer should not be enrolled in the ranks of indigo children. I do not deny the existence of such children, but, in my opinion, there are not so many of them on earth.

The child’s development is more intense, he receives a lot of new information not only from books and television, but also from the Internet. Traveling around the world becomes more accessible to most people, and a child, traveling with his parents, gains new knowledge, skills and abilities.

I read a lot about indigo children, watched films, but never met them in real life. Around me there live normal, ordinary, different children. Some of them are smarter and more talented than others, many go in for sports, music, and draw well. Parents devote a lot of time to their development and upbringing, and most importantly, they love and respect their children.

And some mothers and fathers do not care about their children; they do not participate in their upbringing and development. And the children grow up on their own, they are raised by the street, and they become embittered, aggressive, uncontrollable. For such children there are no generally accepted rules, they do not know even the most basic standards of behavior and, of course, they have problems at school.

Any child, indigo or not, must, first of all, be respected, loved and raised correctly. He is the same person, only small and he has his own character, his own thoughts and experiences, his own opinion, which you need to listen to. And the task of adults is to understand the child and raise him correctly, to help his talent reveal itself, and not to impose their authority, their thoughts and opinions.

We invite you to watch a video about indigo children.

Reading time 14 minutes

Indigo Children: Fact or Fiction? Who are Indigo Children? How one can determine the presence of hidden abilities, signs and characteristics of indigo children is the topic of our article. Let's determine what is hidden behind the mysterious term, what are the main differences, and do they occur in real life?

What kind of people are indigo?

Indigo children and indigo people are relatively recent terms. In 1982, a psychic clairvoyant named Nancy Ann Tapp noticed that children began to appear with a different aura, dark blue (indigo color). She predicted that they are called upon to save the world and have special abilities. The idea of ​​"indigo" spread throughout all countries of the world, and cases of the birth of unique babies began to occur more often.

How to determine whether a child belongs to a special caste? Indigo children, signs, manifestations:

  1. Creative potential - they love music, drawing, and are drawn to art from an early age. There are cases when a child draws at the age of 4 like a professional artist.
  2. Incredible intelligence - not necessarily excellent students, but they know how to think outside the box, grasp everything on the fly, easily understand computer technology, and easily solve life problems. They surpass their parents in intelligence level. They often have special abilities for mathematics and phenomenal memory.
  3. Abilities for prediction, healing - may have special abilities - reading thoughts, predicting phenomena, weather, the ability to heal with the power of thought, the energy of the palm. However, not all crystal children have such abilities.
  4. Great concentration of attention - they can be very passionate about their affairs, studying nature, life phenomena. They are able to direct all their attention to solving a problem, do not notice their surroundings, and do not respond to questions.
  5. Hard work, passion - able to spend hours doing what they love, mastering a field of interest with the perseverance of a Chinese worker. Whether it's playing the guitar, building a building from a construction set, or drawing pictures. They get carried away with interesting things with pleasure, but it is difficult to force them to do something that does not evoke enthusiasm.
  6. Self-knowledge of the world - crystal children differ from standard whys; they prefer to independently explore the world and find answers. They have innate intuition and often make wise and surprising conclusions and assumptions. They surprise parents, psychologists, and teachers.
    Indigo children, signs and differences are observed from an early age - they like to draw their own conclusions and conclusions about the structure of the world and relationships.
  7. Good speakers - children of the future easily express their thoughts, have a large vocabulary, amaze with their eloquence, thinking, ability to draw conclusions and reason on various complex life topics.
  8. High self-esteem - they have high self-esteem, self-respect, and require special treatment from their parents. The authoritarian and commanding management style in education does not work and causes rejection. They understand their characteristics and want to receive adult support for self-realization. They perceive only beliefs, explanations, and strive to understand the meaning of actions.
  9. Individualists are capable of independent work; it is more difficult for them to work in a team. They strive for solitude and search for new solutions and answers. They are not always able to find contact with their peers; they like to communicate with adults. Feature: they always have a personal opinion, do not follow the company’s lead, do everything at their own discretion. They can be leaders in the company, but not led by others.
  10. They love animals - they have a special relationship with animals, they feel and love them. They often bring kittens into the house and love to take care of their little brothers.
  11. They cope with difficulties easily - children of stars are not afraid of the challenges of fate. They are the first to rush to the aid of a friend or animal, and endure dental treatment and any hardships of life. They are the opposite of spoiled "mama's boys."
  12. Both hemispheres are developed - it is interesting that they can often write with the right and left hands, they differ in their abilities for various subjects, but they can be restless, studying only of their own free will. They often learn thanks to their ingenuity and good memory.
  13. Love for the world - distinctive features: kindness, generosity, love for people, animals. They do not tolerate injustice, stand up for the weak, and are willing to take risks to help others. From the outside they seem strange, as if from another planet, but they are messengers of peace. It is these children who help maintain the balance of goodness and influence society like a ray of sunshine in the darkness.
    Indigo children, signs and main differences: humanity, strive to sow goodness, help other people “wake up”, understand life, be better.
  14. Hyperactivity is one of the manifestations of children of the sky, but it is not yet an indicator of specialness. Hyperactive kids and indigos are often confused. Yes, they are active, active, but at the same time they are all inclined to wisdom, kindness, have special abilities, and are ready to fight for peace.
  15. Obstinacy of character - among the positive qualities there are also difficulties - disobedience, poor controllability. Indigo parents have a more difficult time raising them, because they are sensitive to words and often strive to organize their day themselves and determine the priority of activities. It is important to give freedom and not put strong pressure in education.

Characteristics of such a person

Let's take a closer look at indigo, a personality characteristic. What does indigo mean? Scientists suggest that the appearance of star children is associated with a new stage of evolution, the development of the brain; they are the harbingers of a new time. They often have special talents, but against the backdrop of modern life they are distinguished by wisdom, impartiality, and understanding of the picture of the world. They separate themselves from society, stand out among their peers, and often understand their uniqueness and purpose.

Indigo, childhood is different from ordinary kids - there are sharp leaps in cognition, skills, early speech, reading. Indigo children have memories from a past life, thoughts that are not typical for young children. Revelations of indigo children can be found in the public domain; they amaze and surprise people. They know about past lost civilizations, other galaxies, aircraft, and the structure of the Universe. They have great knowledge and life experience, they strive to be peacemakers and bring good to the world around them.

Indigo people do not always have psychic abilities, but they are united by a special attitude towards the world, the desire to know the truth, and the fight for justice. They are called the harbingers of a new era, the missing element of society. Such people are characterized by rational thinking and special wisdom. They never put progress above spirituality and often believe in higher powers.

Indigo children are distinguished by their isolated thinking and impartial attitude towards the world around them. They should not be confused with child prodigies, computer geniuses, they carry out a special mission - to unite the world of people, to fight cruelty and wars. These are bright people called to save the world from self-destruction. They radiate sincerity, strive for mutual understanding and harmony.

How to determine whether a baby is special, indigo?

Indigo children, signs and manifestations can be noticed by taking a simple test of several questions.

  1. Is there a special feeling of warmth and kindness when communicating with a child?
  2. Does the child like to be alone?
  3. Is there respect for the animal world?
  4. Did you have the feeling that the baby had mental oddities or abnormalities?
  5. Do you have a craving for creativity?
  6. How do you feel about routine life and routine? Is it difficult to comply with?
  7. Do you have thoughts about a special mission, a desire to bring special benefit to the world?
  8. Is there a desire to understand the world, sometimes in several directions at the same time?
  9. Is he sensitive to other people's pain, disasters, as he perceives weather changes?
  10. Perhaps predictive abilities are emerging?
  11. Tendency to drowsiness at unusual times, short sleep at night?
  12. Does he like to think about philosophical questions, the structure of the world, the laws of life?
  13. Do you have a penchant for invention?
  14. Do you have visions or strange dreams?
  15. Is your child smarter than his peers and does not meet developmental standards?

If among the questions posed at least nine are true, then most likely an indigo child is growing up in the family. It’s wonderful to watch the development of a non-standard, amazing person; you shouldn’t be afraid. They are the future of our world, being an indigo parent is a great responsibility and honor, because often such children become famous personalities, successful, significant. The main feature is that a special approach to education is needed, the desire to understand interests and aspirations.

How to raise an indigo child?

  1. Studying the indigo description, we understand that these kids have a special perception of life and need a different upbringing. Rigid command methods do not work, and pressure causes resistance and illness. How to find an approach to your beloved child and help him adapt to our world? The book “Parents of Ordinary Indigo Children” gives the following recommendations: 1. Understand the child - to build good relationships and build trust, it is important to understand the child, his aspirations and ideas. You shouldn’t force him to eat or insist on your ideas; he may have his own program and opinion. Any oddities and disobedience are often a manifestation of interest in life, knowledge of the world, and creative realization. Try to share your admiration for nature, pieces of ice, and play together as young explorers or designers.
  2. More freedom - they cannot be driven into a standard framework of behavior, and why? After all, we are depriving of qualities that are very necessary in future life: independence, high self-esteem, a creative approach to life, understanding of one’s own interests and needs, consciously choosing activities and activities.
    Nowadays, personal growth and self-development trainings are very popular, where people learn to be themselves, express thoughts, emotions, understand themselves, the world, independence, and creativity. From birth, new children have everything for a successful future in any field. The main thing is not to deprive you of advantages, but to help you develop while remaining a strong personality.
    Indigo children, signs indicate a special craving for freedom of expression and thinking. They often surpass their peers, even their parents, in development.
  3. Rules of development - a small person can be developed only by helping to develop, to learn about the world, and not by imposing learning, forcing him to learn the multiplication table. Indigos, like their modern peers, are prone to self-education, but do not tolerate violence and pressure. They need support, understanding of the individual, admiration for nature, which has endowed them with the opportunity for self-development.
    The success of the development method depends on the teacher, his attitude towards children, and his ability to teach with love. The selfish desire to raise a child prodigy will not give the desired results, only the correct presentation of information, the ability to interest, the desire to give freedom of choice, the possibility of self-determination. Often even simple methods are more effective for development than expensive aids.
  4. Appeal to emotions - children learn more willingly through games and exploring the world. Walking in the park and studying the beautiful yellow leaves, you can remember autumn and other seasons, and streams are a reason to discuss the structure of water and snow. Why does snow melt, what is the difference between spring and winter? Such reasoning arouses more interest than the textbook “The World Around Us.”
    In the summer you can study flowers, insects, and the rainbow and rain are so beautiful, but why does it appear, how many colors are there in the rainbow?
    Good advice: go back to childhood, feel the world again, its diversity, brightness, uniqueness. Seeing your admiration, the child will be more actively involved in learning. In cognition, a child is helped by imaginative thinking, emotions by 90% and only 10% by intellect.
  5. Refuse stereotypes - for good upbringing, parents need positive thinking and perception of life. A tortured and constantly suffering mother will not be able to provide everything necessary for development. Constant worries about nutrition and illness will not make a child healthier or happier. It is worth remembering the natural processes of life. We can offer the child to eat when he is hungry, but not force him.
    More important are walks, oxygen, physical activity for the absorption of food and good appetite.
    Children suffer more from negativity in the family: scandals, shouting, pressure. Sensitive indigos can live half a day without food, but suffer from the effects of the negative environment around them. In kindergartens, it is better to remove responsibility for nutrition from teachers. They can eat as much as they want.
    At 2 years old, you shouldn’t worry that your baby doesn’t speak much, everyone has their own development program, everything is individual. For example, Einstein began speaking at age 4 and became a great scientist. However, it is useful to consult with doctors, maintaining faith in the best, and not dramatizing life. Today he doesn’t learn letters, but tomorrow he will become interested and read the signs.
    A calm and friendly atmosphere in the family is the best means for the development of a good appetite.
  6. Children teach their parents - often the difficulties of parenting are not associated with children, but with our thinking and lack of understanding of their interests. Perhaps it is worth changing your attitude towards life, taking a simpler approach to pressing “problems”; the new generation is not bad, but rather different, curious and in constant development. It is worth distinguishing curiosity from violating norms of behavior. Yes, society has certain requirements and the baby will accept them if the parents understand his aspirations.
    Children are often ahead of their parents, keeping up with or ahead of the times. Parents raise using old methods that they remember from their childhood, but times change, and so do children. Therefore, parents develop together with their children, learn to look at the world differently, to see new opportunities, not difficulties, and a creative approach is indispensable in education.
  7. Self-realization from childhood - the desire of parents to force the child into a framework, to seat him at a desk early, to deprive him of freedom leads to acute crises in adolescence, protests: participation in informal groups, alcohol, the desire to live an independent life, to escape from the care of parents. It is important to build relationships of cooperation and friendship - mom and dad understand, share the interests of the child, help to study music, drawing, if there is a desire. In the absence, it is better not to force, let him choose his own path, what is more interesting, what the soul is drawn to.
  8. Requests, justifications - indigo children want to understand the world around them, they need justifications, explanations and requests instead of demands. They willingly help their parents and get involved in work when they feel useful and grateful to others. It is important for them to feel respect from adults, because even a small person is already a person and often amazes with his thoughts and reasoning.
    Children are indigo, signs and differences are self-respect, a sense of justice. It is very important for them to understand, fairness in the actions and assessments of their parents, and also to feel love, like all kids.
  9. Maintain contact with the child - indigo children are prone to loneliness and recluse; it is important for them to feel an understanding of their thoughts and worldview. Their world is very interesting and diverse, maintain communication, delve into their interests and needs. It is useful for indigo parents to develop together with their child in order to match his level: intelligence, self-development, knowledge of the world.
  10. Special criteria - after studying the information, children are indigo, signs and differences, noticing similarities, it is useful to contact a psychologist. Children of the future need a special approach to development and assessment of progress. They often study according to individual programs, staying ahead of their peers or studying a specific subject in depth.
    The specialist will also help you build a correct communication scheme with the crystal child. It will help to raise him happy and successful, to adapt in life. Each indigo child needs an individual approach, an understanding of his abilities and aspirations.

Indigo children can be difficult to raise from a traditional perspective. It’s worth changing your own attitude and finding advantages in their behavior. Opportunities are often hidden in problems. So, stubbornness and disobedience are actually innovation, self-identification, and a creative approach to life. In adulthood, they often achieve success and become the pride of their parents, if you don’t confront them in childhood and don’t try to do “like everyone else.”

Features of education and books about children - indigo:

  • "Encyclopedia of Indigo" K Gegenkamp;
  • "Indigo Children. Let's talk frankly" L. Raichenko;
  • "Indigo Children. Angels smile at them" S. Verin;
  • “Ultra-modern child” A Barkan. It’s interesting, they often talk about indigo children, but how do these properties manifest themselves in adults, how do such people differ?

Features of adult indigo people

How to identify an indigo person among adults? We began to notice the emergence of new people in 1982; they have been meeting in the world for several decades now; many have already grown up and become adults.

An interesting fact is that the influence of indigo people spreads throughout the world, and those around them can develop consciousness to their level and catch the wave.

Indigo people are called upon to change the world, to prepare for a new time, the “Golden Age”. They act according to their program - they master several professions, strive for self-education and self-realization, erase templates and boundaries on the path of life. Their ideology is spiritual freedom and self-expression.

The phenomenon of “indigo” has become widespread today; there is an interest in self-improvement, working on oneself, creating a new world and standard of living. Indigo people are transformers, changing reality within their environment, contributing to the formation of a new worldview.

We looked at indigo children, signs and differences. And if an adult has a suspicion that he is different, there is a feeling of having a special mission in this world.

List of qualities characteristic of new people, messengers of heaven:

  1. They strive to find the truth, to understand the world - they constantly ask questions of cause and effect, “why” is a favorite phrase, a frequent thought. They are concerned about global issues: wars, ecology, relationships, technological progress, social development, the principles of good and evil.
  2. Resistance to the system - for them there are no authorities among government officials, they do not like to obey regimes, criticize policies, and are aimed at creating a new order. Such individuals are reformers and can engage in social activities, lead environmental projects, work in medicine, or find fulfillment in creativity.
  3. Sensitive to other people's pain - compassion and kindness are also characteristic of adults. They cannot calmly watch programs about crime, wars, and suffering. They have a high level of empathy, so such information traumatizes their psyche.
  4. They have a special attitude towards animals - they love animals, often bring them into the house, strive to help them, and find mutual understanding with them. They strive to take part in charity and help animals. They love to contemplate nature and watch films about the animal and plant world.
  5. They experience periods of despair - they may experience depression and disappointment. It is difficult for them to find self-realization and see the suffering of the world; they do not understand the desire for enrichment at the expense of moral principles. Why are there still wars? Why doesn’t the world’s population think about ecology and forget about nature? Don't help each other?
  6. Developed spirituality - such adults strive for spiritual development from childhood, may show interest in religions, although they do not always accept them completely, and concentrate more on moral values. They find common principles in different religions and believe in higher powers. They have a special perception of the world and adhere to the principles of goodness. 7. In search of a higher goal, they realize: they came into the world with a special mission. All their lives they strive to find their way, a way to transform the world, to contribute to the development of society. It is important for them to feel intuition, understand their own aspirations, engage in self-knowledge and realize themselves in society. According to some reports, indigo people have problems with technology, watches often stop, electrical appliances break down, and they have a special energy. But the main thing is a non-standard view of the world, the desire for transformations in one’s own life, and helping others. Often they show by personal example possible ways to live a better life. They master new techniques, the influence of thinking, and help others achieve a higher level of awareness.

Indigo children in literature and cinema

Indigo children, the children of the new generation, have become a discovery of time and have received enormous attention from society. Books are written about them and films are made. Literature includes fiction, psychological and fantasy. Of course, in fiction the idea received a mystification and a special flavor. The essence remains - the crystal children are called upon to save the world, to make it better.

The film "Indigo Children" was filmed in 2014 and gained great popularity. Interestingly, in real life there is also a desire to gather special children and help them develop. Such communities already exist. Scientists and psychologists are trying to keep their finger on the pulse and help the “new generation.”

"Indigo" cinema and the book "Indigo" by Garifova, "Indigo Children. Angels smile at them", "Indigo Encyclopedia" drew public attention to a new phenomenon, an understanding of the new generation, the messengers of the future. Of course, there is a lot of mysticism around this phenomenon, but you should be more attentive to raising children of the new generation; they will probably have to create a new era of life. And the modern world is changing very quickly, requiring new abilities and thinking.

Children are indigo, signs and manifestations can be identified in many children, the phenomenon will spread. And it is important for parents to learn to understand the new generation of superchildren and to master new approaches to education.

We wish you to learn to understand and love your gifted children!
And also - understand yourself, find your calling!

The term “indigo people” entered the lexicon of psychologists and bioenergetics in 1982. It was at this time that a psychic from America, Nancy Ann Tapp, noticed that the aura of children endowed with non-standard abilities was painted in a dark blue hue, the so-called indigo color. In the process of studying the physical and psychological characteristics of these children, scientists came to the conclusion that they have high mental abilities, outstanding talents, good health, a unique worldview and some other atypical abilities.

Indigo people, whose symptoms are often mystical in nature, have been described more than once as “people of the future,” “cosmic guests,” and “saviors of the human race.” The fact is that owners of a blue aura often surprise others with their ability to read other people's thoughts, instantly distinguish truth from lies, and find a rational way out of the most difficult situations, guided only by their intuition. In addition, indigo people are the greatest humanists on the planet who simply physically cannot tolerate cruelty and injustice.

According to statistics from specialists working with people of the “new generation”, indigo children first began to be born in the early 80s. At first, the number of children with a blue aura was only 2-3%, however, now this figure has increased to 20%. At the same time, many indigos are not even aware of their talents, attributing their non-standard worldview to a character trait.

Maybe you are an indigo person too? Here are the 8 main signs that distinguish representatives of the blue aura from ordinary people.

1. You feel special

Each person is endowed with his own individuality, but indigo people often feel as if they are aliens from another world. Sometimes they simply cannot understand the actions, actions and motives of other people. Life values ​​that are familiar to many, such as building a career, starting a family, and striving for material wealth, seem unnecessary and insignificant to them. Deep down, indigo people know that they came into this world with a specific mission that simply cannot fit within the framework of human consciousness.

2. You find it difficult to communicate with people

Higher powers have endowed Indigo people with brilliant intellectual abilities, which creates many communication difficulties. Simply put, communicating with ordinary people does not bring satisfaction to indigos, because the typical interests of those around them seem incredibly boring to them. Due to their absorption in their inner world, indigos seem too arrogant and distant. In order not to withdraw into themselves and maintain inner harmony, such people need to find a company of like-minded people with whom they can express their true feelings.

3. Rules and conventions irritate you.

We all live within some system, following its rules and traditions. However, indigo people feel like an extra link in the chain of hierarchy. They simply cannot obey other people's rules, follow someone else's instructions and live according to long-established laws. These people make good rebels and great leaders, but their leadership must be absolute.

4. You sense a lie.

Indigo people are endowed with extremely developed intuition, which helps them distinguish truth from lies and good from evil. It is impossible to deceive a person with a blue aura, because somewhere inside his consciousness is equipped with an invisible lie detector that can expose even the most experienced liar. Some representatives of Indigo people claim that they smell lies, others feel them in their hearts, and still others simply see the insincerity and secret motives of their interlocutors.

5. You are a creative person

Indigos make good engineers, technologists, doctors, scientists, architects and mathematicians. But no matter what professional path they choose, these people always express themselves through creativity. Moreover, the creative abilities of “space guests” often manifest themselves in atypical forms. For example, they make pictures from glass shards, play music on cups, paint surreal landscapes, etc.

6. You are a very sensual and amorous person

The main characteristic of indigo people is their sensuality. Blue aura carriers love the people around them with unconditional love. Sometimes they cannot or do not want to express their feelings, however, their soul is always filled with love. At the same time, indigo people, like high-frequency antennas, feel other people's pain and suffering.

7. You suffer from insomnia

Indigo people suffer from insomnia since childhood. At night, they experience their greatest peak of activity, which prevents them from sleeping. When the indigo does fall asleep, he does not indulge in blissful bliss, but sees prophetic dreams, which are often creative or scientific insights.

8. You try to make the world a better place.

Indigo people understand that they must change this world for the better. Intuitively, these people try to direct their energy towards help and mercy. For example, they can devote themselves to volunteer activities, become spiritual mentors, psychologists, military doctors, etc. Indigo people, being the owners of deep knowledge about the human race, strive to pass on these secrets to others.

It may seem that the above-mentioned signs of indigo people are just a manifestation of a person’s individuality, and they do not confirm the presence of any superpowers. But if you really belong to the category of people with a blue aura, deep down you understand why you came into this world and what your mission is.

Incredible facts

Surely each of us has heard about the so-called Indigo children.

But what kind of people are these?what qualities they have, few know. First, let's try to figure out who the Indigo children are.

Who are Indigo Children

The Indigo Child is essentially a renewed blueprint for humanity. This term originated when referring to the colors of a special person's aura.

Typically, our aura consists of various shades of the rainbow, but in the aura of indigo children, the royal blue color clearly predominated, setting a change in course for all humanity.

Indigo Children are gifted souls with a clear mission on planet Earth. They are ready to challenge everyone and change our reality. They were first talked about in the 70s of the last century.

In addition to mental awareness, they have a creative perception of this world and are driven by more global ideas and goals that go beyond the boundaries and rules established by society.

Their mission is to shake up the modern world and prepare the way for future generations to create a harmonious and whole world.

Signs of Indigo Children

Check yourself for the following 13 signs. Suddenly you are the one who belongs to this rare group of people on Earth.

1. You feel isolated

From birth you feel special. More precisely, you know for sure that you are special.

2. You are meant to be here and right now.

You are confident and sometimes even a little arrogant. You care about more global things than those that you can voice.

3. You have high expectations of yourself and other people.

This can lead to difficult relationships and interactions in society. You see only the best and expect others to live up to your imagined ideals.

To yourself, you can be ruthlessly self-critical.

4. You are too sensitive

Indigo people see the world differently. Besides the fact that you have unshakable self-confidence, you often think that your path is the right one, you are 100 percent sure of it.

Often you are offended by the fact that others do not notice this. You clearly realize that if the world is ruled by Indigos, then all problems will disappear by themselves.

You are not one to negotiate. And if something contradicts your views, you often rebel and criticize those in power.

6. You often want to go against someone

Difficult and rigid systems seem stupid to you, and you often become antagonists. Destroying stereotypes and rules is all the prerogative of Indigo children.

7. You are a creative and talented person

You are a musically and artistically gifted person.

You also want other people to see the world through your eyes, through the lens of art.

8. You are capable of making a difference

Your perception of the shortcomings of society is so great that you can even change something. You are a great leader who provides better practices for business, society and just being.

9. You are a lost soul

You feel uncomfortable around others and recognize that you are different from most people.

You often tend to be a loner or a rebel, unwilling to compromise to fit into the mold dictated by society.

10. You are driven by something high

Because your soul is driven by high impulses and ideals, you always feel as if you must always move forward.

You just need this movement.

11. You are passionate and always focused on something.

The hot and fiery temperament of Indigo children does not allow you to be calm, silent and abstract from the outside world.

12. You have psychic abilities

You have unusually highly developed psychic abilities.

While you don't see anything special about your abilities, it does give you an advantage when dealing with other people. You simply read those around you like an open book and are able to understand who is wearing a mask and who is open and honest.

13. You are disappointed in many things

In addition to having a great imagination and striving for the best, you are also endowed with the ability to easily become disappointed in society and people around you who make serious mistakes.

Patience is a skill that suffers in indigo children and needs to be developed.

This term was first introduced by the psychic Nancy Ann Tapp, who could, according to her, see the aura of people. She has noticed that children are increasingly displaying an aura of indigo, a shade between purple and dark blue. After observing these kids, Tapp came to the conclusion that they were significantly different from ordinary people. This idea became widespread and other psychics became interested in it. They describe very different, sometimes opposing character traits, abilities and views of such children, but there are several general descriptions that are more or less similar among many authors.

Indigo children are introverts, they tend to be withdrawn, do not like to communicate and only make contact if they need something. When they find themselves in an unpleasant situation or under the influence of educational methods that are unacceptable to them, they withdraw into themselves. Such children have high intelligence and are well versed in modern technology, but often have a penchant for many other areas of science or activity, and it is noted that their favorite areas can be completely different. They prefer to acquire knowledge empirically, supporting their experiments with the study of theory.

Indigo children have an independent, strong character, they have a developed sense of individualism, they are distinguished by self-respect, and they do not recognize authorities, so upbringing is problematic. They are not affected by threats, rewards, or punishments; you need to find a common language with them, try to come to an agreement and use other methods of influence. They are responsible, altruistic, and love justice.

Indigo children, especially at an early age, are restless, very active, and take on any work with energy. But they often suffer from attention deficit, and are prone to depression and mood swings. The indigo child often talks about feeling older. Despite a developed sense of compassion, love for nature and people, and a desire to achieve social justice, they sometimes show cruelty.

Criticism of the concept of “indigo children”

Official science does not recognize the existence of indigo children, as well as the ability to see the color of the aura and the aura as such. Scientists call this term pseudoscientific: none of the authors of books about genius children and psychics can provide scientific evidence of their existence. Analyzing the signs of indigo children in various sources, doctors came to the conclusion that they belong to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Some of the capabilities of indigo children are beyond the boundaries of official science - for example, telepathic abilities. Others are easily explained from a medical, social or psychological point of view. Introversion may be a manifestation of Asperger's syndrome or autism, a penchant for digital technology is associated with social trends, and intelligence is associated with high intellectual abilities inherent in genetics.