Each child can have several crisis periods on the way to growing up. One of them occurs at the age of three, but many pediatricians characterize it as a crisis of 2-3 years. What happens to the child at this time and why should parents double their vigilance? Let's talk about how to survive this difficult period and how to determine that the child is growing and developing in accordance with his age standards.

The first significant crisis period may occur earlier than 3 years

Physical indicators

First, it’s worth understanding what a child aged 2-3 years should be able to do. However, it is equally important to find out what conditions need to be provided for the baby so that he does not lag behind his peers. Full and comprehensive development is promoted not only by education, but also by:

  • a well-designed daily routine;
  • balanced diet;
  • walks;
  • active games, physical education.

If the baby grows in normal conditions, the parents pay enough attention to him, there will be no problems in physical development. A child at this age can follow the instructions of adults well, and also act at his own discretion to achieve assigned goals. So, the main skills and characteristic stages of child development in the period of 2-3 years:

  • The ability to walk, run, jump, move on toes, on heels, squat, step over a low threshold.
  • Play with the ball - throw it to someone, hit a basket, a wall.
  • After a little training, catch the ball with both hands.
  • Imitate the behavior of other people. Play, repeating the actions of mom, dad, older sister or brother.
  • Perform more than one action at the same time - for example, jumping by clapping your hands.
  • Learns to ride a bicycle - masters a four- or three-wheeled model.
  • Try swimming, skating, skiing, rollerblading.

A child of this age can master a tricycle

Intellectual level

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Next, we will list the features of the development of children 2-3 years old - their intellectual, logical thinking. All of the above standards are approved by experts in the education, mental and physical development of children. However, they are only indicative. If a two-year-old child falls short of the average in some way, it makes sense to work with him in this direction. Let's figure out what a child should understand and remember, as well as how much he should be able to express his thoughts and emotions.

Development of memory, logical thinking

A 2-year-old child's attention is still unstable, but the older he gets, the more time he can spend on any one activity. Closer to three years, the baby should be able to hold attention for 10-15 minutes if he is interested in something. This could be a new toy, a cartoon, activities with mom.

At this age, memory develops rapidly - the baby can remember the most significant events of his life that happened a week, a month or more ago. For example, a son may remember that he went with his mom and dad to his grandmother, went to the circus, or found a gift from Santa Claus under the tree.

What can a child:

  • correctly connect the parts of a collapsible toy that has at least 4 components - assemble a pyramid, make a picture from simple puzzles, build a tower from cubes;
  • be able to identify an object by one of its parts - the wings belong to a butterfly, the wheels belong to a car;
  • determine what color an object is;
  • be able to distinguish whether toys are the same or different, which doll is large and which is small;
  • distinguish the shape of objects - square, circle, triangle;
  • understand the meaning of definitions - this toy is soft, the tea is warm, the chair is heavy;
  • identify the missing parts in the picture - which character the artist forgot to draw a tail, who has missing ears, etc.;
  • find an object based on its characteristics;
  • be able to tell his mother what he saw in the drawing, photograph - how many characters are in the house, what each of them is doing, what they are wearing;
  • talk about what you did all day.

Now the baby constructs meaningful phrases and can talk about past or fictitious events.

If any of the above is not yet available to the child, then this skill needs to be trained. Properly raising a child involves stimulating logical thinking: learning to retell what they hear, describe pictures, and concentrate attention.

Counting and logic

A baby at this young age should already be able to understand simple mathematical concepts. The child can already be taught to count and explained that counting is done from left to right. Make sure that the little student does not miss numbers when counting. In the third year of a baby’s life, you can teach:

  • count to 5;
  • remember that there are five fingers on each hand;
  • comparison - larger, smaller, wider, longer;
  • understanding that there are many objects drawn in the picture, or one object;
  • correlate words with familiar numbers - three chairs in the room, two windows;
  • show what is above and what is below.

Speech and vocabulary

During this period of life, the child actively increases his vocabulary. It is believed that a three-year-old child may well have a vocabulary of 1200-1500 words. It is at this age that the ability to compose simple phrases consisting of 3-4 words is formed. By the age of three, the child will be able to freely use complex sentences. He must perceive an adult’s speech at such a level that he can understand the essence of short stories, perceive a description of an object that he does not currently see, or some event. At this age children:

  • They know the names of objects that they see and that they and their parents use. Understand their function and degree of importance.
  • They focus on the following generalizations: “animals”, “birds”, “transport”, “dishes”, and determine which of what they see belongs to a certain group.
  • They begin to master words denoting actions. They can say that the car is moving, the plane is flying, mom is making soup, the bear in the picture is eating.
  • They understand the meaning of some professions, they understand what a seamstress, a driver, a postman does.
  • Answer simple questions. If the baby tends to answer in monosyllables, you need to encourage him to give a detailed answer.
  • Ask questions to adults.

Being a “why” is completely natural for a child of this age
  • They can know a couple of simple poems of up to 4 lines.
  • With the help of their mother, they try to compose a story based on a drawing or photo.
  • They recognize animals or cartoon characters by their characteristic sounds - a pig makes “oink-oink”, a cow “moo”, a sparrow chirps.
  • By the age of three, children can use nouns, verbs, and definitions in speech.
  • The child tries to communicate not only with adults, but also with children.

Time for games and creativity

Play is a powerful stimulus in a child’s development. With its help, he expresses himself, learns to imitate adults, and unnoticed by himself remembers the names of objects, the sequence of actions in a given situation. The development of a child aged 2-3 years means that he can:

  • remember the words of rhymes, songs, rhymes;
  • draw with pencils, felt-tip pens, sculpt balls and sausages from plasticine;
  • enjoy doing creative work under the guidance of an adult.

Parents need to try to encourage their son or daughter to think creatively, develop fine motor skills, and the ability to express themselves through crafts and drawings. To do this, you need to create a creative atmosphere at home, give your child the opportunity to use clay for modeling, construction sets, and various educational toys.

Mom and dad must realize that the development of fine motor skills creates the prerequisites for improving speech, memory, and attention. It is advisable to provide your child with the following types of play items:

  • puzzles, nesting dolls, pyramids, various sorters, construction sets, mosaics;
  • sets for simulating adult life - plastic dishes, a doctor’s case, equipment for a store, etc.;
  • developmental literature, age-appropriate books (we recommend reading:).

Psychological picture

In the third year of life, the child demonstrates characteristics that parents should remember. At this age, the baby’s psychology is such that he does not accept pressure and tries to get maximum freedom. It is necessary to try to give him more rights, but at the same time explain that the baby has certain responsibilities. For example, remove the cubes, fold the construction set, wash your hands. It is important not to force the child to do anything, but to create conditions so that he wants to do it himself. Let us list the characteristic psychological characteristics of children 2-3 years old:

  • the nervous system can already withstand stress, the child is less susceptible to mood swings, he has hysterics less often, his mental health is stronger, sometimes he can hide strong emotions;
  • the period of wakefulness is extended to 7 hours;
  • persistence appears, patience and determination are developed;
  • he can no longer instantly switch from one game to another, it happens more smoothly than before.

A child at this age constantly improves his skills and abilities. Right now, a leap in the development of fine motor skills can occur, which allows the baby to learn a lot. For example, put on socks, slippers, unfasten buttons, eat carefully from a spoon, without leaving stains on clothes.

This period is also characterized by the desire for socialization, the search for contact with peers, and awareness of oneself in the society of adults. It has been noticed that a baby closer to 36 months can already:

  • adopt the style of behavior of society, follow the rules adopted in kindergarten, at home, on the playground;
  • repeat the actions of adults, their gestures, words, and notice some characteristic features.

The desire to be completely independent is a characteristic sign of a three-year-old child

The desire to do something on their own, familiar to many mothers, does not disappear; the child also tries to perform some difficult actions on his own. At this age, self-awareness arises - the baby no longer talks about himself in the third person, he can begin to use the pronoun “I”.

Right now, parents are noticing signs of the onset of the notorious “three-year crisis.” It is very important to outline the acceptable boundaries of independence and not deviate from the agreed rules. For example, mom and dad have the right to prohibit the baby from using electrical appliances without supervision, opening windows, or picking up a knife. At the same time, he can easily handle cutlery for children - a fork and spoon, wash his hands on his own, standing on a small chair, etc.

Parents should clearly understand what the baby needs and try to create conditions in which he will feel comfortable. When raising a child, it is wrong to go to extremes: allow permissiveness or intensely care for the baby. We will highlight the key points that parents of children of this age need to take into account:

  • Raising a child at 2 years old implies all kinds of encouragement for independence, praise for every new achievement (see also:).
  • Show your attitude towards his efforts, make it clear that mom and dad care about the result.
  • Do not seize the initiative and do not finish what the child started if he was unable to do it himself. It is better to simplify the conditions of the task, give advice for solving it, and encourage you to do it again.

It is at this age that a child can be instilled with hard work and independence - to achieve results, it is enough just not to stop his initiative
  • Mom and dad should not laugh or joke if the baby doesn’t succeed in something.
  • Be patient, remember that it takes time for the baby to learn any action.
  • Do not scold the baby, nervously pulling him back if he could not do something carefully, or if he broke a toy, trying to understand how it works.
  • Demonstrate trust and confidence that he will cope with the task.

Competently raising a child aged 2-3 years is constant encouragement, stimulation to overcome difficulties, preparation for the fact that not everything is easy. It is very important to develop a child’s faith in his own abilities. For example, if he couldn’t do something, calm him down, tell him what will happen next time. In this case, it will be psychologically easier for the baby to cope with the task.

Each child is an individual with his own interests and desires, and a vision of the world. The parents’ task is not to reject his worldview, destroying his mental health, not to force him to meet his own standards, but to support in every possible way the desire for self-expression and independence. It is necessary to direct the child’s interest in the right direction, and strive to arrange it so that he learns to make decisions himself, as well as bear responsibility for them. Patience and a positive attitude will help mom, dad and baby get through a difficult but very interesting period called the “3rd year crisis.”

Can stand on tiptoes (toes) for several seconds. Walks on tiptoes for at least 3 meters. Must be able to stand on one leg for at least 3-4 seconds.

Jumps over the line on the floor. By the age of three, and often earlier, the child can independently climb stairs, alternating legs: placing one leg on each step when going up. He goes down more carefully, placing two feet on each step. Can jump off the last step keeping both legs together (Fig. 58).

Throws and catches the ball. At 3.5 years old, all children must catch a ball thrown from a distance of 2 meters.

He rides a tricycle, pedaling. If your child doesn't have a bicycle, you can check his coordination using a test.


    If shown and explained well, the baby can perform two different actions at the same time - stomping his feet and clapping his hands.

Food. Eats independently with a spoon and fork. He holds them by the end of the handle.

Household skills. He dresses and puts on his shoes himself. Fastens buttons, except for inconvenient ones, for example on the back. Some children can be taught to tie their shoelaces. Undresses on his own. Knows how to fold his clothes before going to bed.

Notices the disarray in his clothes. Knows how to use a handkerchief and napkin as needed without being reminded. Knows how to wipe his feet when entering an apartment.

Wash hands independently with soap and dry them with a towel. Some children brush their teeth themselves, but most still need help squeezing the toothpaste onto the brush.

Inserts the key into the door lock (from two years old), turns the key in the door lock.

He is active in the daily life of the family: he likes to help adults with cleaning the house, shopping, and working in the garden. You can trust your child to carry the dishes and set the table.

Regulates his physiological needs - goes to the toilet on time. Does everything independently (undressing, sitting down, dressing), except for using toilet paper.

Mental development

A game. Assembles a pyramid of eight to ten rings according to a pattern or pattern (in descending order of size, by size and color, by shape and size). Builds a tower of eight or nine cubes.

Matches flat geometric shapes to the sample (circle, rectangle, triangle, trapezoid, oval, square). Some of them are called: circle, triangle, square, etc.

Upon demonstration, at the request of an adult, or in independent play, he assembles sequentially (puts smaller ones into larger ones) nesting dolls, bowls, molds, caps from four to five components (that is, he can put 3-4 nesting dolls into each other). When nesting figures you should no longer use brute force. He understands well how to insert an object, which part or side to bring it to another object. But you may also need help closing the matryoshka doll and matching the patterns on its two halves.

When presented with three objects of different sizes, he finds and can name large, small and medium. Identifies an object by its texture (soft, hard).

From cubes, construction sets, or auxiliary materials, he begins to make more complex plot buildings and names them: house, fence, car, bridge, etc. He builds not only independently or according to the verbal instructions of an adult, he can build according to a model or drawing, or copies a model. Uses these buildings for a board game with story toys (car, teddy bear, doll).

At this age, you can already start buying simple board games for your child.

Strives to play with other children. Participation in collective role-play becomes important for the child. When assigned roles by elders, he readily plays the role assigned to him: “You will be a bunny.” Willingly carries out instructions in the game. Follows the rules in outdoor games. When playing with children, demonstrates an understanding of turns. There is a tendency to have friends. Treats children kindly: does not snatch toys, does not take them without asking, and shares his toys. For the further development of the child, it is useful to organize communication with other children and visit kindergarten. As stated earlier, girls adjust better to kindergarten. For boys, the start of kindergarten can be delayed until 3.5 years.

Self-directed role-playing is being improved. For example, when playing with a doll or a teddy bear, a child can say “I am a mother”, “I am a doctor”, that is, he takes on a certain role. Dresses and undresses dolls. Shows imagination in games (chair - car, cube - soap). Due to imagination, he can carry out play actions without objects. Fantasizes in the game, introducing fairy-tale characters into it. In the game he calls himself some kind of character. Answers an adult’s question: “Who are you?” He talks a lot during the game, commenting on his actions or what he imagines in the game. Uses role-playing speech in the game. Speaks for himself and for the doll.

Draws. Holds a pencil correctly with the fingers of the dominant hand, copies from a sample, draws horizontal and vertical lines, closed shapes (circle, sun, apple). As shown, he can draw a cross, but not every child can copy it. Copying differs from drawing by demonstration in that when copying, the child does not see how you yourself draw. The child copies from a drawing you have already drawn. Therefore, copying is a more difficult task than drawing from your show.

After your demonstration, he begins to draw a man in two parts, with a pair of limbs, for example two hands, counted as one part. He usually draws either a torso and head, or a torso and legs, most often a “cephalopod” - a man without a torso.

He begins to draw according to his own ideas. Explains what he is drawing (sun, path, rain, etc.). He begins to paint over the drawings. Shows interest in drawing and modeling. Rolls out lumps of clay and plasticine in the palms of your hands and connects the parts. Sculpts simple shapes (ball, column, sausage, bagel). Names them in response to the question: “What is this?” He is happy with his actions when they work out. Gets upset when you can't do something.

Shows a sense of pride in himself (“I’m the best runner”), in his parents (“Dad is the strongest,” “Mom is the most beautiful”). He begins to understand humor - he laughs, he is perplexed. Emotionally reacts differently to the beautiful and ugly: notices, distinguishes, evaluates.

Emotionally assesses the situation: empathizes (if someone is hurt), helps (if you need help), sympathizes, behaves quietly (if someone is sleeping, tired). Notices the sadness, dissatisfaction, and joy of adults or children. Emotionally empathizes with characters when listening to fairy tales, when watching children's plays, cartoons (he is happy, sad, angry, winces in “pain,” etc.).

Feels sad and ashamed. He understands that he did something badly (he didn’t have time to go to the toilet, spilled water), and expects a negative assessment from an adult. He worries if they scold him. He may be offended for a long time by punishment. He understands if someone else is doing something bad. Gives an emotionally negative assessment: “You cannot offend (break, tear, take away, fight).”

Can be jealous, offended, intercede, angry, disingenuous, mischievous.

Shows shyness with characteristic facial expressions, especially when addressed by a stranger. Wary of unfamiliar animals, individual people, and new situations. Fears and fear of the dark may arise.

A sense of caution and an understanding of danger are formed. Begins to navigate the concepts: dangerous - safe, harmful - useful. However, even at this age it is necessary to continue to explain to the child possible dangers, as described in the previous stage “2 years 6 months”. Follows verbal instructions consisting of four to five steps. Becomes more accommodating, begins to understand the difference between the past and the future and realizes the opportunity to postpone the immediate fulfillment of his desires for the future. He makes attempts to restore order around himself. With proper upbringing, he shows emotional restraint: he does not shout in public places, calmly crosses the street with an adult, does not run along the sidewalk, calmly listens to an adult’s request and fulfills it, stops crying when there is a justified prohibition.

At the same time, he can be disobedient and emotionally tense when his movements are limited, or when adults do not understand his requests and desires. Can be persistent in its demands. He often repeats: “I myself.” Compared to the “2 years 6 months” stage, all children should clearly understand the quantitative relationship (one and many). A test can be administered to test this understanding.


    Place one item on the table (preferably candy), and on the other side several candies; then ask the child to show: “Where is one candy, and where is there a lot?” In the future, the idea of ​​numbers expands. The child points and says: “One, two, three, many, few.”

Begins to distinguish between the right and left sides, although he may still make mistakes. The leading hand (right-handedness or left-handedness) is determined in the interval of 20 months - 4 years. In the second half of life, there may be transient left-handedness in right-handed children.

Understands the difference between one's own and someone else's, learns to share with others. He understands that his things must be returned, but other people's toys (for example, in kindergarten) do not belong to him, they must be returned. Knows the names of body parts (head, neck, back, chest, stomach, arms, legs, fingers). Knows the purpose of body parts: “eyes look”, “ears listen”, “legs walk”.

Knows the names of the same parts of the body in humans and animals: “eyes for everyone, legs for a person, paws for an animal, arms for a person, wings for a bird.”

During this age period, the child should be able to navigate four colors quite well. Begins to distinguish between black and white colors, selects them according to a model or at the request of an adult: “Give me a red cube, give me a black cube.” To the question “What color is the cube?” correctly names 2–3 (sometimes more) colors.

He listens to fairy tales with great interest, has his favorite ones and demands to repeat them again and again. Likes to watch TV.

Active speech

At three years of age, natural diversity (variability) in the speech development of different children is reduced, and all children without any developmental disabilities must meet the requirements below.

Names some animals, as well as their babies, household items, clothes, dishes, equipment, plants, etc. from a picture.

All children at this age should talk about themselves “I”: “I went”, “I myself”. Uses pronouns “you”, “we”, “mine”.

The child must be able to speak in simple, grammatical phrases. Phrases usually consist of three or four words. He begins to combine two phrases into a complex sentence (the main and subordinate parts of the sentence): “When dad comes home from work, we will go for a walk.” Words in phrases can be changed according to numbers and cases. The child's speech must be understandable to outsiders. He often accompanies his actions with speech. Enters into verbal dialogues with children and adults. Briefly tells adults what he is doing now or has done recently, that is, he conducts a conversation consisting of several sentences. Answers questions from an adult based on the plot picture. Tells a familiar fairy tale coherently based on the picture.

Attention! If at 3 years old a child communicates only with the help of babbling words and fragments of babbling sentences: “gaki” (eyes), “noti” (legs), “oko” (window), “dev” (door), “uti” (hands) ; “Yes, Tina” (give me the car), then an urgent consultation with a neurologist and sessions with a speech therapist are necessary (even if the child successfully passed a preventive examination by an “official” speech therapist).

During this period, the child can learn and repeat short poems (couplets and quatrains), short songs and excerpts from fairy tales. Word creation and a tendency to rhyme appear. Shows special interest in conversations between adults.

Quickly answers the question: “What is your name?” He says not only his first name, but also his last name. Calls friends by name.

Answers the question: “How old are you?” At first he just points with his fingers, and a little later he begins to tell his age. Knows her gender identity. Correctly answers the question: “Are you a boy or a girl?” He begins to distinguish the gender of those around him.

Asks not only simple questions: “What is this?”, “Who?”, “Where?”, “Where?” Increasingly, cognitive questions appear: “Why?”, “When?”, “Why?” and others. The question “why?” arises. marks a new stage in the child’s mental development. The age of why is coming. Before that, he was simply getting acquainted with the world, but now he seeks to understand this world. The earlier the child asked the question “why?”, the more complete his mental development, the later, the more obvious the delay. If a three-year-old child does not yet ask this question, then parents should ask it themselves and answer it themselves, thereby stimulating the child’s cognitive interest.

See also:

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Time has passed unnoticed and your baby is already three years old. This is a time of active learning about the world around us, mastering new skills and improving already acquired skills.

Physical development of the child

  • At three years old, the baby’s body proportions change significantly: the head no longer seems so large in relation to the body, as other parts of the body become larger.
  • The neck lengthens, the shoulders become wider, the tummy, as before, remains convex. The baby's limbs are stretched, which contributes to the proportionality of the figure.
  • One of the most important features of a three-year-old baby is the formation of the curves of the spine.

As for height, the average for boys is 92-100 cm, and for girls - 90-98 cm. Separately, it is worth mentioning about weight: there is less adipose tissue, as it is replaced by muscle. The average weight of three-year-old children is 15 kg.

Motor and everyday skills at 3 years of child development

At this age, the baby runs and jumps quite confidently, easily overcomes various obstacles, masters a tricycle, catches a ball and easily climbs stairs. Naturally, the child’s energy is in full swing, therefore, at three years old, the best solution should be to assign the child to some section.

A universal option for boys and girls is swimming. The pool not only helps to cope with emotional stress, but also strengthens muscles and improves coordination of movements.

Among everyday skills, special attention should be paid to the following abilities of the baby:

  1. confidently handles a spoon, cup and other cutlery
  2. developed motor skills allow you to unfasten buttons, Velcro, unwrap candy wrappers, hold a pencil with your thumb and index finger
  3. self-brushing of teeth and other hygiene procedures, washing hands before eating and wiping mouth with a napkin
  4. the child knows where his things are and how to use them correctly. He cleans up his toys and puts things away

Intellectual development of a child at 3 years old

The development of a child as a person is largely influenced by upbringing and education. It is the three-year-old child who is most receptive to new information. Among the features of a child’s mental development at three years old:

  • activation of thought processes;
  • the appearance of logical judgments;
  • increased concentration;
  • improvement of brain activity;
  • increased curiosity;
  • attempts to establish cause and effect;
  • development of fantasy and imaginative thinking;
  • role-playing games with multiple characters;
  • the formation of mathematical skills, which are manifested in sorting objects by color and shape and memorizing simple numbers;
  • formation of multitasking;
  • fixation of attention on small details;
  • learning and memorizing rhymes and songs;
  • knowledge of the names of body parts in humans and animals.

Naturally, children show interest in the world around them in different ways, and accordingly, their intellectual abilities differ. Much depends on the parents’ desire to engage with their baby and answer his endless questions. The more extensive the answer to the baby’s question, the larger his vocabulary will be.

Speech development of a child at 3 years old

At three years old, a child has a fairly impressive vocabulary and already speaks a thousand words. Moreover, children at this age are already constructing sentences, using verbs, adjectives and prepositions, putting words in the correct cases, and distinguishing tenses.

The child clearly answers the question of his name; many children know how old they are. In addition, three-year-old children know the names of their loved ones and call them. Speech is clear, and mistakes during communication occur less and less often.

During this period, children become diligent, so it’s time to start developmental activities. This is the time when long-term memory is formed, which makes it possible to remember events over a certain period of time. Thanks to the development of memory, three-year-old children begin to navigate the area well and remember short sections of the path, for example, from home to a store or to kindergarten.

How to develop a three year old child

We have already said that at three years old children can do quite a lot and most of their actions and skills are performed confidently. At the same time, you should not stop working on your child’s development. Benefits of early development:

  • improving communication skills;
  • gaining new knowledge;
  • formation of independence;
  • development of talents and artistic taste;
  • improving physical fitness.

You can develop your baby yourself, you can entrust this to professionals, or you can combine home activities with classes in development centers. Developmental activities should be regular, but short enough in time so as not to tire or overload the child.

Home activities with a 3 year old child

  1. Outdoor games. This type of developmental activity should be simple and understandable for the child, so you should choose the most concise plot, for example, transformation into animals or heroes of your favorite fairy tales. Outdoor games not only help improve physical fitness, but also have a positive effect on mental processes and develop analytical skills. During outdoor games, the child learns to interact with other participants, which promotes openness and sociability. Games can be played both indoors and outdoors.
  2. Educational toys. Improving memory, stimulating imagination, developing logic and creativity is not possible without special toys. These include: puzzles, cubes, construction sets, mosaics, nesting dolls, lotto. With the help of these toys, the baby learns to recognize colors, distinguish objects by shape, and classify them. Children who are three years old are interested in all types of toys, from soft ones to dishes for playing in the sandbox. Children get special pleasure from toys that make sounds, rotate, and speak.
    The child will also enjoy educational activities using plasticine, clay, paints and pencils.
  3. Role-playing games. Role-playing games will help to adapt the child to reality and make social roles clear. They are the ones who introduce the baby to the world around him and teach him to accept him as he is. Among the most popular role-playing games are “Mothers and Daughters”, “School”, “Shop”, “Treatment at the Doctor”, etc. These are spontaneous games, most often initiated by the baby.

For the development of a child at the age of three, experts use other methods, but at home the listed activities will be more than enough.

3 years is an important date in the life of a child and his parents, and many child psychologists and pediatricians consider this age to be the transitional age between infancy and childhood. After all, at 3 years old, the baby is already completely independent - he can talk, is oriented in everyday life, can eat food on his own, wash himself and find something to do. Most parents of three-year-olds do not have a clear idea of ​​what a child should be able to do at the age of 3, because some children at this age already read, while others still have difficulty speaking. Of course, there is not and cannot be an absolute norm of development, but there is a certain minimum of knowledge and skills that every 3-year-old child should possess.

Physical development of a child at 3 years old

The height and weight of a child at 3 years old depends not only on the pace of his development and the health of the baby, but also on racial and hereditary predisposition. Boys at 3 years old weigh from 13.5 to 17 kg, and girls - from 13 to 16 kg. Children's height is considered normal if it is between 86 and 100 cm.

At 3 years old, the child’s daily routine should not change dramatically; he still needs 10-11 hours of sleep at night and 1-1.5 hours of rest during the day. But observing the sleep and rest regime, it is also not worth forcing three-year-olds to sleep, with tears and scandal - such sleep instead of rest will become a real punishment for the baby, if the child categorically does not want to sleep, it is enough to put him to bed after lunch, lie quietly or read with him at this time books.

At 3 years old, a child already has confident control of his body, he can run, jump, step over obstacles, climb a vertical ladder, climb low slides, change direction on the move and can quickly turn around, bend over and squat. Many children at this age can already ride a tricycle, stand and jump on one leg, and also jump over a skipping rope.

The skills of neatness and self-service that a child has at 3 years old are considered very important. At this age, he should be able to ask to go to the potty or sit on it independently (it is considered acceptable if the baby sometimes does not have time to wake up at night and very rarely “plays” during the day). Children aged 3 must follow certain rules of behavior, and, unlike many other skills and abilities, these depend only on the upbringing and manners of the adults around the child. At this age, children already understand perfectly well what behavior causes disapproval from adults, and can monitor their own appearance. Many girls at the age of 3 already choose their own clothes, get very upset if they get dirty, ask their mothers to do their hair every day and put on beads, hairpins and rings on their own.

In addition to neatness skills, a three-year-old the child should be able to eat with a spoon and begin to use a fork, drink without spilling from a cup and know how to independently take food from the refrigerator or cupboard.

Many parents do not allow their children to do anything in the kitchen, believing that three-year-olds will get more dirty and spoiled, but this is fundamentally wrong - a child should be taught to be independent at this age. A three-year-old baby may well help his mother by taking food out of cabinets or cutting cheese with a special children's knife. Such tasks help children feel involved in the “adult” life of the family and at the same time teach them how and what to do to prepare food.

At 3 years old, children can wash themselves, brush their teeth under the supervision of their parents, take off their clothes, and many even try to dress themselves, although they cannot always cope with buttons, laces and ties.

Neuropsychic development of a child at 3 years old

At 3 years old, a child not only grows and develops, he literally “absorbs” information like a sponge, and experienced psychologists and teachers advise not to miss this time under any circumstances. It is after 3 years that you can begin regular classes to prepare your child for school, familiarize yourself with the outside world, and study foreign languages ​​or music. Many parents make a big mistake, believing that if they sent their child to kindergarten, then they do not need to take any more care of his development. Unfortunately, as practice shows, most public and private kindergartens cannot fully engage in the development of each child, so additional classes cannot be avoided.

At this age, the child should be fluent in speech, and speak in short sentences, not individual words. Children at 3 years old can already memorize a poem of 2-4 lines, know the names of all close relatives, speak about themselves in the 1st person and name not only the names of objects, but also give them a brief description, and can also say why this or that object is needed or what it does.

It is very important that a 3-year-old child be able to fully concentrate on one subject for 3-5 minutes, be able to find a solution to a problem himself, and not immediately turn to an adult for help.

Children aged 3 should confidently hold a pencil in their hand and draw straight lines and circles with it., be able to color pictures, draw with paints, cut paper along the line, make simple applications (with parents), sculpt from plasticine and other materials.

A child’s thinking at the age of 3 also changes greatly - now he already draws conclusions from what he sees and hears, looks for connections between objects and phenomena and is ready to endlessly pester his parents with questions “why”, “how” and “why”, sometimes asking about the same thing many times in a row. At this age, children should collect pictures from 2-3 parts, generalize objects into groups, find similarities and differences, as well as inconsistencies in the pictures (of course, in the simplest versions).

At the age of 3 years there is a second “surge” of children’s independence.– now the baby wants to do everything himself and gets very angry if you don’t let him dress on his own or correct the result of his work. Experienced parents advise not to try to “over-stubborn” a child, unless, of course, in the future you want to encounter problems of spinelessness and lack of independence in a teenager, but to allocate time in advance for him to try to do everything himself. Yes, in conditions of constant lack of time, it is very difficult to do this, but such behavior can help you maintain mutual understanding with your child, develop success and independence in him, and also protect your nerve cells. Getting up half an hour earlier in the morning, mentally increasing the time for all things by 15-20 minutes and agreeing with the child: “we go to kindergarten quickly and I dress you myself, but when you get back you do everything yourself,” will help avoid a lot of problems.

The social development of a child at the age of 3 also makes a big leap; now the baby agrees to “let” strangers into his world, constant contact with his mother and other loved ones is no longer so important to him, and games with peers seem much more attractive than games with adults. Children at 3 years old willingly observe and interact with other people; they no longer miss the company of their mother and relatives. At this age, they simply need to communicate with other kids, since only in the company of their peers can they learn the rules of communication, the ability to resolve conflicts and defend their opinions.

A child is 3 years old - is there any reason to worry?

It is always difficult to sensibly assess the development of your child, but parents of three-year-olds should pay attention to their baby if he:

  • walks, runs, climbs stairs unsteadily;
  • cannot play ball, ride a swing or ride a tricycle;
  • still does not speak or speaks very slurred;
  • speaks about himself only in the 3rd person;
  • does not know his way around his house, on the playground, or in the yard;
  • does not control his physiological needs during the day;
  • cannot be left alone, without adults, even for the shortest time;
  • does not know how to find something to do on his own, cannot concentrate on one thing even for 5 minutes;
  • does not play or be interested in other children;
  • does not know the names of surrounding objects, animals, toys, etc.

Girls and boys at 3 years old

A big difference between boys and girls at 3 years old can be seen in their speech development, as well as in how exactly they perceive the speech of others.

It has long been statistically confirmed: girls begin to speak earlier than boys, and at 3 years old their active vocabulary can be 2 times larger than that of their peers of the opposite sex. This difference in speech development is due to the fact that girls perceive information through feelings and their expression - words, while boys prefer something more “concrete” - behavior, gestures and movements of others. This is why it seems to parents of three-year-olds that it is much easier to come to an agreement with girls - they listen and “hear” exactly the words of their parents, while boys pay more attention to how adults behave. So don’t be surprised, if it’s enough for a girl to say that crossing a red traffic light is dangerous, then you will have to demonstrate the correct behavior to the boy, only in this way will he be able to firmly learn this lesson.

Your baby is 3 years old. He has already learned a lot and continues to develop and learn about the world around him. What success should a child achieve by the age of three and what else does he need to learn? How to behave with a little person who already considers himself completely grown up?

Physiological parameters of a 3-year-old child

Average height, cm 94-99 93,5 – 98
Average weight, kg 13,8-16,3 13,6 – 16,1
Chest circumference, cm 50,5- 55 49,7 – 54

These tables have average values, so don’t be upset if your baby has different parameters.

Products necessary for the normal development of a 3 year old baby

The daily diet of a three-year-old child should consist of the following foods:

  1. Lean meat animals or birds - from 80 to 100 grams.
  2. Dairy and fermented milk products – up to 550 ml.
  3. As animal fats – sour cream and butter, 15 and 20 grams each.
  4. Vegetable (sunflower, olive or corn) oil up to 6-7 years
  5. Fish products should be 20-25 grams.
  6. Cereal products in the form of milk porridges or side dishes - 200-220 grams every other day.
  7. Sweets (including tea, juice or compote) should not exceed 40-45 grams.
  8. Flour products – up to 100-110 grams.
  9. Daily ration must contain at least 250 grams of vegetables and the same amount of fruits.

In total, the child must consume at least 1550 kcal per day, which should preferably be distributed in the following proportion:

  • 25% - breakfast
  • 35% - dinner
  • 15% - afternoon snack
  • 25% - dinner.

How a baby develops at 3 years old - the baby’s abilities and skills

Research by psychologists has proven that the age of three is a key stage in a child’s development and predetermines his future success.

A three-year-old child should receive multifaceted education, the stages of which were best described by the famous teacher Maria Mantessori:

Practical development At 3 years old, the baby should master basic practical self-care skills. At this age, this is especially true, since most children begin to attend.

Therefore, the baby should:

  • On one's own wash your face, brush your teeth, wash your hands and comb your hair
  • Know how to use cutlery and eating independently
  • Clean up after yourself toys and things
  • Get dressed and put on shoes with simple clasp without assistance
  • enjoy handkerchief and napkin
  • Wipe your feet upon entering the premises.
Sensory development The sense of touch, hearing, smell, taste and vision in 3-year-old children develops especially quickly. Sensory development contributes to the formation in children of their own ideas about the properties of objects - their shape, size and other qualities, as well as their location. It lays the foundation for a child's mental development and helps to fully perceive the world around us.

The importance of sensory perception is that:

  • It serves as the foundation intellectual development
  • Puts things in order in the chaotic knowledge of the baby in contact with the environment
  • Develops observation and imagination
  • Expands lexicon
  • Develops all types of memory - visual, auditory, motor and figurative.

To develop sensory perception, allow your little one to explore different objects, while paying attention to their properties (ice - cold, candy - sweet, grass - green, etc.).

Development of mathematical abilities By the age of three, the emphasis is on developing numeracy skills and becoming familiar with numbers. This develops curiosity, activity and independence in the child .

At 3 years old, a child should learn:

  • Divide objects into groups, arranging them, for example, by size, color or shape
  • Find in the surrounding space one or more identical objects
  • Distinguish shapes (circle, square, triangle)
  • Understand quantitative ratio of objects - where there is more, where there is less
  • Distinguish concepts short – long, wide – narrow.
Development of fine motor skills and speech The ability to manipulate one's hands well is important for a baby's development. The better motor skills are developed, the more confident the child feels - he draws, sculpts, leafs through the pages of a book or uses cutlery. Scientists have proven that the development of fine motor skills is closely related to the development of speech .

By the age of 3, a child’s vocabulary increases like a snowball. He starts asking endless questions, and expects to receive complete answers to them. Karapuz uses the pronouns “I” and “you” in speech, uses verbs, adjectives and nouns when constructing sentences, and uses prepositions correctly.

Physical, creative and spiritual development A three-year-old toddler learns to manage his feelings and gets to know himself through understanding what is happening around him. Him qualities such as perseverance, attention, perseverance in achieving goals are manifested, imaginative thinking develops .

To develop a multifaceted personality, parents should:

  • Show to your baby the beauty and diversity of the world around him, enriching him with colorful images and new knowledge
  • Explain processes that occur around the baby
  • Vaccinate aesthetic taste
  • Buy toys for role-playing games - figurines of animals and people, a set of a hairdresser, a doctor, etc.
  • Equip a sports corner for your baby where he can jump, climb, swing or run. Buy your child roller skates, skis, skates, a scooter or a bicycle. If possible, visit the pool with your child
  • Tell to the child about the traditions of our people and their moral values.

Developmental activities for a three-year-old child

In order for a child to safely pass the crisis of three years of age, without tormenting adults with endless whims, he needs to be occupied with educational games. They will distract the baby from the manifestations of his own “I” and help him grow a full-fledged personality.

Advice! If you are studying colors with your baby, use objects of the same shape and size. When studying shape, take objects of the same color and size with different configurations.

1. Color

To make it easier for your little one to navigate the color palette, come up with associative standards for him, for example, strawberries are red, grass is green. If your request to bring a red ball confuses your child, ask him to take a ball the same color as the strawberry .

Several tasks for the baby:

  • Arranging toys by color.
  • A choice of several toy items that differ in color.
  • Assembling, for example, a yellow house with a green roof from a construction set, building a garage of the same color for a blue car, etc.
  • In the domestic sphere, you can ask to match the laces to the color of the shoes, set the table, matching plates and cups by color.

2. Shape

If your child is unfamiliar with the configuration of objects, start lessons with the simplest shapes - a square, circle or triangle. As a rule, by the age of three, children are already familiar with the basic forms.

Explain the properties of shapes to your baby . The ball has no corners, so it can roll. The pyramid has a sharp top on which it cannot stand; the corners and edges prevent the cube from rolling. Support your explanations with clear examples.

Important! When analyzing shapes, do not confuse concepts such as circle and ball, square and cube. In one case the figures are flat, in the other they are three-dimensional.

When studying shapes, use sets from children's construction sets, which have many different shapes - cones, pyramids, cylinders. To consolidate the knowledge gained, ask your child what shape this or that object in the apartment has .

Size 3

When studying the concepts of “big” and “small”, remember the relativity of objects. Compared to its mother, the child is small, but compared to the kitten, it is big. In order not to confuse the baby, use concepts such as “more than” or “less than” .

Active games

Three-year-old children cannot sit still for long, doing one thing.

Therefore, both on a walk and at home, you need to devote more time to active games:

  1. At home, offer a game like "Don't Drop the Ball" . To do this, place a table tennis ball in a tablespoon. Ask your child to carry the spoon around the house without dropping the ball. After a while, give the baby a smaller spoon.
  2. Developing balance . Place a narrow strip of fabric on the floor and invite your baby to walk along it. Over time, the tightrope walker's path becomes narrower and more winding.
  3. Kids enjoy playing the game “Hot and Cold” or hide and seek .
  4. Blowing soap bubbles or balloons In addition to play, it promotes the development of the child’s lungs.

Overcoming the 3-year crisis with the help of games

The often heard statement “I myself,” which is a manifestation of the crisis stage, can be smoothed out with role-playing games.

To do this, you need to direct the baby’s actions in the right direction:

  1. Let's play store , where the baby is given the role of a seller, and adults and older children are given the role of buyers. If your child throws tantrums in the store, play out this situation at home by starting a small scandal. Let the baby see how his whims look from the outside.
  2. Ztreat your little one with “important matters” , for example, cooking dinner for dolls or building a house. Let your child do everything on his own, without your advice.
  3. Let your favorite toy misbehave (does not sleep, is capricious). Let the baby take care of her upbringing. Discuss with the baby the wrong actions of his pet, let the little one think about his behavior.
  4. Kids love to fantasize , invite him to come up with his own fairy tale.

If a child feels loved and cared for, he will grow up calm and easily overcome the crisis period.