Editor-in-chief of the Tesliana magazine, professor at the University of Belgrade (Yugoslavia) Velimir ABRAMOVICH reflects on an unusual, generalized vision of electromagnetism; about the amazing experiments of N. Tesla, a remarkable, yet unappreciated scientist; about time as a manifestation of certain deformations of spatial “energy spheroids” that obey the universal law of resonance; about non-resonating conditions as the basis for receiving energy “directly from time.” V. Abramovich's first article was published in Delphis No. 4 (12) for 1997.

The concept of understanding space, time, electromagnetism and matter itself that I am developing is completely at odds with that accepted in modern science. Numerous publications concerning the topic raised and quite unusual inventions related to it speak of a global trend - the emergence of a new scientific paradigm. And although all such discoveries and ideas arise in various fields (“strange motors” and designs, paranormal phenomena, Buddhist approaches to understanding consciousness, the concept of gravity, new energy sources), their logical analysis directly leads us to one thing - to a non-standard vision of electromagnetism.

It is quite obvious that the phenomena listed above do not find a worthy place in official science. The problem, perhaps, is that quantum mechanics as a fundamental theory of physics today is far from complete and does not meet the basic requirements that apply to any logical, mathematical and, therefore, physical model that claims to be true. This means that if anyone wants to understand at least one of the mentioned phenomena, he will not be able to do this if he considers each of them in isolation from the others. Usually only new terminology is introduced for an unexplained phenomenon as supposedly already studied: “scale electromagnetism”, “scale phases”, “fundamental fields”, “synergy”, “zero point energy”, “tachyons”, “tachyon fields”.

The above problem is well known in the history of methodology and logic (Karl Popper's The Logic of Scientific Discovery) and can be expressed as the difference in the degree of reality between theories derived deductively (from the general to the particular) and inductively (from the particular to the general). By elevating artificial facts to the rank of a postulate and treating them as theoretical data, it is impossible to create a theory that would cover all existing and possible cases. Research in the field of “new electromagnetism” is so fundamental that we cannot do without a holistic view, and therefore without a deductive method, and therefore, first of all, we will need a deeper philosophical approach.

All this served as a starting point when, many years ago, I tried to understand the most elementary and at the same time the most abstract principles on which such a theory should be based. Tracing the path of formation of scientific terminology, I came to the conclusion that physical reality must be consistent with the infinity of space and time. This infinity, which must be the same in physics, mathematics, philosophy, is the only natural continuum ( lat. continuum - a single continuous whole). Acceptance of this conclusion is the first premise from which a direct physical interpretation of arithmetic elements and geometric objects follows. From the identification of the physical and mathematical continuum it follows that each mathematical element and algorithm must have a known “physical” embodiment. Thus, natural numbers and imaginary geometric objects are realized in objects. Such a point of view is a justifiable starting point for a logical procedure that can lead to a correct physical interpretation of mathematics.

A special internal principle, characteristic of a single natural continuum, decomposes it into relatively limited volumes, which are combined into heavier “particles” according to precise mathematical laws. This basic unit volume can be equated to quantum of space, or to the electromagnetic entity - photon.

When I explored the philosophical side of Euclidean "principles", I realized that this precise and consistent cosmology was completely based on the Eleatic doctrine of being. In other words, Euclid was able to do what his teacher Plato could not do. He created an extremely coherent, actionable theory with irreplaceable concepts. This is about point(“a point is something that does not consist of parts”), lines as a collection of points, surfaces as a collection of lines and volume as a collection of surfaces. These elements are completely derived from their first definition. And in our time it is necessary to again reveal the true depth, subject and practical significance of Euclid’s works.

Geometric elements are a whole series of instructions for constructing material objects. Let us take into account that all known physical effects appear precisely in certain geometric points, and this is important to take into account when computerizing the calculations of much-needed characteristics such as frequencies. Then the next step will be to replace Euclidean geometry with a special “group theory” in order to represent the connected boundaries of supposed geometric objects in terms of “dense” matter, or physical reality. So is the truth: it is nothing more than a mathematical prediction of human experience. And Euclid took from Plato his main principle: mathematics is the universal connection of ideas with material objects. With the help of this, he, creating his almost perfect system, showed that the same laws operate both in theory and in the physical world that is real to us.

Drawing by S. Turii

Euclidean postulates and theorems of Optics and Catoptrics (Greek katoptron - mirror), which today, unfortunately, are looked at as a stage already passed, indicate that it was Euclid who was the father of all subsequent theories of relativity, including the theories of Galileo, Boskovic and Einstein. But the conclusions from Euclid's postulates, set out in Optics, lead to a relativistic theory that is suitable for rotating systems, while Einstein's special theory of relativity cannot be applied to them. I hope it is known that all systems existing in nature are exclusively rotational.

The new theory of relativity, based on the postulates of Euclidean Optics and expressed in terms of its geometry, could explain what calculations Nikola Tesla made in his time to obtain amazing resonating effects created with the help of specially located electromagnetic emitters. N. Tesla, it should be noted, was able to calculate the specific deformations of each initially spherical and uniform electromagnetic field; Moreover, he never used integral or vector calculus, did not resort to Maxwell’s equations, but, like a clairvoyant, he saw the physical model of the photon and applied simple mathematics, which is almost forgotten today.

I would like to note: I was able to show that the transformation of a sphere into a spheroid through electromagnetic radiation must meet the conditions for maintaining the continuity of the surface, in accordance with how a photon undergoes a similar deformation during radiation, which was noticed by the French physicist O. Fresnel (1788-1827). The mathematical description of the structure with this approach should be chosen in accordance with the physical effects along the lines of spheroidal deformation.

Electromagnetic spheres, which represent the internal configuration of a single natural continuum, are elements of what we in modern physics call space. A laws deformation basic spatial configuration- this is what we call today time . Time is not material in the sense of our perception of matter, and we can regard it as pure number , as the magnitude of the relationship between two (or more) homogeneous electromagnetic fields. When you change these fields, the local time also changes.

It is obvious that all operating processes are subject to a common law resonance . So, in order to obtain an effect from any process in quantum mechanics, it is necessary to use an amount of energy equal to the amount of its energy content. The well-known principle of the mechanical lever clearly shows that the main geometric resonance, not strength. The concept of energy is much closer to geometry than the concept of force. A fair conclusion: all processes in nature are resonant. The only exception is our understanding of motion, for motion is the result of uniform electromagnetic fields not being in resonance. The question is speed (field propagation. - Red.) is just a matter of time perception.

The physical representation of electromagnetic energy in the language of mathematics is the theoretical key to answering the question of how to physically use geometry. Isn't it strange that the light flux, despite its enormous speed, does not waste energy when passing through space? Or what conclusion should be drawn from the fact that the speed of electromagnetic waves would completely depend on the natural environment? Can we say that the necessary force for this does not exist in the Universe? And even if we imagine that limitless force is applied, it will still not change any of the natural principles that govern phenomena.

If you intend to obtain energy from an inexhaustible electromagnetic (more precisely, energy. - Red.) environment, then for this it is necessary to construct devices that would emit fields in accordance with law of resonance, and, moreover, they must ensure the transition of existing natural electromagnetic systems to non-resonating conditions. By controlling non-resonating processes, we can “pump energy directly out of time.” And it's very simple, as Tesla once noted. Technically and technologically, this will become possible only when a practically applicable physical theory of matter is created with a new understanding of TIME, philosophically justified, mathematically formulated and experimentally confirmed. Its ultimate goal is the understanding and use of the laws governing the “condensation” of atomic particles from a physically and philosophically not yet fully understood energy integrity, in which light electromagnetic radiation is only a small part of the phenomenon.

Translation from Serbian by Alexander Romanov

Afterword from the editor

In relation to the Great Womb - SPACE - it is appropriate to recall the concept of “Akasha”, adopted in Eastern esotericism, for in the “Secret Doctrine” of H.P. Blavatsky it is said: “All Nature is a resonator, or, rather, Akasha is a resonator of Nature” (translated from English A. Haydock, ed. 1993, vol. III, p. The word “space” is translated as “Akasha” and as “Aditi”: “Aditi, according to the Rig Veda, is the “Father and Mother of all Gods,” and southern Buddhists consider Akasha to be the Root of everything, from where everything in the universe arose, obeying its inherent law movements; and this is the Tibetan “Space” (Tho-og)” (ibid., p. 344). This is the same plastic Essence of matter (Svabhavat), the passive aspect of which is Mulaprakriti, that is, the abstract divine feminine principle, the Primary Substance - Akasha itself. The active aspect is considered to be the male principle - Fohat, or Spatial Fire. “Visible and invisible suns and other spatial bodies are GRANULATIONS of this Substance, which in turn are conductors of Spatial Fire,” we read from N. Uranov in “Pearls of Quest”.

Akasha is the animate principle of the Ether, but not the Ether itself, notes H. P. Blavatsky. In this subtle, supersensible spiritual essence, filling all space, lies the eternal Thought Foundation of the Universe; and its characteristic feature is sound, in its mystical sense. In the “chronicles” or “scrolls” of the Akash, and in modern terms - in a special information space, all events and unrealized opportunities are recorded. And it was the primordial all-pervading matter (Akasha) that E. Kant had in mind, as Blavatsky testifies, “in order to resolve the difficulty of I. Newton and his failure to explain by the forces of nature alone the primary impulse imparted to the Planets” (Leningrad, 1991, vol. 1/ 2-3, p. 374).


In the sense, apparently, that the speed of photons is invariably the same in empty space. — Approx. ed.

Here it is appropriate to recall how the Teaching of Living Ethics considers the original creative principle - the primary “electricity” - Fohat: “FOHAT is FIRE, the Primordial Fiery Energy or Power that lies in the source of all forces. If in the Unmanifested Fohat there is a latent differentiating force<...>, then in the Manifested World this force unites the disparate parts of the One. The same force both separates and connects. It’s like breathing with exhalation and inhalation” (N. Uranov. “Pearls of Quest”. Riga, 1996, § 569). — Approx. ed.


From school we know that the concept of “time” is used by modern science as a tool for measuring distance or determining the duration of any processes and natural phenomena (t=s/v, where s is the distance between two points in space, v is the speed of overcoming this segment paths).
Is it so? Ancient philosophical teachings view the concept of “time” somewhat differently. Helena Blavatsky in her famous book “The Secret Doctrine,” referring to the ancient Scriptures of Tibet, India, and China, gives the following definition of time:
"Time" is only an illusion created by the successive alternations of our states of consciousness during our wanderings in eternity, and it does not exist, "but rests in sleep" where there is no consciousness in which the illusion can arise.
In the first definition we see a primitive formula of time as a tool for measuring distances, in the second - the most complex process of interaction between the Universal Mind and consciousness. The first definition refers to the materialistic perception of reality, the second is an attempt to spiritually comprehend the Universe as a living cosmoorganism. The difference in the presented definitions lies in the level position of the consciousness of an individual or a community of individuals confined within the framework of state borders. From here we can draw a simple conclusion: the materialistic awareness of time leads society to technocracy and lack of spirituality; seeing time as a form of state of consciousness forces the individual to improve the mind, consciousness and intellect, which ultimately leads him to the perfection of soul and body, the search for higher spiritual knowledge. The community of people who adhere to the second definition of time is a spiritual community. What kind of world do we live in? If the reader agrees with my arguments, then the answer to the question seems obvious: in a spiritless, technocratic world.
From the Holy Scriptures of antiquity, information comes to us about the “great giants,” powerful races of people who many times exceeded our technical and mental capabilities. If we carefully study the Indian Vedas and various occult teachings of the East, we can find that the main attention is paid to the knowledge of the Universal Mind and its connection with the human mind. In parallel, we see that at that time people had more advanced technologies than real civilization. The above-mentioned E. Blavatsky, based on ancient texts, defines Reason as follows:
“Mind” is the name given to the totality of states of consciousness grouped under the definition of thought, will and feelings.”
Thus, we can draw another conclusion: if the concept of time is associated with the state of consciousness, which, in turn, is associated with such concepts as “thought”, “will” and “feelings”, then time is a mechanism for bringing to the unity of thought, will and feelings, which ultimately determines the individual’s ability to materialize his own imagination.
Materialization of imagination is a magic that was familiar to ancient people and widely used. Early civilizations had the ability to create the material world with their minds - this was the norm and did not cause conflicts until a certain historical moment. A mind capable of creating reality contains the ability of telepathy. The ability to create in accordance with the Divine Plan is a quality of Telepathic Intelligence.
5200 years ago, when the Sumerian civilization was in a state of rise in material and spiritual culture, the priestly elite adopted a “technical” definition of time, i.e. time is a tool for measuring space (t=s/v). During this historical period, defined by the Bible as the “Babylonian Pandemonium,” the ordeals of mankind began, and the innate ability of telepathic communication disappeared. Instead, polyphony and idle talk appeared, the Ego was revived, and the Soul fell into sleep. The single telepathic language of communication was replaced by multilingualism, which became the reason for the division of people into states, nations, nationalities, etc. As a result, a planetary Ego arose, which gave rise to many problems on Earth - environmental, economic, financial, political, etc. The culmination of the development of modern civilization was the invention of nuclear weapons and their use in Hiroshima.

Modern world paradigm

Ancient sacred texts say: The Universe is a living organism that breathes, where every inhalation and exhalation of the Absolute is a process of its self-knowledge through the creation of multiple universes united by a Single Thought Form. The rhythm and cycle of the Universal Breath is the basis for the interaction of the various minds of the Universe. Through rhythm and cycle, inhalation and exhalation, the Absolute activates multiple programs for the creation of new worlds and the destruction of old ones. This process is called “Day” and “Night of Brahma” in Vedic texts.
It is known that any rhythm can be depicted on paper in the form of a sine wave. Cosmic waves of light, sound, smell and other vibrations reach our minds in the form of vibrations of cosmic electricity, then are converted by DNA into neurosignals and displayed on our field of consciousness in the form of material objects colored with feelings and emotions. For example: watching the sunrise. What emotions and feelings do we give to this picture? Feelings and emotions are a certain type of electromagnetic vibrations that are formed in our body in the form of cosmic currents of pleasure. Time is a mechanism for the creation of reality through the synthesis of various wave processes in the mind of an individual or being capable of thinking and self-awareness. The loss of the mind from cosmic rhythms and cycles means a loss of synchronization with the processes of creation of Divine reality, which leads to an erroneous awareness of Reality and, ultimately, to the self-destruction of civilization. This is what we are seeing now.
Egoism is the result of desynchronization of the human mind with galactic cycles and rhythms that determine the formative processes of existence. Therefore, over the last 5200-year cycle of the existence of our civilization, the main paradigm of modern humanity has formed a materialistic approach to the vision of the Universal order, which excludes the presence of a Higher organizing and controlling Power. If we take into account that the Higher Controlling Power is absent or should not be taken into account, then this will lead to an understanding of the Universe as a set of microelements randomly connected in some way, which randomly created galaxies, stars, planets. Then, from the randomly formed organic compounds that created life, man arose by chance.
If in our minds we do not see the meaning in the formation of the Universe, then the main paradigm of our world will be the struggle for survival, the creation of comfortable living conditions through the thoughtless consumption of natural resources, constantly arising wars in order to maintain and expand our influence on the world around us.
The religions of the world, supported by secular power, strengthen the existing order of planetary egoism, believing that the more materially successful a person is, the more God loves him. It is convenient to see God in his own image and likeness, who punishes and rewards a person, by analogy with secular power. The secular spiritual and political power that controls humanity does not want to recognize God as the Supreme Cosmic Intelligence, where the Universe is His mental manifestation, following the path of evolutionary knowledge of Itself. As a result, the human mind has gradually moved and currently works steadily at the “time-money” frequency. The technotronic definition of time has led humanity to the formation of technocratic, soulless, political and financial institutions of power. This dissonant frequency has blocked the work of the soul, which is the main link between man and God. The time-money paradigm has become the matrix of our imagination, thought formation and everyday behavior. Instead of the Soul, the Ego appeared, which destroyed the telepathic vision of Reality and caused problems associated with spiritual and physical health. Our way of life has transformed towards the accumulation of material wealth...

Law of time

The essence of the Law of Time is the restoration of the Unified Telepathic Field, which unites the human mind, the Mind of the planet, the Solar Mind and the Galactic Mind into a single whole. Telepathy is participation in the knowledge of the Absolute without claims to full knowledge of His powers. Telepathy is related to the nature of thought formation. The ability of any species to maintain its integrity and all its constituent elements is a function of the instantaneity of time as telepathy. A person’s ability to work in the Unified Telepathic Field makes him independent of state, political and economic institutions of power. For a community of people united by single telepathic waves, in the future there will be no need for laws regulating their behavior. Humanity will be capable of self-organization. In my opinion, this process has already begun.
The ancient Mayans called man a “vibrational root,” whose task is, in the process of evolutionary development, to approach the awareness of telepathy as a means of unification with the Galactic Community. The Absolute, creating the Universe, united its creations through synchronous interaction between its various parts (orders). Organized synchronous interaction of all orders in the Universe is telepathy.
Here we come to an understanding of time as energy that organizes the synchronous interaction of processes and forms moving along the path of perfection (beauty) with the goal of unification with the Divine Reality. Time is telepathy.
Doctor of Philosophy, whose main merit is the discovery of the Law of Time, Jose Arguelles (USA) (1938-2011) gives the following formula for time: T(E) = Art, where T is time, E is energy, presented in the form of a form or process, Art - the result of organized interaction and transformation, leading to Divine perfection (beauty). Time is what synchronizes. Energy is something that is synchronized and the result invariably is some graceful quality of beauty.
There is nothing ugly in nature. For example: bees, ants and dolphins are highly synchronized communities. How do they maintain their synchronic order? Through telepathy.
The task of time includes: to distribute and link the elements of space in such a way that they are not only recognizable by the 3-dimensional mind, but also contribute to the development of intelligence to the level of comprehension of higher dimensions.
From microparticles to galaxies - everything is “arranged” and stands in its place. Every moment of comprehension by our mind of the manifested and imaginary worlds occurs thanks to the Law of Time. When we hear birds singing in the forest, we admire and try to capture it in our memory.
What could be more perfect than the picture we see? There is no imperfection in the Universe. But if a person does not understand the perfection of nature, then his thought forms, through the Law of Time, will materialize into factories with smoking chimneys and garbage dumps. Time is a mechanism for materializing our ideas, goals and intentions. Ignorance of time as a mechanism for creating reality leads us to the Apocalypse. Time is an instrument for creating reality, the nature of which is the 4th dimension, and its location is our mind. He who owns our time owns our mind.
The most conscious part of humanity has already had its fill of material toys. This part of humanity is aware of the danger of destroying the planet’s biosphere, the habitat of all living species, including humans. A critical mass of people has formed, which has ceased to feed the world financial system with the energies of acquisitiveness and evil selfishness. This created the preconditions for the destabilization of modern technotronic civilization. The result is that the crisis that began in 2008 is still ongoing; it covered almost all spheres of human activity. The “time-money” paradigm has failed, human civilization has left the state of stable economic development. From this moment on, the destabilization of the global political and financial system is intensifying.
But is there a way out of this situation? There is always a way out.
The discovery of the Law of Time (1987-1993), revealed through the Galactic calendar (commonly called the “Mayan Calendar”), activated the Noosphere and caused the appearance of telepathic waves of the Higher Mind, which appear in our field of perception in the form of “crop circles” , UFO, etc. These phenomena produce a subtle effect on the subconscious and cause a mutation of the human mind towards organizing telepathic interaction with the Higher Forces of the Cosmos. Those who have consciously decided to leave the matrix of egoism are entering the New Era of telepathic intelligence. The new 5200-year cycle, which began on December 21, 2012, is the beginning of the New Era - the Era of telepathic intelligence.
During this time, a change will occur in the physical and energetic bodies of a person, and the work of 12-strand DNA will be restored. There is reason to assume that DNA itself will consist not of 6-level components of binary codes (0, 1 - Yin, Yang), but of 8-level components and a set of 128-code words (codons) of DNA. At the current stage of development, the biological life of the Earth is built from 64 6-level DNA codons. The new physical and energetic body will allow you to withstand the high vibrations of the information fields of the Higher Mind. The work of the human chakra system is harmonized. Having gotten rid of egoism, a person activates his Holon - the soul that was previously usurped by the Ego. The holon is a shuttle of the soul and a means of time travel, which, in essence, is a tool of telepathy.
Igor Manokhin
e-mail: [email protected].
(End to follow)

A subscription has been opened to the website “Cosmology of Telepathic Intelligence” - www.kti.in.ua, where the user is exposed to more in-depth aspects of Cosmic Science and Cosmic History, and is also given the opportunity to learn and work with the Synchrometer (Mayan Calendar).


“Time gives birth to energy,” - physicist N.A. Kozyrev
ON THE. Kozyrev introduced the formula for the “heaviness of time.” The world was not ready for this.
In 1958, the Pulkovo Observatory published Kozyrev’s book “Asymmetric mechanics in a linear approximation. This book is one of the most developed hypotheses about the nature of time.
This book caused controversy of extraordinary force in its time. Academicians and journalists, Soviet and foreign scientists, writers contributed their share to the fierce, irreconcilable disputes.
The essence of Kozyrev’s ideas is as follows.
The psychological sense of time, inherent in everyone, would seem to convince us that time moves from the past to the future and this movement is irreversible. Eternity is not a film that can easily be played from end to beginning.
Kozyrev decided to justify and substantiate human intuition. He suggested that time has a real property that distinguishes the past from the future; the cause that precedes the effect, from the effect itself.
Modern science believes that the future and the past are equivalent in the physical sense, and this idea underlies the exact sciences. To the position of classical mechanics, “cause and effect are always separated by space,” Kozyrev adds: “and time.”
He believes that the ratio of spatial to temporal differences can be a finite quantity. This speed of transformation of cause into effect can precisely serve as a measure of the passage of time. “The passage of time,” according to Kozyrev, is the real property of time that has been so persistently ignored until now. This is a definite quantity and is always directed in one direction, that is, a vector, in mathematical language, the magnitude of this speed, as Kozyrev claims, can be found both theoretically and experimentally, and then after making appropriate amendments to physics and other exact sciences, many mysteries will be cleared up, many theories will get rid of inaccuracies and contradictions.
The entire abyss of the Universe, full of light and darkness, the mysterious life of matter and monstrous catastrophes, where it gets its energy from, should it ever freeze, having exhausted its “fuel”?
Evolution cannot stop, dead matter does not exist, life in one form or another must be everywhere - this is, in the most general form, the idea that Kozyrev is guided by. Therefore, the search for it is built along one main line: how, due to what, why does the Universe live? Here is the first thesis of Nikolai Aleksandrovich’s doctoral dissertation, defended back in the forties: “The energy emitted in space by the Sun and stars is supported by special sources, the nature of which has not yet been clarified.”

And Kozyrev’s thought begins to revolve around the simplest and most complex, the most obvious and most mysterious element of existence. Entire libraries should be written about something about which, due to the importance of the issue, and about which almost nothing is known.
Around Time.
Time with a capital T, in which life, the existence of the Universe, lasts. Of course, Kozyrev was not the first to draw attention to this “blank spot” on the map of modern science.
One of the greatest scientists of the century, Academician Vernadsky, wrote: “The science of the twentieth century is at a stage when the moment has come for studying time, just as matter and energy filling space are being studied.”

Ludwig Feuerbach considered time “the fundamental condition of existence.” At the beginning of the last century, the wonderful English astronomer Erie wrote! “Prove to me that the future is different from the past, and I will build an engine on this energy.”
And here are the words of Nikolai Alexandrovich himself: “I have long thought about the sources of stellar energy. Known patterns are incompatible with current views on this subject. It is generally accepted that stars are giant nuclear cauldrons in which thermonuclear reactions constantly occur. Based on data from astrophysical observations, I came to the conclusion that it is not nuclear reactions that determine the balance of stellar energy; they are not the first violins in the orchestra.
What then is the source of stellar energy? My answer to this is this: by virtue of its direction, time can do work and produce energy... A star draws energy from the “passage of time.”
Research by American Raymond Davis.
At a depth of two kilometers in abandoned gold mines, he installed instruments that captured neutrinos coming from the Sun. The accuracy of Davis's experiments, even for the modern scientific level, was extraordinary. Calculations based on experiments have shown: the temperature inside our star exceeds 14 million degrees. This means that nuclear transformations occurring at this temperature do not provide a known yield of energy emitted by the Sun.
He could choose his own area of ​​research and decided to study neutrino physics. At that time, neutrinos existed only as a theoretical postulate. There have been no experimental studies on this topic. Thus, this was an ideal area in which he could apply his knowledge of radiochemistry.

In his first experiment, Davis implemented Bruno Pontecorvo's idea of ​​detecting neutrinos produced during the operation of a nuclear reactor using the reaction 37Cl + ν → 37Ar + e. To do this, he built a tank containing 3.78 m³ of methane tetrachloride next to the research reactor at BNL, and in 1955 a larger tank at the Savannah River Site reactor. Both experiments showed negative results. Subsequently, it turned out that these experiments refuted the hypothesis, accepted at that time, that neutrinos and antineutrinos are identical. That is why the experiment did not show results - neutrinos are produced in reactors, and the experimental setup was sensitive to antineutrinos. It should be noted that Davis achieved 20 times greater sensitivity in his experiments than that achieved in 1956 by Frederick Rains' neutrino detection experiments, for which he received the 1995 Nobel Prize in Physics.

After finishing his experiments at the Savannah River Site, he took up the problem of solar neutrinos. He dealt with this topic for quite some time. For this experiment, he built a facility at the Barberton-Limestone Mine near Akron, Ohio. In the 1960s, Davis placed a tank with 378 m³ of perchlorethylene at a depth of 1400 m in the Homestake mine in the city of Lead in South Dakota. The first measurements did not yield results. However, Davis improved the technique until, in 1970, he was able to detect solar neutrinos for the first time. The measured neutrino flux turned out to be about three times less than that postulated by John Bacall. In subsequent years, theorists and experimentalists took up this problem of solar neutrinos, and only after the discovery of neutrino oscillations was it solved.

Kozyrev assigns a particularly important role in this system of evidence to the famous discovery of physicists Lee and Yang. Violation of the principle of conservation of parity in atomic mechanics, according to Kozyrev, is a consequence of asymmetrical time forces.

The heated debates and caution of scientists in assessing Kozyrev’s ideas are not accidental. If the matter concerned some particular issue, one phenomenon, one problem, everything would be simpler. The point is that Kozyrev is trying to grasp a new, hitherto unknown principle of natural science.

And of course, in this global dispute, indirect evidence alone is not enough. Experimental verification is necessary and Kozyrev understands this perfectly. Moreover, in recent years, the scientist’s efforts have been focused precisely on experimental testing, testing the hypothesis.

Kozyrev based his first experiments on the following reasoning: “If a certain system is taken out of the ordinary flow of time, then this system will be able to experience the forces of the flow of time. Analyzing the principle of causality, we can come to the conclusion that rotation of a body is a mechanical way of removing the body from the normal course of time.”

At the same time, in the forties and fifties, Kozyrev conducted dozens of experiments with various mechanical systems [gyros, lever scales, etc.]. All of them were based on the implementation of cause-and-effect relationships between a rotating body and a stationary one. The results of the experiments satisfied Kozyrev to some extent. However, his opponents objected that the effects observed by Kozyrev could well be due to some collateral reasons, and not to the action of the forces of time.
Initially, Kozyrev's experiments boiled down to proving the direction of time. At some point, experiments with gyroscopes were no longer needed - after all, they were, in fact, duplicate experiments.
The Earth is a giant gyroscope, and therefore the simplest systems on its surface, for example, pendulums and scales, are quite suitable for experiments. At one end such a system was subject to vibration, and, accordingly, at the other end vibrations were absorbed. Additional voltages appeared in the system that could be measured. According to Kozyrev, the passage of time from which the system was derived influenced it.
Later, Kozyrev suggested another physical property of time and called it “density.” It can be detected under the influence of processes occurring near the lever system, for example, near scales in vibration mode. For example, the simplest thing is that salt dissolves in a vessel. The system reacts to this process.
Three times during solar eclipses, Kozyrev observed the “forces of time” on lever scales. And these “forces” decreased, since the Moon shielded them. This kind of intervention of the Sun in earthly affairs was tested by Kozyrev in a variety of experiments. In his opinion, the influence of the Sun on earthly systems is manifested here through time, more precisely, through a change in the “density of time.”
Kozyrev carried out his most important experiment only with the creation of torsion balances that reacted to neighboring processes.

A glass of dissolving salt was placed next to such scales. The scales began to rotate. The scientist conventionally called the influence of the supposed forces of time in this case “pressure” or “wind of time.” It turned out that an ordinary mirror reflects the “wind of time” according to the laws of geometric optics.

This is what gave Kozyrev the idea of ​​returning to the telescope in his experiments. The device that brought him so much success, work with which gave the first impetus to the search for a universal pattern.
To study the effect of time forces, which the star transmits through the telescope to the torsion balance, became the most important task of the last cycle of experiments.
Two fairly bright stars were chosen - Sirius and Procyon.
The stars are so far from us that, moving through space, they can end up in a completely different place than the light coming from them shows. Simply put, they are often not where we see them at all. Time, according to Kozyrev, does not spread like light, but appears immediately throughout the entire Universe. This means that using the properties of time, you can establish an instant connection with the star at the point where it actually is.
The experimental methodology is based on this idea. The torsion balance is separated from the telescope by a screen with a slit. The action on the scales is expected not when the light of the star passes through the hole in the screen, but at another moment when the true position of the star in the sky is projected onto the screen. And if this effect is established, then it is possible to determine the position of the star in world space.
But this same point can be calculated from the known speed of the star’s movement across the sky [it is only necessary to take into account the shift in the visible image of the star due to the refraction of light in the earth’s atmosphere].
If this calculation gives the same point that is projected on the screen during rotation of the torsion balance, the experiment can be considered a success.
This, as the scientist believes, is proof that time has physical properties through which it actively participates in natural phenomena.

If we assume that somewhere in the Universe there are still other civilizations, then communication with them using radio signals is, of course, illusory. For the answer to the question can be separated by centuries. Another thing is the signal sent due to the properties of “time”...
The stars are so far from us that, moving through space, they can end up in a completely different place than the light coming from them shows. Simply put, they are often not where we see them at all. Time, according to Kozyrev, does not spread like light, but appears immediately throughout the entire Universe. This means that using the properties of time, you can establish an instant connection with the star at the point where it actually is.

Based on observations, it is shown that the Minkowski world is not an abstract scheme invented to briefly record the consequences of the special theory of relativity, but corresponds to reality and describes the geometry of the real world. Some problems of causality arising from the possibility of connections through time with the future and the past are discussed.

In Newtonian mechanics, time does not depend on space. This circumstance can be shown geometrically by plotting time along the fourth axis perpendicular to the spatial coordinate axes. But this geometric technique is only an illustration of the independence of time, allowing one to construct motion graphs, and does not represent the real unification of space and time into a four-dimensional manifold. With this representation, one and the same moment in time occurs immediately for the entire space. This means that all space, the entire Universe is projected onto the time axis by one point and, therefore, has no size for time. Therefore, a change in the density of time caused by a process at any point in space, for example, on a star, must occur immediately throughout the entire World, but only decreasing with distance in inverse proportion to its square. Consequently, over time, long-range action, i.e., instantaneous communication, is possible. This conclusion was proven by astronomical observations.


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In Tibetan Buddhism, Energy and Time are identical.
Of course, this is not the potential and kinetic energy that physicists talk about.
All material substance is already present in Our Universe, and therefore the law of conservation of energy is valid for it, which... does not disappear anywhere and does not appear from nothing.
TIME appears out of nothing. Are we not aware of its main source?
Is it easier for physicists to call TIME “Dark Energy”?
Physicists cannot detect “dark energy” with any physical instruments, but they believe that it is responsible for the fact that our Universe is expanding at an accelerating rate.
The expansion of Our Universe is “to blame”... - TIME.
TIME transforms not only a person, it moves our entire World in Temporary Space.
Is it possible to indirectly calculate “human time” through the speed of light, which has experimental confirmation?
Then a person will perhaps know where the limit of his consciousness is... in relation to... seconds and meters.
No axiom can be derived from the theory itself.
Moreover, any axiom is undoubtedly true for this theory, because it actually begins with these axioms.
Theories are the foundation of all human statements. But this foundation is not provable in the theory itself. The theory is like a tree with branches and small branches coming out of its trunk.
On the branches of the tree grow leaves, which themselves are similar to the tree in the structure of their pattern.
What are the differences between living and nonliving?
There must be a significant difference between them.
Where does living things emerge from non-living things?

This raises the question: how is TIME born? It is precisely what is born, but “does not flow along the scale of Being.”

In Tibetan Buddhism, TIME is identical to ENERGY.

If TIME and ENERGY are identical, then space is “created” by TIME.
Since TIME becomes more with “time”, space also becomes more.
More ENERGY is born. Where does ENERGY come from?
The law of conservation of energy has been verified with great accuracy. However, it cannot be tested for vacuum with its virtual ENERGY.
In any case, ENERGY, which is identical to TIME, has nothing to do with the classical energy of physicists.
ENERGY is not determined by physical devices.
Can we believe that TIME is born in some place? and from there... “spreads” throughout the Universe.
If we rely on the concept of accumulation of TIME, then its physical slowdown has no relation to reality.
“Slowing down” TIME for any material object means that all other material objects, having an increased specific gravity of energy, leave this material object in “their past.”

The quantum World discovered by physicists: this is Our World, which turns out to be in the denominator, and in its numerator is unit.

TIME remains TIME, which, when representing the quantum World of Our Universe, is as a totality: dark energy and dark matter, and which is determined in its own... - Temporal Space, in which the energy-informational content of a person “looks” like his spatial path.

The space of our Universe expands with TIME, because space is energy-informational content – ​​EN of Temporary Space.

In the space expanding by TIME, ENERGY accumulates, because ENERGY is TIME.

From the law of conservation of energy we can only squeeze out the “Big Bang” and the Universe, which has a beginning and an end.
Man lives in another Universe.

Our light and temporary ENERGY is – Temporary Space.

The space of Our Universe is our “memory” of TIME.

A person’s “time” is made up of “instant moments” of the present, which can be “read” from the subconscious - from the possibility of his brain receiving increments of energy-informational content.

Only the energy-informational filling of the human Soul “writes” the true multidimensional picture of the dynamics of a person’s life manifestation - his TIME in Temporary Space.

Let's turn to the hourglass on the scale of our Universe

Our Universe is the “content” of the lower sphere of the hourglass.
Our Universe does not let anything out of itself.
The time of the “future” (in the upper sphere) and the time of the “past” in Our World is a good model in which grains of sand from the upper sphere flow into the lower sphere.
For a person locked in the lower sphere, “grains of sand” – ENERGY, arises from “nothing”. It is equivalent to TIME, which is “born out of nothing.”

The lower sphere “sucks out” the upper sphere.
When transforming TIME from the upper sphere (from “our future into our past”), a person “sees”: the empty lower sphere is filled with “grains of sand” from “nowhere”.

A person will see the complete process if he combines being in the upper and lower spheres at the same time - a person needs to split into two to see this...

Our Universe, on the scale of the Universe, is absolutely homogeneous. Everything becomes homogeneous if you measure it by yourself.
Formally, this means the coincidence of the upper and lower boundaries of the measurement. The upper limit of the Universe is more or less obvious. The question is what is its lower limit. If this is fundamentally unattainable for humans and at the same time contains any amount of energy-informational content - EN, then one can understand why the homogeneous relic Universe “evolved”.

The expansion of our Universe means that on the cosmological scale the law of conservation of energy may not be fulfilled. The force that causes galaxies to accelerate away from each other arises from nothing, and for some time now modern physicists have begun to call this nothing “Dark Energy”.
There is a concept of continuous birth of cold Dark Matter in Our Universe.
Dark Matter has gravity, but its very accumulation produces an expanding effect. The Dark Energy from such a Dark Flow is taken from “nothing”... - from the external World.

The accumulation of energy-informational content - EN in Temporary Space explains why vacuum in a zero energy field - in “pure” space - has ENERGY, which is called vacuum “foam”. The vacuum “foams” because it forms energy-informational content - EN in Temporary Space. Vacuum is the path of TIME - ENERGY between the upper and lower spheres of the hourglass. In the lower sphere there is a person and all that exists in our Universe, and in which TIME accumulates.

Everything in Our World is connected by a single logical chain - the Highest Expediency. Based on this understanding, we can come to the conclusion that: the upper sphere is filled with the elusive: Dark Matter and Dark Energy.
Dark Matter and Dark Energy are our “future” TIME.

How to reconcile the identity of ENERGY and TIME, where space is created by TIME, and the mass of material objects is a spatial projection of ENERGY?

Having enormous ENERGY, Temporary Space is a repository of TIME.

If the Universe were not expanding, it would mean that TIME had stopped creating space.

What seems to be common between the concepts of time and energy. We associate time with the sequence of events and clocks, and we associate energy with heat and movement. We agreed to take the duration of one revolution of the Earth around its axis as a unit of time, calling it a day, 1/24 of a day was called an hour, 1/60 of an hour was called a minute, and 1/60 of a minute was called a second. The duration of the Earth's revolution around the Sun is called a year. We ourselves also agreed to count down time from the moment of the birth of Christ that we had invented (and in pre-Petrine times, from the also invented creation of the World). People accepted the most convenient uniform passage of time, the same throughout the Earth and even in the Universe. In principle, it would be possible to agree on an uneven course, say, at night time slows down and during the day it runs faster, or in the summer there is summer time, and in winter - winter time. But then there would be no uniform time, we would not be able to coordinate our actions and would constantly change the clocks. Consequently, time is something conditional, biased, intangible, and dependent on us. However, many scientists propose to solve humanity’s energy problems using time. Time became a kind of fuel for them. There are any number of “scientific” justifications for this.

First of all, according to A. Einstein’s theory of relativity, time is the fourth coordinate of space, and since space can work (see our publication dated June 20, 2012), then why is time worse? Secondly, time lives and develops, as evidenced, for example, by the books of the famous theorist Hawking “A Brief History of Time” and the journalist Balandin “The True History of Time”. According to Hawking, time can flow in the direction of the expansion of the Universe (cosmological arrow), in the direction of increasing entropy (thermodynamic arrow), or in the direction from the past to the future (psychological arrow). But it turns out that it does not flow smoothly, but jumps and gallops forward or backward. According to Thorne, time can be folded like a rag and jumped from one fold to another, ending up in the distant past or future. Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.M. Cherepashchuk was awarded the Russian State Prize in 2009 for time management. Consequently, some believe, time lives and jumps, and therefore, like everything living, it must have energy.

The discovery of the transformation of time into energy was made in the USSR and belongs purely to our scientific achievements. In 1956, professor of the Pulkovo Observatory N.A. Kozyrev announced the possibility of “using the flow of time to do work.”

ON THE. Kozyrev (1908 – 1983) worked as a researcher at the Pulkovo Observatory in the 1930s. He became fascinated by the idea of ​​the Big Bang as the Beginning of the Universe, developed by Abbot Lemaitre, and began to propagate it among his employees. The Big Bang theory, which has now become the basis of cosmology, was then considered contrary to Marxism-Leninism. Therefore, Kozyrev was convicted by the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR under Art. 58 of the Criminal Code (anti-Soviet propaganda) for 10 years with confiscation of property. He served his sentence in Taimyr near Norilsk, but did not reform, but talked about the Big Bang among prisoners. Therefore, in 1942 he was sentenced to capital punishment. However, at that moment there was no firing squad in Taimyr, and the court changed the penalty to a new 10 years. After the end of the war, Kozyrev was lucky again - there were no competent scientific employees at the Pulkovo Observatory and he was conditionally released at the request of astronomers. In 1956, Khrushchev's rehabilitation came, and former political prisoners became our heroes. The resurrected Kozyrev immediately made many great discoveries: active volcanoes on the Moon, Kozyrev’s powers, Kozyrev’s mirrors for receiving and transmitting telepathic signals, etc. And his main discovery was the transformation of time into energy! Komsomolskaya Pravda even asked the question whether such a discovery could have been made here, in a world of poverty, hunger and exploitation. And she answered that no. As Kozyrev himself said, he discovered the transformation of time into energy while serving his sentence in a camp punishment cell: at first it was very cold there, then it became warmer, and after a few days it was completely warm. Since the gruel did not provide calories, warmth could only come from time. There he also understood why the stars burn - because they live in the sky for a long time. “Komsomolskaya Pravda” was right - they don’t have such cold punishment cells as we have in Taimyr!

Our newspapers wrote a lot about the great achievements of the Soviet scientist. An enthusiastic article about Kozyrev was written by the Soviet writer known for her “Leniniana”, corresponding member of the Armenian Academy of Sciences, correspondent of the Armenian radio Marietta Shaginyan. “It is joyful to realize,” she writes, “that in our country he will be given every opportunity to calmly think further and patiently carry out the necessary experiments, understanding their difficulty, the unusual nature of the theory itself and the colossal significance for science of just posing the question about the nature of time, just introducing it in order for advanced Soviet science." And about time: “Can it in itself, can only one course of it, interacting so dialectically and contradictorily with space, be an eternal source of energy generation, killing entropy and overturning the second law of thermodynamics? Yes, Kozyrev answers.”

After such publications, our leading academicians were forced to apologize to foreign countries in the newspaper Pravda.

A discovery of the energy of time similar to Kozyrev’s was made by the second famous Soviet pseudoscientist, academician A.I. Veynik. He introduced time particles “chronons”, and “chronal substance” was even experimentally found at UFO landing sites. Moreover, Veinik used the chronal field in practice, facilitating the melting of metal and improving its structure. As a result, Veinik's Thermodynamics was removed from libraries and stores and publicly burned as in the Middle Ages. Subsequently, the author himself renounced his works and even converted to Orthodoxy.

The academician of many Academy of Sciences, winner of about a hundred orders and medals, a dozen awards, V.P., who has already been mentioned in the article on space, also uses “chronons” in practice. Gotch. He sells the “Bike” time restorer, the “Lalzhi” time converter, the time harmonization method, etc. to gullible citizens. . Thus, he proved that time can give not only energy, but also money, titles and fame.

An experimental study of time was carried out by Ph.D. V. Savostyanov. He looked at recorders from sensors installed on the gyroscopes of a powerful launch vehicle, and in smooth curves in several cases he detected jumps forward or backward of 0.15 - 0.21 seconds that occurred at the moment the engine started. According to him, in this case there was a “mutual divergence of space and time in sections 2 - 3 and their convergence at points 3”, “they flew into the future at point 6 and returned to the present at point 7”, and in sections 7 – 8 “the past got into the present” (see figure). It turned out like in the song:
And sometimes I don't understand
where is the first moment, where is the last.

An ordinary person would say that the vibrations caused the recorder pen to jump or there was an unreliable contact somewhere, but the scientist concludes “about the influence of the energy released by powerful rocket engines on the passage of time.” After this conclusion, there was no need to fix the problem, and let the rocket fall!

Savostyanov concludes that “space and time have elasticity.” When struck, they are compressed like springs, and when they are released, the forces of time act. Thus, the author experimentally “confirmed” the power of time and the possibility of it doing work.

Since time lives, jumps and gallops like a horse, then why not make it work? - After all, horses have been working for people since time immemorial. The inventors of temporary energy use this idea.

Engineer Yu.M. Kunyansky from Lyubertsy Moscow region proposes to create a time machine that not only generates energy, but also serves as a supportless propulsion device. The machine allows you to very quickly fly to distant galaxies, and after visiting aliens, start generating electricity for earthlings. “Schematically, the time machine is simple,” writes the author. This is a ball containing several radio components - a transformer, a magnetron, a detector radio receiver. When launched, electromagnetic collapse is reproduced on the ball body by applying a high negative voltage. “Electricity, I believe,” writes Kunyansky, “should be removed where a woman’s child is born, and the masculine principle goes into infinity.” On April 20, 2001, the author reported on his brainchild at the Russian Academy of Sciences on Leninsky Prospekt in Moscow and received a positive assessment from scientists. The RAS conclusion notes: “The experiment is necessary, and if a positive result is obtained, prospects open up in the field of energy and aircraft.” This means that the theoretical possibility of perpetual motion machines and supportless movers is not rejected by the state-funded academy.

For his project, Kunyansky asked for one million rubles in 1991, now he doesn’t know, but tomorrow there will be more. Maybe someone will take a chance and buy it? Hurry up!

Kozyrev’s idea was recently developed by Ph.D. Associate Professor of Altai Technical University E.N. Avdeev. In his opinion, Newtonian mechanics is incorrect because it does not take into account the “time forces” that “contribute to the extraction of time energy from space.” It turns out that time has two aspects: firstly, it is the interval Dt between two events, and secondly, as discovered by the author, time dt reflects “the process of exchange of time energy between our material world and an energy source existing in the Cosmos, but unknown to science” . When dt > 0, the energy of time is extracted, and time itself slows down. In the case of negative values ​​of dt, there is an “outflow of time energy from the material world and its return back into space,” time accelerates. Due to this kind of flow back and forth, the amount of matter in the Universe simultaneously changes.

From time, according to Avdeev, cavitation heat generators and pulsating jet engines take energy. In his opinion, these are not perpetual motion machines at all, as scientists believe, since their efficiency, taking into account the replenishment of time, is less than 100%.

It is clear even to a schoolchild that energy is a characteristic of the movement of matter, real (kinetic) or possible (potential). To obtain useful work or heat, it is necessary to take away part of the real or potential motion from a material body. Time is not matter, and you can’t take anything from it, since there is nothing. Aristotle also wrote that “time is not movement, but does not exist without movement.” Therefore, temporary perpetual motion machines are fundamentally impossible. It should also be added that their authors do not take ecology into account. Near a running engine, time should slow down and it will eat up our minutes, hours, and even our lives. Moreover, if wasted energy is wasted uneconomically, time can go backwards and throw us back somewhere into the Stone Age. So is it worth converting time into energy after this?

Again, we have not found a reliable and at least in principle capable of working source of energy for the future. Therefore, we will consider new proposals.


1. Stephen Hawking. A Brief History of Time. St. Petersburg, Amphora, 2007
2. Rudolf Balandin. The true history of time. M., Yauza-Eksmo, 2009
3. K. Thorne. Black holes and folds of time: Einstein's daring legacy. M., Fizmatlit, 2007 and 2009
4. N.A. Kozyrev. Causal or asymmetric mechanics in a linear approximation. Pulkovo, State Administrative Okrug of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1958
5. N.A. Kozyrev. Astronomical observations through the physical properties of time. Intl. symposium “Flare Stars” (Byurakan, 1976). Yerevan, 1977, p. 168 – 179
6. N.A. Kozyrev. Selected works. Leningrad, Leningrad State University, 1991
7. M. Shaginyan. Time with a capital T. Literary newspaper, November 3, 1959
8. L.A. Artsimovich, P.L. Kapitsa, I.E. There M. About the frivolous pursuit of scientific sensations. True, 11/22/1959
9. A.I. Veynik. Thermodynamics. Minsk, Higher School, 1968
10. V.K. Selishchev, V.P. Gotch. Energy concentration devices (ECDs). Flyer. M., 2007
11. V. Savostyanov. Rocket-time paradoxes. Engineer, 2012, No. 1, p. 18 – 19
12. Yu.M. Kunyansky. About the time machine. Invention, 2008, vol. VIII, no. 3, p. 41 – 44
13. E. Avdeev. The general law of mechanics, the law of conservation of momentum, the thrust of a pulsating jet engine and the energy of time. Engineer, 2008, No. 6, p. 20 – 23

Time is a multifaceted phenomenon, and to understand its nature is to practically understand the nature of the Universe itself. To take a step in this direction, we need to see the unity of the many phenomena of the surrounding world. Understand the algorithm by which the entire Universe is built, including its space-time. Humanity has been searching for this understanding for a long time, and fortunately, we have the key to it.


Time is one of the most fundamental concepts, and to describe it we need to see the universe as globally as possible. To highlight what is inherent in absolutely all phenomena and processes, on any scale of the universe. The idea that all the world is built on several fundamental laws- is simple and ingenious, but humanity has been comprehending it for many centuries. This is quite understandable: we see the Universe as a set of disparate facts that need to be connected in our minds, to see the commonality between phenomena that are completely different at first glance. When this can be done, our understanding of the world around us rises to a whole new level. When this cannot be done, a field of knowledge arises, isolated from a unified picture of the world, and therefore doomed to error. Universality is one of the criteria for the truth of a particular model.


The universe is multi-level hierarchy of systems, functioning according to uniform laws. The number of levels of organization of matter is not limited by anything - both in the direction of the macrocosm and the microcosm (the Universe is like nested dolls). It’s just our habit to look for “what happened before,” or to look for some minimal particle of being, from which everything consists, but which itself does not consist of anything. Answers to questions about the world order cannot be limited to specific particles or fields– after all, they are all simply manifestations of basic laws that are primary. For example, the magnetic field that is well known to us is, first of all, a universal principle according to which the movement of energy generates a vortex force in a perpendicular plane. This principle manifests itself both at the level of elementary particles (electron flow) and at other scales of the universe, where there are no such concepts as electrons. Galaxy and atom, star system and planet - all systems are born, develop and transform according to a single development algorithm, in which Time is the main driving force. Let's use the diagram to depict the hierarchy of systems:

Each system is part of some larger system (supersystem), and itself consists of subsystems - this universal principle is known as fractality (I. Goethe). For the Earth, the supersystem is the Solar system, for a person - the space surrounding him, for a cell - the organism. It is easy to see that the supersystem in relation to the system is the cause, i.e. manager, organizer. The supersystem determines the spatial boundaries of the system’s manifestation (for example, the Earth is located inside the Solar System), as well as the time stages of its development (which manifests itself as rotation around the center of the supersystem).

Note: Most theories of the structure of matter imply the existence of the smallest, fundamental particle (quark, amer, preon, Planck black hole, string, etc.). And the concept of infinite fractal nesting of matter does not contradict them, but unites them as special cases. It's all about the relativity of perception: each theory has its own range of working scales. In mechanics, when describing the motion of bodies, the level of the atoms from which these bodies consist is not considered. Chemistry does not operate in terms of quantum physics - its working scale is molecules and atoms. Quantum physics does not concern the cosmic scale at all, and so on. We are talking about a universal theory that describes all levels of the organization of matter, not through the specific properties of the elements of these levels, but through universal laws.

Quantum of time? On the one hand, at any measurement scale there is a maximum error, which is actually a quantum of time. For example, for ordinary clocks this is a second, for intra-atomic processes - Planck time (10e-44 sec.). On the other hand, where can a time limit arise in an infinitely fractal Universe?


Moving on to the description of time and space, we can immediately notice that these concepts are opposite in essence - this is a manifestation of the law of polarity. This universal law can be described as follows: any system arises as a result of the interaction of polar (opposite) principles.

The idea of ​​the polarity of time and space is found in the works of N.A. Kozyrev, and based on this model we can draw a number of conclusions about the properties of time and space (which, by definition, are also opposite).
Space– this is a passive pole, representing a form, an environment for the occurrence of events, while Time– this is the active pole, carrying content and giving energy to events. Space has a metric, an extension, i.e. there is a distance between its points, from which it follows that time is like a global hologram: at each of its points there is information about all the others, it is omnipresent and there are no distances there.
From the polarity of space and time, the third fundamental basis of the Universe is formed: energy. It is obvious that energy has all the parameters of its original principles: spatial position and movement in time. Energy can exist in two main forms: field (radiation, waves) and matter (matter).

In fact, everything we see around us is energy in various flowing forms; space and time endow it with their attributes, actively participate in all processes, but themselves remain invisible.

We can give a simple physical analogy that describes the interaction of space and time. Let's imagine space as a certain initial environment, which is homogeneous, like a blank sheet of paper. Time is what causes space deformations, it spins vortices in it (from space itself), and thus space becomes heterogeneous. These vortices are energy that is in constant motion, and its stable configurations are elements of matter. Why rotation and vortices? Rotation is the most fundamental type of motion, because even translational motion is a special case of rotational motion (with a radius equal to infinity). The rotational nature of time has many manifestations: the very flow of time, as the course of events, is cyclical.


Let's consider a universal algorithm based on the law of polarity, according to which any systems are formed.
To create a new system, it is necessary to have two opposite poles (to put it simply: the implementation plan and the building material). The positive pole is an already existing system with a high degree of order, the negative pole is a system with a lower level of order, which provides building material.

Stage 1 – two systems interact and interference occurs between them.
Stage 2 – resonance occurs between systems, i.e. significant increase in energy.
Stage 3 – the energy of interaction is focused at a point, a core is formed, around which unstructured matter begins to spin.
Stage 4 - now the nucleus is an active pole in relation to the matter surrounding it, and the whole pattern is repeated in the horizontal plane (and so on ad infinitum).
Examples: between a star cluster (+) and cosmic dust (-) a star system is born. From light atoms (-) under the conditions of a nascent star (+), heavy elements are synthesized.

Flows and balance of Time

After the system has been formed, it continues to be under the control influence of the supersystem (a simple example: this is a cell of the body that constantly receives control signals). Since the space and time of the system is provided by the supersystem, the following can be clearly stated: the descending control flow from the supersystem to the system is the flow of Time, which N.A. wrote about. Kozyrev. Time comes to Earth from the Sun, first arriving at the north pole, and then being distributed along the meridians. Time is what controls the origin, development and transformation of all systems. This is the principle that connects the Universe into a single whole. The flow of time has a structuring, goal-orienting effect on any system; the energy of time is directed against the growth of entropy. These are the basic properties of time.
But if there is a downward flow of Time from supersystem to system, which carries a control influence, a development program, then there must exist upward flow of time, from system to supersystem? Let's consider the conservation law using the example of system formation.

The first stage: the control impulse of the supersystem caused a structuring process in the environment, as a result of which a new system was formed. In other words: the content is embodied in form.
Stage two: the system goes through its development cycle.
The third stage: at the end of the cycle, like everything mortal, the system disintegrates. According to the law of conservation, we again receive form (building elements of the system) and... content, i.e. the flow of Time, carrying away all accumulated experience into the supersystem.

The concepts of the development cycle and accumulation of experience here have not only philosophical universality, but also physical specificity. Experience is the degree of orderliness of the system, i.e. how far the system has moved from a chaotic state. Let us remember what properties of Time were revealed by N.A. Kozyrev:
1. Any physical process is accompanied by the absorption or emission of time energy.
2. Processes as a result of which entropy (chaos) increases are accompanied by the radiation of time (for example, the melting of a piece of sugar - a complex crystalline structure disintegrates into an amorphous one).
3. Processes associated with increased orderliness consume time (for example, crystallization).

Everything coincides clearly: time flows can either be downward, when the supersystem forms the system, or controls its development (exerts a structuring influence). Or ascending, when the system is destroyed, and the accumulated experience (orderliness) goes into the larger system.

Thus, the cycle of Time takes place in nature, where Time is not only a controlling force, but also carrier of accumulated experience.

Now it’s time to note that the descending and ascending flows of Time are actually double flows: time + space, because these concepts are inseparable from each other. Allegorically, the two streams (time and space) are like the DNA helix.
If we have known the concept of the field of Time for more or less a long time, then the concept of the field of space is being proposed for the first time. To define it, let's return to the properties of time and space.

There is a very apt definition of time: “this is what prevents all events from happening at the same time.” Thus, the field of time endows matter with causal connections and phasing of events. Time establishes a cause-and-effect order, according to which every event is the effect of one thing, and the cause for another.

By analogy, we can say that space is what prevents all events from being at one point. Hence, space field endows matter with such characteristics as extension and distance. It is the field of space that creates dimensions. It is surprising that the number of spatial dimensions is not a fundamental constant of existence, but a parameter of the spatial field that we receive from the supersystem. We perceive the world as three-dimensional, although the actual number of dimensions in it may be approximately equal to three (for example, 2.99), and in a neighboring star system the number of spatial dimensions may be 4 or higher - this depends on the level of structural organization of matter in that system. More dimensions mean more degrees of freedom of matter movement.
It can be assumed that the physical manifestation of the space field is de Broglie waves (or there is a certain connection between these phenomena).

Forward and reverse time flow

The idea of ​​a downward flow of time as a flow of formation and control of a system, and an upward flow as a flow of synthesis of experience is partly arbitrary. In reality, both streams are flowing through every system at any given time.

Descending, aka reverse time flow– has a goal-orienting effect, i.e. carries a program for the system from the supersystem, a vector of movement into the future.
Rising, aka direct time flow- this is the passage of time in its traditional sense, from the past to the future. This flow ensures continuity of experience accumulation, i.e. it links events into a cause-and-effect chain.

This process can also be looked at from the other side: according to the law of polarity, any system is the result of the interaction of two polar principles, which means that any event cannot exist with only one causal pole, there are certainly two of them:

Each event has TWO causes located in different time streams: one in the past, the other in the future. For example, a person picking up the phone is an event. The reason is in the past - this is the background, the person walked a few meters, getting up from his chair. A cause in the future is an event that has not yet taken place, which is the goal: to call. The presence of two streams of time suggests that not only the cause influences the effect, but also the effect on the cause (albeit to a lesser extent).


We see in the world around us many different types of energy, through which matter interacts. Generalization of these interactions to 4 groups (electromagnetic, strong nuclear, weak nuclear, gravitational) lacks systematicity - it does not explain the nature of these energies. Let's consider an alternative model that describes fundamental interactions.

The most basic is the electric field (1) that arises around a point. When a point charge moves along a line, a magnetic field arises (2). The combination of electric and magnetic fields produces an electromagnetic field. The next, 4th system level functionally corresponds to the unity of the system; it reflects the desire of matter to be compressed into a point - gravity. The subsequent levels (5-7), as can be seen from the diagram, belong to the world of causes, i.e. are unmanifested. Physically, this means that these types of interactions do not transfer energy. Their properties can be judged by the properties of the first 3 levels (mirror symmetry: 1-7, 2-6, 3-5). The 5th level field ensures the transfer of information - known as torsion. The last two types of interaction are still little known.

And now the main thing: these 7 types of interactions exist at ANY level of the universe, on every scale of matter. What we are accustomed to consider an electric field is the first field at the level of elementary particles. That is, an electric field arises between a positively charged proton and a negatively charged electron. However, in a similar way, an electric field occurs between the Sun (positive pole) and the Earth (negative pole). If we try to measure this field with a device that reacts to an electric field (in our usual understanding), it will not show anything, because this is an electric field of another level of the Universe. Similarly, there are magnetic, electromagnetic and other fields at the level of the microcosm (for example, between particles of the ether) and the macrocosm (between stars, galaxies).

It is interesting that based on the model of the descending and ascending flow of Time-Space, the existence of 2 energy sources: decay and synthesis. In other words, all possible ways of obtaining energy are associated either with the disintegration of the structure of matter (burning coal, nuclear fission) or with its synthesis (nuclear fusion occurring in the bowels of stars).

Time and expansion of the Universe

To explain the reason for the passage of time, there are two traditional theories, both based on the postulate of the irreversibility of time. The first theory is based on the second law of thermodynamics, which states: the entropy of closed systems can only increase or remain constant. In other words, a closed system is unable to become more orderly if it is completely isolated from the external environment. Since there are no closed systems in nature, this theory raises serious doubts.

The second theory connects the passage of time with the process of expansion of the Universe. It is obvious that this expansion is associated with a continuous decrease in the density of space, energy, matter, and this dynamics is the energy of time. Although galaxy recession is the main, generally accepted theory, there are other explanations for the redshift observed in the spectra of distant stars. One of these theories is the aging of light, i.e. The Universe has existed forever, there is no expansion, the light that reaches us simply loses some of its energy, which we perceive as a spectral shift. And yet, the theory of the expansion of the Universe seems more logical, since it is better consistent with universal models. The Universe is not the entire existing infinite Universe, it is simply a very massive group of galaxies (metagalaxy). There are other Universes, and according to the law of polarity, ours originated from the point of resonance created by two other Universes (we call this the big bang). From the law of cyclicity we understand that the expansion phase will be followed by a contraction phase - and as a result, the Universe will shrink back to a point. It is possible that some other Universes are already at this stage of their development.

If we proceed from the fact that the energy of time is born from the expansion of the Universe, then we will come to the following conclusion. The energy of time arises at every point in the Universe, i.e. it is not transmitted through the hierarchy of systems, but is simply “present everywhere.” In fact, the role of time as a controlling principle is lost - it is simply a “background” that fills all space. In addition, this means that time flows even in an artificially isolated system. Let's say we have a black box and we don't know what's going on in it. The concept of the speed of time has a physical meaning only when we can measure the speed of processes, but the very fact of measurement will make the system not isolated.

It is quite possible that the expansion of the Universe gives rise to certain global energy processes, but the fact that this is the cause (and not a consequence) of the flow of Time is doubtful.

So what is time?

The universal model describes Time as a fundamental flow that controls development, connecting a multi-level hierarchy of systems into a single whole. Since all processes are accompanied by an increase or decrease in the order of matter, during their occurrence, the energy of Time is emitted or absorbed. In his experiments N.A. Kozyrev recorded such flows, for example, changes in the resistance of a resistor located at the focus of a telescope directed at the star. Or experiments with sensitive torsion balances that responded to various physical processes. Registration of the flow of Time depended on many factors (season, phase of the Moon, etc.), and was actually carried out at the threshold of accuracy: signals from sensors, regardless of their design, always remained weak. Time actively participates in processes, but it is very difficult to “catch” it. It is like a conductor of an orchestra who directs all the musicians, but each one plays himself (uses his own energy). We don’t hear the conductor, because he doesn’t contribute a single sound to the overall sound - but without him, the orchestra’s playing would turn into chaos. Also in nature - time is behind all phenomena, and at the same time elusive. Where matter is more ordered and perfect, time has worked to a greater extent, but we cannot see time directly - only the causal connectedness of phenomena, the direction of processes from chaos to order reflects its work. This is the nature of Time (with a capital “T”), the creative principle of the Universe, as N.A. said. Kozyrev. We have already figured out that time is inseparable from space, and therefore we are talking about the flow of Time-Space. Perhaps the term “Time” is not the most appropriate here - and it would be more correct to say “flow of development”, “ single flow".


V.A. Polyakov "Universology". - M.: Amrita-Rus, 2004. - 320 p.

    Guest: Everything is written interestingly. But the author himself understood what he wrote. Everything is tied to materialism, and here are such virtual thoughts about time. There is no time as such. You are simply forced to introduce the virtual concept of time and everything turns out to be simple, everything can be explained. Understand, under the concept of time, there is a change in the energy component. Based on this completely different point of view, you can make a big breakthrough in theoretical physics . Notice that the more powerful the energy\. any type. the slower the time. Even, take a simple example from school, about speed. As speed approaches infinity, time approaches zero.

    Guest: Time is different changes of different energies. Time is not a constant constant, it always changes. The second itself was adopted in 1967, during the decay of cesium 133. But if you influence the cesium material with energy fields, then the decay will proceed faster, and hence the value this is a purely theoretical constant. In chronometers, time occurs in different ways. A watch simply shows how much energy was expended on winding the watch spring or charging the watch battery. An hourglass generally depends on gravity and the location of the watch. A sundial measures the rotation of the earth in relation to the luminary, but the earth also rotates unevenly around its axis. Previously, the earth rotated faster because it was closer to the sun, this is evidenced by excavations of fossilized fossils. Therefore, it is hard to believe that we are four billion years old today. Here is a simple explanation of time for ordinary people who do not delve into the jungle of science. And I can’t imagine how to explain everything I wrote through triangles and circles.

    Oleg Chel: All this is good, but if we consider time differently, for example, time has a spiral shape, that is, a point is given, a hundredth or a thousandth, of a fraction of a second. This is our time and it goes up the spiral, creating seconds, minutes, watches, etc., this is the future. The same process only in the past. If you turn the entire structure over and put it horizontally, then time will stop. According to the hourglass principle. The question is how to catch this particle of time?

    Guest: Time is just subjective space.

    Tattoo: Your definition is closest to me. Can you be more specific?
