Entities are living beings from another dimension that have consciousness. They can penetrate a person’s energy system and live in it for a very long time, feeding on his energies.

Someone may mistakenly believe that people interested in spiritual development and moving towards the Light do not have essences. There are. The vast majority of people, whether they develop their consciousness or not, have essences. But there are different entities. There are some that are not very dangerous, and a person may not feel them at all, but there are also so dangerous that they manifest themselves very clearly and affect a person in very negative ways.

We must understand that most Lightworkers spent most of their lives unawakened, and they still have the essences that they had before. In addition, very often entities already come with a person into this life, presenting problems created in past lives. Entities do not go away on their own. Simply by clapping your hands, or reading an affirmation, or asking your higher aspects for help, it is impossible to get rid of them. They become so fused with a person that the very possibility of parting with their donor seems unrealistic to them. They are intelligent beings and will do anything to stay and continue to feed on his energy. They can even prevent a person from realizing his problem and turning to a healer. Such cases do happen. Entities distort a person’s thoughts and emotions, guide his behavior and create negative karma.

Now the problem of entities has worsened. Most entities are residents of the astral plane, the 4th dimension. The Astral is being cleaned, and they are now very uncomfortable due to ultra-high frequency radiation coming from Space. The flow of people addressing these problems has actually increased. Energy attacks have become more frequent, especially in recent months. If you remember, Lauren Gorgo mentioned in one of her July articles that they haunted her for some time. By the way, she correctly noted that turning on the TV at night does not scare away entities. I just don’t know why it occurred to her to scare away the entities at night by turning on the TV. After all, television, like a computer, are direct channels for the penetration of entities. So in this way you can only attract them, and not scare them away. And night is the time when entities are active.

So, again, most people have essences. What kind of entities are found?

They can be roughly divided into two categories. The first is the entities created by man himself, and the second is the inhabited entities.

Entities created by a person can be created by him either in the current incarnation or in past lives. These can be entities of hatred, cruelty, pride, greed, contempt, self-deprecation, resentment, etc. If a person in past incarnations created negative energies/entities with some of his thoughts and emotions, they could incarnate in this life with him and are now present in his energy system. Another option is that those people who are now working on themselves, undergoing intense cleansing and healing, may experience entities from past lives. You've probably read that the energies of our past incarnations are now passing through us. There were different energies there, both positive and negative. We may not notice the positive ones, but the negative ones create big problems. One fine day, a person may wake up with unpleasant sensations, even physical ones, and not suspect (if he does not have clairvoyance and clairvoyance) that his energy system is intertwined with some kind of energy/entity, which he himself created in one of his past incarnations, or some dark channel from past lives has manifested itself. Since we are now moving towards the light, and our energy is being purified and clarified, our frequencies no longer resonate with the dense low-frequency energies of these entities, and they come for one purpose - for us to clear ourselves of them.

This is the most, so to speak, “harmless” type of entity. I talk about how to work with them at my seminars. This kind of work is available to everyone.

As for populated entities, everything is much more complicated. The settled entities include all astral entities, disembodied souls, entities from other parallels, alien entities, etc. That is, they were not created by man himself, but came from outside.

It happens that a person himself attracts such entities with his negative thoughts and emotions. If he has gaps in his aura (and there are a lot of people with gaps), then with a surge of negative emotions the entity is attracted to him according to the principle of similarity, and it costs nothing for it to enter the person’s field through the gaps. And she settles in him and leads a very satisfying life, feeding on a person’s energies, influencing his psyche and exacerbating negative traits, as well as undermining his health.

There are also illegal implementations, and quite often. Now they have become even more frequent. A person may not attract the entity in any way, but if he has a weak aura, if there are gaps in it, then the entity can infiltrate and settle down to live. And even if, in general, a person has a complete aura, if there are no pronounced breakdowns, even then the essence can fly in through “weak spots” and “cracks.” Such weak points are primarily the area of ​​the 7th cervical vertebra, the chakra at the base of the skull and the lower chakras. Therefore, you need to work very seriously with your energy, cleanse, heal and strengthen it, try to ensure that there are no vulnerable spots left.

Entities can penetrate a person when he is especially vulnerable - when a person experiences shock or trauma, for example, during various accidents and catastrophes, during large blood losses, during serious illnesses, when a person is very exhausted. They can also penetrate during operations under general anesthesia, during hypnosis sessions and in other conditions when the normal functioning of defense mechanisms is disrupted.

Now cases of such intrusions have become more frequent also because many people leave, and many free entities remain who are looking for new donors.

As a rule, all alcoholics, drug addicts and smokers have essences. Moreover, the entities are very strong and negative. A person can be treated for alcoholism and drug addiction using any number of different methods, but if the essences are not removed, then this is, to put it mildly, a useless endeavor. After treatment, he can restrain himself for some time and not show his inclinations, but the entities will not give him the opportunity to recover, and everything will happen again. The essences of smokers are not so strong, but they also do not bring anything useful to a person, and it is they who prevent people from quitting smoking. You know that many people never succeed, despite all their efforts.

Entities have the ability to move from person to person. If there is an alcoholic or drug addict in the family, then most likely all family members will have essences. This is especially true for sexual partners. In this case, the whole family needs to be cleansed. And even if people simply communicate closely with each other, meet often, spend a lot of time together - these could be friends, colleagues, neighbors - then there are also cases of penetration of entities.

Entities from past incarnations are often associated with karmic problems, and therefore not only liberation from the entities is required, but also karmic healing.

Essences are the truth of life as it is. You can, of course, turn a blind eye to this, not believe in their existence, but this will not help in any way and will not get rid of the problems of those people who have them.

How do entities manifest themselves? Definitely, in different ways. It all depends on the origin, energetic frequency and strength of the entity. The lower the energetic frequency of an entity, the more problems it creates. And, as a rule, shared entities create more problems than their own.

These problems can manifest themselves in different ways. People often write to me in letters that despite the fact that they have been developing for a long time, meditating, and their consciousness seems to be changing, many problems remain - both emotional and mental, and with health, and in other areas. And during the session they discover entities whose presence they did not even suspect.

Entities often make a person aggressive. He may not control himself and commit actions that may later cause him shock. The entity controls a person, and he does not even know that he does not have his own will. But it happens that such people are still aware that they have entities and strive to get rid of them. But the entities, as I already said, can literally prevent these people from coming to the healer, create various problems, even breaking the computer, closing their path to healing.

Entities can also manifest themselves in various inadequate emotional states, such as depression, uncontrollable emotional outbursts, etc. Pathological greed, cruelty, suspicion, hypertrophied ego - all these are signs of the presence of entities. Entities strive to strengthen in a person those qualities to which they are attracted. Unreasonable fainting, strange pains, etc. may occur from the influence of entities.

Entities do not always manifest themselves so clearly. However, if a person has moments when he feels that it is difficult for him to control himself - either during some emotional outbursts caused by someone else's actions, or during depressive states - this is a clear sign of the presence of the entity.

Not all healers see and identify entities. They may look different. And people themselves, who do not have clairvoyance and clairvoyance, cannot determine them in themselves. In addition, there is also the human ego. We are often told that we are Gods. Yes, it's true, everyone has a piece of God in them. But, unfortunately, these statements for some fragile souls serve to feed their own ego, and they begin to consider themselves already fully developed, completely cleansed and healed. And, of course, it seems to them that entities cannot exist in their reality. Unfortunately, among those well-known modern esoteric sources that people now read, there are almost none that talk in detail about entities, which is why some people think that “this cannot be.” Thanks to Drunvalo Melchizedek for shedding some light on this problem.

Those methods of protection against energy attacks that are sometimes published on the Internet (for example: envelop yourself in white light) do not help. This is not an obstacle for entities. Now many methods have ceased to help also due to the fact that entities have adapted to them. In addition, the state of the astral plane is now such that many defenses dissipate very quickly. In general, the best way to avoid an attack is to raise your assemblage point. But not everyone can do this, but only those who are seriously involved in energy practices.

It is very important that the aura is complete, so that there are no access points for connections. Achieving integrity is serious work, it can only be done by the person himself. It is also important not to attract entities with your negative emotions, because they feed on them. Do not enter into conflicts with people (because after this you can very quickly receive an attack from the entities of these people).

In general, know: if you blame someone specific, with whom you are in conflict, for an energy attack on you, it is most likely not the person himself, but his aggressive essences who have come to you for a showdown. The person himself may not know about this at all. And if you accused him of an energy attack, he will not understand you, he will deny everything, and he will be right. Because this attack can occur without his conscious participation.

Therefore, there is no need to blame anyone, this can further aggravate the conflict. Try to always be in harmony, purify yourself, increase your light and treat all people with love and acceptance. Entities, based on the principle of similarity, can only attach themselves to the dark energy inside a person. When a person works on himself, transforms his consciousness, cleanses and strengthens his energy system, works with karma, etc., he becomes less vulnerable to any energy attacks.

You cannot fear or hate entities. Fear and hatred of them can also attract them. Entities should be treated calmly and neutrally. They are who they are, and they should be accepted as such. For them, it is the same natural way of existence to feed on the energies of people, as it is natural for people to feed on animal meat and plants. They live in another dimension, and there they are natural and useful for the whole, but in our world they create problems for people.

If a person has essences, he never needs to blame himself for this. They could come for a variety of reasons, for example, from an alcoholic father. There is no need to blame yourself, you just need to understand that the time has come to get rid of them, because a person is moving towards the light, and what hinders him in this, what does not resonate with him, must be eliminated. You cannot get rid of introduced entities on your own; this can be dangerous both for the person himself and for those around him. Only a specialist can help with this.

Often people do not have not only vision, but also energetic sensitivity, and this is another reason why they cannot identify the entities themselves. Or this sensitivity is very weak. This happens when their chakras and energy channels are clogged, when energy cannot move freely. But entities can make themselves felt by pressure in the chakras, unpleasant sensations in various areas of the body, in organs, etc. But a person with weak energy sensitivity may not be aware of their presence.

There is another danger facing Lightworkers who have felt the call to awaken in recent years. Many channelings talk about communicating with your Higher Self, mentors and angels. And so, not having sufficient experience, not knowing safety precautions, not being able to distinguish the energy signatures of the Higher Essences from astral entities, people begin to hear “voices” and connect to various astral channels.

They believe that “nothing bad will attract them.” However, it is attracted, and sometimes such people not only begin to “work” for the astral egregors, but also connect other people to them, and can even become a toy in the hands of far from luminous entities. And then these entities can hide true information from them, interfere with their development and simply zombify them. Unfortunately, this happens. Yes, and the ego can tell a person that since he receives messages, it means that he is almost God’s anointed, and it also blinds him to information about who he really communicates with.

But for any person who receives information, the main thing should be, first of all, his own development. If a person decides that possessing certain abilities, such as communication with subtle planes, puts him above others, if he thinks that this is already a sign of some kind of spiritual advancement, especially when the vast majority of those around him do not have such abilities, he begins cultivate your spiritual ego, not realizing that, first of all, such an ability implies enormous responsibility. Responsibility for what information he offers people and whether it is for their highest good. Therefore, anyone who receives messages is obliged, no less, but more than others, to work on themselves, to purify themselves, to transform their consciousness, to increase their light coefficient in order to become a truly pure channel.

When a person gets rid of entities, his life changes dramatically. He becomes more positive, his health improves, his emotions are harmonized, he simply becomes a different person. But at the same time, he naturally needs to continue to work on himself, and even more seriously, in order not to attract entities in the future.....

Useful tips

Energy vampirism – the thing is already well-known and widespread enough to be skeptical about it. Who among us has not felt the influence of a vampire who, with his behavior, words or any actions, makes us feel depressed and tired, as if someone had drained all the positive energy from us.

By the way, not all vampires act consciously and specifically suck blood from us.

Some of them simply need other people’s energy to recharge: when someone feels bad, they feel good, moreover, the process of “blood sucking” itself occurs unconsciously, as if by itself.

It turns out that each of the zodiac signs can become a kind of vampire, but there are signs that most often feed on the energy of others, consciously or unconsciously, causing other people to feel depressed, lowering their self-esteem.

Let's take a closer look.

Energy vampirism and energy vampires

Among vampires there are 4 main types:

Vampire narcissists. These mainly include those who were born under Fire signs: ARIES, LIONS, SAGITTARIUS.

In this trinity, the most dangerous, so-called “toxic” people, are often representatives of the LEO sign. They know how to demonstrate themselves and their abilities, but sometimes they do it so intrusively that you get the impression that this is not a person in front of you GOD himself.

LIONS often try to demonstrate that they are better than you or anyone else, thereby proving it to you. As a result, you get feeling of inferiority you begin to worry, suffer, your mood deteriorates, and you fall into serious despondency.

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ARIES and SAGITTARIUS in this case are not so dangerous, but still sometimes they also have the ability to vampirize. For example, SAGITTARIUS often exaggerates the real state of affairs, creating unreal picture what's happening.

People around them believe in fables and the drama of the situation, because the problem seems so serious! As a result, they give their precious energy to the vampire to support and calm him, and he, in turn, quietly rejoices that he managed to pull it off so brilliantly!

Read also:Types of energy vampires and how to identify a bloodsucker by date of birth

ARIES are not much like vampires, they are too direct and honest, and, rather, other people are able to vampirize on them, because ARIES has so much energy that he is ready to squander virtually for free, he is very gullible!


If a narcissistic vampire is trying to attack you, think about yourself, not about him. All a vampire needs is to feel your attention and admiration in order to put himself above you. When you realize that you are no worse, and maybe even better, your armor cannot be penetrated by his narcissism.

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How to protect yourself from an energy vampire?

Vampire Controllers– these are, of course, representatives of the Earth sign: TAURUS, VIRGO and CAPRICORN. These signs love to control everything and teach others about life. They are trying in every possible way to show how correctly they live.

They always know better how and what to do to get something. They are also not averse criticize others, which causes strong indignation or a drop in self-esteem on the opposite side. This is their fuel. The more right-wing he looks in your eyes, the more energy he sucks out of you.

CAPRICORN. The most dangerous of the three. He always knows everything and knows how to do it better than others, rarely follows anyone’s advice, he himself gives out advice left and right and makes sure that everything goes just like that, as he sees fit. As a result, others begin to feel bad, nervous, and their self-esteem drops.

VIRGO. This vampire is the biggest critic of the entire Zodiac. He loves to criticize everything from your appearance on a particular day to your life choices. If he acts particularly assertively, he chooses those problems that most worrying person.

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Instead of helping him deal with them, she nags and criticizes his actions. Often VIRGIN vampires are negligent husbands who criticize their poor wives, reducing their self-esteem to minimum height. Wives also often criticize their husbands, but in this case, not all husbands succumb to vampirism and suffer because of it.

TAURUS. Representatives of these signs may have all of the above traits, but they are not too dangerous in comparison with the previous signs.

Which of them is the easiest to become a donor? CALF.

How to protect yourself from these vampires? Next to a controlling vampire, it is difficult to have your own opinion and express it, because your words will fall on deaf ears, or even worse, they will criticize you. Therefore, you should take this situation philosophically, don’t be nervous, don’t try to push too hard, but just calmly find arguments that prove you’re right, express them with a calm heart, and then go your own way and do it your own way. It’s worth realizing that you can also be right, and the fact that he is stubborn and doesn’t want to admit it is his problem.

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How to recognize an energy vampire?

Vampire victims and vampire arsonists. These are the most dangerous types of vampires who play on your feelings and your sincere intentions to help them. Usually these include the water signs of the Zodiac: CANCER, SCORPIO and PISCES.

These signs can all be quite dangerous, they cause tears, beg for pity and empathy with their actions and words, although in fact everything not so bad how they dramatize.

CANCER and PISCES are especially different in this. They often find themselves a “vest” person and persistently use him, talk about their problems, cry for any reason. At first the other party may perceive it close to heart, support morally, help, but vampires never stop there and demand more and more.

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CANCER are able to manipulate the feelings of loved ones, PISCES often find psychological assistance from anyone. Vampires just want to cry and whine.

SCORPIO in this sense are somewhat different from the other two water signs. They are not used to whining and pouring out their souls, but they know how to vamp in a different way. Perhaps this sign is different the most sophisticated vampirism, because he knows how to play with the feelings of other people better than anyone else. They can disguise themselves as anyone, they can do something out of spite, they can put pressure on sore spots and get pleasure from it. The worst thing is that they can easily cause guilt, and where there is guilt, there is low self-esteem, pain and suffering. The man is tormented, but the vampire is happy.

Of course, not all SCORPIO are distinguished by such sadism. Among them there are more good ones, but if you come across a vampire, stay away from him.

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Which of them is the easiest to become a donor? FISH. This zodiac sign can easily turn from a vampire into a donor, because it easily succumbs to the influence of others. SCORPIO and CANCER are less likely to be offended; they are stronger in a psychological sense.

Once upon a time, Count Dracula and his bloodthirsty relatives terrified the whole world. But, pierced by aspen stakes, the vampires rested forever in their graves. The place of vampires who suck blood has been taken by those who feed on other people's energy.

Hidden Energy Source

Who are they, these energy vampires? To answer this question, we will have to move from the field of exact science to the field of esotericism, where the term “energy vampirism” refers to such relationships between people in which one person takes away the life force of another. The concept of “life force” exists among many peoples: the Chinese call it “qi”, the Japanese - “ki”, Indian yogis - prana, Europeans - biofield... But what is it?
According to apologists of esoteric philosophy, the biological life of the human body is supported in various ways, but among them there are three main ones: two visible ones are nutrition and breathing, and the third is a hidden source of subtle energies, the battery of which is the human soul and his heart. Breathing and nutrition support the functioning of the body on a physical level, but do not give it the power of life.
The main source of vitality, energy of health and longevity is the spiritual world of man. It is built on the energy of joy, love, wisdom, which cannot be touched, weighed, measured, but without which a person will not have a full life. If they are lacking, a person will try to find an energy source from which he will be able to replenish what is missing.
Some will draw vitality from nature, the cosmos, using spiritual pursuits and practices. When people cannot naturally replenish their reserves of vital energy, receiving it through pure feelings of love, joy and wisdom, they begin to feed on the power of other representatives of homo sapiens. These people are energy vampires, because psychic energy is the same blood, only on a different level. And its loss immediately affects a person’s health - it quickly deteriorates.

At home - alone, at work - others

According to esotericists, every person goes through the stage of vampirism, but some learn to get out of it, filling their soul with love and joy, and then rise from darkness to the sun, while others feed on the feelings of others until their death. And their life is terrible: they spend it using only gross energy, not even suspecting the existence of purer and subtler energies.
Astrology divides all people, regardless of what zodiac sign they were born under, into “solar” and “lunar”. The same division is used by esotericists when it comes to energy vampires. These two categories are strikingly different from each other.
Solar vampires are cruel and selfish people; they always choose the donor victim themselves. By communicating with her, they provoke scandals and quarrels, causing mental pain in a person. Moreover, they act, as they say, head-on, insulting the victim and causing her to burst into indignation. A solar vampire can instantly “suck” energy from a donor - to the point of complete exhaustion. Contact with it causes a sharp change in blood pressure, and cardiovascular diseases arise and worsen.
Lunar vampires are the opposite of solar vampires in every way. These are people who drain energy from the victim unnoticed, quietly. They always complain about their problems, talking about them long and tediously. Such a person never enters into open conflicts with others, but in his soul he envies everyone, considers himself an underestimated genius, a victim of circumstances, which he informs everyone about. As a result of communicating with a lunar vampire, a loss of strength occurs, vitality decreases, a sore throat occurs, and yawning occurs.
A lunar vampire can only be harsh and angry with close people - in this case, strangers simply would not recognize him. At work, he curries favor with everyone, trying to give the impression of a polite person. In general, all vampires, no matter what “breed” they belong to, are characterized by duplicity. At home they are alone, at work and in society they are completely different.

The quibbles won't end

Any person can be a vampire - solar or lunar. You can even meet those who drain your strength in your own family. The main distinguishing feature of a vampire is his selfishness; he is incapable of enjoying life. The family vampire is always aggressive and gives the household an energetic shake-up every day. An important indicator in this case is jealousy. Jealousy is by no means a manifestation of love, it is a way of making the victim lose his temper. During such breakdowns, a leakage of vital force occurs. Having recharged, the vampire will be in a good mood and will ask for forgiveness from his victim, will begin to assure her of love, but he cannot be trusted. Soon he will need to “recharge” again, and the scenario will repeat itself.
Esotericists consider constant reproaches and nagging of one of the spouses, causing irritation and resentment in his partner, as another indicator of family vampirism. This is a difficult case, because no matter how hard the victim tries to please the vampire, no matter how hard she tries to meet his demands, the nagging will not end, since they only serve as an excuse to absorb vital forces. Often in family relationships, vampires are mothers-in-law and mothers-in-law, parents whose children grow up and become independent, wives who suffer from a lack of impressions and the inattention of their husbands.

And health is more valuable

Individuals who dream of feeding themselves with other people's energy can meet you anywhere, for example, on the way to work. Some people wake up easily in the morning and rush to work with a feeling of joy, others feel overwhelmed and hate everything and everyone. These latter are energy vampires. In order to get rid of their own heavy energy and recharge with good energy, such people, leaving the house, will definitely be rude to someone, cause a quarrel, make their victim nervous and indignant, and get what they dreamed of. And the victim will come to work squeezed like a lemon and will not be able to come to his senses for a long time.
Vampires can also wait for you at work, very often it is your boss. Usually he keeps the entire team in fear, organizing meetings once a week, at which each employee gets his own portion of complaints and offensive words. As a rule, such a leader is indifferent to his subordinates and the very work in which he is engaged. The main thing for him is to retain his profitable position for longer. Such a boss always has a high staff turnover and poor performance - after all, no one can work in an environment of constant nervous shocks. Even more terrible is a boss who organizes not weekly, but daily “five minutes of hate.”
It is difficult to fight a vampire boss, but it is possible. Try not to react to his rudeness and just smile - you will see that he will become furious, because you did not allow him to recharge at your expense. But to behave this way, you have to be a very strong person. And is the work worth the price you pay for it? This is not about your salary, but about your health.

Your phone rang...

Energy leakage can occur not only through direct contact, but also, for example, over the phone. As a rule, a telephone vampire does not share joy with the interlocutor, but throws out his problems on him. Pointless conversations with such an interlocutor always cause irritation, and this is exactly what a vampire needs, because right at this moment your energy begins to flow to him.
Our neighbors often turn out to be vampires. Lunar people, under various pretexts, force themselves on you as friends, strive to come to you for tea, engage in empty conversations, give unnecessary gifts and offer help that is not asked of them, but they never invite you to their place. They don’t need your visit, they want to feed off your energy, not share theirs. And it is better to drink your life force where a person feels calm, that is, at his home.
Solar vampires act differently. They constantly need to have an “enemy” next to them; they create scandals in the house, plot intrigues for their neighbors, and ensure that some of their rules are followed. They create a tense atmosphere, during which they feed on the energy of desperate people.
How to protect yourself from an energy vampire? Experts in esotericism give a lot of advice on this matter, but all of them will be of little help to someone who does not know how to live in balance with himself, with nature and the world around him. You can, of course, learn to create energy protective screens around yourself, but this will not solve the problem. For only good can defeat evil.

It looks like this: for example, two people are standing and talking. Behind one of them, on a subtle plane (not visible with ordinary vision), an entity appears, just for a split second, and sends a strong impulse of anger. This impulse is accepted by both people (or rather, their astral bodies resonate to the impulse and begin to produce and generate anger themselves), but the person himself does not yet realize this (I have observed such situations, I describe the reactions of all the characters). But a person who has no idea about the possibility of such tricks does not notice the impulse itself, but the impulse is imprinted on the astral body. Especially, man does not see the essence. All that both people see is the interlocutor in front of them. After a couple of seconds, consciousness begins to realize within itself (the person), anger, an impulse sent by the essence and caught up in the astral body. The mind quickly adapts to the situation and justifies this emotion with thoughts, which provokes the astral body to further emit this emotion, already under the guise of its own manifestation, justified by the mind, and the person begins to emit this anger.

The person begins to feel more irritated and angry Naturally, there will always be moments of contradiction in a conversation, and from this moment the visible conflict itself begins, quarrel, argument, irritation and a very powerful release of psychic energy, and this is the purpose of all the work done by the entity. This enormous strength and energy is instantly withdrawn. And people, after they get nervous and shout, feel tired and drowsy, all their strength has gone in an unknown direction. This is how “tourists” work, you can call them that.

Another option.

There is also, so to speak, permanently registered residents, they never part with a person and, at any opportunity, are not averse to feasting on his energy. These entities can be considered as a person’s dependence on something - smoking, alcohol, anger of various types, fears, even beliefs and illnesses can be their work. From my own practice, I know that such manifestations can be worked with both awareness and working with programs. I noticed that some programs do not go away completely until you remove the programs accompanying them. Sometimes whole skeins stretch out, and only after cleaning everything completely is a person freed. Personally, of course, I prefer working with awareness, but this work requires patience and experience. One of the main aspects of working with awareness is that you need to clearly understand that any negative manifestations are generally not characteristic of humans.

When they write that a person is by nature an aggressive creature, or at least prone to it, they mean genetic memory. But it dominates only with a weak soul. Of course, there are options for obscene and aggressive behavior due to the immaturity of the soul. Those who have the opportunity to observe the real origin of aggression towards themselves or others understand perfectly well where it comes from. Aggression is possible only in people with an immature soul and with outside help, and entities work perfectly in this area, at the level of the soul. After all, all the horror stories about demons, devils and other inhabitants of the lower worlds did not just appear out of thin air, There have always been people capable of seeing the subtle world, well and its description corresponds to the vocabulary and worldview that is used at that time.

Maybe it will seem strange to someone that there are many topics here from different areas - energy practices, religion, angels, demons, something from psychology, just observations from life... The fact is that only by collecting this knowledge in one place, you can begin to draw a general picture of human behavior, his addictions, fears and much more, which is not available when studying only one side of the issue. And how much is still unknown, not included in the overall picture! When studying these issues, techniques for working with one’s own shortcomings emerge, and techniques that work perfectly.

To work with awareness, you need to remember at least three points.

  • You need a clear and firm intention to complete the job, no matter what.
  • You need to recognize all your “enemies” (read shortcomings or problems) by sight and know their names, that is, recognize the presence of them in yourself and find specific examples of their manifestation. (When I quit smoking, I saw many different fears in myself, such as - what if I can’t cope and will torture myself in vain? What will they say about me? What a weakling, I took it on and didn’t finish it... In general, it’s also difficult to simply decide on this when everything is already It goes on and on as usual. Even admitting to myself that I’m truly scared is scary).
  • When working with bad habits, you need to honestly and sincerely understand that you don’t need it at all, it brings you nothing but harm.

Understand that you were hooked on smoking by simple suggestion or were hooked on it weakly. A person will not start smoking on his own for example because it's nice. When you try for the first time, it is always disgusting, sometimes painful, so the first time a person forcibly forces himself to do it, and why, everyone must answer this question for themselves. This is also scary, because you have to admit that all the time while you were smoking, for example, you were afraid, afraid to simply admit that you haven’t liked it for a long time, and rather, it’s even very unpleasant.

Are people energy vampires – myth or reality? How can a person feed on the energy of his own kind? What is the danger of having such a person in a team? Let's arm ourselves with the knowledge to resist when we meet him.

  • People are energy vampires - who are they?

    Among human vampires, two types can be distinguished:

    1. A person who does not know about his illness. Anyone can become a vampire without knowing it. However, such people do not pose a danger to society. Think about whether there have been times when you felt energy starvation, for example, during illness or when you were very tired? Perhaps this is one of the signs of vampirism. Only some are fueled by walks in nature and relaxation, while others are fueled by another person.

    2. A person who consciously consumes other people's energy. Hatred and aggression always live next to such vampires. Inciting a stormy scandal from scratch, they suck out a huge amount of vital energy from their victim. And after all, receiving relief, they become good-natured and smiling.

    In fact, vampirism begins in childhood. Since the baby’s energy field is poorly protected, he can easily absorb the emotions of those around him. A child growing up in a negative environment becomes aggressive and selfish; through scandalous situations, he tries to improve his internal state.

    Such teenagers usually form groups full of hatred and destructive power. In search of energy recharge, they destroy everything in their path, mocking the weak or animals, setting fire and painting everything around them. Adult life makes such children real tyrants in the family and aggressors at work.

    What are the signs of an energy vampire?

    • To be nourished, it must bring a person out of moral balance. To achieve this, including stupidity and awkwardness, the student vampire will pester his mentor victim with questions and mistakes.
    • The vampire gets his organ going with wasted conversations that cannot be stopped. All unsuccessful attempts to end the conversation end with holding the handset near your ear for hours on end.
    • People who feed on other people's energy try to get jobs in accounting departments, banks and social services, creating situations of long waits for something. For example: while waiting for the required document, a person will suffer for hours under the office, and in the end, completely exhausted and irritated, he will become an easy prey for a vampire.
    • By telling the details of terrible incidents, disasters, and deaths, vampires strive to evoke in their victims a feeling of fear, compassion, or violent indignation.
    • Cats are an indicator indicating the presence of an energy vampire. The animal does not like such people and will never be able to make friends with them.
    • Vampires are the most honest and frank people. They always express their melancholy directly to your face, especially negative ones.
    • Also, such people resort to direct contact. They strive to touch you for any reason, or to cuddle with you on public transport.

    If communication with any person irritates you, and after the conversation you feel inner emptiness and weakness, your interlocutor is an energy vampire.

    After we learned about this phenomenon and how you can identify an energy vampire, it’s time for your loved ones to learn too. If possible, try not to enter into an overt and aggressive conflict with a vampire, as he deliberately provokes you to display emotional reactions. During a heated discussion, do not look him in the eyes, because this is the easiest way to drain energy.

    Refuse to communicate with potential losers, or rather with those who constantly complain about life and reproach their unfortunate fate. Don’t be afraid of being judged because you are ruthless and don’t know how to sympathize with others. Basically, these eternal whiners only need your life energy, and the one who really needs help will never complain and will always smile when they meet.

    If it is impossible to avoid contact with an energy vampire, during a conversation, cross your arms and legs so as to close your chakras. Try to mentally build barriers from such people, imagine a high wall that protects you from attack, or imagine that during a conversation you are moving into a glass flask and communicating with a vampire through thick glass, where he cannot penetrate. Remember that your energy cannot be taken away if you are in a calm and balanced state.

    In conclusion, to avoid becoming a vampire and being attacked by them, do not allow negative emotions to fill your life. Constant irritation and anger produces certain chemicals in our body that are addictive. And soon we ourselves will need recharge at the expense of someone. Don't become an eternal irritant, flocking into the gray mass of humanity. Life is beautiful and successful only for people filled with positive emotions and optimism.