Every parent has experienced lies from their children. But if at an early age it looked like an innocent game and fantasy, then in adolescence, hiding the truth can have more serious grounds and consequences.

At what age do children start lying?

  • At the age of 3-4 years children's thinking is already sufficiently developed in order to come up with unrealistic situations and fantasize. At this age, such behavior can hardly be called deception, because it is part of the formation of the psyche. Toddlers talk about things that do not correspond to the truth, quite openly and without malicious intent, without fear of punishment.
  • After 4 years Toddlers already know how to distinguish between good and bad. Therefore, violating the prohibitions of parents and others, they may try to cheat and tell lies in order to avoid punishment or condemnation.
  • From 5 to 7 years old Children are already well aware of the behavior of others. Seeing how adults tell lies, they imitate others and adopt such behavior on themselves, considering it to be the norm. If a child began to lie at that age, parents need to explain in a soft or playful way why it is impossible to lie in order to prevent pathological lies at an older age.
  • At 13-14 years old the transition to adulthood begins. By this moment, they clearly develop a picture of the perception of the world and choose a certain line of behavior in life. In such a difficult period, an incorrectly formed attitude towards honesty can lead to the fact that lying becomes part of the teenager's lifestyle, which can negatively affect adult life.

At this special age, parents need to be especially attentive to children, but not overdo it with control. At the first sign of a lie, you should understand the reasons and help overcome this shortcoming.

Why do many teenagers 13-14 years old constantly lie?

Before scolding a child for lying, it is necessary to find out the reasons for this behavior:

  • The need for independence

Adolescents most often consider themselves already quite adults, making independent decisions. This increases their self-esteem and gives an incentive for self-improvement. The ban on certain acts or actions will inevitably lead to the fact that the teenager will begin to tell lies, trying to defend his right. Irritation and punishment will only aggravate the situation, and parents risk completely losing the trust of their child, who will persistently stick to his line.

In such a situation, it is best to assess how harmless the independent actions of a teenager are. If he does unacceptable things, it is necessary to calmly and gently explain that he cannot yet do certain things himself. If necessary, you can offer an alternative.

For example, if a child skips classes, considering study a waste of time, then you can offer him the right to a free day once a month, which he can spend on his hobbies.

  • Personal space

Overly ambitious parents who want to raise a child prodigy according to all the canons of education follow not only his studies, but also all activities outside of school. This may relate to friends, hobbies, favorite music. It may seem to someone that a teenager communicates with peers who are unworthy of his level or social status. In such situations, excessive control or punishment for disobedience can lead to the fact that the child closes himself from his parents and begins to lie, protecting his right to privacy.

It is important to listen to the wishes of the teenager and find a joint solution. There is no need to forbid him music that his parents do not like, because everyone has different tastes. And communication with suspicious friends can be transferred to a home environment, of course, without the intervention of adults. This option will give the right to communicate, and parents will be able to look at his friends.

  • Fear of punishment

By the age of 13-14, children already understand that they will be punished for bad behavior. Trying to avoid trouble, teenagers try not to tell or deceive their parents. Most often, at this age, conflicts arise on the basis of poor progress or lack of discipline at school.

You need to understand that a child is not a robot and cannot always cope with the school load. It is completely unfair to penalize for a bad grade without finding out the reasons. It is best to deal with the situation in a calm mood and try not to raise your tone. It would be good for parents to remember that mistakes happen at work, which sometimes adults themselves hide behind lies or omissions.

  • Features of temperament

The tendency to fantasize and embellishment is found in many at this age. If a child talks about his successes and is a little cunning, then it is best not to pay attention to this fact at all, but once again praise and show attention. But some children get so into the taste that they can no longer stop and even believe their own lies.

In such a situation, you can ask a few playful questions that will reveal the deceit, but there is no need to scold such behavior: the liar, stumped, will already feel awkward and will think further before coming up with incredible feats.

  • Lack of attention

It often happens that teenagers deliberately lie, causing most often a negative reaction. With a lack of attention, children deliberately annoy their parents. If it seems that a son or daughter has become rude and impudent, then in most cases the reason for this is the busyness of parents who have abandoned their children. This situation is often found in families with younger children who receive more attention and care.

How to recognize lies in adolescence?

Despite the fact that children of 13-14 years old are already quite smart and quick-witted, it is not difficult to recognize a lie by asking a couple of clarifying questions. The deceiver will quickly get confused in the details and confused.

There are many non-verbal ways to recognize a lie during a conversation:

  • The deceiver looks away, looks up at the ceiling.
  • Involuntarily covers mouth with hands or fingers.
  • Touches the tip of the nose.
  • Tears the earlobe.
  • He scratches his neck and pulls his hair.
  • Stands in a closed posture with legs crossed.

All these movements are very unnatural for calm behavior. Many of these gestures persist into adulthood.

Family psychotherapist Olga Troitskaya, believes that isolated cases of lies are quite normal for both adults and the younger generation. She notes the fact that parents, irritated by disobedience and regular deceit, do not think about the feelings of their son or daughter in a fit of their anger. A teenager’s lies are rarely caused by a happy event; rather, a nuisance is hidden behind it, which he does not want to talk about. Knowing that lying is bad, many children already experience tremendous discomfort, which is exacerbated by the irritation of their parents. In order to calmly resolve the problem, you need to put yourself in the place of your child and try first of all to bring him to peace of mind, and then analyze the situation.

Psychologist Anton Sorin focuses on that lack of attention is one of the main causes of teenage lies. At the same time, he draws attention to the fact that overprotection and authoritarian control are not manifestations of attention.

How to Deal with a Cheating Teen:

  1. Talk about lies should start , being in a calm balanced state, having previously considered the questions that will be asked.
  2. In order not to offend a teenager , do not push him away from communication, you can pre-record your questions on the recorder and listen - perhaps some of the wording may sound tactless.
  3. Before starting a conversation, make sure that the child is in a calm mood, there is no overexcitation or fatigue.
  4. It is better to start a conversation with phrases which will make it clear that the parent is benevolent. For example, "Listen, they say that ..." or "Is it true that they told me ...". Such phrases will help the deceiver to begin to state the situation himself, and not to pull information out of him.
  5. Finding out the reason for which the teenager lied, it is necessary to show him your sympathy and willingness to help. For example, the phrase "Let's think together how to do ...".
  6. If punishment is inevitable , then it would be nice to express your regret: “I'm sorry, but I have to limit you to ...” It is better not to use phrases with the word “punishment” in this case.
  7. At the end of the conversation express sincere hope that the situation will be corrected: “You will succeed”, “I believe that you will be able to do it next time ...”.

No need to make a tragedy when you find out about the deception of a child. Many adults also lie in everyday life, setting a bad example. In order to solve the problem of lies and not lose the trust of your children, you just need to learn to listen to them and become their reliable friend.

Many parents periodically catch their children telling lies. Toddlers tend to invent different stories, embellish facts and fantasize. If you do not respond to this, the child will continue to lie at an older age and grow up to be a pathological liar. How to wean a child to lie? Use the advice of psychologists - they will help you establish a trusting relationship with your son or daughter and make sure that the child always tells you the truth.

Children's lies - the norm or pathology?

According to a number of psychologists, the tendency to lie is a normal stage in the development of a child. Everything that the baby sees, hears and feels in the first years of life is new and incomprehensible to him. The child has to process a lot of information, learn to use it every day.

For an adult, it is obvious where is a fact and where is fiction, but the baby has yet to understand this. His logical thinking is at the stage of formation. Therefore, the baby sincerely believes in Santa Claus, the babayka and fairy tales that his parents tell him. If a child cannot understand or explain something, he uses his imagination. At certain moments, reality and fantasy intermingle with each other. As a result, parents catch the kid in a lie, although the child himself is sincerely sure that he is telling the truth.

Another thing is if children consciously begin to lie. This usually happens if adults forbid something to the child. The kid in this case begins to think about how to achieve what he wants, and the most obvious way is to cheat. Children's logic is approximately as follows: "If this is not possible, then it will become possible if I say differently." Therefore, kids begin to consciously lie and manipulate adults. It is important for parents to take action in time, otherwise the innocent children's deception will turn into a habit of always achieving what they want with the help of lies.

Causes of children's lies

Often kids tell lies because they take their fantasies for reality. However, children's lies can be quite conscious. There are a variety of reasons for this, including:

  • the desire to get what parents forbid;
  • lack of attention from parents or a desire to appear better than it really is;
  • fear of punishment for misconduct;
  • self-justification;
  • dissatisfaction with living conditions;
  • inconsistency with the expectations of parents;
  • pathological lies.

Let's consider the reasons for children's lies in more detail, so that it would be easier for parents to figure out what is happening to their child.

The desire to get what parents forbid

Example: the child has already eaten sweets, but wants more. He tells his mom that his dad let him take candy (even though he hasn't come home from work yet). “I didn’t know what time it was, so I was late home”…etc.

Solution to the problem: stop banning everything. Kids begin to lie if they constantly hear the word “no”, because this causes a protest. Therefore, they try to use lies to defend their interests. Revise the prohibitions, reduce their number and leave only those that directly relate to the child's health, safety, educational moments, regime, food traditions. Only if you give your child more independence can he learn to take responsibility for his actions. It will not be superfluous to tell the baby that you can get what you want not only with the help of deception. Tell him that it’s enough just to ask for the same toy, explaining why it is so needed. In addition, the child must understand that it is important to behave well - then adults will be obedient to him.

Lack of attention from parents or a desire to appear better than he really is

Example: the child began to talk seriously about his superpowers - incredible strength, dexterity, intelligence, courage, endurance - although for an adult it is obvious that the child is trying to wishful thinking.

Solution to the problem: How should parents deal with this? How to lie or how to fantasy? If the baby is lying and trying to wishful thinking, this is an alarm signal. He indicates that the child is looking for ways to interest loved ones, which means that he lacks warmth, affection, attention and support from his parents. Let your baby feel your love. Pay more attention to your child and develop your child's ability. Explain that each person has some kind of talent. Someone is good at skating, someone is great at singing or dancing, and someone knows everything about the Egyptian pyramids or space. So you need to develop and show your real abilities, and then no one will consider you a liar or a braggart. Read books and children's encyclopedias with him, walk, communicate. Take the child to some circle or sports section. So he will develop his real abilities, become more confident in himself and be able to show off real achievements.

Fear of punishment for wrongdoing

Example: the child has broken a vase and is trying to shift the blame to the cat or younger brother so that he is not scolded, deprived of something good, or, worse, beaten.

Solution to the problem: be calmer in your relationship with the baby, punish him only for serious misconduct, but not too severely. If a child is shouted at for the smallest offense, frightened with spanking, constantly deprived of sweets and watching TV, he begins to fear his own parents. Too often and severely punishing the child, parents provoke his desire to avoid them in any way. Make decisions after the fact: if the kid broke the cup - let him clean it up, if he offended someone - let him apologize, if he broke the toy - let him try to fix it himself, got a deuce - you need to work out and fix it. These terms are correct. They do not offend the dignity of a small person, so the need for lies disappears by itself.


Example: the child acted badly and tries his best to justify himself - mumbles something indistinct, finds thousands of excuses, blames other people to justify himself and tells how much he was offended ("He started it first"). After that, a story is given about how the offender started first, what offenses he caused, etc. Note that the “offender” tells a similar story.

Solution to the problem: support the child in any situation and discuss with him everything that happens in his life. Children's lies aimed at self-justification are very difficult to eradicate. Pride does not allow the child to plead guilty, so he is looking for ways to whitewash himself. Talk to him gently and friendly, explain that you will not stop loving him, even if he was the first to take a toy from another boy or got into a fight. When a child is sure that his parents will support him in any situation, he will begin to trust them more.

Dissatisfaction with living conditions

Example: the child began to invent incredible stories about his parents, that his parents are very rich, they constantly give him toys, they take him to the sea, to distant countries, that his dad is often shown on TV. These dreams of a better existence speak of the child's dissatisfaction with their social status. A child can understand such things as early as 3-4 years old, and at 5 years old he will already be quite good at orienting himself in who is rich and who is poor.

Moms take note!

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Solution to the problem: try at least sometimes to fulfill the wishes of the child and fight. Already at the age of 3-4 years, children begin to realize that people differ in social status, and by the age of 5 a clear understanding of wealth and poverty comes. There is always a child in the kindergarten who has been given more birthday presents, who has spent the summer more interestingly with his parents. This causes envy, and the kid begins to voice his dreams, passing them off as reality.

If a child is lying because he considers himself inferior to other children due to a lower social status, look for an opportunity to give him at least a part of what he so dreams about. Maybe not “just like that”, but for the child to make a little of his own efforts . For "greedy" preschoolers who want all the toys on earth without restraint, explain that this is not realistic, but it is possible to get good gifts from time to time.

Failure to meet parental expectations

Example: the girl loves to draw, and her mother sees her as a musician; the boy wants to join the radio circle, and his father sees him as a talented translator. While the parents are away from home, they draw and construct, and then deceive that they were diligently studying music or English. Or a child with quite average abilities, whom parents want to see as an excellent student, talks about the bias of teachers, justifying his low level of success.

Solution to the problem: Unfortunately, it happens that the expectations of parents are a heavy burden for children. Adults often want their children to do what they couldn't do. Think about whether your expectations contradict the inclinations and interests of the child? It is dishonest to force him to show his abilities and achieve goals instead of you (in accordance with your unfulfilled childhood dreams), "for you in childhood." For example, a mother could not become a translator, and now she is forcing her son to learn a foreign language. These expectations may not be in the interests of the baby. Parents should listen to the wishes of their children. Not wanting to upset a loved one, the child will begin to lie and dodge, but still will not succeed in an unloved activity. It is better to let your child go his own way - then there will be less deceit in your family.

pathological lie

Example: the child constantly uses lies for selfish purposes - he lies that he did his homework so that he would be allowed to go for a walk, shifts the blame to another in order to avoid punishment, etc.

Solution to the problem: specialist help is required. Pathological lies are quite rare in childhood. If a child deceives constantly, tries to manipulate others, then he needs to be shown to a psychologist. It will help you find a solution for your specific case.

How does lying manifest itself in children of different ages?

Parents may hear the first lie from their 3-4 year old children. By the age of 6, the child is already aware of his actions and understands that he is lying. However, in general, it can be difficult to understand whether the baby is lying consciously or really believes in what he has come up with.

As the child grows older, the motives that push him to deceive also change:

4-5 years. Children of this age are very imaginative. They still believe in fairy tales, magic, and often confuse reality with a fictional world. Often preschoolers lie unconsciously - they simply wishful thinking (such are the features of their development). Therefore, what a child says at 4-5 years old cannot be regarded as a lie. You have to treat it like a fantasy.

7-9 years old. At this age, all the actions and words of a person become conscious. Schoolchildren are already able to draw a line between their fantasies and reality. They begin to deceive intentionally, exploring the possibilities of lying, using it for their own purposes. If a child begins to lie often, parents should be wary. Behind constant lies can hide serious problems.

How to explain to a child that lying is bad?

Children's lies are a problem that needs to be addressed. If you notice that your child is trying to use lies for his own good, first of all, you need to analyze the behavior of the child, talk frankly with him and try to understand what is the reason for dishonesty. After all, children usually do not lie just like that, certain circumstances always push them to this. When you understand them, you can find a way to stop children's lies.

Use the following tips to teach your child that lying to other people is not good:

  1. Talk to your child more often, discuss the topics of good and evil. Examples include situations from movies, cartoons, fairy tales. The child must understand that happiness, success and good luck accompany positive characters, and good always triumphs over evil.
  2. Prove the inadmissibility of lies by personal example. If dad, being at home, asks mom to answer the phone and say that he is not there, the child develops a loyal attitude towards lies. Do not allow such situations, demand honesty from the household.
  3. Tell your child that there is a "polite lie" that involves being tactful with people in order not to offend them (for example, when they did not like a birthday present).

  1. Distinguish fantasy from deceit. Remember that preschoolers often have a blurred line between fiction and reality. If the kid's imagination is too active, perhaps he simply has nothing to do - diversify the child's leisure time.
  2. Don't punish cheating. Your cries, indignation and scandals will only tell the child that the lie should be hidden more strongly and, as a result, will lead to the fact that the child will not stop lying, but will only begin to hide his lie better.

In order for the need for lies to disappear, the child must be sure that loved ones:

  • trust him and each other;
  • never humiliate him;
  • take his side in a controversial situation;
  • will not be scolded or rejected;
  • support in any difficult situations and give good advice;
  • if punished, then justly.

It is better to teach a child not to lie than to punish him all the time. Do you want your child to be honest? Make the truth a cult in your family. Praise your child for being honest.

We also read:

Video plot: the child is lying. What to do?

Children's lies - an interview with child psychologist Alexandra Bondarenko

A lie accompanies a person throughout his life: we all have ever lied and continue to do so. When do kids start lying?

It turns out that the child begins to apply the skills of easy and uncomplicated deception from the age of 6 months. This is usually crying or laughing, which the baby uses to get attention. Lies become more sophisticated with age.

Causes of children's lies

There are several reasons for a child to lie. The first and most obvious is the lack of attention from an adult. Children from 3.5 years old already quite consciously come up with different stories so that mom and dad finally notice him:

“I ran and ran and fell very hard,” the baby cries. And the parents run to him, sorry. When this little lie stops getting the right reaction, the child comes up with something bigger.

By the way, the same reason, but more socially significant, is one of the main reasons for teenagers. In order to assert themselves, achieve the favor of peers or join a new company, teenagers often invent fairy tales to themselves.

The second reason is the fear of punishment. The kid, having received once on the pope and a strict reprimand for the spilled juice, the next time he will simply shift all the blame on the cat. Excessive severity and excessive punishment for petty offenses are all excellent reasons to raise a liar.

Another reason is the suppression of the child's emotions. As soon as the mother frowns and shows dissatisfaction with the behavior of her baby, which, in her opinion, does not correspond to the correct one (the baby complains too loudly about pain in the abdomen or says that the porridge is tasteless), then the child has no choice but to hide his emotions. The suppression of true feelings and emotions is, in principle, very dangerous for the mental and psychological health of the child, but it is also a reason for lying.

Well, I would also like to say about this kind of lie, like fantasy. Fantasizing is the most pleasant and harmless lie. However, so that it does not develop into something negative, which in the future can harm both the child and others, fantasies must be directed in the right direction.

All of these reasons can be attributed to adolescents. But from early adolescence (ages 9-11) through adolescence, children have another significant reason to lie. This is the creation of personal territory: the desire to push the boundaries that adults have set for them.

What should parents do in this case? Of course, go to meet the child. But everything should be within reason. There will be arguments, there will be resentment. But the child must learn to defend his interests, and the adult must learn to regulate the limits of what is permitted.

For example, your 14-year-old daughter asks her friend for a sleepover on her day off. Terrible pictures immediately flash through an adult’s head, where he sees his daughter smoking, drinking liters of beer and, to complete the picture, there will definitely be guys of about 20 years old. At this moment, you must pull yourself together, gather your courage and build your conversation so that your daughter understands that you trust her. “It’s great that you have such a friend, to whom I’m not afraid to let you spend the night!” or “I also had a best friend who I often went to sleepovers with. We had a very interesting and fun time.” By the way, our personal life experience is always interesting for children and often they will do the same as you did at their age. But do not try to convict the child of a lie in advance: 100%, that in return you will receive it.


For preschoolers and younger students, the following option is possible. Get down to the child so that your eyes are at the same level. Calmly tell your child what you know about his lies. Ask him to tell the truth, assuring him that you will not be angry. As soon as the baby decides and tells you everything, keep your promise. Do not swear, do not raise your voice, do not use physical punishment. Explain to the child why he did wrong, sort out the situation with him and be sure to tell him what he should have done. At the end, hug the child, say that you are proud of him for being so brave and telling the truth. And remind him that you are always ready to help.

The same rules apply to a teenager, but adjusted for age. Of course, these are only general recommendations and they will not work for every case. But one thing is always true - talk to your children and listen to what they tell you. Then many problems can be avoided.


What to do if your child has a liar friend?

Unfortunately, we cannot influence the society that surrounds our child. And is it necessary? Just instill in your children those moral values ​​that are generally accepted and recognized. Kindness, honesty, courage, philanthropy should always be the norm to be guided by.

What penalties are allowed?

Psychologists differ on this issue. They agree on one thing - no physical punishment! The rest of the choice is yours. Someone will prefer a heart-to-heart talk, and someone will use the "angle". Someone will limit the use of gadgets, while someone will be banned from sweets and cartoons. But all these punishments must be reasonable, correspond to the magnitude of the offense and be correctly dosed in time (you can’t put a three-year-old in a corner for an hour).

Set an example

If you are an honest person, and behave with dignity, then it is likely that your baby will grow up the same way. A child will be honest with his parents if there are trusting and respectful relations in the family, if there is no humiliation and insults when resolving problems, if he can always turn to adults for support and advice.

Honesty is the quality that parents strive to instill in their children. But how bitter it is to realize that your beloved child, having barely learned to speak, begins to lie. Do not immediately despair, experts say that the problem of children's lies can be solved. Pedagogical recommendations will tell you what to do if the child is lying.

Causes of children's lies

Parents often ask themselves: why do children lie? Teachers say that this phenomenon can be caused by various reasons:

  • Lies as a consequence of childhood problems. The desire of the child to lie indicates that your son or daughter needs help. Children, like adults, have difficult times. And then a lie helps to find a way out of the situation, to assert oneself, to feel more confident. And adults, instead of branding their child as a liar, should delve deeper into his problems and help them figure it out.

Important! Parents, be your child's friend. Don't leave him alone with your problems. Solve them together as they come. And then in your relationship there will simply be no place for untruth.

Important! Having carefully studied the reasons for children's lies, you will be able to "keep your finger on the pulse", and the behavior of your child will be understandable and predictable for you.

What you need to know about the features of children's lies

Toddlers under the age of four, as a rule, do not lie. Growing up, they begin to understand that if you hide your bad deeds from loved ones, and embellish the good ones, then you can get a lot of benefit from this. After all, good things can be praised and encouraged. And bad deeds are followed by punishment. So, step by step, children master the slippery science of lying. And here the role of relatives is great. It is at this stage that they must catch the initial manifestations of lies and begin to fight them. If this is not done, then the child, believing in the impunity of his behavior, will get used to constantly lying.

Very often, adults, without noticing it, give a "role model" to their child. There are quite a lot of similar cases when children become witnesses of outright lies of their parents. And there is no guarantee that next time they will not behave the same way.

Important! Dear parents, try to build your relationships with loved ones in such a way that children do not become witnesses of your unseemly acts and facts of deceit.

How lie manifests itself at different age stages

Features of lies of young children

The age of 2 - 4 years is the age of dreamers. Toddlers are actively developing their imagination, and they invent a bunch of different stories with fictional characters. Fairy tales and the real world merge into one in his mind. And here the correct reaction of adults to the fantasies of the baby is very important. It is necessary to listen carefully to his story, but then very tactfully explain the reality to the child. But every time you can’t ignore the fantasies of a child either. And suddenly in front of you is a future science fiction writer. Compose fairy tales with him, write them down, draw pictures for them. Develop the creative imagination of a little dreamer.

Features of lying preschoolers

Preschoolers are forced to deceive by the fear of punishment, the fear of losing the love of their closest people, and sometimes the desire to extract some benefit for themselves. If parents show strictness towards their children, they perceive it as a lack of love. In order not to further aggravate this severity, the child, in an effort not to upset his parents, begins to lie: “I fed the fish today”, “I put all the books and toys in my room” (although in fact I didn’t do anything). But the need for parental love, for praise, makes him tell a lie.

The reaction of adults who have caught a son or daughter in a lie should not be aimed at condemning the child himself, but at disapproving the fact of his lie. Here it is important to establish trusting contact with the preschooler, to behave kindly towards him.

Important! Love your child always. And let the actions that upset you do not become an obstacle to your love for him. Build your relationship with your son or daughter in such a way that they understand that they are loved no matter what. And then there will simply be no need to tell a lie.

Features of lies of younger students

The child is in a new status for him - the status of a student. In this regard, he has an urgent need for a personal space in which he will feel like a small master. In addition, the younger student feels the need to please others. Therefore, children hide their negative actions with the help of lies. The role of parents here is the ability to bring to the mind of the child the idea that the secret always becomes clear and that deception will not help solve the problem.

At this age, the younger student begins to lie in order to occupy a worthy niche among friends and classmates. He already distinguishes truth from untruth. However, he very skillfully invents about the non-existent material wealth of the family, about relatives - celebrities, about personal acquaintances with the famous athlete. What should parents do? Just remember your fables, with which you also probably surprised your friends. But the situation needs to be controlled.

In the transition to adolescence, new features of children's lies appear. Experts say that, having established the boundaries of their space, boys and girls are reluctant to let anyone in. Attempts by relatives to violate these boundaries lead to aggression, reproaches, and lies. If you are stubbornly not allowed into your space, then adults should think about the fact that there is no trust between them and the child. The roots of this problem may lie in an overly strict system of upbringing in the family. Parental control, prohibitions, punishments lead to the fact that protecting their right to privacy, the child begins to lie. The first thing to do is to revise the methods of education and try to win the trust of your own little man, otherwise the lie will be his constant companion.

Important! Build your relationships with children on the basis of trust and mutual understanding. And then the child, feeling a friend in your face, will be able to reveal his cherished secrets.

How to recognize children's lies?

Parents often ask how to understand that a child is lying? There are certain signs that indicate this:

  • In a conversation, he repeats the last phrase you said in order to buy the time he needs to come up with a convincing answer.
  • When talking, he performs involuntary gestures: he pulls his ear, wrinkles his nose, scratches his head.
  • Realizing all the unattractiveness of his act (lie), he begins to speak in a quieter, sometimes even hoarse voice.
  • To hide the lie, it can distract you with empty talk.
  • The fact that the child is lying may be indicated by his posture: frequent changes in the position of the arms and legs.
  • Often a liar gives out a close, almost unblinking look.
  • If you carefully observe the deceiver during a conversation, then the following actions can give him away: coughing, licking his lips, unreasonably long pauses in response to a question addressed to him.

Parents' actions in case of children's lies

  • Let him know that you are aware of his lies.
  • Stay as calm as possible.
  • Do not put moral pressure on the child, do not hang labels.
  • Completely eliminate the possibility of physical punishment. Find worthy ways to deal with untruth: explain to the child why it is impossible to lie, give examples from children's books, favorite cartoons, turn to examples from the surrounding life (peers, relatives, neighbors), praise even the slightest attempt to tell the truth.
  • Reconsider your behavior and, if you yourself admit the facts of lies in the presence of your beloved child, try not to repeat them in the future.
  • Talk heart to heart with your daughter or son, explain that regardless of behavior, your love for him remains the same, but the very fact of lying is very upsetting.
  • Sign up for a consultation with a psychologist who will help teach your child to tell the truth.

  1. The question is not easy. But the answer suggests itself - you can wean it, you just need to eliminate the reasons that prompt him to tell a lie.
  2. Communicate more with your children, be interested in their affairs, school success, friends, share your problems, include them in family life.
  3. Try to become an example of an honest and principled person for your son or daughter. Children tend to take our example.
  4. Show your children that they can fully trust you in any situation.
  5. Using life and literary examples, explain the consequences that a lie can lead to.
  6. In the process of education, shift the emphasis towards the formation of the moral qualities of the individual, including honesty, which in the future will lead to a conscious understanding of moral norms.
  7. Teach your child to be responsible for his actions, use everyday and specially organized situations for this.
  8. Analyze your requirements for the child and if you find them tough enough, urgently change the measures of educational influence. But at the same time, remember that prohibitions cannot be completely eliminated, because. this is a sure step towards permissiveness.
  9. Try to "resolve" the situation in such a way as not to punish the child for lying. Indeed, otherwise the child will simply hide the lie more carefully.
  10. In case you think that punishment is inevitable, try to make the child realize its justice.
  11. Build a parent-child relationship based on mutual understanding and trust, then perhaps your children will not have a reason to use lies as a way to solve their problems.

Important! You need to make sure that your child understands that you are his friend, and not the accuser in the court session.

Dear parents! Your desire to raise an honest and principled person is understandable and justified. Every day, every hour, teach this to your child. Teach by example, learn from the mistakes of others, but do not teach by punishment. Build the life of your family in such a way that honesty and truth are a cult and a slogan in it.

Young children, communicating with their peers and adults, are very fond of telling fictional stories that they pass off as reality. Thus, a person at an early age develops imagination, fantasy. But sometimes such stories disturb parents, because over time, adults begin to understand that the innocent inventions of their children are gradually becoming something more, growing into ordinary lies.

Of course, few parents will look at such a phenomenon calmly. In order for their child not to turn into a pathological liar, adults are trying to wean him from such a habit. What to do for this? Find out the reasons for deception and change your own approach to education.

Are baby lies okay?

Psychologists are convinced that to some extent, the tendency to deceive is a normal stage in the development of the child. Everything that the baby feels, hears and sees in the very first years of his life is incomprehensible and new for him. The kid is forced to process large amounts of information and use it every day. And if an adult understands what is true and what is fiction, then the child has yet to learn how to do it.

The logical thinking of the crumbs is just being formed. That is why he sincerely believes in those fairy tales that adults tell him. If something becomes incomprehensible to the baby, then he begins to connect the imagination. At some point, fantasy and reality begin to intertwine. This is the main reason that parents hear lies from their child. However, at the same time, the child is sincerely convinced that he is telling only the truth.

But sometimes children begin to lie consciously. This happens, as a rule, in cases where parents forbid them something. In this case, the baby begins to look for ways to achieve what he wants. The most obvious way to do this is his cunning. That is why children begin to lie consciously, while manipulating adults.

Sometimes the origins of such behavior are hidden in self-doubt or in an effort to increase their own self-esteem. Sometimes lying allows you to avoid punishment, and the child, realizing this, continues to lie for any reason.

Children's deception can hide quite deep psychological problems. That is why parents should carefully understand each situation. Modern psychology has identified a number of prerequisites that encourage children to lie. Let's consider the main ones in more detail.


The child begins to constantly lie because of fear of punishment for his actions. Such behavior is typical for those families where parents are overly strict and make excessive demands on their children.

If the child is lying, what to do? To solve the problem, psychologists recommend parents to remain calm in relations with their child. Adults should punish liars not too severely and only for serious misconduct. If you shout at a child for the slightest offense, frighten him with spanking, constantly deprive him of watching TV and sweets, then he will begin to be afraid of his parents. Strictly and often punishing the baby, adults provoke in him the desire to avoid this in any way. Psychologists recommend making the right decision based on the current situation. So, if a child broke a cup, then let him remove the fragments; if he broke a toy, then let him try to fix it; if he got a bad grade at school, then let him work harder and fix it. Such conditions will be the most fair for a small person. They will not offend his dignity, because of which he will naturally no longer need to lie. Otherwise, as they grow older, children will constantly defend themselves by shifting the blame onto others. This will make it difficult for them to find friends and lead to communication problems with peers.

Increase self-esteem

Sometimes children begin to talk about the fact that they are endowed with superpowers in the form of incredible strength, dexterity, intelligence, endurance and courage, or they claim that they have an unusual and very expensive toy or an older brother - a famous athlete. Of course, for adults it is obvious that the child is wishful thinking.

If the child is lying, what to do? How to deal with such parents? Psychologists say that such deception is a wake-up call. Of course, if such stories can be heard rarely, then you should not worry. They can be considered a child's fantasy. However, in cases where incredible stories are repeated regularly, then most likely the child is gnawed by insecurity, and in this way he tries to gain authority among his peers. It is possible that in the children's team he feels bad.

Child lying to parents? What to do in this situation? Most likely, fictional stories are a way to interest loved ones. Consequently, the child lacks attention, affection, warmth, understanding and support of parents. What to do to get rid of constant deception? To do this, it is enough to make the baby feel that he is really loved, giving him more attention and striving to develop his abilities. Psychologists recommend that parents read children's encyclopedias and books with their child, communicate more and walk. It is worth taking your child to the sports section or to any circle. There, under the guidance of professionals, the child will begin to develop his abilities, gain self-confidence, and then be able to talk about real achievements.

Inconsistency with the aspirations of parents

This behavior is usually seen in schoolchildren. Once they reach adolescence, they tend to avoid parental pressure and control. For example, a mother wants her daughter to be a musician, and the girl likes to draw. Or a boy dreams of a radio club, and dad wants him to become a translator. At a time when their parents are not at home, such children design and draw, and then they say that they studied English or music. Sometimes a child with average abilities also lies, whose parents want to see him as an excellent student. Such a student constantly makes excuses, speaking about the bias of teachers.

What to do if the child is lying because he does not fulfill the wishes of his parents? Adults need to understand that they most likely dream of their children doing what they themselves once failed to do. Or maybe such expectations are contrary to the interests and inclinations of the child? In addition, you need to understand that a son or daughter will not be able to succeed in an unloved business. In order to remedy the situation, psychologists recommend giving children the opportunity to go their own way. In this case, deception in the family will be much less.


All people sometimes make mistakes. But if the child acted badly and at the same time tries to justify himself, finding thousands of reasons and blaming others, then parents should seriously understand the situation.

What to do if the child is lying? According to the advice of a psychologist, with a similar problem, parents need to support their child. In order to eradicate children's lies uttered as self-justification, you will need to constantly discuss with the baby everything that happens to him in life. If the child, out of pride, does not want to admit his guilt, then you will need to talk to him, and do it in a friendly and gentle way. Parents should explain to their child that they will not stop loving him, even if he was the first to get into a fight or take a toy from a peer. Seeing that adults support him in any situation, the child will begin to trust them more.

Setting personal boundaries

During adolescence, some children feel that their parents do not need to know much about their lives. That is why they do not seek to talk about their friends and deeds. The teenager is silent about who he communicates with, as well as where he walks. Often, parents justify such behavior when their child is rude, secretive and gradually moves away from the family, a transitional age.

If a child begins to lie, what should parents do in this case? In order to gain mutual understanding with a daughter or son, you will need to win their trust. At the same time, adults should not overprotect their child or seek to influence him in an aggressive way. In this case, the teenager will have an even stronger desire to gain independence and get out of control.

Lies and age

Psychologists note that the child uses the first skills of simple and easy deception starting from six months of his life. As a rule, it is laughter or crying used to attract the attention of adults.

With age, deception begins to take on more sophisticated forms. How can this be explained? The fact is that at each age certain difficulties arise in the formation of a child's character. This should be taken into account by parents who set out to wean their child from constant lies and deceit. The first step towards achieving this goal is, of course, the elimination of the causes that provoke lies. Further, it is recommended to use the advice of educational psychologists who offer upbringing methods in accordance with the age of the child.

Lies at 4 years old

Sometimes children at this age begin to come up with ridiculous excuses for their unseemly actions more and more often. If a four-year-old child lies in this way, what should I do? According to psychologists, parents should not punish the baby for this. First of all, your child needs to explain the following: what he says is absurd. The child should know that this is not good and stupid. But parents, constantly hearing new tales from him, should think about the fact that maybe the baby simply does not have enough adults?

What to do if a child constantly lies at the age of four? A fairly effective tool for children of this age will be reading bedtime stories. In addition, psychologists recommend that parents take their child to puppet shows.

Cheating at 5

At this age, the main reason for children's lies is the fear of cruel punishment. If a five-year-old child is lying, what should I do? Advice to parents of such children relates to the revision of their methods of education. It is quite possible that they should be changed to more friendly, loyal and democratic ones. Adults should relieve the preschooler of the fear of punishment. In this way, they will eliminate his very motive, provoking deception. Parents need to praise their child more often and less often put them in a corner as a punishment. When a child feels the love of his parents, he will trust them more.

Lies of first graders

At this age, children most of all begin to imitate adults. The first-grader already has about the behavior of the parents. If adults in the presence of a child deceive each other, then they should not be surprised later that their child is telling a lie.

If at 6-7 years old a child is lying, what should I do? To eliminate such a problem, parents should give their child their own example of behavior, where there are no omissions, lies, deceit and evasions. A child who lives in a sincere and trusting atmosphere will have no reason to lie.

Cheating at 8 years old

Children this age and older are capable of lying quite convincingly. Starting from the age of 8, the child has greater independence, he begins to strive for freedom. And if parents continue to overprotect their child, then he will begin to actively avoid control over his personal life.

Sometimes the reason for deception at this age is the child's fear that he will not live up to the ideal created by adults, that he will anger them with poor grades at school or with his behavior. If at 8 years old a child is lying, what should I do? In this case, psychologists recommend that parents pay attention to the atmosphere in the house. Most likely, their son or daughter feels uncomfortable among loved ones who are not interested in the opinion of a small person and do not trust him.

Psychologists say that children will not deceive their parents if they know that the family will take their side in any situation and support them, no matter what happens to them. If the child is sure that if they punish him, then only fairly, then he will have no reason to lie. To create a trusting atmosphere, parents should be interested in the affairs of their child and tell him about the events of their day.

What to do if the child is lying, despite all the attempts made? In this case, psychologists recommend telling him about the consequences that deception can bring with it. After all, a lie will only solve the problem for a while, and then it will be easily detected. It is also recommended that the liar be asked if he himself wants to be deceived. At the same time, adults should make it clear to the child that his constant lies will lead to a loss of authority among others.

Lies of nine year olds

All of the above reasons for cheating affect the behavior of children entering adolescence. However, in addition to this, such a child, until the beginning of adolescence, has another reason to hide the truth. It is from the age of 9 that children begin to create a personal territory, and they have a desire to go beyond the boundaries that adults have set for them. The consequence of this is a change in the behavior of adolescents. They become unruly and disobedient.

What should parents do in this case? The main thing that psychologists advise is to remain calm. And do not allow yourself to get annoyed with children, because it is also very difficult for them in this age period. Moms and dads are encouraged to spend as much time as possible with their child and trust them to do important things on their own. In order to improve children's behavior, it is advisable to ensure that the son or daughter observes the daily routine, family traditions and generally accepted rules of life.

Lies of a teenager 10-12 years old

What are the reasons why a child at this age deceives parents? Sometimes he is forced to tell a lie by the aggressive behavior of people close to him. So, in some families, physical punishment is applied to a child for any misconduct. Aggressive parents can give their child a slap or slap in the face for not taking out the garbage, an untimely made bed or an unassembled briefcase. It is the fear of reprisal that forces the student to hide the truth.

What to do? A child lies at 10 years old! Sometimes a teenager begins to lie because of the divorce of his parents. After all, parting with the father is the strongest trauma, which is primarily applied to children. And if at 2 years old the baby is not yet aware of what is happening, then a 10-year-old teenager is already experiencing a family drama. In addition, mothers often take out their evil on children, blaming them for what happened.

If a child lies at the age of 10, what should I do? Parents in this case should analyze their own behavior. It is possible that they want to see their child as the winner of sports competitions or olympiads. According to psychologists, children are afraid to disappoint their relatives and therefore begin to lie to them. If the deception is revealed, then the guilt is immediately shifted by the teenager to the neighbor on the desk.

If a child lies at the age of 11, what should I do? Parents should also reconsider their behavior. Indeed, often children deceive, seeing the lies of their family members.

If at 10-12 years old a child lies, what do to teach him to tell the truth? Sometimes this phenomenon is the result of overprotection. In this case, a lie is a means for the child to fight for his rights. Review your behavior - and the situation will be corrected.

money theft

A person is capable of an illegal act at any age. But when frank and friendly kids suddenly steal something, it upsets parents very much.

It often happens that a child steals money and lies. What to do in this case? Parents should have a conversation with their child in order to exclude material gain. As a rule, the child cannot explain his act. And if the offender is punished without finding out the reasons, then at the age of 13-14 the situation may worsen. The child will begin to steal money regularly. What should parents do to prevent this? First of all, think about your relationship with your child. Divorce, as well as coldness or hostility in the family, could also negatively affect the child. In order to eliminate the cause of stealing money, adults need to start with themselves - improve the atmosphere in the house, scream less and show as much love for their child as possible.