Every woman expecting a child has heard about the benefits of vitamins for pregnant women. How to find out which vitamins the expectant mother and her baby need? How to choose the right multivitamin complex if you are deficient in many elements? How to avoid an overdose of vitamins, which is so dangerous for a child during fetal development? You will find out the answers to all these questions later in the article.

Many people think that the question of the need for vitamins for pregnant women should not arise at all. The expectant mother and her baby need the full package. But if you treat his choice carelessly, there is a risk of seriously harming the fetus. What are the pitfalls of taking vitamins during pregnancy?

Often the choice of pregnant women falls on multivitamins. It would seem that this is the right decision, because pharmacy complexes allow you to obtain all the elements necessary for the healthy development of the fetus. However, when taking multivitamins, the expectant mother is unlikely to take into account the degree of deficiency of one or another component, the stage of growth of the child, the season, etc. The vitamin complex contains the amount of substances needed to an adult person every day. It is designed for adult person.

Vitamins that the pregnant woman’s body cannot process will pass through the umbilical cord to the fetus. Such a chaotic saturation of the child with elements is fraught with premature aging of the placenta, that is, its dysfunction. And at the same time, Multivitamins contain vitamin E, C, A, vitamin B complex, calcium, magnesium, iron, iodine, which are necessary during pregnancy.

To find a middle ground, whether to take or not take multivitamin complexes, because they contain microelements necessary for the formation of the fetus, experts still recommend that pregnant women take natural(not to be confused with artificial ones) multivitamins for children.

IMPORTANT: The expectant mother’s body should not be deficient in any nutrients. Even with a balanced and nutritious diet, the expectant mother needs additional intake natural vitamins And microelements, which are made from plant-based food ingredients and which are intended for children, not adults.

Especially natural multivitamin complexes for children are needed:

  • women with poor diets;
  • women who experienced an acute deficiency of one or another vitamin before pregnancy;
  • multiparous women who have previously lost a child, or have been diagnosed with pathologies in the development of the fetus;
  • pregnant women whose age has exceeded 30 years.
    In winter, their presence in the list of required medications is explained by vitamin deficiency of the expectant mother, because stale vegetables and fruits are not at all as healthy as in their ripening season. And in the summer, it is better for a woman to take care of a sufficient amount of fresh raw vegetables in the menu to provide the child with the required substances.

Taking pharmacological drugs should be limited to specific vitamins, the deficiency of which will be revealed after examination in the clinic.

IMPORTANT: Before using any complexes and individual vitamins, be sure to consult a gynecologist.

Minerals and vitamins in the first trimester of pregnancy

Vitamin B9, otherwise called folic acid, doctors classify them as the most important elements during planning and in the first phase of gestation. It is recommended to take it while planning pregnancy, so that the body is saturated with folic acid during the period of conception.

Under the influence of vitamin, the following phenomena occur in the body:

  • cells multiply more intensively, which has a beneficial effect on the formation and growth of the fertilized egg;
  • the genetic code of the parents is correctly transmitted to the child;
  • the placenta develops;
  • a woman receives protection from miscarriage and frozen pregnancy;
  • hemoglobin is synthesized, with the participation of which oxygen is delivered to the fetus;
  • The neural tube of the embryo is formed - the rudiment of the baby's brain.

IMPORTANT: Folic acid deficiency can cause anemia in a pregnant woman and malformations of the child’s brain.

The amount of vitamin B9 in 100 g of product and the approximate percentage of the daily requirement of a pregnant woman.

Daily volume vitamin B9 trimester is 400-800 mcg. The specific dosage is determined by the gynecologist; independent determination of the norm is unacceptable. Folic acid enters the body with food (liver, Brussels sprouts, spinach, lentils, coarse flour products).

Green tea does not promote absorption vitamin B9, which is why combinations of the listed products should be abandoned. The medicine Biseptol works in a similar way; gynecologists prohibit its use during pregnancy.

IMPORTANT: Folic acid is poorly absorbed from food. It is impossible to get the required amount from food, so doctors recommend replenishing it with tablets.

Pharmacies offer drugs such as " 9 months folic acid«, « Mamifol«, « Folic acid", etc. Each of them contains a different dosage of vitamin B9, therefore, you should purchase the one that the doctor prescribes for the woman based on the results of the examination.

Also, for the formation of a healthy nervous, hormonal, and digestive system of the fetus, a complex of vitamins is needed Group B (B6, B1,)

Omega-3 during pregnancy

Omega-3 is in second place in importance for fetal formation. polyunsaturated fatty acids. According to the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Omega-3 deficiency for the majority of children and adults in Russia is about 80%.

IMPORTANT: But Omega-3 is involved in the formation of the child’s brain and retina, as well as healthy blood vessels.

The results of a 15-year study conducted in the UK showed that mothers who consumed Omega-3 before and during pregnancy gave birth to children with higher mental intelligence.

Omega-3 found in fatty varieties of deep sea fish, and cold-pressed flaxseed oil, in which Omega-3 is destroyed by exposure to light and heat. And after destruction, the oil becomes filled with carcinogens.

IMPORTANT: Omega-3 should be taken before the start of pregnancy, throughout pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

Products that contain Omega-3

Vitamin E valuable even before conception. It controls the timely production of female sex hormones. In the initial stages of gestation, the daily norm of this element is 15 mg. This is an extremely important vitamin in the first trimester, because it is responsible for the development of the placenta and does not allow the female body to perceive the embryo as a foreign body and reject it.

Get vitamin E You can use any vegetable oils, herbs, spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, peas. Meat and dairy products and chicken eggs contain less substance. Accept vitamin E recommended together with vitamin C- ascorbic acid or include in the diet a sufficient amount of fresh vegetables and fruits as a source vitamin C.

Vitamin A A woman needs 5000 IU per day before conception. Its norm in the early stages of pregnancy is reduced by half. Exceeding this figure is fraught with malformations of the heart and nervous system in the fetus. With increased doses, a woman will feel lethargic and sleepy. It may also increase hunger or cause nausea.

With the participation of vitamin A, the formation of bone tissue, the visual apparatus and the nervous system occurs. Therefore, its deficiency is fatal, as is an overdose.

The element can be found in apricots, peaches, sea buckthorn, rowan berries, carrots, bell peppers, pumpkin, dairy products, and liver.

IMPORTANT: Vitamin A is a fat-soluble element, so its absorption requires fats, which can be obtained from food.

Vitamins in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

They remain the same as in the first trimester.

Iodine is important throughout the entire period of gestation, but its presence becomes especially important in the second trimester. Iodine controls the functioning of the thyroid gland of both mother and child. The hormones that the thyroid gland synthesizes stimulate the fetal metabolism and the baby's growth. With the participation of the microelement, the skeleton and mental development of the child are strengthened.

A lack of iodine causes a disruption in a woman’s metabolic processes, which causes her to begin to gain weight. For an expectant mother, iodine deficiency is also a risk of thyroid dysfunction, which leads to the appearance of a goiter. For a child, a lack of a microelement is dangerous because it slows down development. Lack of iodine can cause miscarriage.

The norm of the element is 250 mg per day. In Russia, iodine deficiency is a common phenomenon, therefore, in addition to eating foods with it, doctors recommend additionally taking iodine in tablets. The microelement is found in seafood, sea salt, as well as food that states that it is enriched with iodine.

IMPORTANT: Iodine is destroyed when heated, so products containing it should not be subjected to prolonged heat treatment.

Dangers of calcium and iron deficiency during pregnancy

Calcium- the most important element for the creation of bone tissue and teeth of a child. In addition, it is necessary for the proper formation of the endocrine system of the fetus and its kidneys. Calcium is needed for proper blood clotting and muscle contraction. Microelement deficiency will slow down the development of the baby's skeleton, and will also make the mother's bones porous and weak.

The daily calcium intake is 1500 mg. The element is found in low-fat fermented milk products and plant foods. Getting enough calcium from food can be difficult. Doctors advise turning to drugs containing it, such as Kalcemin, Kalcemin Advance, Vitrum Osteomag.

IMPORTANT: Fat inhibits the absorption of calcium, so you should not combine fatty foods with this microelement. Chocolate desserts, coffee, and carbonated drinks also interfere with absorption. Vitamin D promotes the absorption of the element, which is why many manufacturers of synthetic microelements combine these two substances in one preparation.

Iron is a constituent element of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is responsible for transporting oxygen through the tissues and organs of the mother and child. If there is a lack of a microelement, the amount of hemoglobin decreases, and the fetus experiences oxygen starvation. Under these conditions, the development of anemia in pregnant women is possible.

To properly nourish the baby, the expectant mother’s body creates more blood by about a liter. For the formation of this liter, the presence of iron in sufficient quantities is also important.

Iron is also necessary for the synthesis of protein, which is involved in the structure of the child’s muscles. Deficiency of the element increases the risk of uterine tone.

Meat contains a lot of iron, in particular turkey, rabbit, young beef, and pork. The element is absorbed extremely poorly from plant foods, so when calculating the volume of the substance received, you should not focus on vegetables and fruits.

The daily requirement of iron for a pregnant woman is 30 mg, provided the pregnancy is progressing correctly. Based on the examination data, the doctor may prescribe medications with a high iron content to the expectant mother. This is especially true for women who experienced a serious lack of micronutrients before pregnancy.

IMPORTANT: Vitamin C promotes good absorption of iron. But copper and zinc interfere with this process, so you should refrain from consuming these elements together. Too much iron in the body can cause zinc depletion.

Vitamins in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy

Remain the same as in the first two trimesters, except for calcium.

Calcium in the 3rd trimester must be reduced and after 32 weeks do not take additional calcium, and do not indulge in foods with a high content of calcium. Otherwise, the baby’s bones will be hard, inelastic, and this will make it difficult for him to move along the birth canal.

Vitamin C strengthens the body's immune mechanisms. You should be careful when using it. Too much quantity ascorbic acid will cause the placenta to increase filtration of this element. Thus, an overdose risks the child not receiving the vitamin at all. A lack of vitamin will disrupt the structure of the membrane of the fertilized egg and the growth of the placenta. The daily volume, which is 100 mg, should be strictly observed.

There is a lot of vitamin C in citrus fruits, which, however, are powerful allergens, so doctors do not recommend consuming them before giving birth. It is worth paying attention to such sources of the vitamin as potatoes, bell peppers, cabbage, carrots, greens, and currants.

Vitamin D, which is important for the growth and development of a baby’s bone tissue, is practically not included in food products. You can get it from sunlight during a walk or sunbathing. In summer, this will be enough to compensate for the lack of vitamin D in the body. In winter, doctors will prescribe medications containing the element. The daily dose of vitamin D is 400 IU.

At stage 3 of gestation, in addition to the vitamins listed, it is important to continue taking iron and vitamin A.

When choosing vitamins, many expectant mothers decide to purchase multivitamin complexes for adults. If you take this process lightly, you can end up with a shortage or an overdose of various elements, because each complex contains different amounts of them. In this matter, it is better to trust a competent opinion and visit a doctor for an individual selection of vitamins.

IMPORTANT: The prescription of a complex of vitamins and microelements is based on the examination of a pregnant woman, during which a deficiency of specific substances and possible risks in the development of pregnancy are identified.

Video: Vitamins and pregnancy

Pregnant women need to lead a healthy lifestyle, only in this case the expectant mother will give birth to a healthy baby. You should get plenty of rest and eat well. But often this is not enough, so the specialist prescribes the appropriate multivitamins. The selection of a vitamin complex is carried out individually, depending on the characteristics of the body. But before using any product, you should definitely consult your doctor.

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When should you take vitamins?

Expectant mothers often wonder what vitamins they should take during pregnancy. It is important to remember that all products contain synthetic components. Therefore, there is not always a need for them.

It still happens that multivitamins are needed for pregnant women. This can happen under the following circumstances:

  1. If a pregnant woman goes to work, but her nutrition is inadequate.
  2. For diseases, which are associated with a lack of important substances in the female body.
  3. When miscarriages have previously occurred or the first baby was born with an anomaly.
  4. If a woman who is carrying a child more than 30 years.

Important! Vitamins put a serious strain on internal organs, in particular the kidneys, which can have a bad effect on the child.

Therefore, when answering the question whether pregnant girls need vitamins, it should be noted that not everyone can benefit from them. To avoid problems, you need to follow a proper diet, enriching your diet fruits and vegetables. Then additional microelements will not be needed.

Multivitamins for the 1st trimester

In the first trimester, that is, in the early stages multivitamins are not prohibited.

But if there are no problems with health and well-being, then a proper and balanced diet will be enough.

Your doctor should tell you what vitamins you need. It is important that any of the courses is not prescribed for a long period, since during this period the condition of the expectant mother changes very quickly.

You should listen to yourself and contact a specialist if there are any changes.

Natural vitamins are very necessary during early pregnancy. One of the most important is vitamin E, but it can be obtained from foods. It is found in vegetable oils, meat products, and spinach. It is not recommended to use this substance in medicine, since its excess will negatively affect the well-being of the expectant mother and fetus.

Particular attention in the 1st trimester should be paid to folic acid. It is worth using separately. Its actions are aimed at the correct formation of the placenta. This substance will protect against miscarriage and normalize hemoglobin.

If a pregnant woman lacks B9, this can lead to anemia, which will negatively affect the child.

The dosage should be determined by a specialist, and he will also answer the question of which drugs are best to take. Additional folic acid can be obtained by eating carrots, spinach, peaches and celery.

Femibion ​​during pregnancy

Prenatal vitamins Femibion ​​are popular among medications. They are recommended not only for pregnant girls, but also for those who are just planning. This remedy can be used by both women and men at the planning stage. The vitamin complex contains elements that have a positive effect on male reproductive system.

This product contains 10 useful elements, which the expectant mother often needs. The following components should be highlighted separately:

  • iodine, so you won’t have to take additional potassium iodide;
  • B1, which normalizes carbohydrate metabolism;
  • B2 is necessary for energy production;
  • B6 is indispensable for protein metabolism;
  • B12 ensures good performance nervous system.

Important elements such as C and E, which protect against harmful microbes and free radicals, are also found in Femibion.

Femibion ​​is not recommended for everyone, since there are also side effects. Among them are nausea, apathy and an allergic reaction. Therefore, before taking it, be sure to consult a specialist.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is allowed to be taken during pregnancy, but it is strictly necessary observe the dosage.

When prescribing multivitamins for pregnant women, the doctor must take into account indicators such as age and the amount of retinol in the female body.

But most often attributed no more than 3 mg per day. It is prohibited to take such drugs uncontrollably. They should be used only according to medical indications.

If taking this element is recommended, then you must drink it in two months before the baby is conceived and during the first 2 months of pregnancy. Afterwards, a long break is taken and the course is resumed 2 months before the onset of childbirth. Therefore, during the 1st trimester of pregnancy, vitamin A is allowed.

This substance can also be obtained through the intake of healthy foods. It is found in milk, fresh eggs, and fish oil. As for plant foods, these are carrots, tomatoes, peppers, cabbage. Best suited for drinks rosehip decoction, sea ​​buckthorn.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D can bring many benefits to the expectant mother and her baby. He cares about bones and teeth pregnant. Thanks to it, the correct formation of the baby’s skeleton in the womb occurs. Only thanks to this element, which is also called calciferol, does calcium absorption. In sufficient quantities he will be able to:

  • strengthen the immune system of the expectant mother;
  • prevent the occurrence of skin diseases;
  • prevent the development of the tumor process;
  • will have a positive effect on brain activity;
  • will improve your emotional state.

Calciferol has been shown to be effective in treating gestational diabetes, which often develops in girls carrying a baby.

Useful microelements can also be obtained through proper nutrition. However, vitamin D may be needed for a pregnant woman if she is a vegetarian and rarely stays in the sun.

In the early stages it may not be absorbed because of, in this case, the doctor can prescribe the appropriate drug, indicating the correct dosage.

Calciferol is found in minimal dosages in many vitamin complexes prescribed for pregnant women. So take vitamin D not worth it separately.

Vitamin E and C

Vitamin E is prescribed quite often by specialists in the early stages of pregnancy. It is allowed to be used during the entire 1st trimester. In addition, doctors advise drinking it before conception. In this case, the daily dose of the substance should be be 15 mg.

Tocopherol is useful in that it normalizes the production of female hormones and is able . Moreover, it helps create a strong placenta and normalizes the digestive process.

The substance can be found in fat, sea buckthorn oil, eggs, beef, and milk.

In order for the placenta membranes to develop normally, it is necessary to take vitamin C during pregnancy, which will support the immune system and the body will become resistant to various bacterial diseases.

Ascorbic acid must be taken by women who smoked before pregnancy.

The daily dosage should be up to 90 mg. Ascorbic acid is found in black currants, carrots, oranges, lemons, and cabbage.

These products should definitely be taken, since the component they contain will prevent the formation of stretch marks and varicose veins.

If this is not done, the vessels will become fragile and the capillaries will become brittle. Bruises will begin to appear even from a minor blow.

Advice! Vitamin C during pregnancy can quickly lose its beneficial properties, especially when it comes to foods.

For this reason, food should always be fresh.

Useful video: vitamins in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

Without vitamins, no system functions in the body. Each vitamin has its own tasks. Pregnant women take vitamins(most often on the recommendation of a doctor) in the form of tablets, as part of various vitamin complexes.

There is a lot of information on this topic; advertising eloquently talks about one or another beneficial quality of vitamins and biologically active food additives.

It is much less common to find information about the dangers of vitamins during pregnancy or their complete uselessness, but there are some. Therefore, when taking care of your health, it is important to make the right (first of all for yourself!) decision to take this or that drug, without expecting from someone else’s aunt-doctor (who, by the way, sometimes looks more attentively at the pieces of paper on the table than at the patient) verdict: “Take such and such vitamins!”

Pregnant women are concerned about: Do I need to take extra vitamins during pregnancy? And if so, which ones? Is it possible to do without pills? Is proper nutrition enough for normal pregnancy and fetal development?

What is the argument about, gentlemen?

Some may say that it is not necessary to take extra vitamins during pregnancy, It's enough to eat right.

They say that most vitamins are synthesized independently in our body, why take useless pills that are not absorbed anyway. Eat right and you won't need any pills.

Wait, gentlemen! Have you forgotten what time we live in? We are not in the mountains, where the cleanliness of the air cannot be compared with the city, not on a “farm near Dikanka” (exaggerating, of course), where self-grown vegetables and fruits delight with their appearance and taste, not everyone has the opportunity (financial first of all) all year round eat freshly squeezed juices and seafood that have not gone through a long process of defrosting/freezing during transportation, meat that is not stuffed with preservatives and God knows what else.

The problem is that vitamins are destroyed by high heat and during cooking. We somehow lose some of the useful substances that our body needs.

Therefore, you can argue for a long time, proving that you are right, but that is not the point... Still, everyone will remain with their own opinion and find evidence in its favor.

Is it really necessary to take prenatal vitamins?

Pregnancy is a special condition of a woman in which her entire body begins to function differently. Changes occur in metabolism, hormonal levels and even blood composition change!

Nobody seems to argue with this... Nature has prudently arranged everything so that the child will receive the maximum possible. But this is already in your power: to provide the opportunity.

And the second point! Think about what will remain for mommy herself? Will she look like a squeezed lemon after giving birth? How can a pregnant woman take care of her body so that its reserves are enough for at least two people (mother + 1 child)?

Not a single modern woman (I’m not afraid of this loud and categorical conclusion) can boast of having in her body a “full combat set” of all the necessary vitamins and minerals before pregnancy, not to mention during it, and even more so after.

Therefore, to the question “Do I need to take additional vitamins for pregnant women?” Gynecologists most often answer in the affirmative.

Most pregnant women are deficient in one vitamin or another. The most common trio:

  1. B vitamins.
  2. Vitamin A.
  3. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

A sufficient amount of certain vitamins and minerals is the key to the full development of the embryo. Food products, unfortunately, cannot provide even those insignificant thousandths and millionths of a gram (each vitamin and microelement have their own values, depending on age and other characteristics) that our body needs so much.

Any hypovitaminosis in pregnant women (lack of certain vitamins and minerals) can lead to undesirable consequences for both the pregnant woman and the fetus. Therefore, during pregnancy, the first thing you need to do is adjust your diet.

Analyze your diet! Get a complete blood test. Consult with your doctor whether you should take a vitamin complex or individual vitamins that you clearly lack for some time.

Give preference to non-artificially synthesized vitamins, and those obtained from natural raw materials, biologically active food additives, where not only vitamins, but also other useful substances necessary for the body are combined in an easily digestible form. But you shouldn’t get too carried away, because an excess of vitamins is just as harmful as a deficiency.

“Vitamin” educational program for pregnant women...

Vitamin B1 takes part in the development of the baby’s nervous system, its internal organs, and provides energy to the muscle and nervous tissues of the fetus.

If a pregnant woman feels constant weakness and gets tired quickly, she probably does not have enough vitamin B1.

Liver and kidneys, milk, rye and wheat bread, yeast, and egg yolk are rich in this vitamin.

Vitamin B2- This is protection against anemia and the formation of blood cells. If a pregnant woman has everything in order with this vitamin, then the baby is protected from congenital anomalies and is not in danger of premature birth.

Eat more liver, meat, dairy products, eggs.

Vitamin B6- one of the most important for pregnant women. The need for it increases by 30%. Vitamin B6 is responsible for protein metabolism between a pregnant woman and the fetus, ensuring the development of important organs and systems of the baby. If pregnant women receive enough vitamin B6, they are not afraid of toxicosis.

If a pregnant woman suffers from nausea and vomiting, irritability, insomnia, poor appetite, there is clearly not enough pyridoxine (vitamin B6). If you notice that your teeth have suddenly “flyed”, new foci of caries have appeared - it’s time to rely on vitamin B6!

Eat wholemeal bread, liver and meat, beans and buckwheat porridge.

Vitamin B9(folic acid) is familiar to everyone. It is mandatory for all pregnant women to be prescribed it, and it is even recommended to take it for some time before conception.

Folic acid is needed by both the mother (for the regeneration of cells of the whole body) and the fetus (takes part in the formation of the brain, the synthesis of blood cells, and the development of all systems and organs of the child).

A lack of vitamin B9 can cause the birth of a premature baby, defects in its nervous system and other congenital abnormalities.

By eating buckwheat and oatmeal, legumes (soybeans, beans, peas), mushrooms, cottage cheese, hard cheeses, millet, wholemeal bread, liver, a pregnant woman can, to one degree or another, replenish the reserves of this essential vitamin.

Vitamin A necessary for the formation of the placenta, organs and tissues of the fetus. With its deficiency, a pregnant woman may experience vaginal dryness, decreased immunity and a tendency to diseases of the respiratory system.

Eat carrots, butter, liver, cheese, eggs, apricots and dried apricots, rose hips, and fish oil.

Vitamin C(ascorbic acid) is simply indispensable for strengthening the immune system and maintaining pregnancy. It is involved in the formation of the placenta and is needed for the formation of bone and cartilage tissue of the fetus. What is very important, vitamin C is necessary for the normal absorption of iron!

If pregnant women are worried about toxicosis, a constant feeling of fatigue, a vitamin C deficiency is clearly manifested.

Increase the amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet, especially citrus fruits, eat currants, raspberries, cabbage, red peppers, tomatoes, parsley.

Vitamin E no less important for the fetus and the normal course of pregnancy. It helps strengthen the immune system, protects against anemia and stress, and affects the endocrine system. It is often prescribed when there is a threat of miscarriage, because... it is indispensable for maintaining pregnancy.

It is found in greatest quantities in vegetable oils. So more salads dressed with oil!

Vitamin D is responsible for the formation of bone tissue and the skeleton of the fetus, is needed for the functioning of the cardiovascular system, for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, and is the prevention of rickets in newborns.

If a pregnant woman complains of frequent leg cramps, nervousness, or tooth decay, she probably does not have enough vitamin D.

It will not be possible to eat it in the required quantity (it is found in very small doses in food), it is better to spend more time in the sun (but under no circumstances sunbathe on the beach for hours!).

Controversial issue...

I’ll say one thing... Dear mothers! Pregnant and not so pregnant (in the sense of those who have already given birth or are just about to give birth), think about your health! It is, first of all, the key to the health of your future children.

Don't "give" them a bunch of troubles that could have been avoided, if at some time you turn on the button in your head that says “brain”. I’m trying to joke, however... But seriously, approach the solution of the issue consciously, thoughtfully.

Lead a healthy lifestyle, try to eat right, don’t be nervous, smile more often at the World and at yourself! At least try to decide for yourself what is important, necessary, and acceptable for you.

And may your children (current and those who are yet to be born in the distant future) be happy and healthy.

Dear readers! How was your pregnancy? Have you taken vitamins and vitamin complexes? What do you think should be present in the diet of pregnant women so that they and their future babies feel 100% “vitaminized”? We are waiting for your answers in the comments!