Not for anything, for anything other than other things.
Not for anything else, anything else, but for common unity and friendly companionship.
Not for company, but for fun.
The priest called the cat in the middle of the fast: come, cat, take the pie in your mouth; and the cat brought with him a skin, and sat down with it in the stove.
Today is a holiday, the wife teases her husband, climbs on the stove, the fig shows: on you, hubby, a sweet pie, with onions, with sprouts, with peppers!
Himself on a mare, wife on a cow, guys on calves, servants on dogs, cats on baskets.
A horned goat is coming for the little guys: whoever sucks a tit is gored with its horn (or: that one is gored, gored).
Alyosha three pennies, a neck a penny, an altyn a head, three coins a leg: that’s the whole price for him.
Vaska-Vasenok, a thin little pig, his legs are shaking, his intestines are dragging - how much are the intestines? - Three pieces of money.
Oh, you, Sashki, my little rags, change my notes!
Sunshine, sunshine, look out the window! Your children are crying, sulfur (larch resin) They chop, they don’t give us anything, the black bear gets a spoonful, not a crumb for us! (Children's joke in Eastern Siberia).
A man was walking, and three men met him: the sun, the wind and the frost. The man bowed to the wind. The sun said: "I will burn you." And the wind: “I won’t let you in.” Frost said: “I will freeze you.” And the wind: “I’ll blow you away” (Ryazan).
Cat Eustathius, have you cut your hair? - Got a haircut. - And grinned? - And chuckled. - Can I pass you by? - Can. - The mouse ran, and the cat grabbed it. - Cheer yourself up, Evstafiy the cat! - For some, it’s good for us, but for our health.
There's a whistling sound around me; I go there - he whistles, I go here - he whistles; Trouble, I think, I climbed a birch tree, I’m sitting and whistling; and it's in my nose.
A bullet flies and buzzes; I'm to one side - she's behind me, I'm to the other - she's behind me; I fell into a bush - she grabbed me in the forehead; I grab my hand - but it’s a beetle!
Oddball dead: died on Tuesday; They began to cut the coffin, and he jumped up and started dancing.
An eccentric dead man: he died on Tuesday, to be buried on Wednesday, and he looks out the window (and he went to harrow).
I went to the bast mountain to tear up; I saw the lake floating on ducks. I knocked down three sticks: one spruce, another birch, the third rowan; threw a spruce tree - did not approve, threw a birch tree - threw it over; threw the rowan tree - it hit; the lake fluttered up and flew away, but the ducks remained.
A gray man, a tall caftan, axes on his bare feet, bast shoes in his belt, a blush under his nose, and all over his cheek - what’s in his nose.
You can’t bother eating three, it will make you sick on nausea, and it will make you sick on grumbling (you haven’t eaten for three days, you’ll feel sick on your stomach and grumble on your belly).
A tall tale in the faces, found in old bedrooms, wrapped in black rags.
There was a man named Yashka (Sasha), he is wearing a gray fur coat, a buckle on the back of his head, a rag on his neck, a hat on his head - is my fairy tale good? A boring tale).
Once upon a time there lived a crane and a female crane, they put up a stack of hay - should I say it again from the end? (an annoying tale.)
The man cut the hay and put it in the middle, should I say it again from the end? (an annoying tale.)
Once upon a time there lived an old woman alone in a village; the old woman planted a seed of hay; if things didn't go well - again from the end (an annoying fairy tale).
Geese in harps, ducks in pipes, crows in boxes, cockroaches in drums, a goat in a gray sundress, a cow in matting, all of them are more expensive.
The magpie-crow was cooking porridge, jumping on the threshold, calling for guests: she gave it to him (on fingers), gave it to this one, but didn’t get it to this one (bump on the head).
Is there a louse, is there a flea - just one worm, and that one is golden: should I beat it or let it go free? (and Babysitter Game).
There was a king named Dodon, he built a bone house; they collected bones from all over the kingdom, began to soak them, and soaked them; They began to dry it - the bones dried out, they got wet again, and when they get wet, then I’ll tell you.

Proverbs of the Russian people. - M.: Fiction. V. I. Dal. 1989.

See what "SENDINGS - JOKES" are in other dictionaries:

    - (from marion, marionnette) originally small images of St. The Virgin Mary in the medieval puppet mystery of the Nativity; later this name spread to the entire field of puppet theater, otherwise called puppet theater. Dolls,... ...

    A special type of folk art, close to proverbs and sayings: a walking joke, sometimes consisting of a short funny story, sometimes of obscure funny expressions, almost always in proverbial clothes (Dahl), i.e. in a finished form, which... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    SENTENCE, sentences, women. (region). Same as a double sentence. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Strike iron while Gorbachev- This expression is an adaptation of the famous Strike while the iron is hot. A new version of the classic sentence arose during the leadership of the country by M.S. Gorbachev, when new types of economic activity were allowed, and for enterprising people... ... Dictionary of folk phraseology

    folklore Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    Folklore- in rhetoric: a type of literature, the historical basis of literature: proverbs and sayings, riddles, sayings - the proverbial fund of culture, containing norms of behavior, speech, assessments; folklore epic: fairy tales, allegories, epics, epic poems, ... ... Rhetoric: Dictionary-reference book

    lady- I. LADY I s, f. dame f., floor dama. 1. A woman belonging to privileged classes; madam. Sl. 18. Ladies of a noble family, or madam. Matveev Zap. 96. Many nobles remember one nobility, Not remembering that they were born from women...

    container- y, w. tare f., it. tara arab. tarh waste. unit Container or sign, called omission or deduction, is deducted when selling certain goods for wrapping or packing. Lyadovitsy Kupech. syst. 1789 162. 1. What the goods are packaged in for... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    Ditty- Russian genre folk song lyrics. The term Ch. lit. origin, in folklore There are many places in the environment that correspond to it. names given by region. accessories (Saratov, Yelets, Podgorny), according to functionality. purpose (choruses, sentences...

    Bell ringer- the person who rings the bells during worship. In Russian Orthodox church, the position of Z. was often combined with the duties of a sexton, as well as the church. watchman. This is evidenced by various church documents and production folklore, for example proverbs:... ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

    BELL RINGER- a clergyman who rings at a temple or in a monastery. In the Russian Orthodox Church, bells are most often used for ringing, and then Z. rings using ropes connected to bells or bell tongues (for another practice of ringing, see Art. Bilo). At… … Orthodox Encyclopedia

Sentences - an appeal to animals, birds, insects. The common name is "bewitchers". Children use these rhymes to get animals or plants to fulfill a specific request.

Fly to the sky

Your kids are there
They eat cutlets.
One for everyone,
And not one for you.

Fly to the sky
Your kids are there
They eat sweets.
One for everyone,
And not one for you.
You fly to the sky
Bring us some bread
Black and white
Just not burnt.

red head,
Don't live with us for long
Fly beyond the Volga -
To high holes.
In deep holes.
It's warm there, but it's cold here.
It's filling - we're hungry here.

Will it rain or will it be sunny?
If there is sunshine, then fly!
If it rains, then sit!

God cow,
Fly to the sky
Bring us bread
Sushi, buns,
Sweet cheesecakes.
Sell ​​to everyone
Just give it to us!

Granny cow,
Fly to the sky -
Your father is there
Herding sheep!

What will happen tomorrow:
Rain or weather?
How to fly now!
Just sit like Thursday!

Berry weather,
If you want, then fly
If you don’t want to, just sit there, -
This is your path!
Will there be rain or bad weather tomorrow?
- Weather, weather, hoo-hoo!

Will there be work?
Will the mother bake pancakes?
If it happens, then fly,
If it doesn’t happen, don’t fly!

Fly to the patch,
Bring us from the sky
To make it happen in summer:
There are beans in the garden,
In the forest - berries, mushrooms,
There is water in the spring,
There is wheat in the field.

Maria the sun,
Fly to the patch!
Bring us from the sky
Honey and bread
Buns, fresh snacks,
Sweet cheesecakes!

Box butterfly,
Fly to a cloud
There are your children -
On a birch branch.

Box butterfly,
Fly to a cloud
There are your children -
On a birch branch.

Grandma Lena,
Sit on the sky
I won't hit
I'll feed you sugar.

Box butterfly,
Fly under the cloud!
Your children are in the meadow,
They bend the bird cherry into an arc,
They are waiting for you
They're chasing bunnies!

Box butterfly,
Wind or rain?
If you fly, it's like the wind,
If you fall, it's raining!

Sit down and smoke!
I won't hit you
I'll feed you sugar!

Box butterfly,
Fly to a cloud!
Your kids are there
Eating candy
They eat bread
They drink it with honey,
They give it to everyone,
But they don’t give it to you!

Snail, snail,
Stick out your horns
I'll give you some pie
Yes a jug of milk

Snail of goodness,
Release your horns!
I'll give you a piece of the pie
And a jug of cottage cheese,
Another pot of porridge,
Towels are lumpy,
Donuts, flatbreads,
Cockroach legs!

Snail, snail,
Stick your horns out!
Let's give you some flatbreads
pig feet,
Porridge pot,
A pile of bread!

Mother coil
Show me your horns!
I'll give you a mug of milk
And the edge of the pie!

Twin slug
Show your horns!
I'll give you some cottage cheese,
Tuesok oils,

Slimak, slimak,
Stick your horns out!
I'll give you some potatoes
Damn and pie
The end is a lump!

Mouse, mouse,
Take my tooth!
Take the speckled one
And give me gold

Mouse, mouse,
Take a rotten tooth
Give me a good one.

Mouse, mouse, pour out the water
for a mowed garden!

Cuckoo, cuckoo,
Gray hazel grouse,
Have a peek-a-boo in the forest -
How many years will I live!

Firefly light,
Shine it into your fist!
Shine a little light -
I'll give you some peas
A jug of cottage cheese,
And a piece of pie!

Dragonfly ring,
Sit on the porch.

Little Nightingale,
Little blue, touching,
Speckled feathers,
The head is smooth.
A thin voice,
Light on the wings.
Sing in the garden, chirp
You are day and night.

White-sided magpie,
Teach me to fly
Not high, not far -
To see the sun!

Bee, buzz,
Fly into the field
Fly from the field,
Bring the honey!

The swarm is swarming
Sits in the field
Sits in the field
Feed on honey.

The bees are buzzing -
They go to the field
They're coming from the field -
Honey is going home.

Roy, buzz,
Go to the fields
Go from the fields -
Bring the honey.

Jackdaw crows
Are you all healthy?
One jackdaw is unhealthy
I pricked my leg.
We'll go to Torzhok,
Let's buy Galka a boot!

- Jackdaw-crows,
Where are your mansions?
- Our mansions
In the forest on straw!
Titus was taking away the straw,
Destroyed our nests.
One tick ahead
He will collect all the straw!

Ood-hoopoe, oud-hoopoe,
Don't fly into the garden
Don't scare people
Sit on the bump
Cry all night!
Don't spill the beans!
Go mushroom hunting!
It's bad here!
It's bad here!

Kite, kite, wheel,
Your children are behind the forest,
Fire burns -
Your children will be burned.

Kite, kite, wheel,
Your children are outside the village,
They shout to you:
- Don't carry chickens,
And fly around
Over the green meadow.

Sat on an oak tree:
Knock Knock,
Knock Knock,
Pounds bitches
Beats bitches!

Iki-iki-iki-iki -
Screams! Screams! Screams!
Ikli-ikli-ikli -
These are cranes! These are cranes!

Tiga-si, shug-shug,
Across Rus' to the south!
Road by wheel!

The cranes are flying, flying!
Kurly-si, Kurly-si,
In Rus'! In Rus'!

- Geese ha-ha-ha!
Where are you going? Where are you going?
- Uh-huh-uh-uh,
To the south, south, south.
North-shug, north-shug,
From North to South! From North to South!

You-armor, you-armor,
From high! From high!
So-and-so, so-and-so,
The cranes are coming home!

The cranes are flying
They shout to all Rus':
- Gu-gu-gu, gu-gu-gu,
We are bringing spring!

Geese are flying -
Flat socks,
The geese say:
- That's what we are, that's what we are,
We will return to our homes!

Mouse, mouse, cockroach,
Give me a glass of water -
Handwash, dishwasher!

Cucumber, cucumber,
Don't go to that end:
There's a mouse living there
He'll bite your tail off.

Firefly light,
Shine it into your fist.
Shine a little light
I'll give you some peas
Jug of cottage cheese
And a piece of pie.

Dragonfly arrow,
Fly to a cloud!
- If it’s dry, I’ll fly,
If it’s damp, I’ll sit!

Yary bees,
Honey plants,
Fly along the freeway,
Sit on a flower
Bring the honey to the hundred!

Aquarius, Aquarius,
Pour the water out of your ears!

Olya, Olya, pour out the water
On the green deck -
Wash the piglets
Give Borovka a drink!

Pour out some water,
Yes, by the mitten:
Under the stump
Under the deck,
To the frogs, to the swamp.

Mouse, mouse,
For peas,
Pour out the water
On the path!

Mouse, mouse, pour out the water -
On an oak deck.
I cooked cabbage soup, spilled it,
I didn't collect the giblets.

Chick, chick, under the threshold!
I'll give you a lump of butter,
Donuts, flatbreads,
Cockroach legs!

Boletus, boletus,
red head,
I'll give you a carrot.

The little earthling is kind,
Grow into a mushroom -
Mushroom mushroom,
In the pine forest.

Aw, aw, let's go!
In the forest we sing:
So many fungi for us -
How many oak trees are there in the forest,
So many baskets for us -
There are so many aspen trees in the forest.
Aw, aw, let's go!

You, bor-borok,
Give me boxes of berries,
A box of mushrooms,
A bag of nuts!

A stack of fungi for us,
Full, even bodies.
So that there is a mushroom on a mushroom,
And mine is at the top!

Mushroom fungus,
Show off your pubes!
I'll look at you
I'll put it in the box!
Mushroom on mushroom
And mine is at the top!

Aw, aw, aw,
Through the fields and forests we sing:
So many boxes of mushrooms for us -
How many mosquitoes are there in the forest?
So many basket berries -
How many midges are there in the field?
Aw, aw, let's go!

These, these peas,
It will turn out well!
Excellent good -
Large and handsome!

Be born strong!
Neither small nor debt -
To the mouse's tail!

Be born, beans,
Cool and big
In an open field,
For all shares -
For the amusement of the old ones,
For fun for little kids!

Be born, beans,
Big and cool
Green and thick
Pods - right off the bat!

Be born, beans,
Big and cool
The field is thick,
Delicious on the table.

Sow-sow peas,
He won't be born badly.
Excellent good -
White, and large, and handsome,
And lots of pods!

These, these peas!
Sow peas!
Be born, peas,
And large and white,
For everyone's amusement,
And I myself am thirty -
For all the guys.

Mother turnip,
Be born strong
Neither thick nor sparse,
Until the great tail!

I tear, I tear the berry,
Black currant!
For mommy - in a basket,
Dad - in a glass.
And to the gray wolf -
Measles on a shovel!

Cheryomushka green,
Thin, tall,
The leaf is wide.
Under the clear rays,
Under frequent stars
Bloom until winter -
From butt to tip.
For the amusement of the old ones,
It’s amazing for small children.

Show up big
Yes, snowy
Yes, dead.
We were looking for you
They jumped over the bumps.

Pull up the sail
Drive my longboat
Full sails!

Wey, wey, breeze,
Pull up the sail
Drive the ship
To the Volga River!

Wey, wey, breeze,
Pull up the sail
Drive the ship
Until the big water!

Sea-sea -
Silver bottom,
Golden Coast,
Drive the wind through the waves!

Vitelek moth,
Bring us the breeze:
Turn from the gate
Drive the boat into the stream.

Wey, wey, breeze,
Pull up the sail
Drive the shavings
From west to east.

Ship, sail,
Bring the goods.
Resins and varu -
For a penny of all the goods.

Light boat
Golden bottom,
Silver merry,
mousey tree,
Green trawls.
Sail away, little boat!

Baba sowed peas
The ceiling has collapsed!
And the woman said: “Oh!”

Once upon a time there lived two raccoons
And they said: "Gop!"

Cups, spoons, cutlets,
The nesting dolls took a dip -

Away from the shore
Roll your beard.

I'll pass like a beaver -
Floating across the water,
I'll plunge three times -
Like a white goose.

I'll pass like a beaver -
Floating across the water,
I'll plunge three times -
Don't choke!

I'll dive through
I'll get out of the water!

  1. Nursery rhymes
  2. Fables-shifters
  3. Lullabies

Sentences- intimate one-on-one communication with nature. The sentences are addressed to home life, to everyday activities. In fact, all living things that surround the child are not ignored.
A sentence built on the principle of a request-wish, by its very verbal structure and design, sets the child up to respect every plant in the forest, field, and garden.
Each plant has its own definition, its own kind word, its own image of the expected harvest. The child sees with his own eyes what the purpose of the plant is, its healthy, living beauty. This is the healing prevention of the unreasonable, destructive actions of children in nature.
Turning to birds during spring and autumn migration, the child learns first of all to distinguish this amazing natural phenomenon in everyday life, begins to perceive it as an event, and adjusts the sounds of his speech to the bird’s chirping and cry.
Sentences during games are a kind of requests to nature for complicity, for kind help. They face the wind, water, stream. They contain the rules of the game that are necessary for all players, often preventing accidents. For example, do not choke when diving, do not get water in your ears. They teach children to be attentive to their actions, to check actions by rules, strictly observing them.

Sayings when playing and bathing:
The sun warmed up
Summer commanded:
Dip three times
Dive through
Get out from under the water.

Pour out some water,
Yes, by the mitten:
Under the stump
Under the deck,
To the frogs, to the swamp.

One, two,
Three four,
Picked up
Let's swim!

Don't blow in my face
Blow on my back
That going was in effect.

Vitilek moth,
Bring us the breeze:
From gate to turn
Drive the boat into the stream.

Wey, wey, breeze,
Pull up the sail
Drive away the shavings*
From west to east.
* Struzhok (strug) - a river vessel, sailing or rowing.

Light boat
Golden bottom,
Silver merry,
mousey tree,
Green trawls.
Sail away, little boat!

Grandfather Sysoy,
Shake your beard
Drive the sail,
To make the boat float.
Small streams,
Carry the shavings
From still water
To the great river.

Sayings in the garden:
Mother turnip,
Be strong,
Neither thick nor sparse,
To the great tail.

These, these peas,
Sow peas!
Be born, peas,
And large and white,
For everyone's amusement;
And I myself am thirty -
For all the guys.

Be born, beans,
Big and cool
The field is thick,
Delicious on the table.

Vilasta cabbage,
Don't be sore
Don't be sore
Be a fool.

Sayings in the forest:
The little earthling is kind,
Grow a mushroom -
Mushroom mushroom,
In the pine forest.

Boletus, boletus,
red head,
I'll give you a carrot.

Aw, aw, aw,
Let's smell the mint.
Polynyushki in snacks -
We don't need them for wreaths.
And on the grass mint,
Don't walk with your heels.
Aw, aw, aww.

Aw, aw, aw,
Matures* let's whine.
Unripe ones in the bins -
We don't need it in the basket.
Aw, aw, aww.
* Ripe berries.

Sentences to butterflies, bugs, birds:
Fly upward deftly.
Bring us from heaven:
Bread replacement
Substitute for mushrooms
The berries are growing,
Radish has a long tail.

Box butterfly,
Fly to a cloud
There are your children -
On a birch branch.

Fly to the patch,
Bring us from the sky
To make it happen in summer:
There are beans in the garden,
There are berries, mushrooms in the forest,
There is water in the spring,
There is wheat in the field.

Snail, snail,
Stick your horns out!
Let's give you some flatbreads
pork feet,
Porridge pot,
A pile of bread!

Passing by the hives, they address the bees:
Gray, small,
Scarlet wings,
Pointed noses
They themselves are colorful.
They go to the field
They hum, they hum.
They're coming from the field,
They carry the honey.

Roy, bunchi*,
Go to the fields
Get out of the fields
Bring the honey.
* Bunchi - buzz.

The bees are buzzing,
They go to the field
They're coming from the field,
They take the honey home.

Roy sits down
Sits in the field
Sits in the field
Feed on honey.

They listen to the cuckoo cuckoo, make a wish and count: the number of times the “cuckoo” is heard, the number of years the wisher will live:
Cuckoo, cuckoo,
Gray belly
Cuckoo me: ku, ku -
How many years to live forever.

Cuckoo, cuckoo,
Gray hazel grouse,
Cock in the forest: ku, ku -
How many years will I live!

Greeting cranes returning to their native lands:
Icky, icky, icky, icky -
Screams! Screams! Screams!
Ikli, ikli, ikli -
These are cranes! These are cranes!

Kurli, curli, curli,
The cranes are flying, flying!
Kurly-si, Kurly-si,
In Rus'! In Rus'!

You-armor, you-armor,
From high! From high!
So-and-you, so-and-you,
The cranes are coming home!

If children release captured birds from captivity, give them their parting words:
Plover, ti-li-ti,
Viti's nest.

Sunny, show yourself! Red, gear up! Russian folk children's tongue twisters, counting rhymes, chants, games, sentences. M., “Det. lit.”, 1977. Compiled by G.M. Naumenko.
Literature and fantasy: Book. for kindergarten teachers kindergarten and parents. - M.: Education, 1992.
Rainbow-arc. Russian folk children's songs without accompaniment. - M.: “Music”, 1976. Compiled by G.M. Naumenko.

Do you know what a sentence is? What are these little literary works? What and for whom are they intended? What is a sentence - a request or an attempt to influence the forces of nature? What should you say and in what cases?

What is a sentence in children's folklore?

So, in order. What is a sentence? This is the name given to short poetic appeals to plants, birds, and animals. These may be direct requests. Or there may be onomatopoeia. The well-known appeal to the cuckoo also applies to sentences: “How long should I live?” In the past, nicknames were also very popular. Both they and the sentences owe their origin to ancient conspiracies and spells, with the help of which our ancestors tried to somehow influence the forces of nature. Today it is simply an element of children's entertainment and fun. In games you can often hear the following sentences:

Hello, bee! Give me some honey

Be my deck full!

Ladybug, fly to heaven!

That's where your kids eat cutlets!

Pestushki and nursery rhymes - a type of sentences

In a word, what a sentence is is generally clear. However, they, in turn, also have some varieties. Appeals to living and inanimate nature are only a large part of them.

There are, for example, short poetic sentences (pestushki) among nannies and mothers, which are accompanied by the baby in the first months of his life. The child’s actions and movements are much more fun. For example, a baby wakes up, and his mother strokes his tummy, saying:

Stretch, stretch,

Mouth - talkers,

Legs - walkers,

And the hands are grippers.

Nursery rhymes also accompany the development and growth of a child. They accompany games with the baby's legs, arms and fingers. For example, the famous “magpie-crow” or “ladushki” for older children.

Popularity in the old days

Our ancestors used folk sayings, of course, much more often than today. Many ancient holidays and rituals were accompanied by poems created by people. It is in children's creativity that the particular popularity of sayings in ancient times can be traced.

Of course, children playing could be found always and everywhere. Sentences were heard in both rural and urban courtyards, along with riddles, tongue twisters, counting rhymes and teasers.

Fascinating and mysterious world

Let's summarize. Children's folklore (sayings, chants, nursery rhymes, etc.) is a truly fascinating, mysterious and fun world. At the same time, always fair and kind. Even though teasing can somehow hook a child, they are still clearly harmless. For example:

One, and two, and three, four!

Just jump across the field!

Sentences go back to ancient times. They originated many centuries ago - when people mistook wind, rain, earth and sun for living beings. With sentences they begged nature to have mercy on them. Rain - to water the earth, the sun - to warm them, the wind - to rid the sky of excess clouds. Time has passed. The magical meaning of sentences has already been forgotten. But they are still used as nursery rhymes in various games:

Rain, rain, pour more heavily,

Don't be sorry for the water.

I'll give you a cucumber

Walking out onto the porch.

I'll also give you a loaf,

Don't stop watering!

In a word, there are a lot of such sentences in children's folklore. All of them perfectly cheer up the children, as they are very cheerful, funny, and cheerful. Accompanying children's games, they can't help but make people around them smile. Indeed, kids delight and touch everyone around them, sincerely enjoying their interesting entertainment!

Sentence –. A short poem that is recited on different occasions, for example, when addressing living creatures - a snail, a ladybug, birds, pets. You get rid of water that has poured into your ears by jumping and saying a sentence. While swimming, they dive on the last words of the sentence. Using a sentence, they ask the cuckoo how many years to live. Mouse, mouse, You have a bone tooth, but I have a steel tooth.

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Literature 5th grade

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“Literature Quiz with Answers” ​​- Mistress of the Copper Mountain. Volume. Round. Onion boy. Birch. Gianni Rodari. Mother. Lermontov. Lukomorye has a green oak. Leaders. White birch. Small girl. Author of a book about Aibolit. Chukovsky. Country Literature. Uspensky. Prose area. Introductory lesson. Who is the author of the book about Crocodile Gene. Vasilisa the Beautiful. King of the sea. Mermaid. Doctor. Gena.

“Final work on literature” - Lyrics. Russian and foreign writers about animals. The theme of childhood in Russian and foreign literature. I. S. Turgenev. S. A. Yesenin. L. N. Tolstoy. F. I. Tyutchev. M. Yu. Lermontov. Proverb. Fable genre. Determine the type of folk tale. The story "Vasyutkino Lake". Ridicule of human vices. Final work on literature in 5th grade. Controlled content elements. I. S. Shmelev. Fables. M.Yu. Lermontov.

“Libraries of the World” - There are about 150 thousand public libraries in our country. One of the largest libraries. Library from Greek “biblio” - book, “theka” - storage. What does the word library mean? Russian State Library. The first reliable information about libraries. Library of Congress. Two concepts. Collection of books and printed works. Libraries appeared simultaneously with the appearance of documents. 2.British Museum Library.

“The story of “Mumu”” - Childhood years. The creative history of the creation of I.S. Turgenev’s story “Mumu”. Life of a lady. Russia. The writer's childhood. Pain and suffering. Turgenev. Eagle. Publishing a story. Gerasim. Moscow. Gerasim's classes. Writing the story "Mumu". Turgenev's parents. Gerasim's departure. The fate of the janitor Andrey. Gerasim is in the city. The birth of the story "Mumu". 5 thousand serfs. Childhood memories.

“Evil spirits in fairy tales” - The connection between the image of Koshchei the Immortal and mythological heroes. Etymolgy. Baba Yaga. The ritual of “baking a child.” Yaga warrior. Rite. Image of Koshchei the Immortal. “Evil spirits” in Russian folk tales. Yaga the giver. Slavic mythology. Symbolism of the image of Koshchei. Items. The hero who opposes the villain. Yaga the kidnapper. Ancestress. Etymology of the name Koschey. The title of the fairy tale. Myths of pagan Rus'.

"Cinderella" - A wandering plot. Cinderella. Let's compare the plot. Goodness triumphs. Hypothesis. The originality of the wandering plot. Magic items. Definition of "wandering plot". Author's position. Tales of a persecuted stepdaughter. The wandering plot in literature.