Do you feel tired and exhausted immediately after waking up, by lunchtime you feel sleepy, and in the evening your head is no longer clear? Perhaps your natural biorhythms are disturbed, that is, you sleep, eat and work at the wrong time. But in order to be healthy and be known as a long-liver, it is very important to live in accordance with your internal clock. To do this, you need to create an optimal daily routine.

It means the rational use of time for such important components of life as proper sleep, nutrition, personal hygiene, work, rest, and physical activity. How to create an ideal daily routine to be productive, cheerful and energetic?

Proper sleep and biorhythms: what you need to know about your daily routine

If in ancient times the daily routine depended on the sunrise and sunset, then with the invention of artificial lighting people began to go to bed late and wake up later. This shift in natural biorhythms is harmful to health and often leads to various diseases. The optimal solution will help you avoid such an unpleasant outcome. daily regime. It develops in a person such important qualities as discipline, organization and focus.

Creating a daily routine is an individual process that depends on the needs of the body, gender, age and personal comfort.

It is impossible to create an optimal daily routine that would suit everyone. After all, despite the fact that people are built the same, each person’s body works differently. So, some people are “larks”, others are “owls”, and still others are “pigeons”.

What does the correct daily routine consist of?

The correct daily routine includes the following components:

  • Dream. The realities of the modern world do not allow every person to get enough sleep. And there are also plenty of those who sleep much more than they should. Both the first and second jet lag are harmful to health. Constant lack of sleep is fraught with fatigue, drowsiness, and poor health. A person who neglects healthy sleep becomes irritable, depressed and often suffers from sluggish thinking. In addition, he is often tormented by headaches and nausea. And proper sleep allows you to fully recover and at the same time prevents nervous system disorders.
  • Nutrition . Food serves as so-called fuel. It supplies the body with energy, which is spent on mental and physical activity. In addition, it saturates the body with vitamins, minerals and other useful elements that are needed for normal life and to fight off illnesses. Therefore, meals should be regular and nutritious.
  • Job. This component is present in the life of every person. So, schoolchildren go to classes and do their homework, students attend lectures and seminars, and adults build a career and earn a living. Proper planning of working time is part of the daily routine. Therefore, it is very important to master time management skills.
  • Rest. In order to restore strength and productivity, proper sleep will not be enough. It is necessary to find time for rest even while you are awake: during your lunch break or after work, try to relax rather than work. Walking in the fresh air, communicating with loved ones or friends, going to the cinema, learning a foreign language - this is what will help maintain performance at a high level.

Physical activity. This component is especially important for those who follow a sedentary lifestyle. Sports activities knead all muscles and bones, eliminate congestion, and also improve health.

Proper sleep and biorhythms: planning your daily routine by the hour

The daily routine must not only be thought out, but also written down in a notebook. Thus, keeping it always at hand, you will not forget what you need to do today. And write down only real tasks, that is, what you can really do. Also, do the most difficult tasks first and then move on to the easier ones.

It is very important to create a daily routine in accordance with how busy you are at work. But you should also devote time to rest, household chores and other important matters.

An ideal daily routine by the hour looks like this:

  • 6:00-7:00 - awakening, personal hygiene and exercise. It is at this time that the biological “alarm clock” turns on. It also activates the work of all organs and systems. In addition, metabolism is included in the work, which prepares the body for food intake. At this time, it is useful to do morning exercises, as it accelerates the blood, saturating it with oxygen. By the way, lovemaking is suitable instead of exercise. According to doctor of neurology Pam Spoor, it is useful morning sex, since at dawn sex hormones are actively released. And after you enrich your blood with oxygen, take a contrast shower. It invigorates very well.
  • 7:30-8:00 - breakfast. It is by this time that the gastrointestinal tract is ready to eat food, and all vitamins, minerals and other useful elements are instantly absorbed by the body and converted into energy.
You need to have breakfast an hour after getting up. Therefore, set the time of your morning meal depending on your biorhythm.
  • from 9:00- Beginning of work. By this time, food has already been converted into energy, which means the brain is ready for active and intense work.
  • from 12:00- dinner. By the middle of the day, productivity decreases and attention is scattered. Therefore, the body needs to be given time to reboot. It's time for lunch, since gastric juice is actively being produced. After lunch, you can take a walk in the fresh air or chat with colleagues.
  • 15:00-17:00 - Job. During this period of time, the so-called “second wind” opens. Therefore, it’s time to devote it to work, but only to easier tasks that do not require concentration and creativity.
  • 17:00-18:00 - dinner. After 19:00 the stomach becomes no longer active. Therefore, it is important to have dinner before this time. Thus, all food easily digested and absorbed by the body.
  • After 19:00- free time. Since at this time the pressure decreases and the stomach “falls asleep,” devote it to reading books, chatting with friends, or doing chores around the house. But do not engage in physical activity or mental activity. After all, the body needs rest after work.
  • 20:00 - mental activity. By this time, the brain has time to reboot a little. Therefore, you can start learning English or other activities related to memorization.
  • from 21:00- Preparation for sleep. At this time, the body begins to slowly fall asleep. Therefore, dedicate it to yourself: take a shower, do all hygiene procedures, relax by listening to slow music or just lying on the couch.
  • 22:00 - going to bed. You should try to go to bed at this time. Indeed, in the interval between 22:00 and 23:00, one hour of sleep equals 2-3 hours of rest. In addition, with proper sleep, the body begins to actively repair itself.

Of course, you can create your daily routine based on what time you go to bed and what time you wake up. But in order to stay young and healthy for a long time, you need to plan your schedule correctly.

By creating the daily routine we have suggested in this article and sticking to it regularly, you will maintain your health, become more organized and productive. You will also develop the right lifestyle, where you spend less time and energy on unimportant things and more on useful things. Living in accordance with natural biorhythms, you will learn to correctly, wisely and effectively allocate your time, as well as make longer-term plans.

In our age of high technology, it is sometimes very difficult for a person to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The reasons for this are: an abundance of unhealthy and fatty foods, rich in preservatives and dyes, free round-the-clock access to the Internet and television, irregular work schedules, etc. As a result, the daily routine gets disrupted, chronic fatigue, apathy, frequent headaches, insomnia and even depression appear.

The importance of leading a healthy lifestyle

Anyone who leads an incorrect daily routine, does not observe sleep and wakefulness patterns, is immediately visible. Characteristic signs of lack of sleep are: bags under the eyes, yellow whites of the eyes with broken capillaries in them, pale skin, problems with coordination, increased nervousness, sensitivity and even tremors.

The interconnection of normal physical and mental well-being with the daily routine was noticed by scientists more than 100 years ago. Depending on the biological age of a person, approximate ideal daily routines.

The main components of a healthy lifestyle

  • Strict adherence to sleep and wakefulness;
  • Balanced, constant diet;
  • A sufficient amount of physical activity necessary for the body;
  • Following the rules of basic hygiene;
  • Normal psychological state;
  • No bad habits.

What are the dangers of not following a daily routine?

First of all, shifting the regime is fraught with problems with the state of the nervous system. A person becomes apathetic to everything, or vice versa, overly irritable and nervous. Working capacity is noticeably reduced. In addition, he becomes more susceptible to the harmful effects of stress, as well as various diseases and viruses.

In addition to the psychological impact, the absence of a regime also has an effect on the physical state. A person constantly feels sick, exhausted and deprived of strength. He is plagued by frequent headaches, fatigue, muscle pain and blood pressure problems. Also, disruption of the daily routine significantly inhibits metabolic processes, which can result in diseases such as constipation, heaviness in the stomach, and dysbiosis.

Individual diet must also be streamlined and balanced. As you know, digestion processes reach their peak activity from early morning to 12 noon, so if you regularly skip breakfast, you can easily get an ulcer, or gastritis.

The stomach gets used to the correct daily routine and nutrition quickly, so those who lead a relatively healthy lifestyle, as a rule, do not have significant problems with digestion and absorption of nutrients.

What is the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle?

  • Maintaining a routine is the key to success and prosperity. People who strictly follow a daily routine, monitor their diet and control the presence of bad habits are, as a rule, more disciplined and purposeful. They never put things off “for later” and prefer to solve problems as they arise. In addition, such people have a higher level of activity; they manage to do a lot of things in a day.
  • People who lead a healthy lifestyle and daily routine get sick less often than others. With measured and organized life activity, the body also begins to work “like a clock.” Physical activity, hunger, fatigue and sleepiness come at the same time, so physiological mechanisms never take you by surprise and are almost always predictable.

The daily routine, the body’s activities, the phases of its sleep and wakefulness are directly related with the concept of biological rhythms.

Biorhythms are periodically repeated dynamics of the temporal intensity of physiological processes that systematically occur in every living organism.

Biorhythms and their direct influence on the life and health of modern man are studied by a special science - chronobiology. Chronobiologists have established the dependence of the life activity of all living beings on the planet on natural processes, as well as the influence of the sun, moon and even stars.

A connection was also established between the vital functions of the body and the period of the day and seasons. Biorhythms are not constant, they can change throughout life.

Closely related to them is the concept of a biological clock - naturally pre-programmed sensors for the time of performing a particular action.

How to transform from a night owl to a morning person

To do this, you will need, first of all, desire and willpower. In order to turn from a “night owl” into a “lark” you need put in a little effort and patience.

How to create a healthy daily routine? Sample action plan

7:00 - 7-15 - get out of bed

  • The optimal inducement time is 7 am. Don’t rush to jump out of bed right away - allow yourself to lie down for a while. Think about what the new day will bring, consider the scenario for its further development;
  • Try drinking a glass of clean water on an empty stomach immediately after waking up - this will significantly speed up and improve the quality of digestive processes;

7:15-7-30 - morning exercises and shower

  • Do not ignore exercise - overnight a person’s muscles become numb and lose their former elasticity. A set of simple physical exercises can help restore their tone, and when combined with a shower, it has an amazing invigorating effect.

7:30 - 8:00 - breakfast

  • Breakfast should be light and nutritious. Morning is the time when metabolic processes in the body occur very quickly. Give preference to porridges; they are rich in complex carbohydrates. Also, don't forget about the benefits of raw fruits and vegetables and their overall importance for well-being and health.

8:15 - getting ready to leave the house

8:30 — leaving the house (approximate time)

9:00 - 13:30 - first peak of work activity

13:00-14:00 — lunch break

  • It is recommended to go out for a while to get some fresh air to awaken and increase your appetite;
  • In order not to waste money, make it a rule to take lunch with you.

14:00-18:00 - second peak of work activity

19:00 - 20:00 - rest

20:00 - dinner (no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime)

  • Dinner should be complex and nutritious, but at the same time not too overloaded with fats and simple carbohydrates. An ideal option would be a light side dish such as buckwheat porridge, vitamin salad with olive oil and baked fish.
  • Do not drink too much liquid at night, especially tea, as it has diuretic properties. You should also avoid coffee - the caffeine it contains irritates the nerve endings and can cause insomnia.

20:30-23:00 — free time

23:00 - sleep

  • Before going to bed, you should take a contrast shower or a special soothing bath;
  • A 15-20 minute walk in the fresh air at night will help you fall asleep more soundly;
  • If you have time to get hungry, drink a glass of any low-fat dairy product.

Of course, this is only an approximate schedule of a person’s daily routine. You can create a more detailed one yourself, taking into account all the aspects and nuances of your specific life activities and health status.

How to create a daily routine taking into account the characteristics of male and female bodies

Due to psychophysiological characteristics, the daily routine for men and women has some differences.

Men should pay more attention to physical activity, develop and strengthen their body. Just half an hour of regular training will help you achieve amazing results and improve your health. It is useful to go for morning and evening runs, and then take a contrast shower. Men should also pay attention to their diet - protein-enriched foods with sufficient physical activity will help build the desired muscle mass. There should be about 5-6 proper meals a day, and you can also have light, nutritious snacks.

Women's lifestyles are more flexible due to the influence of natural monthly cycles. The level of physical and mental activity should depend directly on their well-being.

Women, like men, also need to devote time to their physical fitness. There are many techniques and sports that will help keep your body in great shape, such as gymnastics, swimming, yoga, cardio training, ballroom and modern dancing.

To maintain a fresh appearance, it is important not to forget that a woman should sleep at least 8-9 hours a day and carefully monitor her diet. To maintain a slim and graceful figure, it is recommended to limit the consumption of fast food, sweets and alcoholic beverages. Preference should be given to light and healthy foods with a minimal presence of animal fats in favor of vegetable fats.

We are glad to welcome you, dear readers! To always be in good shape, have time to fulfill your plans and feel cheerful and joyful in the morning, you just need to organize the correct daily routine. Because when biological rhythms are disturbed, health and well-being necessarily deteriorate; this even affects mood and the ability to enjoy life. And if it so happens that you are a little “lost” from the course, it doesn’t matter, today we will look at ways that will help you create a daily routine that is suitable for you.

By the way, before creating your daily routine, I recommend using the rules that successful people use. It will serve as excellent motivation for you.

Main components

1. Sleep

In the first place, of course, is sleep, otherwise all planned tasks will go to hell due to the fact that it will be difficult to even just keep your eyes open, not to mention fulfilling your duties. Adequate rest is vital and should be at least 8 hours.

By the way, oversleeping also has an adverse effect on health, paradoxically.

You should go to bed no later than 11:00 pm, otherwise your body will produce cortisol, a stress hormone. And this will eventually lead to depression, then what kind of cheerfulness and joy can we talk about? For more details, explore.

2. Food

It should be complete, so you shouldn’t skip meals because you’re busy or because you want to maintain your figure. With food, the body gets the opportunity to replenish energy reserves so that you have the strength to work and, in general, want something. Among other things, various vitamins and microelements are supplied.

3. Rest

Be sure, no matter how busy you are, to take breaks, otherwise you will begin to use up your reserve resources, and this can lead to serious illnesses. So, once you're done with your responsibilities, give yourself the opportunity to do things that bring you joy and help you recover.

And if you don’t know how to organize your leisure time, because you’re used to devoting all your time only to your career, then make a wish list. Many of them have arisen in your mind from time to time, but you have not dared to bring them to life - start implementing them immediately.

4. Physical activity

They are necessary for both adults and children. Playing sports improves health, helps cope with stress, increases self-esteem, stamina, mood and activity.

5. Work

It is a rare person who lives without having to perform any duties. Realizing your abilities allows you not only to earn your daily bread, but also to satisfy your needs and show ambition, which will ultimately lead to success and self-esteem.

Due to the fact that everyone is different, it is impossible to offer the only correct and ideal plan. Therefore, here I will give an example of a schedule that is most suitable for the majority according to biological rhythms.

So, the most effective and useful daily routine:

The first half of the day

6.00 – 7.00 – Internal processes are launched, adrenaline is produced, which is responsible for activity and energy. It is best to do yoga at this time, do exercises, this will help enrich your organs with oxygen and tune in for the coming day. By the way, neurologist Pam Spoor calls for making love at this time, as a number of hormones are released, which has a positive effect on the state of the body. At night, apart from pleasure, you can’t expect any other effects.

7.00 – 8.00 – After your morning activity, it’s time to replenish your calories. Breakfast should be hearty, even if you are looking after your figure, you can take a risk and treat yourself to a bun. Do you know why? Because, firstly, before the evening you will have time to expend extra calories, and secondly, most of them will go “to the brain,” since it spent a lot of energy during the night, creating dreams and processing previously received information.

8.00 – 8.15 – the most favorable time for taking medications and a complex of vitamins, provided that you have eaten, otherwise the body will instantly remove them through urine, and there will be no result.

8.15 – 9.00 – if possible, take a short walk before studying or working, because for a person who has a busy day ahead, it is very important to get a sufficient amount of oxygen. This will ensure the efficiency of brain activity, the absence of headaches and vigor, a good mood. Try to leave the house a little earlier to walk down the street and also get a portion of vitamin D, which is produced thanks to ultraviolet radiation.

9.00 – 11.00 – get to work, and solve the most complex problems, since during this period your brain activity is at its peak, which makes it very easy to generate ideas and make calculations.

11.00 – 13.00 – the blood gradually begins to “leave” from the brain and flow to the stomach, so you should do easier things that can be dealt with in a short period of time.

13.00 – 13.30 – the food you take during this period will be quickly digested and will not cause discomfort, depriving you of the desire to move. So organize lunch, even if you don’t really want to eat, you need to saturate your body at least a little.


13.30 – 14.00 – it would be ideal to organize a visit to a medical facility, since the activity of all organs decreases, along with sensitivity, which means that your body is not so susceptible to pain. And taking painkillers will have a longer lasting effect than if you took them at another time.

Regardless of how you feel and the situation, even if you are provoked into conflict, try to control yourself and not react. The health consequences will be excessive due to the relaxation of all body systems.

15.00 – 16.00 – take a short walk, breathe in some fresh air, this will help restore the feeling of activity and “wake up” the body. If you can’t get away from work for a short time, at least just go to the window to “catch” the sun’s rays. But this is subject to good weather.

16.00 – 18.00 – run to the gym, as training during this period is the safest and most effective. Do you know why? Because various hormones and proteins are produced that help protect the heart during intense exercise and also reduce the risk of muscle injury.

18.00 – 19.00 – if you need to buy new shoes, feel free to go to the store, as you will probably guess the size. By this time, your feet will swell, and in the future the purchased shoes and other things will not put pressure on you, which cannot be said about the morning purchase.

19.00 – 20.00 - It's time for dinner. You can even allow yourself a little alcohol; it won’t do you much harm, since the enzymes that the liver produces are at their maximum, which means they easily neutralize harmful substances.

21.00 – 22.30 - rest. Get ready for sleep, take a warm bath, ventilate the room. If necessary, if you suffer from insomnia, drink a glass of warm milk or eat a spoonful of honey. Avoid activity, quarrels, work or hanging out on the Internet, otherwise the next day you will forget about vigor and good mood.

Making the right schedule is only a third of the work, because the most important thing is compliance with it. If you've lived your whole life without following a schedule at all, it will be difficult to just take it and change completely. Therefore, I propose to consider recommendations that will help you gradually “enter” the new regime without sabotaging the process.

  1. Recording on paper or electronic media is mandatory. No matter how great your memory is, this is an important step. This way you won’t “accidentally” forget about some nuance. The process of writing down symbolizes the fact that you are taking responsibility, which means that ignoring any point will serve as a silent reproach.
  2. Refrain from coming up with something new; you should simply write down existing tasks and responsibilities. For example, you get up at 6 am every day to get ready for work - nothing will change, just this fact will be displayed in the schedule. But if you decide to do yoga in the evenings, and practice it yourself, you may not be able to implement it on an ongoing basis. It takes gradualism to get used to respecting boundaries, and discipline does not appear overnight.
  3. Once you've created your schedule, take a few days to reality-test it. What I mean is that, due to some circumstances, you could allocate too much or too little time to implement something, which will cause the entire plan to suffer because it will move over time. So watch yourself for the first week, after which feel free to make the necessary adjustments.
  4. Organizing a daily routine affects not only the work area, so be sure to write down household chores and rest.


And that’s all for today, dear readers! To have enough energy to accomplish your plans, it is important to take care of your health, so study the recommendations indicated in the article. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

The material was prepared by Alina Zhuravina.


In the primary grades, exemplary academic performance and grades result not only from the efforts of children, but also from proper rest, day and night. The daily routine refers to the optimal distribution of time for certain work and rest during the day.

The daily routine of a primary school student has the following elements:

  • activities at school and at home;
  • regular outdoor recreation;
  • good nutrition;
  • sound, healthy sleep;
  • independent hobbies and activities of your choice.

A primary school child should sleep at least 11 hours. If a child often suffers from illness while attending school, he is recommended to sleep during the day, after school hours. During sleep, he will gain strength and energy, which will help him complete his homework.

It’s better to go to bed at 10 or 11 pm so that he has time to sleep and get ready for school in the morning. You cannot yell at children or swear before bed, otherwise he will get upset, his nervous system will be excited, and he will not be able to sleep peacefully.

It is necessary to ask about the past day, discuss existing problems, and praise for its successes. Parents need to ensure that their child gets ready for school in the morning without haste or fuss.

It consists:

  1. Ironing clothes and collecting the briefcase should be done in the evening.
  2. All things, clothes, shoes should be in a permanent place so that you don’t have to look for them before classes.
  3. Be sure to do morning exercises with your children, which will give them vigor, strength, and energy for the whole day.
  4. It is best to feed breakfast after exercise, 5 minutes before going to school.

You need to plan in advance and calculate how much time it will take to get ready for school. In primary school, parents are always required to accompany their child to school. You need to manage your time so that you can walk at a calm pace and not be late for class.

  1. Along the chosen route, explain to the child the meanings of the road signs encountered along the way.
  2. Watch other road users, tell your child about the mistakes they make while driving.
  3. Tell your child how to cross the street and use traffic lights correctly.

It is important to know! Explain to your child that even if the traffic light is green, you need to look both ways before crossing the road.

Student schedule

In order to make it easier for your child to adhere to the schedule, you can create your own sample schedule for the school week.

You can draw a schedule for your child with your own hands, a table can help for this, and hang it in a visible place. Or you can buy a special form and fill it out. But there are classes that take place in the second shift, where children study from lunch. It is more difficult for them to adapt and get used to this regime.

You need to create a correct daily schedule so that your child has time to do homework, play, and relax. Health status, positive grades at school, and physical development directly depend on a well-designed daily routine.

Each student requires a designated area to complete homework assignments. The desktop should be comfortable so that workbooks and notebooks can fit on it.

The dimensions of the table and chair must correspond to the height of the child. If they are not suitable, curvature of the spine may occur, the baby will quickly get tired and will not be able to do his homework correctly.

Daily routine during exams

Exams place mental stress on students' bodies. During this period, you should pay close attention to your daily routine and periodically change your activities and rest. When taking exams, you need to strictly monitor the favorable atmosphere and situation in the family.

Rest and sleep times should not be disrupted in order to prolong mental stress. This can seriously affect the nervous system and physical condition of the student as a whole. On weekends and holidays, the daily schedule should differ from the school week.

These days you should spend as much time as possible in the fresh air, going to theatres, shops, cinemas. During the holidays, it is useful for children to relax in health camps and sanatoriums. It is also necessary to create a daily routine for the summer so that the child can recover for the new school year.

Routine for high school

Daily routine for high school. As with younger grades, a proper daily routine is important for high school students. They have differences from each other. Adult children are allowed to stay up during the lunch break.

High school students will also benefit from outdoor walks and recreational sports for the nervous system and musculoskeletal system.

The favorable time for doing homework is from 16-00 to 19-00, after which the body begins to become overtired, headaches, and memory deterioration begin.

You should not distract children's attention while doing homework; they may lose their thoughts and it will be difficult to remember the main idea. Academic achievement and good grades depend largely on parents.

We need to help them carry out the daily routine, prepare things so that he is neat and accustomed to order.

If a student does not follow the correct daily routine, then classes at school can negatively affect his health:

  • incorrect posture at a desk causes curvature of the spine;
  • the muscular system weakens;
  • blood circulation to muscles and brain is impaired;
  • frequent stress can cause nervous breakdowns;
  • by the end of the training sessions the child becomes tired and drowsy;
  • stomach upsets may occur due to poor diet;
  • vision decreases.

If you don’t take care of your children, school can negatively affect their physical and mental development.

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Your well-being, productivity, and good mood depend on how you manage your time. Use these tips and create a schedule that would be almost a mortal sin to break.

1. You need to work without interruption

If you are engaged primarily in intellectual work (for example, you are a designer, engineer, writer, scientist), you need to focus on the task at hand and catch the so-called. To work well and productively, leave clear periods of time in your schedule during which you will not be distracted, interrupted, or leave your workplace. Use these time slots for work only.

The optimal amount of time can be easily calculated using the rule proposed by Facebook manager David Gillis.

Your weekly schedule should have at least six periods of at least three and a half hours, strictly reserved for work without interruption.

It is difficult, but it is necessary to strive for it. Basically, you need to work every day until lunch for three and a half hours. And find a day when you will work for three and a half hours without a break and after lunch.

Review your schedule. Is there room for this rule to be implemented? If there is no space, you have a problem. And you urgently need to solve it.

What happens if you don't follow this rule?

  • You won't be productive.
  • You will have to finish the work after hours, at night, or spend your weekends on it.

You obviously won't last long in this state. Therefore, try to rearrange your schedule so that it matches the rule. To do this you can:

  • reschedule meetings so that they do not distract you from work;
  • find a day during which there will be no meetings, meetings, or planning meetings;
  • talk to your manager: he is probably ready to optimize your day so that you work more efficiently.

Once you create a schedule that strictly defines these time blocks, treat it like it's grandma's jewelry. Holy cow. Collection bottle of wine.

To make it easier to follow a new schedule, explain to yourself why it is necessary. Set a goal for yourself. For example, say, “I want to finish a project in a week.”

It will be easy and pleasant for you to work. Find a comfortable place, turn off notifications on your phone, drink coffee. Catch the flow and join the process.

2. Review your schedule weekly.

Decide on your priorities

There should be a 30-minute window in your schedule scheduled for Monday. Use this time to review your calendar for the coming week. Decide what three main goals you need to achieve in the next seven days. What are your priorities?

Be sure to check all appointments scheduled for this week. They should not interrupt work time blocks.

  • If you are invited to participate in an event that you know nothing about, write to the organizer and ask for the event program.
  • If you have a meeting planned with a person, but you have nothing to discuss at this time, cancel it.
  • If you have a meeting or presentation planned, also schedule time for preparation.
  • If a meeting is not scheduled, but you have some important questions for a person or team, schedule a meeting, a meeting, or at least a phone call.

It is not simple. But in return, you will get a pleasant feeling of complete control over your time for seven days.

3. Ask yourself if this is the meeting you need to be at.

Meetings, meetings, presentations - all this eats up a lot of your time. Usually such events are scheduled inconveniently and are completely ineffective. Why are they even needed?

Why do we appear on them?

  • We don't want to upset the other person. He made an appointment with you, which means he needs to discuss something. Reluctantly, you agree to come to the meeting, sacrificing your important matters.
  • We feel included in the process. For example, if the whole team meets to discuss a project, you feel like you have to show up. Otherwise, your colleagues will think that you are not as dedicated as others.
  • The desire to be in the know. If a meeting seems important (for example, someone from management will be present or a fateful decision is planned), you naturally want to be there.

In fact, your efficiency could be higher if you stayed at your desk and stayed focused on the process. How do you know which meeting you need to attend and which you can skip? Use this rule.

You should come to the meeting if:

a) you are confident that your presence will influence the outcome of the meeting,

b) you will increase your effectiveness thanks to this meeting.

To understand whether your presence will affect the outcome, ask yourself whether you are going to talk about your work or want to sit in silence. Perhaps there will be someone in the room who can express your opinion more confidently and better.

To determine whether you will be more effective after this meeting, ask yourself if you will learn anything new from this meeting. If you don't learn anything new, aren't willing to ask questions, don't talk about your work, and therefore don't expect constructive criticism, then your effectiveness is unlikely to improve.

If in neither the first nor the second case you cannot explain to yourself why you need to come to this meeting, skip it. Your time is limited and you need to use every minute wisely.

4. Make meetings effective

Some meetings and appointments can be more efficient and bring more results. Check if your work event meets these criteria and answer a few questions.

  • There is a clear agenda and purpose for the meeting. If there are none, encourage the organizer to announce what exactly needs to be achieved at the end of the meeting.
  • Are those who are not participating in the meeting present at the meeting? The larger the planning meeting, the more expensive it is for each team member, and the more skills and abilities are required from the leader.
  • Is it possible to divide a large meeting into several small meetings? This way, the whole team will work during the meeting, express their opinions, and discuss the work done.
  • Is the discussion going sideways? Keep track of the time: When the topic of conversation changes, it's easy to get distracted and forget how many minutes are left until the end of the meeting. Don't let yourself waste your precious time so thoughtlessly. Remind your colleagues: “We have 10 minutes left and there are still a few questions we haven’t covered.”

5. Leave time for study and creativity

Not all important tasks need to be completed urgently. But be sure to schedule time for such activities.

Depending on what goal you have set for yourself, leave a window for study, creativity, or... It can be quite short - literally a couple of hours. But in a few years you will thank yourself for these happy hours. Even such a small investment will yield profit in the future.

For example, I really love drawing and I think that this skill should not be lost. Therefore, in my schedule there are two hours allocated only for drawing. I draw on Sunday - it's the least busy day in my schedule. This is enough to have fun and not forget how to hold the brush in your hands.

6. Remember: you need to do everything you planned

Regardless of whether you like to do it or not.

I really love the double cheeseburger, but I eat it much less often than salads, cereals and soups. Simply because, constantly eating double cheeseburgers, you will not be healthy and strong. Sometimes it is very difficult to force yourself to eat the right foods. But these weaknesses need to be overcome, because it is good for health.

The same goes for your schedule. Do what you love. Do what you love not so much, but what is good for you, your career, health, development. The items in your schedule appeared for a reason: we have already discarded everything unnecessary, only what remains is what will help you become better.

Now the schedule cannot be violated.