Each of us has probably come across the concept of “fertility”. Fertility in women: what is it and what is its designation? This is a concept that denotes the ability to give birth to healthy offspring. It applies to both men and women and provides an assessment of their reproductive capabilities.

After all, some women get pregnant easily and give birth just as easily, while others face a huge number of problems, including the inability to conceive a child naturally. What is the definition of fertility, how to check its level? Another exciting question is what age is considered acceptable for having a child? Let's try to figure it out.

Fertility in a woman is the ability to bear and give birth to a healthy child.

The term “fertility” itself has Latin roots. It comes from the word “fertilis” - fertile, fruitful. This concept denotes the possibility, the ability of an organism to reproduce offspring.

If we talk about applying the concept to men, we mean his ability to fertilize a woman, and if to a woman, her ability to conceive a healthy, strong child. One way or another, we are talking about absolutely healthy people who are sexually active and belong to certain age categories.

Fertility in a woman is established with the advent of a regular menstrual cycle and ends with the onset of menopause. Male fertility begins with the production of active sperm capable of fertilizing a ready-made egg. There are 4 stages of fertile age for women:

  1. The early stage is reproductive. It starts from the first menstruation until the girl is 20 years old. The following characteristic features stand out: a cycle is established, ovulation occurs quite rarely, hormonal levels are balanced. If a girl is sexually active, pregnancy is possible.
  2. Average reproductive age - begins at 20 and lasts up to 40 years. Hormonal levels return to normal, become stable, the menstrual cycle is regular, there are no serious health problems. This period is considered the most favorable for childbearing.
  3. Late reproductive stage - duration from 40 to 45 years. Hormonal levels become unstable, but ovulation and the cycle are still stable. Age-related changes begin in the body. It is still possible to get pregnant naturally, but pregnancy requires serious medical supervision.
  4. The stage of diminishing fertility begins at age 46 and lasts until age 60. This is the period of menopause, which is characterized by decreased hormonal levels. The menstrual cycle becomes increasingly irregular and eventually ends. Getting pregnant naturally is incredibly difficult or even impossible; if this happens, you will need to take a course of hormonal medications to carry a child to term.

Of course, you can get pregnant at very different ages - evidence of this is evidence of many cases where women gave birth well over 70 or, conversely, too early. For example, a girl from Peru, Lina Medina, became one of the youngest women to give birth - when she gave birth to her daughter, she was only 5 years old.

The children in both the first and second cases were completely healthy, with normal height and weight. This once again confirms that each organism is unique.

The age that is called the most optimal for women in labor is from 20 to 40 years. This is a normal process, both from a biological and medical point of view. If we talk about the fertility range in general, taking into account facts from different countries, this is 15 – 49 years.

Men retain their reproductive functions throughout their lives. The only thing that can interfere with fertilization is the influence of age and external factors.

What does female fertility depend on?

What does a woman's fertility depend on? First of all, on indicators of the health of the reproductive system, the general condition of the uterine tubes and endometrium. The second factor: the regularity of the menstrual cycle, ovulation - they indicate natural changes in the ovaries, uterus, and signal the release of an egg from the ovary.

Problems with conceiving and bearing a baby can arise if a woman has diseases of the pelvic organs - infections, serious inflammatory processes, endometriosis. Smoking or drinking alcohol has a very negative effect on your ability to get pregnant. There are other factors:

  • obesity, excess weight problems that cause hormonal imbalance;
  • frequent stress, nervousness;
  • adhesions in the pelvis;
  • the phenomenon of “synechia” - the tissues inside the uterine cavity grow together;
  • problems with the thyroid gland: hyperfunction or hypofunction, serious disease - diabetes. These factors can cause improper hormone production;
  • surgical intervention in the uterus: early abortions, operations;
  • possible disruption of the immune system, which can provoke sperm rejection.

In order to avoid any problems with childbearing, you need to seriously take care of your body, reconsider your habits and nutrition, and play sports. Be sure to undergo a doctor's examination and take the necessary tests.

How to determine a woman's fertility level

Female fertility includes three stages:

  1. Conceive.
  2. Take out.
  3. Give birth.

From this comes the following division into high level, medium and low. The last category means that out of the three main abilities, a woman can do one thing. For example, the ability to conceive a baby, but the inability to bear it.

Fertility is male and female

A normal (average) indicator means that a woman is able to conceive a child without problems, carry a child to term on her own (without the use of hormonal stimulation) and give birth without resorting to surgical intervention.

A high fertility rate indicates a woman’s ability to conceive, carry and give birth several times with minimal interruption. Pregnancy can occur even during menstruation or lactation.

It is very difficult for women with high fertility to choose the right and, most importantly, effective contraception. Experts recommend that they give birth to the desired number of babies and undergo sterilization.

Interesting fact: there is no contraception that would give 100% results! The highest level of protection is provided by hormonal drugs (99%), followed by the intrauterine device (97%). Condoms can only provide 95%.

There are many ways to find out about your fertility level, such as home or clinical tests. Clinical tests are carried out in the laboratory using ultrasound examination of the ovaries.

The specialist assesses the parameters and number of growing follicles. Also, the relationship between connective and hormonal tissues is considered. As a result, a fertility forecast is compiled, measured in points from – 2 to + 2. A minus score means a low chance of conception, a plus score means high fertility.

You can take a clinical blood test, which will also indicate your fertility level. This is a blood sample for hormones. It is used to determine the concentration of FSH (follicle-stimulating) and LH (luteinizing) hormones.

If the level of the first is higher than LH, this indicates exhaustion of the appendages. The so-called “home” tests have a second name – ovulation tests. The principle of their operation is similar to pregnancy tests: the strip is lowered into the urine to the desired level and the result is expected.

There are two stripes: result and control. Effective: bright, indicates high fertility, means that you can try to conceive a child. If it is paler than the second one, there is no ovulation in this cycle.

If the result of a home test does not satisfy you, do not despair. You can always consult a doctor to establish an accurate analysis, which is effective in 95% of cases.

Factors affecting male fertility

Male fertility indicates the ability of sperm produced by men to fertilize a woman's egg. This ability actively manifests itself from the age of 15, with peak activity from 20 to 50 years. At a certain age, fertility decreases, the amount of testosterone decreases, and the composition of sperm changes. This also affects potency - it becomes worse.

Fertility decreases with age

The fertile age of a man is up to 80 years or more. However, age cannot but have an impact on the reproductive system - the possibility of fertilization is much lower. Of course, the indicators depend directly on lifestyle and health status. What factors negatively affect fertility rates:

  • nervousness, stress;
  • problems with excess weight, obesity;
  • mechanical damage or trauma to the pelvic organs;
  • infectious diseases or inflammatory processes of the genital organs;
  • diseases in the chronic stage (diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension);
  • lack of fluid in the body;
  • overheating of the testicles, which disrupts spermatogenesis;
  • treatment with certain drugs;
  • presence of bad habits (smoking, alcohol).

In the modern world, infertility in men is increasingly being diagnosed. According to statistics, this is due to an incorrect and unhealthy lifestyle, an incorrect work and rest schedule that causes exhaustion of the body, bad habits and an unbalanced diet.

Fertility indices for men

One of the most common laboratory tests that can determine a man’s ability to conceive is a spermogram. It is done in order to accurately determine the quality and quantity of sperm, their mobility, and shape.

The examination is carried out in accordance with WHO standards and guidelines. According to this study, a fertility index can be calculated. It indicates the possibility of fertilizing an egg during 1 sexual intercourse. There are two types of index:

  • Farris index, indicating the ratio of motile and immobile sperm in 1 ml of seminal fluid. The normal value is: 20 – 25. If the value is lower, the man has reduced fertility, if higher, the fertility is increased;
  • Kruger index: sperm parameters are determined (the size of the head, tail and neck), and the ratio of healthy and unhealthy sperm is calculated. The index readings are measured as a percentage: below 30% - low fertility, above - normal.

If the spermogram results are negative, they do not necessarily symbolize bad results and the complete inability of a man to become a father. The opportunity is there, but it is reduced.

Is it possible to increase the activity of germ cells in women and men?

If you want to know about your fertility level, you need to visit your doctor: a gynecologist or andrologist. The doctor should give you a referral for an examination, the results of which will determine whether there is a problem.

Very often, after completing a course of treatment, pregnancy may occur. If you don’t have any problems, then the reasons may be particularly physiological. There are a number of general recommendations that can help men and women improve their fertility:

  • make love regularly with your regular partner (2 times a week or more);
  • do not adhere to a low-calorie diet;
  • add more fresh vegetables and fruits, seafood and lean meats to your diet;
  • do not eat smoked meats, marinades, fried foods;
  • adhere to a healthy lifestyle: play sports or regular physical activity, quit bad habits (do not smoke or drink alcohol), drink less drinks with high caffeine content;
  • reconsider your wardrobe: men should remove all tight trousers and underwear;
  • Recommendation for men: do not overheat (and do not overcool) the testicles.

On the shelves of pharmacies there are many drugs to increase fertility, most often these are complexes of vitamins and minerals, active biological additives: Tribestan, Spematon, Prengoton, Vitrum. They contain zinc, vitamins B and C, folic acid, and selenium.

If the case requires serious medical intervention, the doctor may prescribe more effective ovulation stimulants, gonadotropins. Both the first and second are prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

Such a property of the body as fertility is very sensitive to any changes. This is an indicator that can tell about the processes occurring in the body. If you take proper care of your body, you don't have to worry about childbearing.

Fertility window: what is it and how does the indicator affect the likelihood of conception?

If both partners have a high level of fertility, conception may not occur immediately, but may take some time. There is a concept called the “fertility window” – this is the period of time that is most favorable for conception.

A healthy lifestyle increases your chance of having a healthy baby.

Its duration is 6 days: 5 days before the onset of ovulation and 1 day on which it occurs. Do not neglect this opportunity: during this period the chances of getting pregnant are maximum.

In a woman’s normal monthly cycle, ovulation occurs in the middle. Of course, these are averages and may not be accurate and variations may occur. Each woman must independently determine her “fertility window.” There are several effective methods:

  • calendar method: regularly mark the first and last day of menstruation, try to determine the duration of the cycle as accurately as possible, and calculate its middle. In this way, fertile days can be calculated. The downside is that it takes a lot of time: it is recommended to conduct observations for at least 6 months. And the accuracy is not so high - only 50 - 60%;
  • The temperature method involves regularly measuring basal temperature every day after waking up. The thing is that before the onset of ovulation, temperature indicators increase: they increase by 0.2 - 0.6 degrees. The results should be recorded, and then a graph of fluctuations should be drawn. You may notice a trend after a few months;
  • the simplest and most common: using an ovulation strip test. This method is rightfully considered the most effective.

During the period of ovulation, each woman may experience her own symptoms: nagging pain in the lower abdomen, a change in the nature and consistency of vaginal discharge (it becomes stickier and more viscous), increased sensitivity of the mammary glands or a sharp jump in libido.

Of course, you should not take these symptoms as a 100% result; pregnancy can be predicted in this way, but you should not turn them into a method of natural contraception.

Pregnancy after 40: myth or reality?

According to medical statistics and many years of experience, the rate of conception in an absolutely healthy sexually mature woman is equal to 20%. The most successful age is from 20 to 30 years. After 35 years, the chances begin to decrease little by little, and at the age of 40 they come down to 5%. There are many cases of late pregnancy, and most women safely gave birth to healthy children.

If gestation occurs with complications, the doctor uses various auxiliary means: stimulation of ovulation with hormones, IVF, cryo-freezing of a woman’s eggs during a favorable fertile age.

Some women resort to IVF procedure

Sometimes you have to resort to a method such as surrogacy. Thus, even those women who have reached menopause can carry and give birth to children. The probability, of course, is small: up to 30%.

Scientists all over the world disagree on what age is favorable for the birth of a baby. The thing is that lately cases of late births have become more frequent. This is due to a number of social factors: many women are pursuing careers, trying to strengthen their financial position, and perhaps are in search of a worthy man.

Most experts agree that the most favorable age is from 20 to 35, as mentioned above. The older a woman gets, the more health problems she has; chronic diseases that are in remission can be “awakened” by a hormonal surge after conception.

Pregnant women of mature age have a high probability of miscarriage, premature birth or late toxicosis. Gestational diabetes mellitus often begins to develop, and the baby may develop genetic abnormalities or develop developmental problems.

A very interesting fact: scientists from California conducted a funny experiment, the purpose of which was to find out how dangerous late pregnancy is. About 20 thousand women took part in the experiment. The results are surprising: pregnant women who gave birth to their first child after 30 live much longer than those who gave birth at an earlier age. It turns out that children of forty-year-old parents are much smarter and healthier than their peers.

There is also an opinion that pregnancy at an older age can rejuvenate the body. The condition of the skin and hair becomes better, the thyroid gland and ovaries work much more actively, the woman feels a surge of strength. If a woman is successful and happy in her personal life, she is able to fully enjoy future motherhood.

There is no need to worry about the child: the main thing is to get tested in a timely manner, do screenings and follow the doctor’s recommendations. All possible deviations and developmental problems can be noticed in the early stages, and thanks to the latest medical technologies, the risk is minimized.

If you are planning a late pregnancy, take it seriously: nature took care of this, but if the reproductive system was not started in a timely manner, certain problems may arise.

Increased fertility

There is a phenomenon of increased fertility, which means that a couple can conceive a child even with the parallel use of strong contraceptives. If a woman is highly fertile, she can become pregnant even if she takes birth control pills correctly and regularly or has an intrauterine device installed.

The only way out of the situation, other than creating a huge family, is to give birth to as many children as you wanted and undergo surgery - sterilization. The phenomenon of high fertility is due to the physiological characteristics of the body, which is quite rare.

There is such a risk among men: in this case, the cause is the characteristics of sperm. If we talk about normal, average indicators, then the sperm of a healthy man contains from 1 to 3% of sperm, which can live in a woman’s genital tract for up to two weeks. The remaining 97 - 99% are active only for 2 - 3 days.

Pregnancy can occur with a very high probability, since the sperm that enters the woman’s genital tract in the last days of the menstrual cycle before menstruation can “wait” for the ovulation period and fertilize the egg.

If a man is diagnosed with high fertility, active sperm in his sperm is about 50% (!), so during sexual intercourse he is quite capable of fertilizing a healthy egg. In fact, this phenomenon is relatively rare among both men and women.

Healthy partners can conceive and carry a child without difficulty or problems

Summing up the article

If you are planning a pregnancy, you definitely need to understand what female and male fertility is, how it manifests itself and how it affects the ability to conceive a child. This factor (as well as the ovulation process) can be affected by a large number of problems, so it is recommended to visit a specialist who deals with the issue of the reproductive system.

If the fertility of one of the partners is impaired, with the help of modern medical technologies it is possible to influence this process and correct it.

Sometimes young and seemingly healthy couples try to have a baby for a long time, but for unknown reasons pregnancy does not occur.

This happens because the ability to procreate depends on many factors. Some people spend years trying to discover the cause of their infertility. In other cases, the problem is easily solved: you just need to understand the essence of how the reproductive system works, discover errors in your lifestyle and try to correct them.

Fertility in women: what does it mean?

In the process of biological reproduction, a woman’s body not only produces sex cells, it must also be ready to conceive, bear and give birth to a baby. All these components make up female fertility - the ability to reproduce. If at any stage the reproductive system fails, reproduction of offspring becomes impossible.

Women become fertile when their eggs begin to mature, that is, after their first menstruation. After the onset of menopause, from about 49 years of age, fertility decreases to zero.

The fertile window is the period when the likelihood of pregnancy is greatest. It begins two to three days before (in the middle of the menstrual cycle) and ends on the second day after the release of the egg, when it dies.

From this moment until the beginning of the next ovulation, fertility decreases to zero; at this time, there is not a single egg in the woman’s reproductive system that is ready for fertilization.

If sexual intercourse occurs on fertile days, but does not occur, and this is repeated for six months or more, the woman’s fertility is considered low.

Some women experience increased fertility: they can become pregnant even while taking contraceptives.

Factors affecting egg viability and conception

A woman’s ability to reproduce healthy eggs and ensure the fertilization process is affected by:

1 Pathologies of the genital organs(bicornuate uterus, ovarian cyst and corpus luteum,) affect the maturation of cells, their release during ovulation and the attachment of the embryo after fertilization.

2 Hormonal background closely related to the processes of egg development and ovulation. A signal of its violation may be the absence of pregnancy or deviations in the menstrual cycle.

3 The number of viable germ cells depends on the age of a woman; they are formed in the body during intrauterine development, and after birth their number gradually decreases.

4 Infectious and inflammatory diseases negatively affect the maturation of eggs in the ovaries, and in the fallopian tubes and uterus lead to the formation of scars that impede the advancement of the cell.

5 Nutrient deficiencies, stress and bad habits reduce cell viability and lead to the development of genetic abnormalities that make fertilization impossible.

6 Errors in the functioning of the immune system, in which the partner’s sperm are perceived as foreign bodies and are destroyed even before meeting the egg.

Factors influencing the ability to carry and give birth to a baby

If fertilization has occurred, this does not guarantee a successful pregnancy outcome. Low fertility in women can manifest itself as an inability to bear a child. It is not uncommon for a pregnancy to be terminated in the early stages several times in a row. This phenomenon is called.

Possible reasons:

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1 Developmental anomalies and diseases of the reproductive organs women (irregular shape of the uterus, pathological changes in its walls, the presence of scars and atypical arrangement of tissues).

2 Changes in hormonal levels, in which the necessary substances for maintaining pregnancy, fetal development and its life support are not produced.

3 Metabolic disorders(including those caused by weight loss diets), which lead to obesity or exhaustion of the body, hormonal changes, and systemic diseases.

4 Frequent stress and prolonged nervous tension, the presence of bad habits, constant violation of the daily routine and rest, insufficient physical activity.

Fertility in men - what is it?

The ability to procreate—male fertility—includes the body’s readiness to produce viable sperm (in men they are produced throughout life) and to fertilize a woman.

The reproductive period of a man lasts much longer, from the moment of puberty (manifested by the onset of emissions in adolescence) until the end of life (or the moment the quality of sperm decreases).

Only mobile male reproductive cells are able to meet the egg, because during sexual intercourse they end up in the woman’s vagina, and the female reproductive cell is located in the fallopian tubes.

Moving along the walls of the uterus, under the influence of various factors (including the influence of secretions from the mucous membrane), less active sperm die. If none of them reaches the fallopian tube, fertilization will not take place.

Only a sperm with a normal structure can fertilize an egg. Otherwise, he will either not be able to reach it due to underdevelopment of the tail, or he will have deviations in the structure of the head, and this may already affect the genetic material contained in it.

If a defective cell is able to fertilize an egg, then such an embryo will die in the first stages of development.

In addition to the viability of the germ cells themselves, fertility is also affected by the quality of sperm as a whole: its viscosity, the content of sperm per unit volume of ejaculate, the presence of impurities. If the seminal fluid contains too little water, or blood cells get into it (this happens with inflammatory diseases of the male reproductive system), this negatively affects a man's fertility.

Some men experience increased fertility, just like women. In this case, their sperm is more viable than others. In a woman's genital tract, the sperm of such a partner contains 47-49% more long-lived sperm.

A man’s ability to procreate can be assessed from a spermogram using special indices.

Sometimes the "fertility index" is confused with the term "fertility rate". This is incorrect: the latter concept means the ratio of the number of children born to the number of women of reproductive age living in a certain territory.

Farris index

The Farris index shows the ratio of the number of motile viable sperm to their total number per unit volume. An indicator of more than 20 is considered the norm (in foreign clinics the estimate is considered tenfold - more than 200), its deviation to a lower side means reduced fertility in a man.

If the value exceeds 25, a man is able to impregnate any healthy woman at the first sexual intercourse (if it coincides with the ovulation period).

Kruger index

The Kruger index evaluates the morphological characteristics of male germ cells. If the result of the study showed that the index exceeds 30%, the man’s fertility is normal. This study examines the shape of each part of the male reproductive cell (head, neck and tail), their size ratio and the presence of anomalies. Another indicator is also used - the percentage of ideal spermatozoa (PIF). When its value is less than 4%, fertility is considered low, and more than 4% is considered high.

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Factors affecting male fertility

The development of viable sperm, like eggs, occurs only under favorable conditions. This process can be hindered by:

1 General, systemic, infectious and immune diseases, as well as hormonal imbalances affecting the functioning of the testicles and sexual function of men.

2 Injuries and inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system men (especially with an increase in local or general body temperature - it disrupts the processes of spermatogenesis).

3 Man's age. Although sperm are produced from puberty throughout life, as the body ages, the number of normal viable sperm decreases.

4 Malnutrition and water regime. A lack of nutrients and water in the body reduces the quality of a man’s sperm, sperm motility, and affects the production of sex hormones.

5 Tight pants put pressure on the testicles, local blood circulation in them slows down, and the tissue that forms sperm suffers from a lack of nutrients and oxygen.

6 Metabolic disease and the associated obesity or exhaustion affect not only the process of sperm formation, but also the sexual function of men in general.

Is it possible to increase fertility?

Fertility can be improved, but not in all cases. If there are complex congenital developmental anomalies that cannot even be treated surgically, or the effect of negative factors on the reproductive system has been too long, the ability to procreate will not return.

In cases where pregnancy is prevented by a treatable disease or other easily removable factor, efforts can be made to achieve the desired result.

How to increase fertility

Every person sooner or later begins to think about procreation. This is where the concept of fertility comes into play. What it is? This is exactly what this article will tell you about. You can also learn about the terms fertility and ovulation (what is the difference between them). A comparative description and dependence of these concepts on each other will be given below.

Fertility - what is it?

This concept is quite often used by gynecologists, obstetricians and reproductive specialists. Fertility is a characteristic that tells us whether a person can continue his family line. Just a few decades ago, the concept was inseparably associated only with the female gender. Now it can also apply to men. It is worth noting that approximately 50 percent of all married couples have impaired fertility. In this case, pathology can be detected in both men and women. When conducting a fertility study, it is worth starting with the male representatives. This is much easier than spending a long time looking for the cause in a woman. Only after confirmation of male fertility do doctors recommend that his wife begin examination.

Fertility - what is it? In simple terms, this is the ability to conceive. It does not matter whether a woman can fully bear and give birth to a child. Patients often talk about lack of fertility in the case when a representative of the fairer sex can conceive, but cannot bear a baby. This is not true. This combination of circumstances indicates habitual miscarriage, but not a lack of fertility.

Reproductive age plays an important role in this regard. It ranges from 16 to 40 years. According to various sources, these figures may vary slightly.

Male Fertility

What does fertility mean to a man? Experts say that this concept can be discussed in the case when a representative of the stronger sex has normal, motile and healthy sperm. You can find out whether a patient is fertile using a simple test called a spermogram. The following factors affect male fertility:

  • presence or absence of bad habits;
  • doing strenuous sports;
  • addiction to baths, saunas or hot baths;
  • use of certain medications;
  • frequency of sexual intercourse;
  • age and weight.

Female Fertility

Fertility in women - what is it? For representatives of the fairer sex, things are a little different. Female fertility refers to the ability to conceive a child. The main role in this process is played by hormonal levels, the condition of the ovaries and fallopian tubes. As you can see, female fertility is much more difficult to determine or dispute. Tests that diagnose this condition include ultrasound, blood donation for hormones, metrosalpingography and hysterosalpingogography. The following factors influence the fertility rate in women:

  • alcohol abuse and smoking;
  • use of hormonal drugs;
  • age and body weight;
  • sexual infections;
  • surgical interventions performed on the pelvic area;
  • hormonal background;
  • the presence or absence of ovulation.

What is fertility and ovulation?

Many people inextricably link these two concepts. In a sense, this is correct. A woman cannot be fertile unless her ovary releases eggs regularly. In this case, we can talk about infertility or sterility.

It is worth noting that not only ovulation indicates fertility in women. What are these additional indicators that can still be named? As mentioned above, the condition of the fallopian tubes and the internal cavity of the reproductive organ plays an important role. Let's try to understand in detail what the difference is between the concepts of “fertility” and “ovulation”.

Ovulation: a general concept of the process

This process normally occurs in the body of every representative of the fairer sex every month. During ovulation, the follicle bursts - the so-called vesicle. It ripens within one to three weeks. During rupture, the egg is released and travels into the abdominal cavity and then into the fallopian tube. There she can meet a sperm. If this happens, fertilization occurs. After this, a set of cells, continuously dividing, moves into the uterine cavity. There the pregnancy will develop in the following months.

Ovulation certainly becomes one of the indicators of a woman’s fertility. It can be defined in many ways. The most popular are ultrasound examinations, the use of tests, measurement of basal temperature and hormonal tests. However, confirmation that there is ovulation in a woman’s body does not at all indicate the patient’s absolute fertility. Additional research is needed to confirm this.

How does fertility depend on ovulation?

Ovulation is a one-time process. That is, the egg left the ovary and at that moment ovulation occurred. Fertility can last for several days. Thus, the egg is capable of fertilization within several hours. However, a man's sperm can live in a woman's vagina and uterus for about one week under certain conditions. That is why such days before the release of the egg are also considered fertile. Based on this, we can draw a simple conclusion and answer the question that interests us. Fertility - what is it? This time is a week before and a few days after ovulation. It can be determined using the methods described above.

Is it possible to talk about fertility without ovulation?

If a woman does not release an egg from the ovary, can she be called fertile? Just a few decades ago, such a patient was considered infertile. Most representatives of the fairer sex can be helped in this situation. However, what should those women do who, for example, do not have ovaries? Can they be called fertile?

Currently, medicine has come a long way. Reproductologists and gynecologists are developing the latest methods of conception. Thus, now a woman can carry and give birth to a child even if she is infertile. Some experts say that such patients are fertile. Other doctors categorically do not recognize this outcome and argue that conception achieved artificially does not in any way indicate fertility.

Summing up the article

So now you know what the concept of “fertility” means. You also found out how this term is related to female ovulation. When planning a pregnancy, you should definitely learn about these concepts and at least superficially study the functions of the human body.

Remember that fertility, like ovulation, can be affected by many factors. That is why before conceiving it is worth visiting a gynecologist or reproductive specialist and getting advice. In some cases, the fertility of one partner may be somewhat impaired. Currently, there are many ways that will help correct this or that pathological situation. Remember this and do not be afraid to seek help from specialists.


Modern married couples are in no hurry to have children, postponing planning for offspring until a later date. The priorities of young people today are a career, their own home, travel, and a car. Doctors say that there is no point in delaying the fertilization process. After 35 years, the reproductive abilities of men and women decrease significantly, which can lead to difficulties at all stages of planning: conception, gestation, and childbirth.

What is fertility

If we turn to dry medical language, the concept of fertility is deciphered as the ability of an organism that has reached puberty to reproduce offspring. If translated into more understandable language, fertility is the opposite meaning of infertility. This medical term is a key characteristic when describing a person who is capable of giving birth or conceiving a child.

Since the process of reproduction requires the participation of two partners of different sexes, the concept of fertility applies simultaneously to both men and women. Female reproductive function is based on the ability to conceive, bear and give birth to a full-fledged, healthy child. If we consider men, then they must be capable of fertilizing their sexual partner.

Reproductive age

This concept applies exclusively to people or a couple who are of reproductive age and, according to their medical indicators, are capable of conceiving and giving birth to a child. In women, fertile age begins with the onset of the first menstruation and lasts until menopause. Essentially, this is the time when a woman gets her period every month.

The reproductive male phase begins at the age of 14-15 years, when the body becomes capable of producing high-quality sperm containing active sperm. During this period, the teenager is physically ready to become a father and can impregnate his sexual partner. The reproductive phase in men can last until death; the ability to conceive often stops upon reaching 49-55 years of age.

In addition to male and female reproductive capacity, there is such a thing as demographic fertility. It is calculated based on sociological data on population size. Demographic reproduction is expressed in the birth rate (ppm), which takes into account how many children there are per woman of reproductive age in a country, region or region.

If the coefficient is less than two ppm, they speak of a demographic crisis, in which the population decreases every year. Indicators of 2 ppm mean that the number of people is constantly maintained at the same level - it does not decrease, but does not increase. In such a situation, scientists believe that demographic fertility is zero. If the coefficient exceeds 2 ppm, they speak of positive population growth.

Fertile period

A woman’s reproductive age is usually divided into three large phases:

  • The first phase is relative infertility. It begins immediately after the end of menstruation and lasts until ovulation. During sexual intercourse without a condom and ejaculation into the uterine cavity, the chance of pregnancy is extremely low.
  • The second phase is the fertile window. It occurs in the middle of a woman’s menstrual cycle, always coinciding with the release of the corpus luteum from the ovary. Characteristic signs are swelling of the mammary glands or swelling of the nipples, the discharge of thick mucus from the vagina. At this stage, the highest chances of becoming pregnant are during sexual intercourse.
  • The third phase is infertility. It occurs at the final stage of the menstrual cycle and lasts about 10-14 days. The chances of getting pregnant during the infertility phase are zero, since the corpus luteum is no longer capable of fertilization.

The second phase is considered the most favorable for planning a child. Its duration is about 6 days: 4 days before ovulation, the day when the egg released the corpus luteum and the day after its release. For conception to be successful, it is important to correctly calculate when the fertile window opens. You can do this in several ways:

  • Calendar. A woman needs to regularly mark the beginning and end of menstruation on a calendar, accurately calculate the duration of the cycle, and its middle. To calculate the approximate day of ovulation, you will have to make calculations for at least six months. The accuracy of this method is 50-59%.
  • Temperature. Every morning, after waking up, without getting up, a woman should measure her basal temperature. The received data is recorded and a graph is drawn up against their background. The reproductive window is considered to be the moment when the temperature increases by 0.2-0.6 degrees. The accuracy of the method is 60-70%.
  • Using a test strip. In pharmacies you can purchase special identifiers for the day of ovulation. They are simple to use: you need to lower the test strip to a certain level in the urine. If after 5-7 minutes a second stripe appears on the strip, ovulation has occurred.

Fertility in women

A woman's reproductive age is significantly shorter than a man's. Representatives of the fairer sex acquire the ability to reproduce offspring from the first menstruation, but at this moment they are not yet ready to become a mother, therefore, in practice, female fertility starts from 20-25 years. With age, the ability to conceive, bear, and give birth to a child becomes lower. So, a woman over 35 years old has a lower chance of getting pregnant than a girl in her twenties.

Doctors conditionally divide the entire period of life when a woman can have children into several stages:

  1. Early reproductive. It begins with the arrival of the first menstruation. At this stage, the girl’s menstruation is not yet regular, ovulation periods occur rarely, and the body rearranges its hormonal levels. If a girl is already beginning to be sexually active, the chances of getting pregnant are very high.
  2. Average reproductive. Lasts from 20 to 40 years. During the middle stage, hormonal levels are stable, menstruation occurs regularly, and ovulation occurs once or twice a month. This period is considered the most favorable for the birth of children.
  3. Late stage for conception (40-45 years). The hormonal levels are not stable, but ovulation and menstruation are regular. The woman’s body enters the premenopausal phase, pregnancy is possible, but medical assistance is required for successful delivery.
  4. The stage of relative infertility lasts from 46 to 58 years. Menopause sets in, menstruation is very rare, ovulation practically does not occur. The chance of getting pregnant, carrying it to term and giving birth on your own is minimal.

When planning a pregnancy, it is worth taking into account all the changes that occur at these stages and, if necessary, undergoing additional medical examination. In addition to dividing into time periods, fertility in women is of three types:

  • Low. When a girl, out of three factors necessary to reproduce offspring, is only capable of two. For example, she can conceive on her own and then carry a child to term, but complications arise during childbirth.
  • Normal. If a woman without outside help can give birth to a healthy baby.
  • High. The body's ability to independently become pregnant, bear children, and give birth to children without long breaks between births is characterized.

Fertility test

To determine how prepared the body is to reproduce offspring, scientists have developed a special test - fertility forecast. The essence of the technique is simple:

  1. On days 5-6 of the menstrual cycle, the doctor performs an ultrasound examination of the ovaries.
  2. During the procedure, the diameter of the ovaries is measured, active and growing follicles are counted. It is considered normal if the diameter of the ovaries is in the range of 20-120 mm, and the number of follicles is 5.
  3. Based on the data obtained, the gynecologist makes a conclusion in points of -2, 0 or +2. A negative value indicates a low ovulation reserve. The zero indicator indicates the average ability of the female body to conceive. A positive value indicates a high chance of procreation during 1-2 menstrual cycles.

An ultrasound test does not provide a 100% guarantee that a woman will not be able to conceive a child. The prognosis only helps the gynecologist assess the general condition of the reproductive organs and the ability of a particular patient to be fertile. If the test data is unsatisfactory, this is not a death sentence or a reason for diagnosing “infertility”, but only indicates that to increase the reproductive capacity of the body it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment.


In the process of conceiving a child, the normal onset of ovulation plays an important role, i.e. readiness of the female body for fertilization. Ovulation is the presence in a woman’s uterus of a mature egg or corpus luteum, ready to “meet” sperm. Normally, this period occurs once a month, but there are cases when the egg is released twice in one menstrual cycle. If a girl does not ovulate, she cannot become pregnant - she is not fertile.

Women under 30 experience only 1-2 cycles without ovulation per year, but their number increases with age. Thus, among representatives of the fair sex 30-35 years old, the number of non-ovulation periods can reach 5-7 per year. To determine the ovulation reserve, there is a special medical test. In laboratory conditions, the endocrinologist establishes the ratio of the concentrations of two sex hormones - follicle-stimulating and luteinizing. If the quantitative ratio is in favor of the first hormone, the ovaries are depleted - the chance of conception is low.

Fertility in men

The ability to fertilize in men is superior to female fertility, but it directly depends on the quality and quantity of sperm and sperm motility. A standard test, a spermogram, helps doctors assess men’s health. A laboratory technician or doctor examines the resulting ejaculate under a microscope, and then gives a conclusion about normal, low or increased fertilization ability.

Fertility Index

Doctors often use the term “sperm reproduction,” which is identical in meaning to the concept of male fertility. The quality of the ejaculate is assessed based on spermogram data using the Kruger or Farris method. The doctor calculates the percentage of motile sperm and their size. The resulting data is a general fertility index. This concept should not be confused with the reproductive rate, which is a general indicator of the population in a country, region or region.

Farris and Kruger Index

  • Farris index. To obtain data, the laboratory counts active, sedentary and inactive sperm per 1 ml of semen. An index of 20-25 is considered the norm. Anything below this figure indicates a decrease in fertility, anything above indicates an increased ability to conceive.
  • Kruger index. The researcher determines the sizes of the head, neck, and tail of spermatozoa, and makes a comparative description of healthy ones with those that have defects. The obtained data is expressed as a percentage. Below 30% - low spermatogenesis, above - good fertilization ability.

Calculation formula

A macroeconomic indicator is used to assess the birth rate of the population in a certain region, region, country, or in the world. It reflects the full average number of newborn children per woman of reproductive age. The general formula for calculating the overall coefficient is K=N/a*1000, where:

  • K – general fertility level (ppm);
  • N – number of children born during the study period;
  • a – the total number of women of childbearing age living in the study area.

Fertility Factors

When planning a pregnancy for a certain age, you should take into account that the human body does not get younger; over time, chronic diseases or abnormalities in the functioning of certain organs may appear, which will lead to a decrease in fertility. Through the efforts of scientists, it was possible to establish an approximate list of female and male factors influencing fertilization or reproduction of offspring, all of them are listed in the table:

Male factors

Female factors

decreased testosterone production due to age-related changes

decrease in the number of cycles with ovulation due to age-related changes


overweight or underweight

decreased production of GnRH, which controls spermogenesis, due to stress

hormonal imbalance due to stress

reproductive organ injuries

onset of early menopause

pathologies of the genital organs – prostatitis, varicocele, cystitis, adenoma

diseases that cause hormonal imbalance - hyperfunction or hypofunction of the thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome

chronic diseases of various etiologies - diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, hypertension, hypotension

adhesions of the pelvic organs

elevated body temperature that persists for a long time

intrauterine connective tissue adhesions (synechia)

wearing tight or synthetic underwear

numerous surgical interventions on the pelvic organs


non-inflammatory diseases – fibroids, endometrial hyperplasia, cysts, polyps

unfavorable environmental conditions

inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs

bad habits, poor working conditions

bad habits

poor nutrition

immunological abnormalities

taking certain groups of drugs

Fertility disorders

Sterility, infertility or increased reproductive capacity develops due to the interaction of several factors listed above. In men, this is expressed in the production of low-quality sperm, in women - inability to become pregnant, difficulties with bearing a fetus or childbirth. Such manifestations may be temporary or present on an ongoing basis, but always require medical intervention.


Some people experience a phenomenon of increased ability to reproduce offspring, even while using different contraceptives. Oral contraceptive pills, intrauterine devices, condoms and other means do not provide one hundred percent protection, so women with increased fertility may become pregnant. It is impossible to choose good means of protection in such situations. If a woman does not want children, doctors may recommend sterilization.

A similar situation occurs somewhat less frequently in men. Increased fertility is due to the vitality of some sperm. It is considered normal if the ejaculate retains its properties for 2-3 days; in men with increased reproductive capacity, sperm can remain viable for one to two weeks. This phenomenon is associated with the physiological characteristics of the body.


Infertility is more common than hyperactivity. Many married couples, even with good results of general tests, cannot conceive a child even with regular sex life without the use of protection. To eliminate the problem, both sexual partners need to undergo the tests described above, take additional tests and do a comprehensive examination of the body. After eliminating the cause, the chances of successful conception, embroidery and birth of a child will increase significantly.

Fertility restoration

Modern doctors offer many options for solving the problem of decreased fertility: with and without the use of advanced scientific methods. To do this, you need to visit and be examined by specialized specialists, take blood and sperm tests, and eliminate chronic diseases. In addition to medical research, doctors recommend carefully analyzing and, if necessary, changing your lifestyle:

  • Have a regular sex life. The optimal number of intercourses per week for a 35-40 year old couple is 4.
  • Exercise. Moderate physical activity will cause sperm to be more active.
  • Quit alcohol, smoking, excess coffee, taking anabolic drugs, change your region of residence, type of activity.
  • Try to visit saunas and steam baths less, and avoid severe overheating. This rule applies to men; high temperatures negatively affect spermatogenesis.
  • Women should not become overcooled and should always keep their feet warm.
  • Adjust your diet. Reduce the number of simple carbohydrates. Baked goods, sweets, fatty foods, and various smoked foods will be harmful. Increase protein levels by consuming legumes, nuts, herbs, fish, and cereals. Avoid low-calorie diets. Wear loose underwear made from natural fabrics.
  • Take vitamin supplements with arginine, levocarnitine, coenzyme, zinc, selenium, magnesium, other microelements, vitamins C, A, E.

Drug therapy

If conservative methods do not bring results, they resort to the use of special medications. The choice of drugs should be made by a doctor, based on individual patient data, test results, and the safety of a particular drug. Among the wide range of medications, the most commonly prescribed medications are:

  • Folic acid. It normalizes protein synthesis, hematopoietic function, nervous system function, and is necessary for the growth and development of the fetus.
  • Spermactin is a dietary supplement. Improves sperm quality and sperm motility.
  • Tribestan is a herbal medicine that promotes increased production of testosterone and estrogen hormones, improving sexual function and libido.
  • Centrum is a vitamin and mineral complex consisting of 11 vitamins and 19 microelements necessary for the functioning of the reproductive system.
  • Vitrum is a multivitamin preparation that helps maintain youthful skin. The drug additionally has the ability to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system, relieve inflammation, and normalize intestinal microflora.
  • Pregnoton is a combination drug prescribed to women in preparation for pregnancy.
  • Spematon - the drug improves the number and motility of sperm.

Medical prognosis

If you follow all the recommendations, normalize your diet, regimen and lifestyle, and take special medications, the medical prognosis remains favorable. According to recent studies, adequate medical care helps restore fertility in 89% of cases. In order to remain able to conceive a child naturally after 35 years of age, it is necessary to thoroughly approach the issue: undergo a comprehensive examination, take tests, start taking vitamin complexes in advance, and give up bad habits.


Fertility in women and men - duration of period, diagnostic tests