The media are television, radio, books, newspapers, magazines, and the Internet. Why exactly “state. MASS MEDIA"? Because any media with a large audience are required to receive state registration. license. If they do not have a license, law enforcement agencies can physically eliminate them at any time.

Moreover, if they write or say anything that the government does not like, their license will be taken away. Therefore, they are forced to write and say only what the government likes - that is, lies and nonsense.

In addition, for a newspaper, website, or TV channel to work, they need money. Rent of premises, light, heating, paper, taxes, work of journalists - you have to pay for everything. And in order to have money, you have to sell advertising in the same media.

But if the media has a bad reputation (for example, government agencies are “attacking” them), they will not buy advertising from them, and the media will close on their own - due to lack of money. Therefore, media owners cannot do anything that the government does not like. authorities or potential advertisers. For example, they cannot criticize the government or low-quality and harmful government goods. corporations (this is at least 90% of all goods).

And each media outlet has so-called shareholders - owners of blocks of shares in these companies. As a rule, in any media there is one large shareholder and many small ones. One large shareholder actually controls the activities of these media, because it has a controlling stake that gives it a majority of votes to make all decisions.

This large shareholder (usually a state corporation or oligarch) is almost always under the control of the state. organs. That is, he is only a nominal owner of the shares, and the actual owner is the same government. Therefore, all popular media are state media. This even applies to “sort of opposition” media like Ekho Moskvy - they also work for the government.

True, there are still very small media - semi-legal newspapers, but almost no one reads them. There are anti-government blogs and forums, but their traffic is so low that they are drowned on the Internet among millions of meaningless blogs, junk sites and other spam. All major media outlets, including the websites you visit, are directly or indirectly owned by the government.

And if a newspaper or website gains popularity, but does not obey the government, it is declared “extremist” and closed or physically destroyed. In especially severe cases, owners suddenly disappear or die under unclear circumstances - for example, they are “accidentally” shot in the head in a police car, like the former owner of

Thus, up to 99% of the information and news we receive is provided by the government. It is this mass of information that forms “public opinion”, which is, in essence, zombies.

Is it any wonder that almost all major media write and say the same thing? More than 99% of the content of any news is real information garbage: idle talk (nonsense), lies, slander and slander. We are being zombified with all this around the clock. But most people are sure that there is pure truth there. Isn't this strange? Remember how many times these media have deceived you? However, people still trust them.

They are getting dumber every day. A striking example of the penultimate stage of dullness is the Americans. Then only reincarnation in the animal world (or lower) “shines” for them.

An amazing invention of the last century, television quickly and firmly gained the popularity of people with its moving and voice-over pictures. At first it was a novelty, and people enjoyed the new form of leisure. Interesting films, the most important news, and funny good programs have become available. The early years of television were not closely associated with advertising, making money and making profits. But quite quickly television broadcasting ceased to be non-commercial. People realized that they could make great money on television - and began to actively use it.

The harm of television—the kind of television it has become—is obvious:

it carries a powerful stream of negativity; forces you to watch intrusive advertising against your will and encourages spontaneous and unnecessary purchases; deceives and manipulates viewers.
Assessing the benefits and harms of television, we note with regret that the scales are more inclined towards harm.
The unpleasant name “zombie box” has firmly stuck to the TV, and this is true.

Television zombifies people, using them for its own purposes.

The television signal itself and the way the material is presented on television provokes symptoms of mental pathology, and then immediately relieves them. Thus, the viewer becomes addicted, similar to a drug. After 20 minutes of watching a TV show, a period begins in a person’s mind when the brain begins to absorb absolutely any information coming from the screen.

The most famous method of zombification, which everyone knows about, is the “25th frame” effect. Its essence is that at a conscious level a person is able to perceive video information at a speed of 24 frames per second. Our brain also perceives the twenty-fifth frame and stores information from it in the subcortex, but it remembers the very fact of the presence of such information.

That is, when watching a film shot with the “twenty-fifth frame” effect, we realize and remember not only the plot, but also the hidden advertising recorded in this very frame. A beautiful solution for unscrupulous advertisers, isn’t it? In fact, it was this effect that was refuted back in the sixties of the last century.

Subliminal advertising in this form is considered ineffective. In Russia, they still continue to believe in this effect; articles are constantly published and videos are made about the dangers of its effects. What is this, if not another, absolutely real way of zombification - manipulation of consciousness and suggestion?

The reasons why people are zombied through television are obvious.

Controlling a crowd, manipulating consciousness, instilling the necessary information - all this is of interest to government authorities, politicians, and business representatives from the smallest to the largest. Television, as one of the main media, has long ceased to be simply a means of transmitting a television signal, searching and transmitting independent and neutral information to television screens. It began to control and change the inner world and consciousness of a person.

News programs are especially successful in this matter, which directly and intrusively supply the viewer with specially tailored information. Thus, for example, they form the necessary opinions regarding political issues at home and abroad. It has long been known that information from a television screen may not correspond to the truth at all.

Why do we continue to watch TV?

Is watching TV harmful, or is its harm significantly exaggerated by the same media?

As long as we control our emotions and have critical thinking, we are not afraid of TV. Do not forget that television has a number of advantages: it broadens our horizons, it gives a feeling of relaxation and rest, thanks to television we get acquainted with the latest in culture and cinema. TV is a quick way to notify everyone about an emergency.

What are the disadvantages of television? Why is it harmful to watch TV?

The very first thing that comes to mind is that watching TV shows can have a bad effect on your eyesight. Television takes up a lot of time. There is a lot of useless information, unnecessary advertising, negative information.
Seeing the disadvantages of television, parents often wonder how to protect their child from its bad influence?

And in general, is it harmful for a child to watch TV?

It is not harmful if this happens under parental control, in doses and consciously. There are a lot of educational programs that will be interesting to a child, a lot of good old films and cartoons. Do not deprive your child of a whole layer of this unique culture. In order to protect children from negative information and control their leisure time, there are special children's TV channels and the ability to set restrictions on the TV for viewing certain unwanted programs.

To summarize, we can say that with proper parental control there will be no harm to the child. After all, TV doesn’t zombify people every second, and you can easily protect children from this type of influence.

It is worth noting that the influence of television is now steadily declining. Hooray? Hardly. After all, television broadcasting has been replaced by another zombie phenomenon - the Internet. He is a stronger manipulator than television. It offers everything that television broadcasting provides, plus many additional features.
Unlike TV, with which you cannot talk, here you can communicate with users through social networks, forums, and chats. Here you can feel your (often imaginary) need and importance by running your own blog or page.
You can earn money by putting “likes” for money and sending spam. All this causes an outflow of interest from television, and to maintain this interest, new methods have been invented - digital TV, as well as the combination of TV and the Internet (Smart TV).

So, the methods and forms of influence on the consumer’s consciousness are changing, but their essence and goals have remained unchanged since the invention of radio and television.

People are susceptible to social programming and are afraid of what others will think of them. All human interests are suppressed in a variety of ways. And people think it's normal to be afraid of everything.

Instead of being yourself, enjoy life and live, the majority are huddled close to the crowd like a herd. Instead of loving, meeting, communicating with new people, people are afraid of their desires, afraid of making mistakes, of seeming stupid and funny. People put on masks and are not themselves.

Highlight 12 main signs zombification of a person, social programming and manipulation of his consciousness.

1. Hide your desires, likes and intentions

Society and school impose on you that there will be bad consequences if you admit your liking for some girl. After all, if everyone at school knew the truth, they would start pointing fingers at you and laughing at you. So, since your school years you cannot openly tell a girl you like her. It’s not your fault, it’s just that circumstances and the place where you grew up instilled this in you.

Be proud and don't hide your desires. Tell people sincerely what you feel.

Religion and society suppress your desires. About making love It’s not that they can’t speak clearly, but no one says anything indistinctly.

Everything seems to be a closely guarded secret. This is the hidden psychology of managing people.

2. Mass media will teach you how to live and what to do.

TV becomes your teacher and mentor from an early age. The filter for distinguishing right from wrong is not developed in children. They take all experience and information second-hand. out of the box and think it's correct.
All sorts of scandalous programs and shows encourage people to shout at each other, swear, call names and insult. of people. People unconsciously adopt the psychology and behavior of the main characters from the screen.

I haven't watched TV for three years now, and I'm happy. I don't have a TV at home, no joke! Sometimes, when I'm waiting in line in the corridor of some service company, I look at the TV. There they show some kind of muddy program. I immediately sincerely don’t understand and am surprised why people in it are so emotional. I am surprised at people's reactive behavior, their anger, their lack of self-control.

Learn to see the world with your own eyes, discover everything for yourself. Don't look for someone who will find the truth for you and open your eyes to the truth. Look for it yourself.

3. Banditry and terrorists rule the world

The news and terrorists indoctrinate you. that there is war all around. Everyone is under threat. People are afraid, and they think it's normal to be afraid. Because of this, people are not open to meeting new people. They think that the world is ruled by banditry and authorities. This is wrong.

Sometimes I meet such people, very shy and closed. I just go up to talk to some girls. As soon as I say a few words, they run away from me in horror, fear in their eyes. The TV imposed on them that there is violence all around.

Why are some older people very wary and mistrustful? Because they watch TV more than others. I approach my granny to wish her a good day, and she turns away and quickens her pace. It's like I pulled a grenade out of my pocket.

4. Appearance and external attributes supposedly decide

This is already the work of advertising and marketers. All these expensive cars, clothes, appearance, plastic surgery, shoes, leather jackets - buy them and you'll supposedly be happy!

We are programmed, supposedly happiness is sold for money. This is absurd! And people believe in it. This is the whole ideology of advertising.

Who is that person, who dictates fashion and decides how people dress or look? Show it to me.

It is not clothes or a house that makes a person beautiful. But, on the contrary, the man himself, his presence, his expression of himself transform the place where it is located.

In fact, rich people are still very unhappy. Money can't buy happiness. A rich person may have a lot of money, but he can still be unhappy and suffer.

5. Spiritual ignorance: thoughts manipulate people

We are not taught at school or at college esotericism, self-theory, who we are and what relation we have to this world . People go crazy, their psyche is disturbed. There are mental hospitals in the city, and this is considered commonplace.

People's thoughts just do crazy things to a person. Constant noise in the head, internal dialogue does not give a person peace. And people believe thoughts. They think that thoughts are them.

Identifying yourself with thoughts makes you a zombie. People are emotionally unstable. Most people do not know anything about the fact that meditation helps a person to be in harmony with himself. But people don't want to develop. Learn more about how to meditate at home.

Medicines and alcohol are a temporary band-aid for a mental wound. But the pain will not subside if you do not deal with it and find out its essence.

For many people it is strange to hear such concepts, like esotericism, meditation and harmony with oneself, awareness, nirvana. Manipulation of human consciousness occurs.

6. Imposing on people that others’ opinions of you are important.

This has been going on since school. The teachers wanted you to be an obedient boy. They hook you on the needle of approval through praise or comments. The teacher checks your diary, gives you grades, characterizes your behavior in the diary, and complains about you to your parents. Means, the student unconsciously reinforces the importance of someone else’s opinion. This is social programming.

E If you behave in the wrong way, if you say the wrong thing, people are afraid that those around them will not approve of them. People are afraid to get caught reproachful glances, words of disapproval.

Living like this man doesn't want to be great, as long as others consider him great. A person does not want to teach people, but wants to be considered a good teacher. Don't look for respect in others, respect yourself.

A person becomes truly happy and successful when he ignores other people’s opinions and does what he wants, contrary to society or environment.

7. Promotion of sacrifice: a person is forced to live for others

Society forces a person to respect the values ​​of others first. Inducing a person to put his interests below others- this is a clear sign of hidden control of a person and his consciousness. The person begins to lose self-respect. Completely ignores his own opinion and listens to what others say. Altruism is promoted everywhere - the willingness to make sacrifices for the sake of others. Some standards of behavior and examples are imposed on society. People believe in this and value their own opinions less, do nothing for themselves, and do not think with their own heads.

Gurus who preach sacrifice and living for others are the most fake and unreal. They gather weak people around themselves and manipulate them, impose their ideologies and also take money for it.

Religion says you are evil fills you with doubt and uncertainty in itself.

Of course, you shouldn't look arrogantly at everyone, but you should value and love yourself first. You owe the most valuable thing to yourself invest in yourself Firstly.

Self-awareness: achieve enlightenment and awakening, get out of the endless wheel of suffering and attachment.

– how thoughts and feelings of self-importance prevent people from being in harmony.

How to become better and more successful in everything: 3 aspects of personal growth.

8. Suppression of genius, individuality, improvement

The most common zombification is called " A genius is guilty by definition" They always try to put a great man and a genius in his place, without giving him the right to speak. Society and the gray masses do this because genius destroys their reality. The gray mass does not want to wake up. They like the everyday comfort zone they live in and don't want to see beyond their nose. A free and independent individuality for the gray masses is death.

There is nothing wrong with a person saying he is Legendary and nothing less. It only gives him charm and just makes him an attractive person when he adores himself. Adores himself, does not mean belittles others! Without putting others down, there will be no room for the ego to grow. And it’s fun to live like this anymore, what’s the point of being poor? There are already enough fearful and ordinary people in the world - and there is no thrill or inspiration in this.

EGO arises precisely when someone can say that he is the best on the planet, but you don’t, because you don’t feel that way. But here it’s better to ask yourself “ Why aren't you the best on the planet for yourself??”, and just become like that for yourself.

Others still won’t understand - even though you are simple and modest, even though you are strong and mega confident. We don’t live for others!

Watch the video on the book Ayn Rand "Anthem". This is one of my favorite writers. Other books of hers that I recommend are "Source" And " We are alive».

9. Depriving people of happiness

A person is taught that it is normal to suffer, to be depressed, to grieve, to cry. Supposedly everyone should live like this. Nowhere do they talk about books and techniques for inner harmony and happiness on a permanent level. We all should live a happy life and be in harmony.

Social programming suggests that if a person lives for his passions, he lives for himself - then this is shameful and sinful. You supposedly shouldn’t be happy, give up your pleasures, dreams, love, plans, ambitions, and this will reward you. Where and in what place?

10. Reach out to the herd

Many people, surrounding themselves in society with “friends”, are nothing of themselves on their own. Friends give a person temporary situational confidence. But you have to be confident in yourself no friends everywhere you go.

I often see a picture in clubs: some girls cannot go to the toilet alone and are not able to dance without friends. It's funny, because really and one warrior in the field.

11. Enforce perfectionism: be perfect

Nobody's perfect. There are no such people. Everyone makes mistakes. Exactly mistakes are the main criterion for your growth. Don't chase an ideal that doesn't exist. Forget about perfectionism.

You are already self-sufficient and complete. And there's no reason otherwise. You achieve what you achieve and do it the best you can. Don't be too hard on yourself. There is not a single correct ideal person in the world. And if he tries to be like that, then he just lives a miserable life.

Don't compare yourself to others , live your own life and adventure. You are the main indicator for yourself of whether you are growing or not.

12. Concept of masculinity

Now the word “masculinity” is terribly hackneyed and distorted. Nobody knows the exact definition of this word. Nobody! And no one has the right to talk and evaluate you and your masculinity!

Society and the media portray a courageous man as a pumped-up man who is ready to punch everyone in the face and show off his toughness. When the word “masculinity” comes into people’s minds Pictures Rimbaud, Die Hard or Jason Statham. Society instills in people the concept of masculinity as a willingness to throw themselves in front of bullets and jump in front of a tank with a machine gun. The state needs recruits for the army, obedient and ready to give their lives. Therefore, zombification and manipulation of human consciousness occurs.

Don't worry about the concept of masculinity. Be fearless! This is the most powerful and important quality.

Often someone is trying to help someone else with something. Help yourself first! Don't be controlled. Don't let yourself be manipulated.

Zombification- this is an invisible manipulation of a person’s behavior without his desire and consent, which is carried out according to a certain program from the outside, and with its help deprives a person of freedom of thought, freedom of choice, freedom of expression of will and often violates his health.

In this case, various techniques and technologies are used, both separately and in various combinations. It can be:
- suggestion,
- deep hypnosis,
- intimidation (the “stick” method) and impossible promises (the “carrot” method);
- techniques of “black magic” (love spells, incantations);
- telepathic orders;
- influencing the human subconscious using modern technologies: image, sound, ultrasound, infrasound, electromagnetic waves.

Zombification can be:
- mass (usually through the media and technical devices - psychotronic generators);
- individual (through personal and direct communication, possibly using technical devices).

Most often, zombies are used by scammers, journalists, politicians, gossips and gossips.

Fraud protection

The gypsy scammers have a well-developed technique of fraud (this is not
applies to the vast majority of decent representatives of the Roma nationality). Often victims of gypsy scammers are surprised that they gave the money “voluntarily”. The scammer, first of all, distracts attention. To do this, the gypsies wear colorful clothes, approach in a group and quickly move around the victim. Their main technique is a sudden change of topic.

The conversation begins with a meaningless phrase: “Can I ask you?” or “How to get there, where is...?” If a person stops and listens, then the intonation changes, and dead words are used: “Oh, girl, I can see it in your face, soon there will be a dead person in your family!” or “Your heart is sick, you need to be saved from death!” or “I see your husband is cheating on you! And you know who she is!

The mind is tuned in to expect a question, and changing the topic causes confusion. Consciousness turns off for a second, and the subconscious reacts to dead words. Fear appears in the soul, the heart begins to pound furiously, there is not enough air, the legs become weak. Here the scammer determines that the client is “ready” and continues to “spin” him further. “Your grief can be helped. This is the evil eye. I see that you have a kind soul. Gild the handle and I’ll see what you need to do.” The victim takes out his wallet, unconscious from fear.

In a state of passion, a person becomes easily suggestible. He seeks protection and salvation and is ready to carry out any instructions from the savior. Once the scammer becomes the “savior,” he can extract as much money as the victim has.

Having robbed the victim, the fraudster disappears, but the zombification effect persists for a long time. Sometimes victims have to turn to a psychologist or psychotherapist, as life turns into a dull existence with obsessive thoughts about death.

Protection against zombies should proceed as follows. You need to prepare your subconscious so that it does not succumb to fear when it hears something scary. In a conversation, learn to notice dead words: “coffin”, “dead”, “cancer”, “stroke”, “died”, “treason”. Immediately change the topic of conversation, or better yet, end the conversation. Say the following phrase out loud: “I don’t discuss my personal life with strangers.” This phrase stops any attempt to get into your soul.

The greater the distance between you and the one who is trying to zombie you, the more difficult it is for him to do this. Therefore, as soon as you have heard dead words, begin to move away, pronouncing some text.

It goes something like this. You approach a bus stop. There is a group of gypsy women standing there - scammers. One is heading towards you: “Young, may I ask?” Oh, I can see from your face that something’s wrong with your family, something’s wrong with your child!” At the first phrase you are still listening. But as soon as you feel zombied, you mentally repeat: “I don’t discuss my personal life with strangers.” Out loud you say a defensive phrase, the one you like best: “So this is fate”; “Yes, I just didn’t get enough sleep today”; “I’ll go and take a taxi”; “I’ll call a friend on the phone.” The general meaning of a defensive phrase is to refuse to discuss an imaginary problem. If you can’t leave, then seize the initiative of the conversation, talk incessantly, not allowing you to insert a zombifying “master key”. Fraudsters don't like confident people. They will leave on their own when they see that you did not fall for the trick.

So, zombification by professional scammers contains the following elements:
- changing the topic to penetrate the subconscious;
- use of dead words;
- offering oneself as a savior capable of solving problems.

Protection from journalists

One of the most effective zombie programs is television.

Television is the enemy of free thought, poisoning the brain with propaganda and often creating anger and hatred among viewers when certain events are shown. A TV viewer is a consumer of a certain picture that is shown to him. And the picture is processed with a certain propaganda.

It's time for the evening news. The announcer gives out a portion of dead words:
- Terrorists detonated a bomb, killing 20 people, injuring 50 people;
- Two corpses were found in the entrance;
- There was a train and road accident, there were injured and dead;
- As a result of the typhoon, villages were destroyed, about 100 people died or went missing;
- Sensation: Ivan Ivanovich insulted Ivan Petrovich.
And now more about these and other nasty things...
Changing the topic is a typical way of working for journalists, so TV zombie-making can be profound.

So to protect yourself, you have to think about the fact that approximately 100 people die every minute in the world. It is important for us to know what will affect our lives. This is the job of a journalist. This is why people listen to the news. And the world of death has no relation to the world of life. If you didn't know the person when he lived, then you don't need to know that he died. Why should you know about other people's suffering if you cannot help them? This is cynical and immoral. But every day a cheerful journalist tells you that someone else has died. And political shows in which numerous participants scream heart-rendingly at each other, pouring out mountains of dirt and nasty things.

If you penetrate this news and this negative information to the depths of your soul, then you can, having received this negative information, become the sickest person. After all, negative emotions such as anger, hatred, sadness, fear from the information received can settle in your subconscious. It should also be understood that a journalist cannot be a savior. The journalist is at the center of events, and uses information about corpses to attract attention.

Protection from politicians

Politicians want a submissive and obedient electorate to support them.

The easiest way to influence is to search for an enemy from which this politician will save us. Therefore, any political propaganda includes a standard set of dead words:
- The country is in crisis, the economy is in decline!
- The population is sharply decreasing, people are dying out!
- Potential enemies are ready to attack and destroy the country!

And the politician gives out these slogans automatically, habitually. They don't have the most dangerous part of zombification - changing the topic. And then the politician declares that only he will save the country and the people.

People who are already “wound up” by something, fixated on certain ideas, fall for such slogans. They can easily go smash something, fight with someone, destroy someone.
When you are calm, protection from politicians occurs at a conscious level in two directions.

History teaches that the most fierce “defenders of the people” are the most terrible oppressors of their people. Anyone who fiercely seeks to protect you will most likely put you against the wall, as did the “fiery revolutionaries” who carried out the October Revolution.

And it’s also worth looking carefully at this politician-savior and asking yourself the questions: “Does he know how to save? Where did he learn this? What chances does he have to save everyone? How is he going to increase the birth rate? How long will it last? Can you trust him?

Protection from gossips

Gossip girls don't change topics and they don't save anyone. But they "give out" a large number of dead words. And this quantity turns into quality and certainly penetrates the subconscious. And so every time. In this case, the biggest blow is dealt to the gossiper herself. This category is most susceptible to psychosomatic diseases. But she, if you listen to her, will take you with her. Every dead word is a tiny step from the world of life to the world of death. And from the world of death there is no way back. Why should living and healthy people deal with dead people?
Gossip girls are also called energy vampires. I talked to them and my vitality weakened. The energy of life is sucked away by dead words. Avoid gossips, and you will always be joyful and cheerful. Avoid gossip, do not join a society of three grandmothers discussing “horrors” on a local and global scale.

What practical benefit is it to you to learn that your neighbor’s husband’s sister-in-law hurt her leg and has been complaining about it all day? What benefit does this have to you? How will this affect your life? Do you need to get acquainted in detail with the medical histories of the residents of your building, their relatives and friends?

After all, the subconscious mind will perceive the symptoms of these diseases very well and will try to reproduce them quite accurately in order to maintain painful conversations.

Gossip will not bring joy and health to your life. Therefore, when you meet a gossip with her “news”, turn the conversation with her to positive topics, talk to her about good things: about poems, about flowers, about culinary recipes, about dacha issues, etc.

Internet protection

The Internet provides a lot of useful and interesting information, is of great importance for self-organization, and helps
stay in touch, but only if you stay on the Internet for a short time. Otherwise, negative feelings appear: depression, anger, irritation...

The Internet encourages constant active actions, such as likes, clicks, and this creates the illusion of an active life. The Internet destroys the distance between a person and his “virtual enemy.”

On the Internet, an illusion of unity of like-minded people arises based on comments, reposts, and likes. This awakens the herd instinct. After all, it’s very scary to stray from the herd, or to turn out to be different from everyone else, causing alienation and rejection among “your own.” On the Internet you can easily spread an atmosphere of hatred, you can post everything that hurts, and no one can do anything except “ban”.

The Internet tends to wean users away from rational thinking and

independence, accustom to gregariousness, turn users into an easily controlled crowd that is ready to think and act on command and, at the right moment, turn into cannon fodder. Thus, with the help of the Internet, personal space is completely destroyed, freedom of speech, thoughts and feelings disappears.

So, use the Internet, but stay on it for a short time, getting the information you need. Treat the information in it critically, try to understand: “Do I need this? And what benefit will this bring to me and my loved ones?” Don’t fall into computer and Internet addiction.

Zombie programs and their actions

In terms of time, zombification can last from several minutes, for example, until a nimble gypsy fraudster extracts the last ruble from you, or a lifetime, when a person lives in a totalitarian state.

There is also a concept - the depth of zombification. This is how deeply this or that zombie program was implanted into a person. With 100% effective zombification, a person becomes outwardly a fanatic, an ardent supporter of one or another zombie program and devotes his life to its propaganda and dissemination. If zombification is superficial, a person may not even feel the zombie thoughts embedded in him, but they also have a negative impact on his behavior and life.

For example, a modern entrepreneur who once studied at a university or technical school received certain knowledge in the course “Political Economy of Socialism.” These false attitudes embedded in his subconscious can block his thinking, intuition, slow down and restrain his activities, and make his work ineffective.

Zombie programs are distributed through numerous channels. These include traditional books, movies, music, television, and computer programs.

Zombie programs can be transmitted through the air like viruses. Psychics with astral vision see this as a transition of dirty, dark clots of energy (thought forms) from the aura of one person to another.

Some believe that one can enslave thinking (zombify a person) not only through the information he perceives, but also through the food, products and even smells he takes. This is how various sorcerers and fortune tellers act, who make “love spells” for products, which they then give to the rebellious chosen one. This is one of the forms of zombification, which deprives a person of freedom of choice and manipulates his behavior.

Modern advertising also contains zombie elements and is often a powerful zombie program. It may involve outright deception, unfounded promises like “Only we have the highest quality products and the lowest prices,” while using conditioned reflexes and visual images. However, there is also decent advertising that calmly introduces the potential consumer to the features of the product and its price without any violence or suggestion.

Researchers claim that different zombie programs can overlap one another. If there is one suggestible thought, other thoughts can be suggested to a person, and there may be several of them. If these thoughts are opposing, then the stronger thought displaces the weaker one. If thoughts are related, then they reinforce each other.

If a certain zombie program dominates in a person, this is very noticeable to others, since the person is fixated on one idea and completely ignores reality.

If a person has many zombie programs, without the dominance of any one, then outwardly such a person looks indecisive, lethargic, inactive, he does not know what to do or how to be. But there may also be a form of behavior in which a person grabs first one activity, then another, but achieves nothing. He wants to show everyone who he is.

Since zombie programs are sometimes replaced by those that are opposite in meaning and significance, some people, with changes in the prevailing politics and ideology, quickly change their beliefs to the opposite. They adapt to the dominant politics or ideology in order to occupy a warm place, their “niche” in life.

The tactics of zombie programs are to penetrate into the weakest and most neglected places of the human psyche and actively decompose it from the inside through the appearance of negative thoughts and actions leading to personality degradation and self-destruction.

Zombie programs distort the thinking and psyche of a person at a subtle level and can lead him to mental illness and provoke a variety of somatic diseases of the human body.

Signs of the introduction of zombie programs into a person are a sudden desire to do something unnatural, illegal, criminal, perverted, etc. Even an innocent desire to smoke is a sign of an attack by a zombie program, because this action undermines a person’s health and shortens his life. If smoking is a persistent habit, then it is a zombie - a program that has long lived in the aura and subconscious of a person.

A sudden new whim, an unnatural desire, is a sign of an attack by an external zombie program, but if you allow it to take over you over and over again, then it is registered in your aura and becomes a habit. No one is immune from attacks by zombie programs, neither sinners nor saints. People who are spiritually and intellectually strong can resist them.

In most cases, a person is not even aware of the fact that he is under the complete control of zombie programs and strictly follows all their instructions. He believes that he is fulfilling his personal will or desire. Zombie programs enter a person’s subconscious, take control over him and usually do not lend themselves to critical control of the intellect.

If a person is spiritually weak, then he becomes a passive victim of certain zombie programs, although outwardly he may look nice, orderly, active and quite reasonable. Such a person unknowingly serves as the reason for the further spread of these zombie programs, infecting those around them with them - those who have weakened spiritual immunity.

Only people who are strong in spirit and have high intuition through active spiritual practice can discover and get rid of the zombie programs they have.

The very first signs of the presence of zombie programs are a tendency to bad habits: smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, criminal intentions, sexual promiscuity and promiscuity, a tendency to commit suicide; illogical behavior and thinking of a person may appear. Moreover, the stronger these habits and impulses, the stronger the zombies - the programs that control these actions. The more such habits, the weaker a person’s will and weakened his spirit.

To determine whether a person is free from zombie programs, they use special equipment to examine the person’s aura or it is determined with the help of clairvoyants who have astral vision (they see the aura). Modern equipment allows you to visually observe a person’s aura in color, see and photograph this aura and all the zombies - programs that are in the form of dark inclusions in the biofield of many people.

Clairvoyants also see dark clots in a person’s biofield, they can often see even small dark men sitting on a person’s neck, or some scary faces, the muzzles of animals, snakes entwining a person, etc. And these are zombies - programs that create energy-informational infection of modern humanity, connecting it with dark forces.

The more bad habits and addictions a person has, the more black marks there are in his aura. If a person progresses spiritually, then he gets rid of these habits and attachments and his aura gradually brightens in accordance with spiritual progress. Upon contact with this person, the auras (and therefore the thinking, subconscious, worldview) of the people nearby are cleansed. With further degradation of the personality, a corresponding blockage occurs - a darkening of the aura.

Zombie programs are quite easy to expel from your consciousness and subconscious through traditional spiritual practice: prayer, meditation, fasting, reading spiritual literature, charity. This creates harmony between the physical and spiritual principles.

For example, you need to spend at least 15-20 minutes daily for prayer or meditation, and this is enough to improve the quality of thinking and free yourself from certain zombie programs. Making excuses about not having enough time for spiritual practice is a manifestation of your own ignorance and an excuse for your laziness.

In order not to become a victim of complex zombies, you need spiritual self-control of your thinking. Every action and even the thought itself must be deeply comprehended, that is, logically and harmoniously tied to the rest of life: to a Higher Power, the Universe, nature, society, loved ones, to oneself. Otherwise, our activities will, at best, be a waste of time and effort, and at worst, they will lead to unpleasant consequences and degradation.

Anyone who begins to cleanse their consciousness through active spiritual practice will feel real resistance to the negative programs they have.

For example, you began to read a prayer or began to meditate, but suddenly a friend or girlfriend calls and says that the table is set, the company has gathered, they are waiting for you, and offers to celebrate some event or suddenly one of your close relatives gets sick, and then no time for spiritual practice.

It must be said that at the energy-information level, zombie programs communicate remotely with each other. If you set out to evict your programs, then similar programs among those around you will sharply become more active and begin to resist.

For example, you decided to stop drinking strong alcoholic drinks and refused to participate in the feast. Conflicts with others and various provocations will appear. But there is no need to be afraid of this. It is necessary to show strong-willed qualities, overcome temptations and counteract negative zombie programs.

But a person and even large groups of people can be controlled without their knowledge, with the help of technical means - psychotronic generators that can “zombify” and control a person’s behavior.

During stagnant times in the USSR, a “List of Information Prohibited for Publication” was created. In it, paragraph 13 ordered that all information about technical means (generators, emitters) affecting human behavioral functions (the creation of biorobots) be withdrawn from the press. Nowadays, information about this is available on the Internet, it is not a secret. Work in this area has been carried out for more than 30 years.

In the USA, an electrochemical laboratory of the US Air Force was created for this purpose, which was allocated an impressive amount of over $100 million. In the USA, according to New Scientist magazine, microwave emitters designed for remote influence on the psyche of individuals and groups of people have been created at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. This project involves the creation of electromagnetic weapons that affect the psyche of enemy soldiers, partisans and terrorists.

In Japan in 1986 “silent cassettes” were sold, on which, when played on a tape recorder, the sound is inaudible, but wishes such as “quit smoking”, “feel good”, etc. are recorded. They were recorded at infrasound frequencies using the method of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). This principle allows you to make any suggestions.

In 1992 In the TV show “Black Box” on the First Channel of Central Television of Russia, the creation of the “Radioson” installation based on a microwave generator was announced. One of the creators of the installation, I.S., spoke about this. Kachalin. The invention makes it possible to induce artificial sleep at a distance using radio waves. This device can not only put an enemy to sleep at a great distance, but also cause changes in the body - up to cell mutations and generate fetal deformities in the prenatal state. People who fall under this modulated microwave signal, at best, fall asleep.

A promising source of energy could be proton decay, which releases 100 times more energy than a thermonuclear explosion. During the artificial decay of a proton, all the energy of the substance is converted into radiation energy in the form of a stream of photons and neutrinos, which have enormous power, penetrating ability and unlimited range. This stream turns into a weapon on a global scale with the necessary range and accuracy.

This creates the possibility of creating generators of psychotronic radiation. Such generators can neutralize both the enemy’s armed forces and its civilian population. It is impossible to hide from such radiation behind any walls, since it has absolute permeability and unlimited range.

This information appeared in the media, excited people who began to believe that they had been turned into biorobots and began to contact law enforcement agencies and human rights organizations dealing with the problems of psychotronic treatment of the population. It is possible that among them there were people suffering from schizophrenia and delusions of influence on them.

Psychotronic terror– is the use of weapons and emitting objects for covert remote control of the behavior, physiological functions and health of people in their usual domestic and industrial sphere.

Psychotronic technologies can be used for remote murder and inducement to suicide, organizing accidents, and deliberate damage to electrical and radio-electronic devices.

During psychotronic influence, various types of radiation can be used, which are carried out:
- invisible ray,
- unnoticed by others and the victim himself,
- for selective action at the cellular level,
- around the clock and continuously,
- regardless of the location of the object: at home, on the street, at work, in a store, in various types of public transport, on an airplane, on a train.

Security forces around the world try not to comment on information about psychotronic weapons, saying that they simply do not exist. In the world, such weapons are called non-lethal weapons. That's what American scientists called it.

Nowadays, devices have been created that produce electromagnetic radiation that disrupt the normal operation of aircraft systems, missiles, television stations, and computers. And there are devices that interrupt electromagnetic impulses of the brain, which leads to disruptions in human behavior, and he can become a biorobot.

Effect of psychotronic weapons

Initially, hidden processing of the human contingent is carried out. For this purpose, electromagnetic, sound, and torsion radiation are used to suppress the human will to resist, counteract, disobey, and also to reduce the protective properties of the immune system.

In the future, neurolinguistic programming NLP is specially selected for this contingent - zombification with a special technique for correcting side factors.

There are “hard” and “soft” psychozombification. A “hard” zombie can be identified by appearance and demeanor: detachment on the face that does not correspond to the emotions expressed in words, sluggish intonation of the voice, incorrect speech, inability to concentrate, slow reactions, memory lapses, absurd stereotypical behavior. A “soft” zombie is essentially no different from other people.

Zombification is characterized by the destruction of a person’s memory, and this can be done secretly, at a distance, using electromagnetic radiation. As a result, there is a disturbance in the perception of reality, a rise and fall in vitality, a runny nose, possible cardiac arrhythmia and numbness of the hands. After leaving the irradiation zone, such symptoms disappear.

The human brain functions in a certain biorhythm. In mentally ill people this is disrupted: schizophrenics have one biorhythm, and epileptics have another.

Failure of brain biorhythms can be caused on purpose. A wave of electromagnetic radiation with a frequency of 20 Hertz causes strong emotional arousal. A wave with a frequency of 2 Hertz causes a feeling of absolute depression. Stronger and longer exposure may cause auditory hallucinations.

Irradiation consists of a disturbing effect of modulated impulses on the human body - the brain, the walls of blood vessels, the central nervous system - the central nervous system, and internal organs. For this purpose, modulated signals of a special frequency are used. The effect depends on the frequency, power and exposure of the signals. These are the basic principles of the action of psychotronic weapons.

In recent years, a new concept has emerged - psychoecology. This is a complex of scientific information about human behavior and condition in the information environment and practical methods for their correction. The main directions of psychoecology research using computer psychotechnologies are psychoprobing and psychocorrection.

Psychoprobing determines a person’s true attitude to certain areas of life and activity and allows one to obtain answers to a variety of questions. In this way, it is possible to identify whether a person is hiding anything, whether he has inclinations that are dangerous to society or to his own health. Today, psychoprobing is the most accurate study of human mental activity.

The patient is asked dozens of questions through very quick visual or acoustic presentation on the screen of various semantic symbols that have semantic meaning - words, phrases, images. They are registered by the subconscious. Any information falls into the associative network of existing psychosemantic connections. Disorders of these connections constitute mental and somatic changes in a person’s condition - they determine his psychosomatic status.

When conducting psychoprobing, questions are asked by a computer. The effect is on the subconscious, but consciousness is not included. The subconscious answers questions only honestly - it does not know how to lie.

Then the data is processed through mathematical analysis, those behavioral reactions are identified that, in accordance with a given algorithm, reliably differ from the rest in the subconscious and are subject to correction. The computer summarizes the reactions of the brain, answers from the subconscious, and the doctor understands what the person wants, what he strives for, what he is afraid of, what he suffers from. The task arises - to muffle negative motives, and to support positive ones in every possible way.

Today, the Research Institute of Psychotechnologies has created and offers for sale to personnel services of enterprises and organizations a hardware and software complex based on the psychoprobing method. It allows you to identify people prone to drinking alcohol, drugs, deception, theft, antisocial behavior, as well as assess the mental sphere of correctional officers, law enforcement agencies, the Armed Forces, aviation personnel, etc.

allows you to control the state and behavior of a person. It includes:
- acoustic or audiopsychocorrection, when encoded words and entire phrases are included in an audio series that a person listens to;
- video psychocorrection - coded images, plot pictures and words are put into a video series.

This type of zombification is not perceived as an imposed command. At the same time, it seems to a person that the actions he performs are prompted by his inner voice, and his thoughts are perceived as his own.

Zombification can be useful for a person and society as a whole, or it can cause irreparable harm. A person cannot detect the effects of psychotronic weapons on himself.

These same methods make it possible to suppress riots or panic during military operations or during man-made accidents. It is also possible to prevent in advance the intentions of persons preparing terrorist acts.

When listening to music in train stations and airports, people receive verbal information embedded in the music. The subconscious perceives it. This way you can “detect” drug couriers and terrorists with bombs; they begin to behave nervously at the inspection points. This is another opportunity of psychotechnology.

Or it is necessary to bring to the surface, to identify an official who steals a lot, but it is impossible to catch him by the hand. His boss calls him in, and so they sit at the table and talk about all sorts of trifles - about the weather, politics, music, local news.

In the office, music is playing on the radio or the air conditioner is making a soft noise. But in the noise there are questions translated into another spectrum that the official does not hear, but the subconscious perfectly catches them. His face does not react, and his body trembles barely noticeably. The shaking is well recorded by the computer.

Stole? - sounds an inaudible question. The official shudders. Yes, he stole!
The next question from the computer is: What accounts are you hiding it in? In Austria? Switzerland? In the Canary Islands? He flinches at the word "Austria". Gotcha.
Then the names of the banks are sorted out. Which one will he twitch again?
The longer the conversation, the more the official, without realizing it, reveals information about himself.

You can also interrogate a person suspected of murder. The problem of miscarriage of justice is eliminated. The conversation takes place with the unconscious, and the subconscious does not lie.

Director of the Research Institute of Psychotechnologies, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences I.V. Smirnov said this: “Today, fundamentally new methods of diagnosing and correcting the psyche have been discovered. For the first time, humanity gained access to the instrumental measurement and control of mental functions, and therefore to strengthening, suppressing, developing or weakening a person’s own spirit. Much of this control is not subject to the will of consciousness and, therefore, can be exercised without the consent of the individual. It is very dangerous. We get into the holy of holies of a person - into his soul.”

A person is seated in front of a computer, graphics are shown on the screen, and a pleasant noise is heard in the headphones. It contains questions to the very “soul”, about the main things - family, work, money, sex, politics, alcohol, crime, etc. Sensors record and enter into the computer the patient's reactions to such silent questions.

The answers come from the subconscious; the person himself is unaware of his preferences. This is how the diagnosis is determined.

The second part of the work is psychocorrection: negative asocial desires are extinguished, even removed, positive ones are strengthened.
Academician I.V. Smirnov calls this a “truth detector.” This “zombification” is called psychoanalysis, its purpose is to treat and teach.

Information about psychotronics in the open press is often distorted and discredited. Reports and messages from congresses on psychotronics rarely fall into the hands of anyone. They are often posted next to beauty pageant content or cosmetics advertisements to prevent them from being taken seriously.

Principles and methods of psychotronics

Psychotronics- this is an extrasensory (extrasensory, telepathic) effect of the biofield on the human brain.
Currently, the impact occurs using psychotronic stations operating on leptonic generators or biofield generators.

The human biofield is countless bioelectric potentials that continuously arise and emit in a living body, and are organically connected with the course of all life processes in it. This is an organic unity of bioenergy and bioinformation, the total result of many complex metabolic processes that create and destroy unnecessary substances in the body.

The name of psychotronic research “Zombies” recalls their relationship with the monstrous practice of sorcerers in Haiti and Benin. They kill a person with a special poison, then revive him and use him as an uncomplaining slave. A zombie is a living dead person.

The sorcerer’s influence on his victim with the help of magic and the influence on a person by technical means occurs at a subtle level and subjugates his mind, will, deprives him of the ability to make independent decisions, and destroys his mental defense.

Research has made it possible to create techniques for so-called “zombification,” as well as programming or controlling the human psyche and people’s consciousness. Based on these techniques, devices have been created that can influence the human psyche; they are called psychotronic generators.

Psychotronic generators- these are technical specialized systems, devices in which the most important unit is electromagnetic, magnetoacoustic, plasma and other types of sources of specially organized inhomogeneous wave fields, resonant to the subtle mechanisms of the human brain and nervous system.

Special operators direct the generated wave fields to the desired object or objects and cause in it certain excited states that differ from the normal state. The operator maintains the new mode, modulates, imposes a given state. A person is usually programmed at night by three generators of an agreed frequency for one hundred minutes. To implement a strict program into a person, irradiation must last at least a week.

People, after being exposed to psychotronic generators, complain of poor health, somatic and neurological disorders - hypertension, insomnia, or vice versa, immersion in an unnatural sleep.

There may be pain, various colic in the area of ​​the kidneys, liver, heart. Often there is a feeling of unconscious anxiety. When a person is directly “zombified”, the operator’s commands are perceived as their own thoughts, and there may be colored visual images.

When using psychotronic weapons in combat, according to the head of the laboratory of psychotronic technologies A. Okhatrin, a general malaise occurs, then a general weakening of body functions, loss of logic, loss of orientation on the ground, failure of human organs.

You can paralyze the will and mind of large contingents of people, put them in the position of obedient slaves, and make the population of a particular region absolutely passive. This can be done from a distance of thousands of kilometers.

Psychotronic effects can be selective and affect the motor and sensitive areas. For example, when the motor system is affected, a person will begin to march, like a soldier on a parade ground, or rotate his head to the right and left, against his desire. And when exposed to a sensitive area, a person will feel heat or cold, anger or pleasure, frantic energy, euphoria or animal fear. Such an impact can be carried out thousands of kilometers away.

Psychotronic effects are based not on irritation of certain sensory organs, but on a wave, quantum-mechanical effect on certain structures of the central nervous system, in the brain and spinal cord. After irradiation with psychotronic generators, a person’s mental defense is destroyed.

Control over a person established with the help of psychotronic drugs is condemned by the Church, since it is destructive to the physical and spiritual health of people.

In the case of “zombification,” it is no longer the person’s will that controls him, but someone else’s will that acts on the person’s brain and stuns him with unexpected blows.

With prolonged irradiation by such generators, a person loses internal energy, his mind becomes weakened, and he loses the ability for mental self-healing. Such a person needs external mental control, and without control he is a complete idiot. Any attempt to control a person against the will of the person himself is destructive for him.

Psychotronic weapons can cause destruction of the will of millions of people, resulting in a crowd with an unhealthy psyche, capable of anything. In people, when exposed to psychotherapy, the subtle structures of the body, which are constantly in interaction with each other, are destroyed; colossal mental epidemics can arise, accompanied by the degeneration of entire nations.

Changes in the human field structure are unpredictable, since the protein-nucleic acid bodies of cells are the carriers of these fields. When we interact with sounds, we transmit and receive air vibrations, but the interaction of field structures has not yet been studied by science. Without knowing these relationships, you can destroy the structure of life in general. There is great concern about the creation of large computer systems for human control.

In 1993 In the European Union, a single stationary computer network of generators has been created with a center in Brussels, which, with the help of a super-powerful computer, makes it possible to zombify the population of the European Union via fax communication channels. Radiation from generators operating at a frequency of 6.66 hertz can turn people into psychozombies.

The effect of computer field structures on humans has not yet been studied. Computer “diseases” - viruses that appear in computer centers can cause epidemics of electronic field madness when there are failures in psychotronic generators designed to zombify people. E this can cause colossal mental epidemics in large contingents of people.

The impact of psychotronic generators manifests itself at a subtle field level, at which fallen spirits and demons influence people, therefore, to protect against psychotronic aggression, all the means that Orthodox Christians use can be used: prayer, fasting, the sign of the cross, participation in the Sacraments of God - the Eucharist, Unction and etc.

A person himself is not able to protect himself from an influence many times greater than a person’s natural ability for mental protection. However, what is impossible for man is possible for the Higher Power - God.

Dear readers, in this article I tried to reveal all possible methods of suppressing the will, freedom of thinking, freedom of action and choice of a person, which can sometimes help him, and more often - harm and disrupt his somatic and mental health, and which are called “zombies”. You can post your reviews in the comments.

www., Article: “Zombification, impact on the human psyche”;

https: // Article “Technology of zombie personality”;

www. Rogozhkin V.Yu. Article “How to protect yourself from being zombied through a computer”;

www. Article “Protection from hypnotic effects of all types, zombies, coding”; Article “Protection against zombies”; B. Dudka Article “How to protect yourself from zombies”;

Article in the newspaper “Secret Investigations” No. 8 2016 "Brainwashing"

Who and how is zombifying us

There have been numerous cases of sudden memory loss in people in recent years.

All the unconscious ones suddenly found themselves at the station, not knowing who they were or where they were from.

They just disappeared into nowhere one day - on the way home, from the station, after going shopping - and appeared a few weeks or months later in a completely different city with their memory completely turned off.

They didn’t recognize their relatives, even their wives and children.

Over time, they returned to life, accustoming themselves to the fact that this unfamiliar woman was their beloved wife.

But most of all they suffered because they did not know what they were doing during the days and weeks they lost from their lives. They guessed that they weren’t collecting daisies.

After all, someone processed them for some very specific purpose. Used. How voodoo sorcerers use their zombie henchmen...

Biorobots from Haiti

The word "zombie" is believed to come from the Congolese nzambi, which means "living dead". Followers of voodoo call this the dead people whom the sorcerer raised from the grave and forced to work for himself. The Voodoo religion is popular in many countries, especially in the USA. It is believed that there are 10 million voodooists in the world. They communicate with their god through dancing to rhythmic music.

There are many ways to turn a healthy person into a walking dead man. This is how they do it in Haiti.

The sorcerer approaches his victim's house, presses his mouth to the crack of the door, sucks the soul out of the person inside the house and places it in a bottle.

Without a soul, a person dies, he is buried, but on the night after the burial the sorcerer digs up the dead man, brings the vessel with the soul to his nose and opens it for a short moment, releasing only part of the captive soul. This is enough for life to return to the body.

Completing the ritual, the sorcerer leads the zombie past its house, reciting spells that will forever deprive this creature of the memory of the past.

Now the zombie is ready. This is the ideal workforce or ready-to-do-anything helper.

All this could be considered just fairy tales, wild beliefs of underdeveloped peoples, if zombies did not really exist. They have been described and studied many times. Some disappeared, others appeared. In almost every Haitian village you can find one or two living dead.

Researchers of this phenomenon offer several explanations for it.

For example, social: There are no psychiatric hospitals in the impoverished republic of Haiti. Sick people suffering from nervous disorders wander unconscious through the mountains and villages. Some families take in such a “zombie,” feed him, and force him to work. They explain to the neighbors that a distant relative has returned from the other world. This is convenient: both extra labor and respect - families in which the dead live always enjoy it. Scientists took DNA samples from some zombies and each time made sure that they had nothing to do with their owners.

Or political: During the reign of the Duvalier family in Haiti, many opponents of the regime disappeared without a trace. All were declared victims of a voodoo cult. Some believed.

And medical: American scientist W. Davis believes that the victim is exposed to some kind of zombie powder - a mixture of potent poisons. It contains the poison of puffer fish, the mucus of a poisonous toad and other extremely unappetizing things. The powder temporarily blocks breathing, heartbeat, blood circulation - the person seems to die. And after one or two days it comes to life. However, not without losses: some of the most important brain functions are irreversibly impaired. Therefore, the zombie does not remember anything and speaks poorly.

Who is zombifying us?

Do you think that all this is happening somewhere, to someone, and doesn’t concern us? Of course, no one wants to admit, even mentally, that we are already zombies. Nobody wants to turn into a puppet, obedient to someone else's will.

Meanwhile, our consciousness is processed daily and hourly - at work, on TV, even on the phone. It is believed that it is for our own good. From childhood, we are instilled with certain value systems by teachers and parents. In the end, all these attitudes become ours, we follow them, instill them in our children... This means we also zombify them. For a good purpose: to teach fools to survive in this world.

The history of humanity is generally the history of the struggle to control each other. Who will convince whom of what? Of course, suggestion is not always for evil. Then what is the danger of zombies? - In the source. In who exactly and for what purpose influences our consciousness, subjugates it.

The psychotherapist also suggests something to a person put into a hypnotic trance. For example, it codes for alcoholism, smoking, overeating, addiction to gambling and drugs. That is, it prohibits unwanted behavior under pain of death or serious illness. But it can set any other program.

True, it is believed that under hypnosis it is impossible to instill anything that contradicts the deepest attitudes of the individual. For example, send for murder.

But who knows what these deep-seated attitudes are? It is possible that we have retained within ourselves a prehistoric beast, packed in a safe cage of educated and acquired skills. And suggestion, having penetrated the subconscious, unlocks this cage. And what will the freed animal do with moral principles - will it tear it to shreds or purr in agreement?

Do you want it hard or soft?

Zombification - the artificial shutdown of a person's personal will - is carried out by severe brainwashing and reprogramming to a specific operating mode. Or soft reprogramming under hypnosis. A variety of techniques and technologies are used - both separately and in various combinations:

- deep hypnosis,

Suggestion while awake

Intimidation (whip method),

Tempting promises (carrot method),

Telepathic orders

Impact on consciousness and subconsciousness with modern technologies: image, sound, ultrasound, infrasound, electromagnetic waves.

Mysterious stories about how the secret services code the right people most likely have a real basis. After all, this is a completely possible scenario: a telephone rings in the office of some executive, an unknown voice pronounces a certain number, and the person to whom this message is intended dies. His body was programmed to self-destruct after passing the necessary signal...

Instead of a heart there is a grenade.

It is unlikely that people undertake a suicidal terrorist attack with a sober mind and sound memory. A person driving a truck filled with explosives, rushing towards the wall of a checkpoint or hospital, is zombified. And the bomb people too. They are prepared for a long time and carefully using long-established techniques.

Back in the 60s of the last century, a certain Juan Costañero was arrested in Cuba, who was suspected of belonging to a counter-revolutionary organization. He behaved so strangely that the Cubans decided to hand the prisoner over to his “elder brother.” In the Soviet Union, a whole team of top-class psychologists and psychiatrists dealt with it. And she discovered that Costañero had multiple personality disorder.

In it, simultaneously, but autonomously, there existed as many as four personalities who were unaware of each other! In his first state he was a sugarcane cutter. In the second, he was an American of Cuban origin who underwent special training at the CIA intelligence center. The third person had the task of killing Fidel Castro. And the fourth is to commit suicide.

To produce today's terrorists and killers, such sophisticated technology is not needed. It is enough to inspire one, but fiery... hatred.

Let's go to three letters: NLP.

Neurolinguistic programming is a set of techniques that allow you to quickly change people's thinking.

Anyone who has mastered NLP techniques can control the attention of an interlocutor and an entire audience, and has a special - hypnotic - speech, with different intonations and speed. He can build into it a number of hidden commands, indirect suggestion.

NLP is based on contact. In order to actively influence a person, to subordinate him to your influence, intonation, rate of speech, even posture, breathing rhythm are important. The famous psychotherapist Erikson, one of the creators of the practice of NLP, could subjugate any patient. He pretended to think, breathe, fight and live in the same way. And sooner or later the patient began to believe him and perceived certain thoughts suggested to him as his own.

In total there are over two thousand techniques in NLP. Processing at meetings of totalitarian sects, pyramid investors, and dietary supplement dealers takes place using them.

But even those who have never heard these letters use some of the NLP practices with success. For example, gypsies. They manage to force seemingly absolutely sane people to part with their money in broad daylight.

What's behind the scenes?

Over the course of half a century, the phenomenon, called the 25th frame, has become widely known even to schoolchildren. Frames in a film projector alternate at a speed of 24 frames per second. And if you include the 25th frame in the display, which contains extraneous information, then the person will not visually see it. But the subconscious will notice the frame and remember the information. Experiments in cinema halls have shown that spectators will massively want to drink if the 25th frame contains a foggy glass of drink.

True, with the help of the 25th frame you can manipulate the public in the cinema, but on television and on the computer it is powerless. The reason is purely technical. So it does not allow for mass impact. Although it is known that in Yekaterinburg (Russia) one television company tried to implant the order “Sit and watch ATV” into the subconscious of TV viewers. But she was caught red-handed and deprived of her license. True, in order to detect more technological problems, more powerful equipment is needed.

The electorate should sleep.

Other, more subtle things have been invented for television. Suppose the channel is given a task: to turn some politician into a favorite of the people. To do this, it must be associated in people’s subconscious with something beautiful, strong, and joyful. For women it could be a flower.

Next comes the bare technique. The picture of a flower is divided into many fragments, about 3000 of them. During a television broadcast, one such fragment is inserted into each frame depicting the future pet. 3,000 saboteurs secretly penetrate the subconscious, where they assemble into a picture of a flower. The goal was achieved: the viewer fell in love.

The reverse operation is carried out similarly - discrediting the enemy. Have you given the floor to your opponent? Associate its image, for example, with a crying child or with something obscene or repulsive. And freedom of speech is evident, and the goal has been achieved - the people actively dislike the opponent of the vertical of power.

By the way, before Yeltsin’s election for a second term, his rating was only 6%. Why did everything suddenly change so much? Is it because the main Russian TV channels were given the task of conveying the inevitability of a second term? Elective technologies are generally a wide field for the activities of manipulators.

True, this method of penetrating the subconscious is effective if a person is in a state close to hypnosis. To bring the viewer into it, one must lull the consciousness.

This is how the well-known Dorenko worked - first, he “loaded” with various information for a long time, and only then took up the duties of a political hitman.

But take a closer look at today's central journalistic programs. How the presenters hypnotize the viewer, entering the image of their boyfriend. Almost native. They include certain voice modulations, gestures, and phrase constructions. And now the client is already warm, the path to the subconscious is open. Next, an idea is broadcast that has already been discussed and agreed upon by political strategists.

Do you think that all this has no effect on you, are you not a zombie? And ask yourself, how do you feel about Medvedev at this stage? And remember how you treated him just six months ago. Meanwhile, we know so little about his views on politics, economics, democracy and censorship! And no one is going to give us the opportunity to find out at least something. This candidate refused to participate in the TV debates. That is, we don’t know and won’t find out. But they chose. In the first round.

And this is just one example of global manipulation of consciousness. That is, whatever one may say, zombies.

Where did the mobile lure you?

The current state of science makes it possible, unnoticed by a person, to enter into his memory any information that will affect his needs, desires, tastes, and views.

The most suitable device for this is a mobile phone. A person is talking to a friend on a mobile phone and does not know that the conversation has been intercepted by the operator’s false station and a not very noticeable noise has been added to the conversation - so, slight interference... In fact, the consciousness of the interlocutors is being encoded. After a few days, they will unconsciously carry out the instructions they receive. Which one? It depends on who exactly intervened in the conversation. Maybe they’ll just force you to buy something or go somewhere. Or maybe something more serious.

It is impossible to catch a false GSM station without special equipment; it can be installed on an ordinary car that has long since left for another region or city...

Buy or you'll lose.

Zombification elements are widely used by sellers.

If you smell ginger in a supermarket, you know that you are being set up for unnecessary purchases. Because this aroma gives you a feeling of freshness of all the products on display!

And when, having filled your basket of food, you approach the cash register, where small bars and chocolates are piled up in disarray, don’t think that they didn’t have a place in the display cases. The calculation is that, having wisely walked past the large chocolate sets, you cannot help but reward yourself with a trifle. Yes, he just fell into his hand. Here, by the way, tactile influence will also work.

In expensive salons, everything is created so that you don’t leave without a purchase and are sure to come back for more: exquisite aromas, the seller’s attention - to you and only to you, - a farewell at the exit - “A new collection will arrive in a week...”

This is zombies, this is aggression. Learn to resist. Don't let yourself become a zombie!

V. Bogomolova "Interesting newspaper. Incredible" No. 6