Incorrect dislocation of a fertilized egg outside the uterine cavity is called an ectopic pregnancy, the operation in this case is inevitable, since alternative methods of its treatment have not been fully studied and can have a very deplorable effect on the subsequent possibility of having children.

How is an ectopic pregnancy removed?

Immediately you need to tune in to the cleaning procedure. Very often, the case ends with the removal of the fallopian tube. It happens that doctors can perform an ectopic surgery using cosmetic measures, when the fallopian tube, freed from the fetal egg, is restored and can continue to perform its reproductive functions.

In the presence of a tubal ectopic pregnancy, removal of the tube is inevitable. If there is an ovarian pregnancy, then it will be necessary to separate the part of the ovary where the fetal egg was implanted. Cervical interrupted ectopic pregnancy leads to the complete removal of the uterus, and abdominal - to the extraction of a fertilized egg from the abdominal cavity.

Surgery to remove an ectopic pregnancy

At the moment, this procedure is performed by removing the tube with the attached egg through the abdominal wall. Saving the organ subjected to surgical intervention, applying ligatures, as well as cleaning the pregnant tube are ineffective, and sometimes even dangerous, actions. They can provoke the secondary appearance of an ectopic pregnancy and more severe complications. Sometimes doctors suggest removing the second tube in order to exclude the recurrence of this pathology. This opinion is unfounded and requires serious medical confirmation.

Ectopic pregnancy - treatment after surgery

Rehabilitation after this procedure is very long and is under the vigilant supervision of doctors. It is required to return the water-salt balance to normal after heavy bleeding, restore reproductive abilities by preventing the process of adhesions, taking hormonal drugs, etc. After an ectopic pregnancy, it is recommended to follow a strict diet and eat small meals. Also very effective are the methods of physiotherapy and the use of contraceptives. Removal of an ectopic pregnancy requires the patient to stay in the hospital for a week and remove superficial sutures from the abdomen.

Sex after ectopic surgery

A very common question among patients and their partners. Based on the urgent recommendations of doctors, it is worth having sex at least a month later. The presence of complications prolongs this period until full recovery. Ignoring these tips is fraught with infection and the occurrence of inflammatory processes.

Termination of an ectopic pregnancy obliges a woman to avoid fertilization for at least six months after the procedure, which will help avoid the recurrence of the diagnosis and enable the body to gain strength for the full bearing of the child.

Abortion during an ectopic pregnancy, also called a tubal abortion, is carried out at the initial time, when no more than 3 months have passed since the moment of attachment. After this, the expulsion of the remnants is noted by contraction of the muscles of the uterus and vagina. A timely diagnosed frozen ectopic pregnancy makes it possible to perform a laparoscopy procedure and preserve the fallopian tube.

An ectopic pregnancy after an operation to remove the fallopian tubes and other interventions in the reproductive system gives a very large percentage of the situation recurring. The onset of fertilization and the process of attachment of the fetal egg of the subsequent "interesting" position should take place under the watchful supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist.

During an ectopic pregnancy, the egg is fertilized successfully, but the zygote (fertilized cell) enters and begins to develop not in the uterine cavity, as it should, but in other organs. Doctors identify ectopic pregnancies in the cervix, fallopian tubes, ovary, or peritoneum. Such a pregnancy cannot end successfully, the fetus, which began to develop and grow outside the proper place, must be removed. Otherwise, increasing, it will break the internal organs (for example, the fallopian tube) and the woman will die from blood loss.

How to recognize an ectopic pregnancy

In the early stages, it is not easy to determine an ectopic pregnancy, since the symptoms are similar to the manifestations of pregnancy - nausea, sensitivity of the mammary glands, lack of menstruation.

But if at 4-5 weeks of pregnancy a woman has a fever, spotting, pain in the lower abdomen, dizziness - you should be wary. In addition, in women with an ectopic pregnancy, tests may show negative or weakly positive results.

Of course, these symptoms can be misleading, since the threat of miscarriage and missed pregnancy have exactly the same signs. But, in any case, a visit to the doctor is a must. The doctor will use ultrasound, abdominal puncture, laparoscopic examination and the results of blood and urine tests to determine if there are reasons for concern. If the fetus is not in the uterine cavity, the woman is urgently hospitalized.

Treatment of an ectopic pregnancy

Medical actions depend on the location of the fetal egg and the duration of pregnancy. The main goal pursued by doctors is to preserve the ability of a woman to bear children, for which it is necessary not to damage her genitals.

There can be two ways out of the problem situation:

  • a woman is operated on for an ectopic pregnancy - a tubal abortion (the doctor squeezes the fetal egg through the tube);
  • treatment of ectopic pregnancy is carried out without surgical intervention - with the help of the drug. But this happens only for very short periods of time.

If surgery is necessary, treatment is carried out in a complex and consists of the following sequential steps:

  • operation;
  • restoration of blood loss after surgery and the fight against shock;
  • rehabilitation of reproductive function.

How is the operation for an ectopic pregnancy

With a decent period, the operation is performed through the incision. As a rule, with an ectopic pregnancy, the removal of the fallopian tube is required, in very rare cases, the entire uterus is removed. The essence of the operation is as follows: the surgeon makes two small incisions through which he introduces small surgical instruments and a laparoscope.

Surgery for an ectopic pregnancy lasts no more than an hour. Thanks to modern multicomponent anesthesia, a woman does not experience any pain during the operation. Recovery takes up to three days.

Ectopic pregnancy: treatment and rehabilitation after surgery

Treatment after an ectopic pregnancy is carried out through biostimulants, antibiotics and special physiotherapy procedures.

After surgery for ectopic pregnancy, rehabilitation is carried out, which includes a complex of therapeutic and restorative measures. It is important to start the course as early as possible and to differentiate the approach to treatment.

From the second day after the operation, therapy is carried out aimed at general strengthening of the body, hemostimulation and the performance of a desensitizing function.

On the fifth day, UHF therapy is performed, the duration of which is five procedures. At the final stage, electrophoresis of zinc sulfate is carried out. Low intensity laser irradiation can also be used.

Within one month after the implementation of therapy, contraception is required. After a month, this issue is resolved by the woman on her own, it also depends on individual physiological characteristics.

After the operation, you can plan a pregnancy in two months, but before that, you should definitely perform a diagnostic laparoscopy, with which the doctor will draw conclusions about the current state of the pelvic organs.

Ectopic pregnancy - consequences after surgery

The most dangerous consequence of an ectopic pregnancy is a fallopian tube rupture. The rupture can leave scars behind, which will make it difficult for reproductive function in the future.

It happens that an ectopic pregnancy leads to infertility. There is also a risk of recurrence of ectopic pregnancy, which, according to statistics, is 20%. Another consequence is the occurrence of an inflammatory process and adhesions in the abdominal cavity.

In conclusion, it should be noted that a woman should not think that an ectopic pregnancy is an unreasonable phenomenon. This is not entirely true. Diseases of the genital organs, which can affect the movement of the egg after fertilization, often develop asymptomatically. Therefore, it is imperative to undergo preventive examinations by a gynecologist and do not forget to conduct a thorough examination before planning a pregnancy.

Ectopic pregnancy - terms

This diagnosis is extremely dangerous for the female body and requires timely diagnosis and treatment.

Ectopic pregnancy - symptoms, timing and methods of detection

Nausea, dizziness, mood swings and changes in eating habits are noted. They last about 3-4 weeks after fertilization. An ectopic pregnancy in the early stages is accompanied by constant spotting bleeding from the vagina, which is the result of tissue rupture by the “tentacles” of an incorrectly attached fertilized egg. The timing of an ectopic pregnancy is very successfully determined by performing an ultrasound examination, taking a sample of fluid from the abdominal cavity, or testing for the level of the hCG hormone. The timing of determining an ectopic pregnancy directly depends on the woman's responsible attitude to her health, timely access to the antenatal clinic and the competence of the attending physician.

The question of how long an ectopic pregnancy can be most successfully diagnosed worries every pregnant woman. It is believed that symptoms that cause suspicion of the presence of this pathology begin to appear for a period of five to fourteen weeks. The timing of an ectopic pregnancy can also be counted from the last cycle of menstruation, when after 6 or 8 months all signs of pregnancy begin to appear. But only a doctor can provide accurate information about its presence and duration.

Early signs of an ectopic pregnancy

With the gradual growth of the fetal egg, the woman begins to feel a pulling pain in the groin, abdomen and lower back. They gradually increase, become sharp, paroxysmal and incessant. There is also cold sweating, weakness and fainting.

How long can an ectopic pregnancy last?

The deadline for termination of pregnancy is the 10th week. Its excess is fraught with internal profuse hemorrhages, rupture of the tube and death.

The maximum duration of an ectopic pregnancy, at which the safest methods of treatment are carried out, falls on the tenth week. Neglect of all the recommendations and advice of a gynecologist can result in a serious operation and subsequent infertility.

When does an ectopic pregnancy require surgery?

If the duration of such a pregnancy exceeds ten weeks, then we are talking about an operation to remove the tube or part of the ovary where the embryo was attached. Earlier terms are subject to medical treatment or tubal abortion.

Ectopic pregnancy - surgery

Incorrect dislocation of a fertilized egg outside the uterine cavity is called an ectopic pregnancy, the operation in this case is inevitable, since alternative methods of its treatment have not been fully studied and can have a very deplorable effect on the subsequent possibility of having children.

How is an ectopic pregnancy removed?

Immediately you need to tune in to the cleaning procedure. Very often, the case ends with the removal of the fallopian tube. It happens that doctors can perform an ectopic surgery using cosmetic measures, when the fallopian tube, freed from the fetal egg, is restored and can continue to perform its reproductive functions.

In the presence of a tubal ectopic pregnancy, removal of the tube is inevitable. If there is an ovarian pregnancy, then it will be necessary to separate the part of the ovary where the fetal egg was implanted. Cervical interrupted ectopic pregnancy leads to the complete removal of the uterus, and abdominal - to the extraction of a fertilized egg from the abdominal cavity.

Surgery to remove an ectopic pregnancy

At the moment, this procedure is performed by removing the tube with the attached egg through the abdominal wall. Saving the organ subjected to surgical intervention, applying ligatures, as well as cleaning the pregnant tube are ineffective, and sometimes even dangerous, actions. They can provoke the secondary appearance of an ectopic pregnancy and more severe complications. Sometimes doctors suggest removing the second tube in order to exclude the recurrence of this pathology. This opinion is unfounded and requires serious medical confirmation.

Ectopic pregnancy - treatment after surgery

Rehabilitation after this procedure is very long and is under the vigilant supervision of doctors. It is required to return the water-salt balance to normal after heavy bleeding, restore reproductive abilities by preventing the process of adhesions, taking hormonal drugs, etc. After an ectopic pregnancy, it is recommended to follow a strict diet and eat small meals. Also very effective are the methods of physiotherapy and the use of contraceptives. Removal of an ectopic pregnancy requires the patient to stay in the hospital for a week and remove superficial sutures from the abdomen.

Sex after ectopic surgery

A very common question among patients and their partners. Based on the urgent recommendations of doctors, it is worth having sex at least a month later. The presence of complications prolongs this period until full recovery. Ignoring these tips is fraught with infection and the occurrence of inflammatory processes.

Termination of an ectopic pregnancy obliges a woman to avoid fertilization for at least six months after the procedure, which will help avoid the recurrence of the diagnosis and enable the body to gain strength for the full bearing of the child.

Abortion during an ectopic pregnancy, also called a tubal abortion, is carried out at the initial time, when no more than 3 months have passed since the moment of attachment. After this, the expulsion of the remnants is noted by contraction of the muscles of the uterus and vagina. A timely diagnosed frozen ectopic pregnancy makes it possible to perform a laparoscopy procedure and preserve the fallopian tube.

An ectopic pregnancy after an operation to remove the fallopian tubes and other interventions in the reproductive system gives a very large percentage of the situation recurring. The onset of fertilization and the process of attachment of the fetal egg of the subsequent "interesting" position should take place under the watchful supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist.

[email protected]: How long is the sick leave with a diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy?


3 years ago

I ask only doctors to answer: o) Thank you for your understanding Vote for the best answerIrina Sage (11348) 3 years ago Laparotomy, removal of the fallopian tube, inpatient treatment. The patient is currently in outpatient treatment. acid-burn

Sage (13454) 21 days if without complications Irina! Good evening! Here is the entire document for all terms (by reference): SOCIAL INSURANCE FUND OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION LETTER dated September 1, 2000 N 02-18 / 10-5766 In accordance with paragraph 2.2 of the Joint Action Plan of the Ministry of Health of Russia and the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation for 2000 year developed and approved on August 18, 2000 by the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation recommendations "Temporary terms of temporary disability for the most common diseases and injuries (in accordance with ICD-10)". phdocs/doc10752.html21 days in total with hospital Similar questions

Ectopic pregnancy: operation and consequences

An ectopic pregnancy is a dangerous condition in which a fertilized egg is implanted outside the uterine cavity. The place of localization of the ovum can be the cervix or tube of the uterus (cervical or tubal pregnancy), abdominal organs, the rudimentary horn of the uterus (abdominal pregnancy) or the ovary (ovarian pregnancy). Tubal ectopic pregnancy is more common than other types.

An ectopic pregnancy is the main cause of death for women during the period of bearing a baby, therefore, in the condition described above, urgent surgical intervention is required. Today we will explain to readers why an ectopic pregnancy develops, how an operation is performed to remove an ectopic pregnancy, and we will talk about the consequences of a pathological pregnancy.

Causes of an ectopic pregnancy

The most common cause of ectopic pregnancy is the obstruction of the uterine tubes and a violation of their contractile activity, which may be associated with hormonal changes in the woman's body.

Motility disorders can also be explained by congenital anomalies in the development of the fallopian tubes or uterus. In this case, the fallopian tubes simply cannot cope with their immediate physiological function - the transportation of a fertilized egg.

Overzealous curettage of the uterine cavity during abortion increases the risk of developing an ovarian or abdominal ectopic pregnancy.

Using a contraceptive method such as an intrauterine device can also cause an ectopic pregnancy. From the spiral, the contractility of the uterus increases, which often leads to the fact that the embryo can gain a foothold and begin its development. In this case, doctors talk about the need for surgery for an ectopic pregnancy in order to prevent the development of peritonitis, inflammation and bleeding.

Diagnosis and treatment of ectopic pregnancy

Diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy is carried out in the following ways:

  • palpation (palpation);
  • immunological tests, serological methods, clinical studies of urine and blood;
  • determination of the level of the hormone progesterone;
  • ultrasonography;
  • laparoscopy.

On palpation, doctors can detect a soft formation - a fetal egg. Pathological localization of education can be confirmed by ultrasound. Ultrasound is the main method for diagnosing ectopic pregnancy.

To clarify the diagnosis and treatment, doctors often resort to laparoscopy. Such an operation for an ectopic pregnancy is performed only in the early stages. Through small punctures, a portable camera is inserted into the abdominal cavity, which allows you to see the exact location of the fetal egg. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor may carefully remove the embryo.

With internal bleeding, a puncture of the posterior fornix of the vagina is performed. When the fallopian tube ruptures, dark blood is expelled through the needle

Treatment of ectopic pregnancy is almost always surgical. The nature of the surgical intervention depends on the age of the patient and her general condition, the location of the embryo, the degree of blood loss, and the severity of pathological processes in the affected tube.

The medicinal method of treatment is used only when the pipe remains intact.

Salpingotomy is a conservative operation for ectopic pregnancy, which is performed with minor damage to the fallopian tube.

Tubotomy is a serious operation that is prescribed for large blood loss or a significant rupture of the tube.

In extreme cases, doctors perform a tubectomy. During this operation, the affected tube is completely removed.

If you refuse the operation to remove an ectopic pregnancy, then after 5-6 weeks (less often after 8-12) the pregnancy will terminate itself, but such an interruption is life-threatening, because it occurs like a rupture of the tube or tubal abortion.

How is an ectopic pregnancy operated?

A woman must first tune in to the cleaning procedure, because an operation during an ectopic pregnancy can result in the removal of a damaged fallopian tube. Sometimes doctors prescribe a sparing method of terminating a pregnancy, when the fallopian tube is restored after the operation and performs reproductive functions.

In a tubal ectopic pregnancy, the tube is completely removed, and in an ovarian pregnancy, the part of the ovary where the fetal egg has grown is separated. In cervical pregnancy, the uterus is completely removed, and in abdominal pregnancy, a fertilized egg is removed from the abdominal cavity.

Girls who are faced with this problem ask doctors how they do surgery for an ectopic pregnancy. Through small incisions in the abdominal wall, surgeons insert all the necessary instruments. The entire procedure for removing the fetal egg lasts from 45 minutes to an hour.

Consequences of ectopic pregnancy after surgery

Many women do not know what are the consequences of an ectopic pregnancy after surgery, whether it is possible to become pregnant and give birth to a baby.

The possible consequences after surgery for an ectopic pregnancy will depend on how exactly the pregnancy was terminated: the woman underwent a simple operation, and the damage to the reproductive organs was minimal, or the fallopian tube was removed along with the fetal egg. If doctors removed the tube completely, then it will be difficult to conceive a child in the future. But if a woman is in good health and she is young, then there is a chance that she will become pregnant with one tube.

Planning for the next pregnancy is best done under medical supervision. After surgery for an ectopic pregnancy, a specialist will be able to choose medication and special physiotherapy procedures that will minimize the risk of re-development of this condition.

How is an ectopic pregnancy removed?

Topics: Pregnancy | Tags: ectopic pregnancy, how to determine an ectopic pregnancy, can there be an ectopic pregnancy, early signs of an ectopic pregnancy, removal of an ectopic

An ectopic pregnancy is a danger that any woman can face. Bad ecology, wrong way of life, various infections often become the causes of this pathology, and recently it has been observed more and more often. The site for moms wants to warn you, but in no case scare you.

The fact is that most often the treatment of an ectopic pregnancy involves surgery, and our women still have a stereotype: during the operation, the ectopic tube is removed and thus the possibility of having children in the future is excluded. Indeed, before it was the only way to save a woman's life, but now there are other, more benign, options, and will tell you about them.

And for more information about whether it is possible to give birth later, read in another article on our website for mothers.

Removal of an ectopic: types of operations

When signs of an ectopic pregnancy appear, the main thing is not to waste time, but to contact a gynecologist in time.

Usually, when the diagnosis of "ectopic pregnancy" is confirmed, the doctor prescribes surgery. Most often, this is the only way out, especially if an ectopic pregnancy leads to rupture of the fallopian tube and large internal bleeding.

Based on the results of the examination, the doctor decides what type of operation is needed - everything is individual here.

Currently, there are two types of operations:

  • laparotomy (with dissection of the lower abdominal wall);
  • laparoscopy (surgery with minimal incisions - microsurgical).

The doctor's choice of this or that operation will depend on the degree of damage to the fallopian tube.

Tube removal in ectopic pregnancy: laparotomy

Laparotomy is considered a very serious operation, it is done only in exceptional cases, when there is a real threat to the life of the patient.

The main indications for its implementation are: rupture of the fallopian tube and large internal blood loss.

The surgeon makes an incision along the anterior abdominal wall, the operation is performed under general anesthesia. The result of the operation is the removal of an ectopic pregnancy along with the fallopian tube.

Removal of an ectopic pregnancy laparoscopically

An alternative to laparotomy is laparoscopy, a microsurgical operation. Laparoscopy is considered an effective and painless operation, after which a woman is able to give birth to a child.

Laparoscopy is performed under general anesthesia, during which three small incisions are made to the woman, leaving no scars or scars.

Using a special video camera inserted inside, the surgeon examines the pelvic organs and easily distinguishes an ectopic pregnancy from endometriosis or ovarian cysts, which are very similar in their symptoms. If the doctor confirms the initial diagnosis - an ectopic pregnancy, then the examination stage immediately proceeds to the operational stage, during which the doctor removes the embryo that has attached to the tube.

During laparoscopy, the surgeon can assess the condition of the woman's appendages and, if necessary, remove adhesions and restore the patency of the tube.

Surgery to remove an ectopic pregnancy: recovery

If you had to go through an operation to remove an ectopic pregnancy, then you need to undergo a series of restorative measures:

  1. Standard postoperative treatment in the hospital.
  2. Therapeutic procedures that prevent the formation of adhesions and scars at the suturing sites.
  3. If necessary, relief of inflammation in the second fallopian tube.
  4. After 8 weeks - ultrasound treatment and inductothermia.
  5. Reception of biostimulants and proteolytic enzymes.
  6. It is advisable to take a course of physiotherapeutic procedures with therapeutic mud and ozocerite.

Rehabilitation after surgery to remove an ectopic pregnancy lasts six months. It helps a woman to restore the normal functioning of the reproductive organs.

But during this period, a new pregnancy cannot be allowed, because there is a possibility that it will also be ectopic - so you need to remember about contraception.

And in conclusion: yes, any operation is not a very pleasant thing, but, unfortunately, with the diagnosis of “ectopic pregnancy”, there is no other way out yet, and you will have to put up with it.

In no case do not try to be treated with the help of folk remedies - it is deadly. Remember: the sooner you see a doctor, the sooner you will be scheduled for surgery and, perhaps, it will be gentle, aimed at preserving the fallopian tube.

If you take care of your health and follow all medical recommendations, then an ectopic pregnancy, surgery, removal of the tube will not be the final verdict on infertility for you, but leave hope that in the future you will be able to conceive, endure and give birth to a completely healthy child.

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Ectopic pregnancy: consequences after surgery and general recommendations

If the pregnancy does not develop in the uterine cavity, but outside it, such a pregnancy is considered to be ectopic. In 99% of cases, such a pregnancy is tubal, that is, it develops in the cavity of the fallopian tube. The cause of the occurrence is one or another pathological condition that causes a violation of the peristaltic contractions of the fallopian tubes.

Normally, a fertilized egg moves freely along the fallopian tube, enters the uterus and attaches to its wall. As a result of hormonal disorders or the presence of an inflammatory process, the passage of a fertilized egg through the fallopian tubes is difficult, which causes implantation of the fetal egg outside the uterus.

It is a scientifically proven fact that often the cause of such a pathology is not only physiological conditions, but also nervous and mental disorders. Rehabilitation after an ectopic pregnancy should include not only the restoration of physical health, but also the psycho-emotional state of a woman.

Medical prognosis

With an ectopic pregnancy in the body of a woman, the same changes occur as with a uterine one, similar symptoms appear

In some cases, an ectopic pregnancy ends with a tubal abortion, in others (with late diagnosis) it ends with a rupture of the fallopian tubes. It is customary to distinguish an ectopic pregnancy that is undisturbed and violated by the type of tube rupture.

In the first case, the pregnancy progresses and develops, in the second, an abortion occurs. You need to understand that such a pregnancy cannot develop normally and end in childbirth, even if such cases are described in the scientific literature.

However, upon examination, a gynecologist may suspect a pathological course. In this case, the woman is sent for an ultrasound examination, which confirms or refutes the diagnosis. If the diagnosis is confirmed, then hospitalization and surgical intervention are immediately performed to excise the affected tube, if it has ruptured. In some cases, it is possible to preserve the fallopian tube and, as a result, preserve the childbearing function. If you have had an ectopic pregnancy, the consequences can be very serious.

Treatment after an ectopic pregnancy

Some time after the operation, a woman needs treatment in a hospital and constant supervision of specialists in order to avoid complications.

In the first days after the operation, therapy is carried out, including antibiotics that prevent the occurrence of inflammatory processes, enzyme preparations that reduce the possibility of an adhesive process, restorative therapy aimed at restoring the water and electrolyte balance due to large blood loss.

Carry out a constant medical examination, control of body temperature and clinical indicators. The main goal of treatment after an ectopic pregnancy is to preserve the woman's reproductive function.

Recovery period after ectopic pregnancy

It is important to understand that even after an operation during which one fallopian tube is removed, a woman has every chance of becoming pregnant and bearing a child. It all depends on how seriously you take post-operative rehabilitation. This is a long process and requires a change not only in the way of life, but also in the way of thinking.

It is not worth planning the next pregnancy earlier than in 6-12 months. Since the restructuring of the body has already begun and some hormonal changes have occurred, after the operation (termination of pregnancy), these hormonal processes “go back”. Such fluctuations in states lead to a violation of the hormonal background of the body. Hormonal oral contraceptives help to restore the disturbed balance. In this case, two problems are solved at once: prevention of unwanted pregnancy after surgery and hormone therapy.

Physiotherapy plays an important role in rehabilitation after an ectopic pregnancy.

The doctor individually prescribes certain procedures: electrophoresis, ultrasound, laser therapy, UHF and others.

The effectiveness of such treatment is clinically proven and is quite high.

If such a misfortune has already happened to you once, the consequences can be quite serious. Therefore, regular preventive examinations by a gynecologist are necessary. If you are planning a pregnancy, you need to monitor the condition of the fallopian tubes (or one tube, if the second was excised), to exclude the formation of adhesions and inflammation.

Only if the treatment was prescribed correctly, a full course of rehabilitation was completed and all the rules of personal hygiene and rational nutrition were observed, it is possible to prevent a relapse, the consequences of which can be fatal. Today, some experts offer medical treatment for ectopic pregnancy. These methods are experimental, and their effectiveness is not confirmed by clinical studies, and therefore you should not take such a risk.

Moreover, it is impossible to resort to various methods of alternative medicine, it can be dangerous not only for health, but also for life. The only acceptable method of treatment is surgical, which has been proven by time and experience of gynecologists. If an ectopic pregnancy is diagnosed, treatment should be carried out immediately, delay is fraught with irreversible consequences, up to death. Believe in the best and be healthy!

who is in the know. ectopic pregnancy maxim how long / Forum / U-MAMA.RU

Usually WB is discovered either by a doctor or by a ruptured tube at 6-7 weeks.

OK. Well, she's on the ultrasound tomorrow. You must see it unambiguously, right? Gioconda_lumama My friend with an ectopic always showed tests of 2 strips. The delay was 2 weeks, it started to hurt a little only at the end of the second week. HCG was elevated, but still low (I don’t remember which one). She was scheduled for an ultrasound a week later, but she did not make it to the ultrasound. Sharp pain one evening, immediately hospitalized for surgery. And when I was in storage, I heard so much from my neighbors that many, with a delay of 5-7 days, already had pain and daubing, so it’s different for everyone. Since the mood is different, let the good alternate with the beautiful! with an ectopic, there is always a second strip. How bright it is depends on the period (as with uterine, however, pregnancy). gonadotropin is then produced ... Your happiness that I am not your happiness!

Laparoscopic surgery for ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy.

First of all, you need to understand what is ectopic pregnancy. This is the development of a fertilized egg in the fallopian tube, but sometimes it occurs in the ovary itself or even in the abdominal cavity. Such a pregnancy cannot lead to the birth of a child, so it must be interrupted. And they try to do it for up to six weeks. Because after this period, it will certainly lead to major troubles. And besides, it will be more difficult to distinguish, and even more so to remove. Ends ectopic pregnancy always unsuccessful, there are only three ways out in this situation:

1. A sharp rupture of the tube, if the fetus developed in the tube. 2. A sharp rupture of the fetus, if the fetus developed there. 3. The so-called tubal abortion.

If about availability ectopic pregnancy, the woman did not know anything, then the interruption will occur abruptly and unexpectedly. This will entail profuse bleeding and a sharp deterioration in the woman's well-being. These conditions often lead to death. Because everything happens extremely quickly and rapidly, a woman is lost, and relatives do not know how to behave.

Solution of the problem.

Emergency or planned, but issue of ectopic pregnancy solved only promptly, and the most appropriate method of surgical intervention is laparoscopic surgery for ectopic pregnancy. For this surgery diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy must be confirmed unambiguously. The operation itself is due to the imposition of a special clip, or a simple suture material on the damaged section of the pipe. After this, the coagulation of the vessel occurs and the subsequent removal of the torn tube by the laparoscopic method. Like others laparoscopic operations holding removal of an ectopic pregnancy carried out through three punctures in the abdominal wall. Through the umbilical puncture, traditionally, is introduced laparoscopic trocar. Two trocars intended for instruments are inserted into the lower punctures:

1. Operating scissors.

An ectopic pregnancy is a dangerous condition in which a fertilized egg is implanted outside the uterine cavity. The place of localization of the ovum can be the cervix or tube of the uterus (cervical or tubal pregnancy), abdominal organs, the rudimentary horn of the uterus (abdominal pregnancy) or the ovary (ovarian pregnancy). Tubal ectopic pregnancy is more common than other types.

Why an ectopic pregnancy develops, how an operation is performed to remove an ectopic pregnancy, we will talk about the consequences of a pathological pregnancy. Let's figure it out.

Causes of an ectopic pregnancy

The most common cause of ectopic pregnancy is the obstruction of the uterine tubes and a violation of their contractile activity, which may be associated with hormonal changes in the woman's body.

Motility disorders can also be explained by congenital anomalies in the development of the fallopian tubes or uterus. In this case, the fallopian tubes simply cannot cope with their immediate physiological function - the transportation of a fertilized egg.

Overzealous curettage of the uterine cavity during abortion increases the risk of developing an ovarian or abdominal ectopic pregnancy.

Using a contraceptive method such as an intrauterine device can also cause an ectopic pregnancy. From the spiral, the contractility of the uterus increases, which often leads to the fact that the embryo can gain a foothold and begin its development. In this case, doctors talk about the need for surgery for an ectopic pregnancy in order to prevent the development of peritonitis, inflammation and bleeding.


Diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy is carried out in the following ways:

  • palpation (palpation);
  • immunological tests, serological methods, clinical studies of urine and blood;
  • determination of the level of the hormone progesterone;
  • ultrasonography;
  • laparoscopy.

On palpation, doctors can detect a soft formation - a fetal egg. Pathological localization of education can be confirmed by ultrasound. Ultrasound is the main method for diagnosing ectopic pregnancy.

To clarify the diagnosis and treatment, doctors often resort to laparoscopy. Such an operation for an ectopic pregnancy is performed only in the early stages. Through small punctures, a portable camera is inserted into the abdominal cavity, which allows you to see the exact location of the fetal egg. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor may carefully remove the embryo.

With internal bleeding, a puncture of the posterior fornix of the vagina is performed. When the fallopian tube ruptures, dark blood is released through the needle.


Treatment of ectopic pregnancy is almost always surgical. The nature of the surgical intervention depends on the age of the patient and her general condition, the location of the embryo, the degree of blood loss, and the severity of pathological processes in the affected tube.

  • The medicinal method of treatment is used only when the pipe remains intact.
  • Salpingotomy is a conservative operation for ectopic pregnancy, which is performed with minor damage to the fallopian tube.
  • Tubotomy is a serious operation that is prescribed for large blood loss or a significant rupture of the tube.
  • In extreme cases, doctors perform a tubectomy. During this operation, the affected tube is completely removed.

If you refuse the operation, then after 5-6 weeks (less often after 8-12) the pregnancy will terminate itself, but such an interruption is life-threatening, because it occurs like a rupture of the tube or tubal abortion.

How is an ectopic pregnancy operated?

A woman must first tune in to the cleaning procedure, because the operation may result in the removal of a damaged fallopian tube. Sometimes doctors prescribe a sparing method of terminating a pregnancy, when the fallopian tube is restored after the operation and performs reproductive functions.

In a tubal ectopic pregnancy, the tube is completely removed, and in an ovarian pregnancy, the part of the ovary where the fetal egg has grown is separated. In cervical pregnancy, the uterus is completely removed, and in abdominal pregnancy, a fertilized egg is removed from the abdominal cavity.

The operation is performed laparoscopically. Through small incisions in the abdominal wall, surgeons insert all the necessary instruments. The entire procedure for removing the fetal egg lasts from 45 minutes to an hour.

Consequences of ectopic pregnancy after surgery

The possible consequences will depend on how exactly the pregnancy was terminated: the woman underwent a simple operation, and the damage to the reproductive organs was minimal, or the fallopian tube was removed along with the fetal egg. If doctors removed the tube completely, then it will be difficult to conceive a child in the future. But if a woman is in good health and she is young, then there is a chance that she will become pregnant with one tube.

The development of pregnancy (implantation) outside the endometrium of the uterus after fertilization is a serious pathological condition that requires immediate medical intervention. According to the place of attachment of the fertilized egg, they are divided into:

  • Tubal - when implanted in the fallopian tubes. Diagnosed more often than others.
  • Abdominal - when a fetal egg enters the abdominal cavity.
  • Cervical - the development of a fertilized zygote in the endocervix.
  • Attachment of the fetal egg to the ovarian follicles (very rare).

Tubal pregnancy is diagnosed much more often than other possible options, more than 90% of all cases.

Contributing factors

As a rule, not one specific reason leads to a pathological pregnancy, but a complex of problems preceding its onset:

  • Chronic inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.
  • Adhesive disease - due to previous abdominal and laparoscopic surgical interventions (appendectomy, resection of the appendages, other operations).
  • Consequences of artificial insemination.
  • Installed intrauterine device.
  • Tumor lesions of the reproductive organs.
  • Congenital pathological conditions, anomalies in the development of the uterus.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • The presence of endometriosis, adenomyosis.


The first symptoms indicating the onset of a pathological pregnancy are quite difficult to distinguish from the symptoms characteristic of a physiological one. Its signs at the very beginning are: a delay in menstruation, a weakly positive or positive test for hCG (chorionic gonadotropin). An important alarming factor is the absence of a fetal egg in the endometrial wall during ultrasound examination. An experienced specialist can even determine its attachment in the lumen of the tube or cervical canal even for a short time. Manifestations:

  • As the fetal egg develops and grows, pain appears - dull, aching, similar or more intense than during menstruation with a tendency to increase, or the pain syndrome is of a sudden acute nature, localized above the bosom. May be a sign of tubal rupture and bleeding.
  • There is a bloody discharge from the vagina.
  • Rupture of the uterine tube is characterized by the appearance of signs of acute blood loss and peritonitis: it is manifested by a sudden loss of consciousness, increased heart rate, a sharp decrease in blood pressure, acute pain on palpation of the abdomen, vaginal examination, manual examination of the posterior fornix.

Late diagnosis and untimely measures taken have a high risk of fatal complications for a woman.


Diagnostic measures should take into account the history data, complaints, the results of a gynecological examination, laboratory tests, instrumental methods of examination:

  • An important role is played by the very fact of the possibility of pregnancy, the delay in menstruation.
  • Weakly positive or positive test for elevated hCG levels. It should be noted that with a normally developing pregnancy, the level of blood gonadotropin doubles every two days. A slight increase in hCG over time is an important diagnostic difference in ectopic pregnancy, despite a general increase in the level of this indicator.
  • Changes in the general blood test: an increase in the level of leukocytes, other signs and markers of the inflammatory process.
  • The presence of pain syndrome, blood smearing and sanious discharge from the genital tract, severe pain syndrome.
  • Inflammatory diseases history, surgical treatment and other risk factors.

  • A gynecological examination is associated with a pronounced pain syndrome, especially in the region of the posterior fornix, a rounded, spherical, limitedly mobile uterus is determined by palpation, pain over the womb during palpation of the abdominal wall.
  • During ultrasound, a transvaginal sensor determines an additional formation (signs of an egg) outside the uterus, there are no signs of uterine pregnancy in the presence of clinical and laboratory data characteristic of the state of pregnancy.
  • Obtaining blood during a biopsy of the Douglas pocket (from the posterior fornix of the vagina during a gynecological examination) is an important diagnostic sign.
  • Diagnostically difficult cases include video-assisted laparoscopy.


The main treatment for an ectopic pregnancy is surgery. How is an ectopic pregnancy removed? Surgery to remove an ectopic pregnancy can be:

  • Cavitary - laparotomy through an incision in the tissues of the anterior abdominal wall.
  • Minimally invasive - using laparoscopic equipment, which allows, through practically cosmetic small incisions using endoscopic equipment, to perform the required amount of surgical intervention. Used much more frequently.

It should be understood that the indications for surgery, the volume of tissues removed during the operation, the method of its implementation are established by the doctor, based on the examination data, clinical manifestations, assessing the patient's condition, the risk of possible postoperative complications.


It is performed under general anesthesia, midline access in the lower abdomen. Main indications:

  • pipe rupture;
  • bleeding;
  • a condition that threatens the life of the patient;
  • adhesive disease;
  • the presence of other surgical interventions in history.

A typical volume of resection is the removal of the tube during an ectopic pregnancy.

Laparoscopic intervention

Removal of an ectopic pregnancy laparoscopically, if indicated, has several advantages over laparotomy:

  1. Avoids large traumatic incisions.
  2. Prolonged anesthesia.
  3. Contributes to the reduction of the period of inpatient stay.

Patients are often interested in the question: how long does such a surgical intervention take? The duration of the operation is most often up to one and a half hours, depending on the specific situation.

Thanks to the use of laparoscopic techniques in gynecology, during the operation it is possible not to remove the entire tube along with the fetal egg, but to save it.

Laparoscopically pathological pregnancy is removed by dissection of the tube or resection is performed with subsequent restoration of its integrity. The duration of the recovery period depends on how the operation goes.

After operation

After the operation, a woman needs a protective regimen, the appointment of restorative measures, vitamin therapy, anti-inflammatory treatment if indicated. Physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed in order to speed up the healing of the postoperative wound and prevent adhesive disease.

Within six months, re-pregnancy is contraindicated.

Complications and long-term consequences

Complications of the intraoperative and early postoperative period are:

  • Bleeding.
  • Inflammation in the early postoperative period.

The consequences of ectopic pregnancy after surgery affect the health of patients.

Even the restored integrity of the fallopian tube does not guarantee its normal functioning due to the possible development of adhesions in it.

An ectopic pregnancy, of course, cannot go unnoticed, it affects subsequent pregnancies, causing infertility and increasing the risk of recurrent ectopic pregnancies. That is why, with a new pregnancy that has arisen, such patients should immediately consult a doctor in order to examine and clarify its nature.

Any woman can experience an ectopic pregnancy (EP). Finding yourself face to face with the fact that you have to decide on a surgical intervention is a difficult life situation. The cause of the pathology can be an inflammatory process, curettage during abortion, endometriosis and other individual problems, but they all recede into the background when the threat of harm to health looms. You can get rid of a progressive WB with medication, from an interrupted one - only after surgery.

In rare cases, WB does without surgery, and a woman who has become pregnant in such an unusual way can be surprised by this diagnosis. Basically, WB, which passes without symptoms in the early stages, is diagnosed when the stomach starts to hurt, spotting appears, but the temperature is normal. These symptoms are the consequences of the exit of a dead embryo from the fallopian tube or ovary.
Of all the genital organs, the WB is most often located in one of the tubes, and it is very rare to encounter a cervical pregnancy. The localization of the fetal egg introduces nuances into the treatment, but if the WB was not diagnosed in the early stages, then it is not eliminated with medication. A woman has a large blood loss, which leads to hemorrhagic shock. For him, if emergency measures are not taken, death will follow.
It is impossible to refuse hospitalization, hoping that the condition will stabilize. Even a slight bleeding soon leads to infection of the peritoneum, and then a double threat looms over the woman - hemorrhagic shock and peritonitis. There is only one way out - immediately agree with the opinion of the doctors and go to the operation.

Painful doubts

The refusal of the operation could be understood and accepted, if not for the sad consequences. The woman is ready to object that she really became pregnant, but everything is in order with her: the temperature is normal, she is a little nauseous, her breasts have poured. At the moment, the stomach hurts, and there is discharge, but in general the condition is satisfactory. Further reasoning is continuous questions:

What kind of operation will she have and how long will it take?
Which is better: laparotomy or laparoscopy?
Will they carry out scraping and remove the pipe?
Is scraping always used?
Can you get pregnant with one tube?
Is it possible to eliminate the WB without surgery?
How long will you have to stay in the hospital, and how long will it take to get back to work?

The list of questions can be continued, but the longer they are asked, the more likely the woman's condition will worsen, and she will be guaranteed complications after the operation. As long as she doubts the correctness of the doctors, she will not only have a fever, but she may lose consciousness caused by intra-abdominal bleeding. And if life is precious, then there is absolutely no point in wasting precious minutes on empty talk.

How is an ectopic pregnancy operated?

Physicians have two main approaches to the treatment of VP: laparotomy and laparoscopy. The methods are fundamentally different, the first of which is carried out in the classical way with a scalpel, and with the second, the surgeon has a laparoscope at his disposal.
The choice of technique depends on the condition of the patient. If the bleeding is prolonged, pallor of the skin is noted, the temperature is elevated, then laparotomy is used. When WB is detected in the early stages, and the operation is carried out in a planned manner, then laparoscopy is mainly used.
Distinguish operations with the removal of organs and their preservation. In the early stages, when the detachment of the fetal egg has not occurred, it is squeezed out of the pipe. Or, an incision is made on one of the tubes where it is located, through which the embryo is removed from the tube, after which the wound is sutured.
If the fetal egg is aborted, then a part of the tube is resected, or it is completely removed. When attached to the ovary, it is removed. In the case of the cervical WB, curettage of the uterus is performed. With all other forms of WB, curettage is not necessary. Such a need arises when a tumor-like formation is suspected.


Laparoscopy is not always convenient due to some contraindications - absolute and relative. It is impossible to apply the technique if the patient is in a coma, she has diseases of the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs, or she suffers from one of the forms of a hernia - the anterior abdominal wall.
Laparoscopy is undesirable in cases where, as a result of bleeding in the abdominal cavity, blood is determined in significant quantities - 1 liter or more. Adhesions on internal organs, scars from previous interventions, obesity interfere with laparoscopic surgery. Peritonitis, infectious diseases can cause serious consequences, therefore, if they are present, they resort to laparotomy. In late pregnancy, when the fetus reaches a large size, laparoscopy is not possible, as with malignant neoplasms.
Laparoscopy is not in demand in the cervical form of the WB. In order to preserve the uterus, it is scraped with a preliminary application of a circular suture to the neck. If pregnancy is undesirable, and ultrasound does not detect a fetal egg in the uterus, then curettage is performed for diagnostic purposes.

Complications after surgery

One of the most dangerous things that can happen during a laparoscopy is damage to the internal organs by the Veress needle used to make the puncture. After it is performed, trocars with a laparoscope and microsurgical instruments are inserted into the abdomen through its opening. Despite the fact that the needles are equipped with protective caps, and it is possible to monitor their entry into the stomach, the risk of violating the integrity of blood vessels, the liver, and the stomach is not excluded. In case of damage, as soon as it is noticed, the resulting bleeding is eliminated by suturing.
During the operation, the abdomen is filled with carbon dioxide, which, if administered unsuccessfully, can cause subcutaneous emphysema. Women suffering from high blood pressure, obesity, varicose veins, diseases and heart defects are at risk of thrombosis. As a preventive measure for complications before surgery, the legs are bandaged with elastic bandages and blood thinners are prescribed. Another problem after the operation is suppuration that forms at the puncture site. Its causes are internal infection, weak immunity.


On the first day after the operation, it is necessary to stay in bed, because anesthesia has not yet come out. By evening, it is allowed to sit and turn around, drink water. Activity during the next day will serve as a guarantee that the adhesive process does not begin, that scraping does not have to be performed, and that conditions are created for gas absorption. The abdomen by this time is still filled with its remnants, which cause discomfort and pain. Short walks relieve discomfort.

A diet is required for a month after the operation. Food is recommended to be taken fractionally, in small portions. It should not be high in calories, it should include plant products with a high content of vitamin C. Reception of proteins and fats is limited. A diet is prescribed so that rehabilitation goes faster.
In the first 2 weeks, they wash in the shower, after which they treat the wounds with iodine or a solution of potassium permanganate. They return to physical activity after 2-3 weeks, and after a month you can have sex. Medications are taken in accordance with the doctor's prescription.

Benefits of laparoscopy

When there is time left, i.e. WB was diagnosed at an early stage, it is preferable to choose laparoscopy. In addition to the fact that the stomach will be free from scars, it allows you to reduce blood loss, cause minimal tissue damage, due to which a quick recovery of all functions is achieved. With good health, the patient can be immediately released home, or stay in the hospital for 2-3 days.
Curettage at laparoscopy is indicated in the case of cervical EP, or when it was removed from the tube and other organs. Most often, curettage is performed for diagnostic purposes. If after this the bleeding does not stop, then they indicate the presence of pathology. Diagnostic curettage makes it possible to exclude WB based on the presence of chorionic villi in the material.
Detection of pathology in the early stages makes it possible to combine laparoscopy as a diagnosis with simultaneous operation based on its results. After laparoscopy, a woman is more likely to keep both tubes, and not be left with one left or right tube, which does not take away her ability to conceive and bear a child naturally in the future.